Federal Carbon Tax ruled to be constitutional


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The cost of maintaining the grid is a nightmare compared to the gas network. Cost la vie, it's not problem they are making such a huge mistake. If the interglacial ended then what?

Victoria does have a shiny new shit plant. You'll hear it being solved but the hundreds of rural and municipal centers on the island and coast up to AK dont.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Gas is cheap.

People are saving money.

Now is the time to be super aggressive with the carbon tax.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Gotcha... Apparently I need another cup of coffee.

Anywho, with that said, bring on burrito and draft beer night! (I'm doing it for Gaia, you understand)

I wish the lower mainland all the luck with that, but considering that they haven't been able to solve the raw sewage into the ocean thingy for a hundred or so years, I'm guessing that the endeavor ranks as a fantasy for sometime in the far future
Actually Vancouver and the lower mainland have excellent primary and secondary treatment . Victoria has the sewage problem .

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Actually Vancouver and the lower mainland have excellent primary and secondary treatment . Victoria has the sewage problem .

Last summer I was out in YVR and a public advisory indicating that fecal levels in False Creek were a public health concern.

Ultimately, when YVR was designed all those years ago, I doubt that they ever dreamed of the population that would call that city (area) home. As such, the design of the base infrastructure will have it's unique challenges


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Last summer I was out in YVR and a public advisory indicating that fecal levels in False Creek were a public health concern.

Ultimately, when YVR was designed all those years ago, I doubt that they ever dreamed of the population that would call that city (area) home. As such, the design of the base infrastructure will have it's unique challenges
That is do to hip people squatting in English Bay and False Creek in their sail boats and not treating their effluent , nothing at all to do with Vancouvers waste treatment . It is ugly though and most of my us no longer use the Vancouver beaches . Expo was a bit of a trade off . It got False Creek drained and all the pollution removed . It is now a vibrant area . Trendy to live on a houseboat or sailboat . Another big contributor to high ecoli counts is goose droppings from around Sunset Beach . If you want to swim in the ocean go to the west coast and surf Long Beach or MacKenzie .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Actually Vancouver and the lower mainland have excellent primary and secondary treatment . Victoria has the sewage problem .

Oh dear me - there are NEWS REPORTS that suggest the lower mainland has SOMETHING OTHER

than an excellent sewage treatment system! Reports of the excellent sewage treatment ARE FAKE NEWS!

Here is an article that makes a mockery of claims that Vancouver has an “excellent sewage treatment system”! And exposes the B.C. hypocrisy about claims they value their allegedly “pristine” oceanfront! The pair of reports PROVE that Vancouver is setting Cdn RECORDS for sewage dumping! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Sewage problems must be fixed if Vancouver wants to be a global role model, say advocates

By Wanyee Li, and Ainslie Cruickshank, StarMetro Vancouver

Published Fri., April 13, 2018

VANCOUVER—Water advocates say Vancouver’s goal of being the world’s “greenest city” by 2020 is admirable but impossible without cleaning up its act when it comes to dumping untreated sewage into its waterways.

Some pipes in Vancouver — as in other Canadian cities — carry both raw sewage and rainwater runoff to treatment plants. But during heavy rains, these pipes end up carrying more waste water than the plant can handle.

(In other words hypocrite Vancouver environmentalists are pinching pennies and letting RAW SEWAGE overflow from antiquated sewage treatment plants and sadly - it RAINS FREQUENTLY in the city and in coastal B.C. generally!)

That triggers overflow points where both sewage and rainwater pour directly into rivers, lakes, or the ocean.

More than 45 million cubic metres of untreated sewage flowed into B.C. waters in 2016, according to Environment Canada data obtained by StarMetro.

More than half of that entered waterways around the Lower Mainland — the Burrard Inlet, False Creek, and the Fraser River — according to a Metro Vancouver report.

It’s a far cry from where Vancouver needs to be if it wants to be a leader in water quality, said Lauren Hornor, a Fraser Riverkeeper board member and a regional representative for Swim Drink Fish, a water-quality advocacy group.

(And all that sewage dumping makes a mockery of LIE-berals whining about oil tankers on their NOT SO pristine west coast!)

“We really should be a model for the entire world, but we’re just not there yet,” she said.

(No - and Vancouver IS NOT even a model for Canada as ONE THIRD of all the sewage overflow in Canada occurs in southern B.C!)

The City of Vancouver has announced its goal is to separate its sewer and stormwater systems by 2050. But in the meantime, untreated waste water is still pouring into its waterways.

(Oh great - ANOTHER THIRTY YEARS of planned sewage dumping - with that plan NOW TOAST courtesy of Wuhan Virus DEBT LOADS! The latest economic predictions suggest Canada will see a HUGE WAVE of personal and biz bankruptcies in the next few years as Wuhan fallout endures with resulting limits on govt ability to fix anything!)

Raw sewage dumped in Metro Vancouver waters saw five-year high in 2017

And heavy precipitation, which causes the combined sewer pipes to overflow, will likely occur more often in the coming decades, according to Nathan Gillett, manager of Environment Canada’s centre for climate modelling and analysis.

In Vancouver, average annual rainfall is forecast to rise between 10 to 20 per cent by the end of the century; more intense rainstorms are also expected, he said.

(So LIE-berals have - as I have previously said - declared we are in a “Climate Emergency” but they have done NOTHING to alleviate the problem - EXCEPT to impose their carbon tax SCAM to grab enough gravy so they and their HOG ALLIES can continue their carbon rich lifestyle while screwing the rest of us!)

The risks of more frequent sewer overflows were outlined in a 2008 report that examined the vulnerability of the Vancouver-area sewage system.

Vancouver has so far separated about 55 per cent of its combined pipes, said the city’s water and sewage infrastructure director Daniel Roberge.

The city separated sewage and storm pipes in the downtown area 20 years ago, he said, and it’s continuing work to separate pipes leading to the Burrard Inlet, False Creek, and the Fraser River.

(Yes- good idea to clean up SOME of the sewage in areas most likely to be visited by tourists - too bad about neglected less popular dumping spots!)

But E. coli levels in some of Vancouverites’ favourite water-sport destinations do exceed Health Canada thresholds at times, especially during the summer months when people are more likely to be swimming.

(Oh dear - heavy ocean currents are NOT flushing away B..C. crap fast enough to suit locals? Maybe the sewer outfalls should be set farther offshore - it is the CHEAP and preferred LIE-beral solution is it not? Cheap solutions are best for LIE-berals as it ensures they have LOTS of gravy to buy HOG voter support!)

Vancouver Coastal Health currently releases data on E. coli levels in busy waterways like False Creek, Trout Lake, and the city’s beaches.

But water advocates like Hornor have been calling on cities to monitor combined sewer overflows in real-time so that people know when to avoid swimming in certain areas ahead of time.

Roberge confirmed Vancouver is taking steps to install sensors inside the city’s pipes to create a sewage-monitoring system.

(Oh yes - typical penny wise and pound foolish - install cheap monitors and keep LOTS of HOGS happily employed by taking water samples - but DO NOTHING about over flowing sewers that are the real problem!)

“This year, we’re going to be choosing some locations, some technology, and we’re going to start validating data on combined sewer overflow,” he said. “In 2019, the plan is to look at how best to provide this information to the public.”

(Everybody KNOWS there is crap in the water - so DO SOMETHING about the crap! Toronto of course has a similar problem and COULD have solved the sewer overflow problem 30 years ago at a cost of about $1 billion dollars - but Silly Hall blew that on Ataratiri - the housing plan that WENT BUST after it was discovered that the eastern Toronto port lands are SO POLLUTED with heavy metals and such that it is NOT SAFE TO INHABIT - Ataratiri was poisoned and died and the sewers continue to overflow!)

In the meantime, the city said it’s trying to reduce rainwater flowing into the sewer system by 90 per cent, which would help lower the number of combined sewer overflow events.

(Yes - Toronto spent another roughly $1 billion dollars to build holding ponds and a HUGE underground tank to temporarily hold storm run off! Silly Hall had been receiving SO MANY LAW SUITS from homes and biz that were getting flooded by raw sewage from the ANTIQUATED drainage system that building holding tanks was the CHEAPEST and QUICKEST SOLUTION! Now waste water is held for a few days and released more slowly - but that sewage overflow IS STILL being dumped - it just isnt ending up in peoples basements any more!)

“We are trying to divert that water and prevent it from going into the pipes in the first place,” said Melina Scholefield, head of the city’s green infrastructure program.

Through that initiative, city workers install rain gardens, permeable sidewalks, and green roofs to collect and absorb as much rainwater as possible before it has a chance of flowing into storm drains. The vegetation and soil remove pollutants from the water, she explained.

(The BIG issue is that the drainage system was set up for a MUCH SMALLER city - with much less pavement and fewer roofs! All that new pavement accelerates water runoff since it is blocked from sinking into fields and forests that are gone!
City planners know this but left us to GET FLOODED with CRAP anyway!)

City staff are also building basins underneath sidewalks – like one at Burrard and Cornwall – that collect rainwater and direct it to the roots of trees that line the sidewalk above.

(On the PLUS SIDE. Vancouver has decided to begin construction of a new sewage treatment plant near the Lion Gate Bridge! But of course it will be several YEARS before it actually comes online! Meanwhile MOST of B.C. continues to dump sewage AT SEA on its “pristine coast”!)

(IN related news, Danielle Smith of Global News supplies this information in a column posted April 12, 2018, titled) : Exposing B.C.’s environmental hypocrisy

All right British Columbians. I have had it up to my eyeballs with your willful blindness to environmental issues in your own province.

So, as of now, I am a charter member of the Facebook Page “Save BC’s Environment” – the purpose of which is to highlight the many real and pressing environmental issues that your political leaders refuse to take action on.

Let’s start with Thursday’s investigative report from Star Metro which found that British Columbia is the nation’s worst offender when it comes to allowing untreated sewage to enter Canadian rivers and oceans.

Of the 120 million cubic metres per year in Canada as a whole, British Columbia is responsible for nearly one-third of the problem. That’s right.

(Isnt that nice - B.C. is setting CANADIAN RECORDS for sewage dumping!)

That’s 45 billion litres of sewage filled with toxins, heavy metals, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, bacteria and pathogens being dumped into clean water. That’s about 1,900 tankers worth– if you care to do the math on it.

It doesn’t include the deliberate dumping of raw sewage by places such as Victoria. This is because of comingled storm sewer and sewer systems getting overwhelmed because of too much rain and runoff.

In Calgary, the equivalent measure is zero. That’s because Calgary made the decision to separate its two systems back in the 1960s. This is something British Columbia doesn’t intend to complete until 2050.

(Isnt that IRONIC - the Alberta “rednecks” treat their sewage more carefully than crunchy granola B.C. LIE-berals! Oh well - Wuhan Virus is going to hit is so hard we wont have a pot to pee in anyway - thanks to LIE-beral carelessness with Wuhan Pestilence carrying travellers!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Oh dear me - there are NEWS REPORTS that suggest the lower mainland has SOMETHING OTHER

than an excellent sewage treatment system! Reports of the excellent sewage treatment ARE FAKE NEWS!

Here is an article that makes a mockery of claims that Vancouver has an “excellent sewage treatment system”! And exposes the B.C. hypocrisy about claims they value their allegedly “pristine” oceanfront! The pair of reports PROVE that Vancouver is setting Cdn RECORDS for sewage dumping! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Sewage problems must be fixed if Vancouver wants to be a global role model, say advocates

By Wanyee Li, and Ainslie Cruickshank, StarMetro Vancouver

Published Fri., April 13, 2018

VANCOUVER—Water advocates say Vancouver’s goal of being the world’s “greenest city” by 2020 is admirable but impossible without cleaning up its act when it comes to dumping untreated sewage into its waterways.

Some pipes in Vancouver — as in other Canadian cities — carry both raw sewage and rainwater runoff to treatment plants. But during heavy rains, these pipes end up carrying more waste water than the plant can handle.

(In other words hypocrite Vancouver environmentalists are pinching pennies and letting RAW SEWAGE overflow from antiquated sewage treatment plants and sadly - it RAINS FREQUENTLY in the city and in coastal B.C. generally!)

That triggers overflow points where both sewage and rainwater pour directly into rivers, lakes, or the ocean.

More than 45 million cubic metres of untreated sewage flowed into B.C. waters in 2016, according to Environment Canada data obtained by StarMetro.

More than half of that entered waterways around the Lower Mainland — the Burrard Inlet, False Creek, and the Fraser River — according to a Metro Vancouver report.

It’s a far cry from where Vancouver needs to be if it wants to be a leader in water quality, said Lauren Hornor, a Fraser Riverkeeper board member and a regional representative for Swim Drink Fish, a water-quality advocacy group.

(And all that sewage dumping makes a mockery of LIE-berals whining about oil tankers on their NOT SO pristine west coast!)

“We really should be a model for the entire world, but we’re just not there yet,” she said.

(No - and Vancouver IS NOT even a model for Canada as ONE THIRD of all the sewage overflow in Canada occurs in southern B.C!)

The City of Vancouver has announced its goal is to separate its sewer and stormwater systems by 2050. But in the meantime, untreated waste water is still pouring into its waterways.

(Oh great - ANOTHER THIRTY YEARS of planned sewage dumping - with that plan NOW TOAST courtesy of Wuhan Virus DEBT LOADS! The latest economic predictions suggest Canada will see a HUGE WAVE of personal and biz bankruptcies in the next few years as Wuhan fallout endures with resulting limits on govt ability to fix anything!)

Raw sewage dumped in Metro Vancouver waters saw five-year high in 2017

And heavy precipitation, which causes the combined sewer pipes to overflow, will likely occur more often in the coming decades, according to Nathan Gillett, manager of Environment Canada’s centre for climate modelling and analysis.

In Vancouver, average annual rainfall is forecast to rise between 10 to 20 per cent by the end of the century; more intense rainstorms are also expected, he said.

(So LIE-berals have - as I have previously said - declared we are in a “Climate Emergency” but they have done NOTHING to alleviate the problem - EXCEPT to impose their carbon tax SCAM to grab enough gravy so they and their HOG ALLIES can continue their carbon rich lifestyle while screwing the rest of us!)

The risks of more frequent sewer overflows were outlined in a 2008 report that examined the vulnerability of the Vancouver-area sewage system.

Vancouver has so far separated about 55 per cent of its combined pipes, said the city’s water and sewage infrastructure director Daniel Roberge.

The city separated sewage and storm pipes in the downtown area 20 years ago, he said, and it’s continuing work to separate pipes leading to the Burrard Inlet, False Creek, and the Fraser River.

(Yes- good idea to clean up SOME of the sewage in areas most likely to be visited by tourists - too bad about neglected less popular dumping spots!)

But E. coli levels in some of Vancouverites’ favourite water-sport destinations do exceed Health Canada thresholds at times, especially during the summer months when people are more likely to be swimming.

(Oh dear - heavy ocean currents are NOT flushing away B..C. crap fast enough to suit locals? Maybe the sewer outfalls should be set farther offshore - it is the CHEAP and preferred LIE-beral solution is it not? Cheap solutions are best for LIE-berals as it ensures they have LOTS of gravy to buy HOG voter support!)

Vancouver Coastal Health currently releases data on E. coli levels in busy waterways like False Creek, Trout Lake, and the city’s beaches.

But water advocates like Hornor have been calling on cities to monitor combined sewer overflows in real-time so that people know when to avoid swimming in certain areas ahead of time.

Roberge confirmed Vancouver is taking steps to install sensors inside the city’s pipes to create a sewage-monitoring system.

(Oh yes - typical penny wise and pound foolish - install cheap monitors and keep LOTS of HOGS happily employed by taking water samples - but DO NOTHING about over flowing sewers that are the real problem!)

“This year, we’re going to be choosing some locations, some technology, and we’re going to start validating data on combined sewer overflow,” he said. “In 2019, the plan is to look at how best to provide this information to the public.”

(Everybody KNOWS there is crap in the water - so DO SOMETHING about the crap! Toronto of course has a similar problem and COULD have solved the sewer overflow problem 30 years ago at a cost of about $1 billion dollars - but Silly Hall blew that on Ataratiri - the housing plan that WENT BUST after it was discovered that the eastern Toronto port lands are SO POLLUTED with heavy metals and such that it is NOT SAFE TO INHABIT - Ataratiri was poisoned and died and the sewers continue to overflow!)

In the meantime, the city said it’s trying to reduce rainwater flowing into the sewer system by 90 per cent, which would help lower the number of combined sewer overflow events.

(Yes - Toronto spent another roughly $1 billion dollars to build holding ponds and a HUGE underground tank to temporarily hold storm run off! Silly Hall had been receiving SO MANY LAW SUITS from homes and biz that were getting flooded by raw sewage from the ANTIQUATED drainage system that building holding tanks was the CHEAPEST and QUICKEST SOLUTION! Now waste water is held for a few days and released more slowly - but that sewage overflow IS STILL being dumped - it just isnt ending up in peoples basements any more!)

“We are trying to divert that water and prevent it from going into the pipes in the first place,” said Melina Scholefield, head of the city’s green infrastructure program.

Through that initiative, city workers install rain gardens, permeable sidewalks, and green roofs to collect and absorb as much rainwater as possible before it has a chance of flowing into storm drains. The vegetation and soil remove pollutants from the water, she explained.

(The BIG issue is that the drainage system was set up for a MUCH SMALLER city - with much less pavement and fewer roofs! All that new pavement accelerates water runoff since it is blocked from sinking into fields and forests that are gone!
City planners know this but left us to GET FLOODED with CRAP anyway!)

City staff are also building basins underneath sidewalks – like one at Burrard and Cornwall – that collect rainwater and direct it to the roots of trees that line the sidewalk above.

(On the PLUS SIDE. Vancouver has decided to begin construction of a new sewage treatment plant near the Lion Gate Bridge! But of course it will be several YEARS before it actually comes online! Meanwhile MOST of B.C. continues to dump sewage AT SEA on its “pristine coast”!)

(IN related news, Danielle Smith of Global News supplies this information in a column posted April 12, 2018, titled) : Exposing B.C.’s environmental hypocrisy

All right British Columbians. I have had it up to my eyeballs with your willful blindness to environmental issues in your own province.

So, as of now, I am a charter member of the Facebook Page “Save BC’s Environment” – the purpose of which is to highlight the many real and pressing environmental issues that your political leaders refuse to take action on.

Let’s start with Thursday’s investigative report from Star Metro which found that British Columbia is the nation’s worst offender when it comes to allowing untreated sewage to enter Canadian rivers and oceans.

Of the 120 million cubic metres per year in Canada as a whole, British Columbia is responsible for nearly one-third of the problem. That’s right.

(Isnt that nice - B.C. is setting CANADIAN RECORDS for sewage dumping!)

That’s 45 billion litres of sewage filled with toxins, heavy metals, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, bacteria and pathogens being dumped into clean water. That’s about 1,900 tankers worth– if you care to do the math on it.

It doesn’t include the deliberate dumping of raw sewage by places such as Victoria. This is because of comingled storm sewer and sewer systems getting overwhelmed because of too much rain and runoff.

In Calgary, the equivalent measure is zero. That’s because Calgary made the decision to separate its two systems back in the 1960s. This is something British Columbia doesn’t intend to complete until 2050.

(Isnt that IRONIC - the Alberta “rednecks” treat their sewage more carefully than crunchy granola B.C. LIE-berals! Oh well - Wuhan Virus is going to hit is so hard we wont have a pot to pee in anyway - thanks to LIE-beral carelessness with Wuhan Pestilence carrying travellers!)
Whatever clean up your own nest before worrying about ours .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The cost of maintaining the grid is a nightmare compared to the gas network. Cost la vie, it's not problem they are making such a huge mistake. If the interglacial ended then what?

Victoria does have a shiny new shit plant. You'll hear it being solved but the hundreds of rural and municipal centers on the island and coast up to AK dont.

That`s odd - on May 6, 2019 CBC reporter Briar Stewart told us the new plant WAS REQUIRED to be built because of federal

regulations that were imposed on B.C. in 2012 BY THE HARPER CONSERVATIVES! NOT by Our idiot Boy and LIE-berals!

There is also a HARPER IMPOSED requirement that the new sewage plant BE OPERATIONAL BY 2020

and of course the LATEST construction report suggests IT MIGHT BE COMPLETED by the end of 2020!

Unless of course Wuhan Virus messes up that schedule as well!

Oh well.....we know who put the pee in the ocean! And will continue to do so for some time to come!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Whatever clean up your own nest before worrying about ours .

B.C. LIE-beral hypocrisy on the environment is graphically exposed - and pigs SHRUGS!

Oh well, StarMetro is one of the Metrolansd newspapers - wihc ALSO OWNS Toronto Star - and they VERY CAREFULLY EDIT

what they tell the public in each segment of market across the country!

And yet the HYPOCRITES get all bent out of shape when they are referred to as censorship loving media whores

who have SOLD THEMSELVES to the LIE-beral party - in exchange for - among other gifts of gravy - they got a BIG CHUNK

of that six hundred million dollar LIE-beral slush fund that Our idiot Boy set up last year prior to the election

TO REWARD CDN MEDIA THAT LIE-berals TRUST - to say nice things about LIE-berals!

And now media whores are sniffing around looking FOR MORE govt gravy! While DILIGENTLY HIDING HOW POOR A JOB

B.C. is doing about environmental issues! Poor media whores - they are SPINNING IN CIRCLES!

They are TORN between telling us JUICY NEWS stories - or supporting LIE-berals in exchange FOR GRAVY!

Sometimes media whores BITE the hand that feeds them in that conflict between reporting and patronage!

Here is an article that exposes the B.C. hypocrisy about how they value their environment! B.C. is setting Cdn RECORDS for sewage dumping mostly in the ocean but in various lakes and rivers as well! And their record in other areas is anything but green as well - as the article clearly indicates! With some comments of my own in brackets):

(IN related news, Danielle Smith of Global News supplies this information in a column posted April 12, 2018, titled) : Exposing B.C.’s environmental hypocrisy

All right British Columbians. I have had it up to my eyeballs with your willful blindness to environmental issues in your own province.

So, as of now, I am a charter member of the Facebook Page “Save BC’s Environment” – the purpose of which is to highlight the many real and pressing environmental issues that your political leaders refuse to take action on.

Let’s start with Thursday’s investigative report from Star Metro which found that British Columbia is the nation’s worst offender when it comes to allowing untreated sewage to enter Canadian rivers and oceans.

Of the 120 million cubic metres per year in Canada as a whole, British Columbia is responsible for nearly one-third of the problem. That’s right.

(Isnt that nice - B.C. is setting CANADIAN RECORDS for sewage dumping! While at the same time Port of Vancouver is profiting NICELY exporting more coal than any other North American seaport! Vancouver has stepped up and now exports the coal that Yankee port operators do not wish to handle! Yet B.C. residents whine about Alberta oil and gas exports!)

That’s 45 billion litres of sewage filled with toxins, heavy metals, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, bacteria and pathogens being dumped into clean water. That’s about 1,900 tankers worth– if you care to do the math on it.

It doesn’t include the deliberate dumping of raw sewage by places such as Victoria. This is because of comingled storm sewer and sewer systems getting overwhelmed because of too much rain and runoff.

In Calgary, the equivalent measure is zero. That’s because Calgary made the decision to separate its two systems back in the 1960s. This is something British Columbia doesn’t intend to complete until 2050.

(Isnt that IRONIC - the Alberta “rednecks” treat their sewage more carefully than crunchy granola B.C. LIE-berals! Oh well - Wuhan Virus is going to hit is so hard we wont have a pot to pee in anyway - thanks to LIE-beral carelessness with Wuhan Pestilence carrying travellers!)

And what are the consequences of failing to treat raw sewage?

Well, mussels end up getting contaminated with pharmaceuticals. Residents get sick from the Norovirus from eating contaminated oysters. Cholera – yes cholera – starts turning up in coastal communities.

But, untreated sewage may be the least of B.C.’s environmental problems.

B.C. has created an international incident with its embarrassing handling of mine management and cleanup. Alaskans have asked their government to deal with the Tulsequah Chief Mine in northwest B.C., which is leaking acid waste into one of the richest salmon runs in the region – and has been for 60 years.

(Gosh - how can virtuous B.C. environmentalists ignore leaking acid waste killing Salmon? That sounds even more messy than having an oil pipeline on your land! At least the oil is valuable and its owners DONT want it to be spilled!)

Or how about the ongoing concerns from the Mount Polley mining disaster? That’s where the mine’s tailings dam broke and spewed 24 million cubic metres of mining waste into adjacent lakes and rivers.

(So B.C. is SO GREEN they wont even waste energy to maintain dams and other necessary things because such work is UNDIGNIFIED for them or something? Or is it simply that as always LIE-berals have better things to do with their gravy than to bother repairing rotting infrstructure? LIE-berals NEED to BUY VOTES from civil service union HOGS - infrastructure is NOT NEARLY as important as LIE-beral party survival!)

And who will clean up the toxic mess left behind in B.C.’s 1,800 abandoned mines?

What about current polluters? The top 10 polluters in B.C. are spewing out nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter; all of which can impact human health and aggravate respiratory conditions.

The Prince George Pulp and Paper and Intercontinental Pulp Mills are the biggest polluters of water with sulfur and manganese. Teck Metals Ltd. emits lead, selenium and arsenic.

(Yes- the LIE-beral solution to ALL pulp mill waste is usually “dump it in the ocean” Although public opinion has just forced the cancellation of the new pulp mill in New Brunswick that would have dumped staggering quantities of semi treated pulp waste into Northumberland Strait! Seems like poverty stricken New Brunswick is more GREEN than B.C. can claim to be!)

That’s not all. How many of those regions with 1,000-year-old trees targeted for clearcutting will ever be effectively reclaimed?

British Columbians: you should ask all those foreign-paid environmental activists why they are spending all their time focusing on the miniscule risk of a tanker spill when they have all these other issues they could be rallying support to address.

Perhaps it’s because the opposition to Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion isn’t really about protecting the environment at all.

(No - and the Elephant in the room is that LIE-berals have run up such HUGE DEBTS in recent years that we now CANNOT AFFORD to kill the Cdn oil patch - as it happens to be our MOST PROFITABLE EXPORT ITEM! The oil price crash caused by Wuhan Virus is a temporary aberration and prices will bounce back - and Cdn govt WILL NEED EVERY PENNY of oil and gas revenue they can get - to pay off our MASSIVE NEW DEBTS - plus the older ones generated by LIE-berals who do not understand the concept of interest compounded and amortized!)
Update: and for those who say that all of this is irrelevant because the real issue is climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, well, you’ve got your own problems there too. BC is the single largest exporter of coal in all of North America. The volume of exported coal is so huge it will ultimately produce an estimated 99.8 million tonnes of CO2. That’s 150% more than BC’s entire annual carbon footprint.

(Yes- B.C. is long been the Left Coast but now it is also THE HYPOCRITE COAST - offering up a hodgepodge of virtue signalling double standards and typical LIE-beral style “Do as I say - not as I do” philosophy! And 99.8 million tonnes of C02 produced by coal represents 1/7 of the ENTIRE Cdn yearly green house gas emissions!)

(And the TRUE B.C. IRONY is their support for Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals and their campaign to drive the price of oil up so high that we cannot afford to use it - while at the same time B.C. CRIES PITEOUSLY about the $1.70 per litre price of gas! Such hypocrisy DESERVES our scorn!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Now is the perfect time to axe this scam tax. I hope some of the Premiers grow a set and tell trudOWE what to do with his tax.
Trudeau owns the Supreme Court . The provinces have no clout .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Now is the perfect time to axe this scam tax. I hope some of the Premiers grow a set and tell trudOWE what to do with his tax.
It's perfect timing to cut tax revenue because they are pouring the entire national wealth into an emergency?

I see why you're a Trump fan.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Gas is cheap.
People are saving money.

Now is the time to be super aggressive with the carbon tax.


Govt is currently committed to PUTTING CASh INTO peoples pockets! NOT TAKING IT OUT!

Such thinking as yours is TYPICAL LIE-beral DECEIT! Give with one hand and PICK POCKETS with the other!

And LIE-berals DO NOT comprehend why the govt books do not balance!

The ONLY PEOPLE who want IMMEDIATE HIGHER TAXES are civil service union HOGS and other such LIE-beral pals

who all believe they SHOULD BE IMMUNE to whatever trials and tribulations befall the rest of Canada!

You are PROOF that GREED FOR GRAVY RULES all LIE-beral thoughts and values!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Are you contributing your fair share?


Its just too bad that what hemerHOID thinks is FAIR - happens to be an INSULT to the rest of us!

But that is how over entitled civil service union HOGS and their LIE-beral allies ROLL!