King Iggy – Canada or the Liberal Party’s Savior – What do you think?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
King Iggy – Canada or the Liberal Party’s Savior – What do you think?

King Iggy has spoken – I turned down the opportunity to become PM due to Western outrage over the coalition –
So Iggy – You signed it, that wonderful document that stated Quebec and Canada, supported by the Bloc – To me it meets the treason level -
last to do so, backtracking already – Keep it up and you will be boxing the compass on the Iraq war and allowing certain types of torture – mind you highly regulated for certain persons suspected of putting the public at imminent risk – But torture none the less –

He is the only one so far that could meet himself while walking up the same path – one going in one direction – the other backtracking-
ShXt – I have no time for Harper but Iggy is the savior of Canada and the Liberal Party – Ops – Wrong order – Party first, country second – Ops. Wrong again, party first, payoffs second, couple of appointments, a few other thing and then we can fit the country in – After all they pay to be screwed, do they not?

Now if I could get him in my backyard imagine the money I would save on fertilizer.

Michael Ignatieff says it was western Canadian rage which -- in part -- convinced him to back away from a proposed governing coalition with the New Democrats and the Bloc Quebecois.
Speaking with Canwest News Service Sunday before a sold-out Liberal brunch speech, the new Liberal leader acknowledged that Western outrage over the prospect of seeing overturned the results of the last federal election -- which brought a West-dominated minority Conservative government to power -- gave him pause.
"You are, after all, looking at someone who turned down the chance to become prime minister of Canada, and I did so, in part, because I felt that it would divide the country," said Mr. Ignatieff. "I want to be someone who unites the country, and that includes the West."


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
Aw how quick we forget..

Harper signed similar document in 2004

In Canada, there's no national vote for prime minister. People elect MPs in 308 ridings, and a government holds power only as long as it has the support of a majority of those MPs.

"We have a rule that the licence to govern is having the confidence of the House of Commons," said Peter Russell, a former University of Toronto professor and adviser to past governors general.

"I'm sorry, that's the rule. If they want to change it to having a public opinion poll, we'd have to reform and rewrite our Constitution."

Harper himself signed a letter to then-Governor General Adrienne Clarkson in 2004, claiming the right to form a government if Paul Martin's minority Liberals could be defeated in a confidence vote in the Commons.

His ostensible partners would have been NDP Leader Jack Layton and Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe -- now derided by Harper as the "socialist" and the "separatist" in Liberal Leader Stephane Dion's coalition.

"I was just as much a sovereigntist then as I am now," Duceppe sniffed Thursday in a reference to Harper's new-found aversion to any deals with the Bloc. | Harper wrong on democracy claims: experts

Now you can argue a lot of points but here is one you cannot.. Ignatieff signed the Document with the same Devils Harper did.. The only Difference is Harper was Leader of the party and Ignatieff was Not.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I just read through the Link that Goober posted....and I feel kind'a dirty that this
Ignatieff spewed this tripe so close to where I'm sitting. In all of Saskatchewan &
Alberta, the Liberals hold exactly one seat, & I'm in Ralph Goodales riding...

"In Sunday's speech to a sold-out crowd of more than 300, Mr. Ignatieff
reiterated the importance of the Western oilpatch to the Canadian economy,
adding that "the dumbest thing you can do is run against the energy sectors in
Western Canada.""

"He acknowledged his party sometimes has failed to understand the tremendous
importance of the sector, citing the 1980s-era National Energy Program, which
was extremely unpopular in the West."

"Mr. Ignatieff also said it's tough to attract votes in a province with a huge
agricultural industry, "if all you're saying to people is we're going to add to
the price of diesel in your tractors."

"The Liberals also had a tough time selling the carbon tax proposed in former
leader Stephane Dion's Green Shift environmental plan."

This time of year, the only shovel I have out is a snow shovel, and it's just the
wrong shovel for moving the contents of Mr. Ignatieff's speech.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Aw how quick we forget.. | Harper wrong on democracy claims: experts

Now you can argue a lot of points but here is one you cannot.. Ignatieff signed the Document with the same Devils Harper did.. The only Difference is Harper was Leader of the party and Ignatieff was Not.

Sir Francis 2004
Does one balance the disgust with you – Harper is a power freak – What is Iggy in your opinion?


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
Sir Francis 2004
Does one balance the disgust with you – Harper is a power freak – What is Iggy in your opinion?

At this point in time he has not done anything for me to judge him Ignatieff by.. He has not had power yet, so what am I to judge him on? A few comments that can be twisted to mean anything ?

Harper has sunk himself within the Conservative Party and that's his problem.

You were a judge and jury of Dion. He was never in power yet you said much the same about him while claiming you would have supported Ignatieff back on and saying you never liked Harper..

What changed your mind ?


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Sir Francis 2004
Does one balance the disgust with you – Harper is a power freak – What is Iggy in your opinion?

Iggy is probably the most intelligent and best educated Liberal leader since Pierre Trudeau. I didn't agree with everything Trudeau said but he was a leader. When I see Albertans complaining about a Liberal leader, I think it is just par for the course. When was the last time Albertans got behind a Federal leader with a majority. Albertans, and B.C.ers, and Westerners in general always vote for anybody but the party in power. They might have voted for Mulroney......Maybe Diefenbaker before that....Two of the worst leaders the country has ever had. Two Conservatives that screwed the country. Iggy has a lot of friends around the world and he is going to be the next PM. The west should elect some MPs who are part of the ruling party for a change. That would better serve the west's needs than isolating themselves behind the permanent opposition.

BTW, I am a Westerner.

Another thing. Does anybody else notice that Quebec always backs the party that wins while Westerners sit around complaining about the government.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
At this point in time he has not done anything for me to judge him Ignatieff by.. He has not had power yet, so what am I to judge him on? A few comments that can be twisted to mean anything ?

Harper has sunk himself within the Conservative Party and that's his problem.

You were a judge and jury of Dion. He was never in power yet you said much the same about him while claiming you would have supported Ignatieff back on and saying you never liked Harper..

What changed your mind ?

Sir Francis 2004

And would you be SRM by chance? And No I stated that I would support Rae.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
Sir Francis 2004

And would you be SRM by chance? And No I stated that I would support Rae.

Nope SRM is not me, but if you look on your wall I had no porblemn telling you who I am.. BC might give you a hint..

And as for you supporting Rae I could never see.. You said Green and were never an NDP supporter.. How could you ever support Rae and it must have been after I left

Personally I would have wanted McKenna and couldn't care less about Ignatieff.. He was not my choice but will be someone I have to live with just as I live with Harper.. I think both are clones, one with a smile and one without.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Sir Francis 2004 –

Did you notice that according to King Iggy it was only the West that was disgusted with the Coalition with the Separatists – Or did that escape your securitization of everything I bring forward – ‘
You Caucasians Ah so funny.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Nope SRM is not me, but if you look on your wall I had no porblemn telling you who I am.. BC might give you a hint..

And as for you supporting Rae I could never see.. You said Green and were never an NDP supporter.. How could you ever support Rae and it must have been after I left

Personally I would have wanted McKenna and couldn't care less about Ignatieff.. He was not my choice but will be someone I have to live with just as I live with Harper.. I think both are clones, one with a smile and one without.
Sir Francis 2004 –
AKA my old friend who as we know have had some bitter disagreements –
Rae learned the hard way – Look at his career after Premier – Look at Iggy – he goes with the wind and if he notices a bad smell on something that is attributed to him in the past he tries his best to counteract the stink –

Now some will bring up his intelligence and I would ask look around and see how many really intelligent people you know that could not find their respective arses with both hands.


Electoral Member
Aug 1, 2007
Iggy is probably the most intelligent and best educated Liberal leader since Pierre Trudeau.
Stephan Dion was more so still. Didn't help him much did it?

When I see Albertans complaining about a Liberal leader, I think it is just par for the course.
Ignatief is a huge asset to Western Oil. Albertans complain because, contrary to popular belief, common Albertans don't actually see much of that oil money and "Iggy" isn't going to help them in that department.

Iggy has a lot of friends around the world and he is going to be the next PM.
Yes but unfortunately his "friends" are not your friends (unless you're a member of the elite). Trudeau also had friends around the world but they were in sharp contrast to the type of friends you're talking about.

As for the thread topic's question: Ignatief is a step backward for the Liberal Party and for Canadians in general. Canadians wrongly put the ball back in the court of the dinosaurs in the Liberal Party by not supporting Dion (as rodent-like as he may have been), and now you're looking at a true elitist as future PM in a time of what will be substantial economic hardship.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
Sir Francis 2004 –

Did you notice that according to King Iggy it was only the West that was disgusted with the Coalition with the Separatists – Or did that escape your securitization of everything I bring forward – ‘
You Caucasians Ah so funny.

How you know me caucasian. Me could be Asian French Quebecer.. Never Assume..

Now back to subject..

I cannot speak for him although I know you love to add words to their statments :) I would guess Ignatieff was relating to the fact that Western Canada was so upset to the coalition yet Quebec was not..

La Presse reports the results of a CROP poll:

  • 76 per cent of Quebeckers support a coalition if the Conservatives are defeated, while only 9 per cent want another election.
  • 62 per cent support BQ representation in cabinet, while only 33 per cent are opposed, as is Gilles Duceppe.
  • 56 per cent do not want Stéphane Dion to be Prime Minister in the coalition government, while only 38 per cent do.
  • The Bloc Québécois now is at 36 per cent, the Liberals at 28 per cent (an increase of 5 points since the election) 15 per cent support the NDP and 15 per cent the Conservatives (a drop of 7 points). Spector Vision - Quebeckers support a coalition with Bloc ministers


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
Sir Francis 2004 –
AKA my old friend who as we know have had some bitter disagreements –

You call is bitter disagreement I called beyond. But we did finally agree to disagree and become civil, hopefully it remains that way here, and to that end we are now in my mind friends :)

Rae learned the hard way – Look at his career after Premier – Look at Iggy – he goes with the wind and if he notices a bad smell on something that is attributed to him in the past he tries his best to counteract the stink –

Rae did not change, all he did was drop out of a contest to protect the party. He was always a Liberal / NDP, hence a Liberal Lefty as he started politics as a Liberal.. Seeing he was Ignatieff's roomate I would imagine they discussed the matter in a civilized manner. Hard to believe in today's politics isn't it?

Now some will bring up his intelligence and I would ask look around and see how many really intelligent people you know that could not find their respective arses with both hands.

No comment Goober, you know me better then to stoop to this sort of discussion.. Sorry but search out SirRup for that.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
Considering the comparison to the current PM, Iggy is saviour of Canada, the Liberals and possibly everything under the sun. We can't do much worse right now


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Considering the comparison to the current PM, Iggy is saviour of Canada, the Liberals and possibly everything under the sun. We can't do much worse right now

The nickname 'iggy' belongs to Jerome Iginla, not the person you're referring to.
He'll have to find another one, and not steal jerome's.