Federal Carbon Tax ruled to be constitutional


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
WIMP! It would take five minutes for Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals to IMPOSE EXACTLY the same regulations on cruise

ships in Cdn waters that Yankees ALREADY HAVE FOR THEIR WATERS!
Don’t believe everything you read . There is nowhere in their current route they could safely release their effluent . Check the route .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Where ? I would highly doubt that even the frogs at Enviroment Canada are stupid enough to allow dumping in the inside passage .

Cruise ships follow TOUGHER Yankee environmental laws thus they SAVE waste water while in Alaskan waters and then

they DUMP THEIR WASTE in handy and laxly regulated Cdn waters!

But no - there is no reason to look for cruise ships dumping offshore from Nanaimo or Salt Spring!

Cruise ships also tend NOT to want their passengers who are sight seeing on deck to spot a huge STINKY PLUME

of waste water billowing out behind the ship! So dumping IN CDN WATERS LATE AT NIGHT and preferably IN DEEP WATERS

far offshore is PREFERRED!

Here is yet another article illustrating how empty are all LIE-beral promises and concerns about the environment. With some comments of my own in brackets):

From Cdn Press. August 26, 2018

Concerns grow about grey water in Canada's Arctic

INUVIK, N.W.T. - A traditional hunter in the Northwest Territories says he used to welcome the cruise ships coming into the Beaufort Sea in Canada's Arctic.

But Hans Lennie from Inuvik says that's changing.

"Not as much now. Now that we've got all the facts," said Lennie, who also sits on the Inuvialuit Game Council, which manages wildlife and wildlife habitat in the region.

Some of his concerns are highlighted in a new report about untreated grey water being dumped by ships passing through.

The study commissioned by World Wildlife Fund Canada said the amount of grey water — drainage from sinks, laundry machines, bath tubs, shower stalls or dishwashers — could double by 2035 if laws aren't improved.

(OH but LIE-berals who SCORN increased ship traffic off the B.C. coast - are JUST FINE with sloppy cruise ships that bring tourists and part time employment and filth to native communities! Has any LIE-beral calculated how much exhaust gas can be emitted by a 20,000 ton DIESEL POWERED TOURIST SHIP? Want to bet that is ANOTHER item LIE-berals DO NOT care about- aside from the grey water? Gravy trumps environment every time for LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"It's pretty alarming," said Melissa Nacke of the wildlife conservation group. "These concentration areas are overlapping with important species habitat and important cultural areas."

The number of ships travelling in northern waters is expected to increase as climate change melts sea ice. The study suggests tourism will be the biggest source of grey water dumping by 2035.

"If you think of shower or laundry water, it contains detergent and soaps and shampoos," said Nacke. "It also has really high levels of nutrients ... and can have things like oil and grease. It can have metals, food particles and, because of the laundry, it can also have microplastics."

(And gosh! Isnt our LIE-beral Environment minister “Climate Barbie McKenna allegedly FRETTING over the amount of microplastics in the ocean? NO doubt Climate Barbie would support any solution - that does not result in Cdn LIE-berals having to pay more or do the heavy cleaning up?)

Nacke said those materials can contaminate shellfish and cause large algae blooms that create dead zones in the ocean.

The report noted that could have repercussions for food security in northern communities — a conclusion that only adds to Lennie's concerns.

"It's totally detrimental," said Lennie. "These ships, their grey water is all their cleaning material. That's pretty toxic stuff.

"It's a nurturing grounds. All the marine life. All the invertebrates that the whales feed on. It involves the waterfowl too. It definitely has an impact on the food chain."

(And unemployed natives need all the cheap, healthy food sources they can find!)

Both the report and locals like Lennie say federal and international regulations are necessary.

"We need something. Right now we have nothing," he said. "Anything we do is better than nothing."

Lennie said the Inuvialuit Game Council has been meeting with the federal government.

Officials with Transport Canada said they are reviewing the report.

"Canada regulates shipping within Canadian Arctic waters," said an emailed statement from the department. "The regulations address many aspects of Arctic shipping, including requirements for vessel construction and operation, training of crew members, the presence of ice navigators on board, fire safety and life-saving."

But the statement acknowledged there are no provisions related to grey water.

(Which is LIE-beral speak for “don’t hold your breath while awaiting new regulations that might cut into LIE-beral gravy supplies!)

Different rules are in place for southern Canadian waters. The regulations require passenger vessels built after 2013 and carrying more than 500 passengers to use an onboard marine sanitation device before releasing grey water.

The U.S. government and the state of Alaska have regulations related to grey water from ships.

(So if its good enough for Yankees then why don’t we use such regulations? Oh right- it would put up operating costs for ships and they might not spend money in impoverished northern Canada- and LIE-berals NEED GRAVY!)

"Part of that was because cruise ships spend a lot of time in Alaska," said Ed White, cruise ship program manager with Alaska's Department of Environmental Conservation. "Part of it was the size of the ships, too, which were much larger than the communities they were travelling to. That created a lot public concern."

White said the major worry was linked to bacteria from food waste or laundry, but officials had also found toxic materials such as dry cleaning chemicals and mercury.

"We don't see that anymore."

That's due to stricter regulations, he said, including inspections on ships and a move to stop using some toxic materials.

Nacke said high standards in Alaska make it more important for grey water discharge to be regulated in Canada's northern waters.

"Cruise ships that go around Alaska ... can literally use Canada as a dumping ground," she said.

(OH great! Our mean green LIE-berals are more focussed on gravy than they are on cruise ships that STORE waste water in Alaskan waters and then release it freely in Canada!)

Lennie said he hopes there are some regulations sooner rather than later.

(IT is all about what is convenient for LIE-berals!)

"This is a new travel destination," he said. "(Tourists) want to see the untouched wilderness, but there's a cost to it."

— By Colette Derworiz in Edmonton.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Cruise ships follow TOUGHER Yankee environmental laws thus they SAVE waste water while in Alaskan waters and then

they DUMP THEIR WASTE in handy and laxly regulated Cdn waters!

But no - there is no reason to look for cruise ships dumping offshore from Nanaimo or Salt Spring!

Cruise ships also tend NOT to want their passengers who are sight seeing on deck to spot a huge STINKY PLUME

of waste water billowing out behind the ship! So dumping IN CDN WATERS LATE AT NIGHT and preferably IN DEEP WATERS

far offshore is PREFERRED!

Here is yet another article illustrating how empty are all LIE-beral promises and concerns about the environment. With some comments of my own in brackets):

From Cdn Press. August 26, 2018

Concerns grow about grey water in Canada's Arctic

INUVIK, N.W.T. - A traditional hunter in the Northwest Territories says he used to welcome the cruise ships coming into the Beaufort Sea in Canada's Arctic.

But Hans Lennie from Inuvik says that's changing.

"Not as much now. Now that we've got all the facts," said Lennie, who also sits on the Inuvialuit Game Council, which manages wildlife and wildlife habitat in the region.

Some of his concerns are highlighted in a new report about untreated grey water being dumped by ships passing through.

The study commissioned by World Wildlife Fund Canada said the amount of grey water — drainage from sinks, laundry machines, bath tubs, shower stalls or dishwashers — could double by 2035 if laws aren't improved.

(OH but LIE-berals who SCORN increased ship traffic off the B.C. coast - are JUST FINE with sloppy cruise ships that bring tourists and part time employment and filth to native communities! Has any LIE-beral calculated how much exhaust gas can be emitted by a 20,000 ton DIESEL POWERED TOURIST SHIP? Want to bet that is ANOTHER item LIE-berals DO NOT care about- aside from the grey water? Gravy trumps environment every time for LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"It's pretty alarming," said Melissa Nacke of the wildlife conservation group. "These concentration areas are overlapping with important species habitat and important cultural areas."

The number of ships travelling in northern waters is expected to increase as climate change melts sea ice. The study suggests tourism will be the biggest source of grey water dumping by 2035.

"If you think of shower or laundry water, it contains detergent and soaps and shampoos," said Nacke. "It also has really high levels of nutrients ... and can have things like oil and grease. It can have metals, food particles and, because of the laundry, it can also have microplastics."

(And gosh! Isnt our LIE-beral Environment minister “Climate Barbie McKenna allegedly FRETTING over the amount of microplastics in the ocean? NO doubt Climate Barbie would support any solution - that does not result in Cdn LIE-berals having to pay more or do the heavy cleaning up?)

Nacke said those materials can contaminate shellfish and cause large algae blooms that create dead zones in the ocean.

The report noted that could have repercussions for food security in northern communities — a conclusion that only adds to Lennie's concerns.

"It's totally detrimental," said Lennie. "These ships, their grey water is all their cleaning material. That's pretty toxic stuff.

"It's a nurturing grounds. All the marine life. All the invertebrates that the whales feed on. It involves the waterfowl too. It definitely has an impact on the food chain."

(And unemployed natives need all the cheap, healthy food sources they can find!)

Both the report and locals like Lennie say federal and international regulations are necessary.

"We need something. Right now we have nothing," he said. "Anything we do is better than nothing."

Lennie said the Inuvialuit Game Council has been meeting with the federal government.

Officials with Transport Canada said they are reviewing the report.

"Canada regulates shipping within Canadian Arctic waters," said an emailed statement from the department. "The regulations address many aspects of Arctic shipping, including requirements for vessel construction and operation, training of crew members, the presence of ice navigators on board, fire safety and life-saving."

But the statement acknowledged there are no provisions related to grey water.

(Which is LIE-beral speak for “don’t hold your breath while awaiting new regulations that might cut into LIE-beral gravy supplies!)

Different rules are in place for southern Canadian waters. The regulations require passenger vessels built after 2013 and carrying more than 500 passengers to use an onboard marine sanitation device before releasing grey water.

The U.S. government and the state of Alaska have regulations related to grey water from ships.

(So if its good enough for Yankees then why don’t we use such regulations? Oh right- it would put up operating costs for ships and they might not spend money in impoverished northern Canada- and LIE-berals NEED GRAVY!)

"Part of that was because cruise ships spend a lot of time in Alaska," said Ed White, cruise ship program manager with Alaska's Department of Environmental Conservation. "Part of it was the size of the ships, too, which were much larger than the communities they were travelling to. That created a lot public concern."

White said the major worry was linked to bacteria from food waste or laundry, but officials had also found toxic materials such as dry cleaning chemicals and mercury.

"We don't see that anymore."

That's due to stricter regulations, he said, including inspections on ships and a move to stop using some toxic materials.

Nacke said high standards in Alaska make it more important for grey water discharge to be regulated in Canada's northern waters.

"Cruise ships that go around Alaska ... can literally use Canada as a dumping ground," she said.

(OH great! Our mean green LIE-berals are more focussed on gravy than they are on cruise ships that STORE waste water in Alaskan waters and then release it freely in Canada!)

Lennie said he hopes there are some regulations sooner rather than later.

(IT is all about what is convenient for LIE-berals!)

"This is a new travel destination," he said. "(Tourists) want to see the untouched wilderness, but there's a cost to it."

— By Colette Derworiz in Edmonton.
Cruise ships out of Vancouver get nowhere near Inuvik .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
What are you going to do about the billions of liters of raw sewage that the cruise ships dump onto the BC coast each year?
Corona virus just took care of that problem for this year.. but there are things happening to mitigate some of the problem. Shore power for the ships while in port so the generators are not running. Victoria was talking about hooking them into the new sewage treatment plant. Don't know how far that idea will go. But if there is one totally useless sector of the economy it is cruise ships.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Corona virus just took care of that problem for this year.. but there are things happening to mitigate some of the problem. Shore power for the ships while in port so the generators are not running. Victoria was talking about hooking them into the new sewage treatment plant. Don't know how far that idea will go. But if there is one totally useless sector of the economy it is cruise ships.
Well they do bring a lot of economic activity with them , and many companies and individuals profit from them .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Cruise ships out of Vancouver get nowhere near Inuvik .


The article makes it CLEAR that LIE-berals ARE NOT dealing in any effective way with cruise ships DUMPING SH+T


We really DO NOT CARE where they come from!

We really NOT CARE which Cdn ports they stop at or even if the DO NOT STOP AT ALL in any Cdn ports as they transit

through Cdn waters to some place else - as they DUMP THEIR SH+T FOR FREE in Canada while HYPOCRITE LIE-berals

speak LOVINGLY of our "pristine" coastlines!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

The article makes it CLEAR that LIE-berals ARE NOT dealing in any effective way with cruise ships DUMPING SH+T


We really DO NOT CARE where they come from!

We really NOT CARE which Cdn ports they stop at or even if the DO NOT STOP AT ALL in any Cdn ports as they transit

through Cdn waters to some place else - as they DUMP THEIR SH+T FOR FREE in Canada while HYPOCRITE LIE-berals

speak LOVINGLY of our "pristine" coastlines!
Since when do le Québécois civil servants care about B.C. or any other province for that matter ?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Well they do bring a lot of economic activity with them , and many companies and individuals profit from them .
That doesn't necessarily make it good. They also cause a lot of problems for everyone else on the water and the ocean itself. Staff are poorly paid and mostly not Canadians. Yet whenever one hits the rocks it is the Canadian taxpayers at rescue them.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Back in the 90s when the dippers were busy destroying the forest industry we lost 60% of the small business cut on the mid coast because of Visual Quality Objectives. Apparently foreign visitors on Us based cruise ships do not want to see clear cuts . However not a single ship stops anywhere along the Canadian coast


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
That doesn't necessarily make it good. They also cause a lot of problems for everyone else on the water and the ocean itself. Staff are poorly paid and mostly not Canadians. Yet whenever one hits the rocks it is the Canadian taxpayers at rescue them.
Well I can’t say they are that bad . Like stated earlier the amount of dollars pouring into the B.C. economy because of cruise ships is huge . If some money is lost supporting the industry is that a bad thing ? If you are against the cruise ships due to environmental reasons that has some merit , however it is the same argument against industry and pipelines where we kill the golden goose .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Back in the 90s when the dippers were busy destroying the forest industry we lost 60% of the small business cut on the mid coast because of Visual Quality Objectives. Apparently foreign visitors on Us based cruise ships do not want to see clear cuts . However not a single ship stops anywhere along the Canadian coast
We also do that along most major highways .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Since when do le Québécois civil servants care about B.C. or any other province for that matter ?


LIE-berals DO NOT WANT cruise ship operators to get into a huff over tighter Cdn sewage dumping laws -so they are

ALLOWED to continue dumping crap at sea in Cdn waters!

The Princess Cruise liners and OTHERS DOCKED REGULARLY in BOTH Vancouver and Victoria - but that has been halted due to Wuhan Virus!

IT IS NOT QUEBEC that is blocking new regulations - IT IS LIE-beal fear of MORE western alienation!

LIE-berals still retain strong support in B.C. - the SEWAGE DUMPING CAPITOL OF CANADA!

British Columbia had a population of 5.1 million people in 2019 and yet B.C. is RESPONSIBLE FOR ONE THIRD of all the billions of

litres of sewage dumped each year in Canada - with its TOTAL population of 37.5 millions!

B.C. sewage pigs blame Quebec for their own dirty habits!

And of course LIE-berals also want to SUCK UP to natives and thus LIE-berals WANT cruise ships to continue visiting Cdn native

arctic communities to buy arts and crafts and spend tourist dollars in the impoverished communities - and tightening sewage dumping

rules MIGHT JUST REDUCE the number of tourist dollars being spent in the Arctic and LIE-berals DONT WANT THAT!!

In RELATED NEWS - scientists tell us that diesel engines - like the ones used in cruise ships visiting the Cdn arctic tend to spew out

SOOT which collects on snow pack and SPEEDS MELTING OF GLACIERS and sea ice ETC!

Thus encouraging the cruise ship biz in Cdn waters is a DOUBLE HIT - of soot and SH+T!

And B.C. supporters of LIE-berals are engaged in STINKY HYPOCRISY!

B.C. LIE-beral "environmentalists" and their idiot cousins of the NDpee and Greenies profit nicely off their exports of COAL - while

dumping crap in the ocean and whining - not just about pipelines - but also about the recent high price of gas!

LIE-berals DO NOT wish to discus the fact that China WANTS TO REDUCE ITS USE OF COAL - and replace it with CLEANER

BURNING NATURAL GAS - if only they could find a reliable source!

Cdn LIE-beral policy IS SO TWISTED that they would rather see Red China continue burning coal than bother SELLING that cleaner

Cdn natural gas to Beijing!

And somehow that is a QUEBEC FAULT????