Federal Carbon Tax ruled to be constitutional


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

LIE-berals DO NOT WANT cruise ship operators to get into a huff over tighter Cdn sewage dumping laws -so they are

ALLOWED to continue dumping crap at sea in Cdn waters!

The Princess Cruise liners and OTHERS DOCKED REGULARLY in BOTH Vancouver and Victoria - but that has been halted due to Wuhan Virus!

IT IS NOT QUEBEC that is blocking new regulations - IT IS LIE-beal fear of MORE western alienation!

LIE-berals still retain strong support in B.C. - the SEWAGE DUMPING CAPITOL OF CANADA!

British Columbia had a population of 5.1 million people in 2019 and yet B.C. is RESPONSIBLE FOR ONE THIRD of all the billions of

litres of sewage dumped each year in Canada - with its TOTAL population of 37.5 millions!

B.C. sewage pigs blame Quebec for their own dirty habits!

And of course LIE-berals also want to SUCK UP to natives and thus LIE-berals WANT cruise ships to continue visiting Cdn native

arctic communities to buy arts and crafts and spend tourist dollars in the impoverished communities - and tightening sewage dumping

rules MIGHT JUST REDUCE the number of tourist dollars being spent in the Arctic and LIE-berals DONT WANT THAT!!

In RELATED NEWS - scientists tell us that diesel engines - like the ones used in cruise ships visiting the Cdn arctic tend to spew out

SOOT which collects on snow pack and SPEEDS MELTING OF GLACIERS and sea ice ETC!

Thus encouraging the cruise ship biz in Cdn waters is a DOUBLE HIT - of soot and SH+T!

And B.C. supporters of LIE-berals are engaged in STINKY HYPOCRISY!

B.C. LIE-beral "environmentalists" and their idiot cousins of the NDpee and Greenies profit nicely off their exports of COAL - while

dumping crap in the ocean and whining - not just about pipelines - but also about the recent high price of gas!

LIE-berals DO NOT wish to discus the fact that China WANTS TO REDUCE ITS USE OF COAL - and replace it with CLEANER

BURNING NATURAL GAS - if only they could find a reliable source!

Cdn LIE-beral policy IS SO TWISTED that they would rather see Red China continue burning coal than bother SELLING that cleaner

Cdn natural gas to Beijing!

And somehow that is a QUEBEC FAULT????
Well you will be happy when we free ourselves from Ottawa’s shackles.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Well you will be happy when we free ourselves from Ottawa’s shackles.

POOR PITIFUL pigs! His "solution" is TO WEAKEN US ALL and make an even bigger MESS!

And the mess is ALL the fault of others - even when the mess is IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD!

You would find it very hard to provide any coherent excuse - even a LAME EXCUSE - to explain away WHY IT IS that B.C. has 5.1

million people who all glorify their "pristine" environment and then go ahead and SH+T all over it!

As previous mentioned - that environmentally conscious B.C. 5.1 million minority is dumping A MAJOR SHARE of sewage into

oceans and lakes - more SH+T than MOST of the 37.5 million PEOPLE IN CANADA WOULD TOLERATE!

B.C. NHYPOCRITES are trying hard to sound green and virtuous! And succeeding ONLY in sounding hypocritical and WHINY!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
POOR PITIFUL pigs! His "solution" is TO WEAKEN US ALL and make an even bigger MESS!

And the mess is ALL the fault of others - even when the mess is IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD!

You would find it very hard to provide any coherent excuse - even a LAME EXCUSE - to explain away WHY IT IS that B.C. has 5.1

million people who all glorify their "pristine" environment and then go ahead and SH+T all over it!

As previous mentioned - that environmentally conscious B.C. 5.1 million minority is dumping A MAJOR SHARE of sewage into

oceans and lakes - more SH+T than MOST of the 37.5 million PEOPLE IN CANADA WOULD TOLERATE!

B.C. NHYPOCRITES are trying hard to sound green and virtuous! And succeeding ONLY in sounding hypocritical and WHINY!
Yes , but sadly you will never understand the condescending attitude you show is exactly what will finally break the country .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Well I can’t say they are that bad . Like stated earlier the amount of dollars pouring into the B.C. economy because of cruise ships is huge . If some money is lost supporting the industry is that a bad thing ? If you are against the cruise ships due to environmental reasons that has some merit , however it is the same argument against industry and pipelines where we kill the golden goose .
The problem being the only money they bring in is in Vancouver and Victoria. Not a single ship stops anywhere along the coast. No money is spread around but the costs are.. Campbell River squandered a few million building a dock and nobody came.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
We also do that along most major highways .
True. Using the same flawed logic. Forest practices must be based on sustainable forestry, not what looks nice to citiots on a drive. I haven't done any real logging in quite some time now but I was a contractor when all this was instituted. Lots of paperwork. The biggest problem was that best practices were not the top priority. It was all about making the paperwork match. Following the plan even when it is clearly bad is never good in the long run.
I still do a bit of recreational logging between construction projects on small properties. Not near as many rules and most owners want it to look nice when it is all done because they are going to live there.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Gas is cheap.
People are saving money.
Now is the time to be super aggressive with the carbon tax.
This is your chance to prove it works.

Its gone up in perspective to price.

The cheaper gas gets the larger the percentage of the price is carbon tax.

The air should be clearing up at an accelerated pace.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The problem being the only money they bring in is in Vancouver and Victoria. Not a single ship stops anywhere along the coast. No money is spread around but the costs are.. Campbell River squandered a few million building a dock and nobody came.
There is lots of spin offs in the rest of the province . Campbell River should have got commitments before building that facility .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
True. Using the same flawed logic. Forest practices must be based on sustainable forestry, not what looks nice to citiots on a drive. I haven't done any real logging in quite some time now but I was a contractor when all this was instituted. Lots of paperwork. The biggest problem was that best practices were not the top priority. It was all about making the paperwork match. Following the plan even when it is clearly bad is never good in the long run.
I still do a bit of recreational logging between construction projects on small properties. Not near as many rules and most owners want it to look nice when it is all done because they are going to live there.
Bureaucracy is never about common sense it is about crossing t’s and dotted lines .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yes , but sadly you will never understand the condescending attitude you show is exactly what will finally break the country .

OHHHHHHHHH! "Condescending"!

Such a BIG WORD for the small Wexit Wingnut mind to use - and you aint using it CORRECTLY!

Wexit Wingnuts THINK they are entitled to DUMP their SH+T into any lake or river or ocean that is handy!

While extolling the virtues of their NOT SO PRISTINE ENVIRONMENT!

Here is an article that exposes the B.C. hypocrisy about how they value their environment! B.C. is setting Cdn RECORDS for sewage dumping mostly in the ocean but in various lakes and rivers as well! And their record in other areas is anything but green as well - as the article clearly indicates! With some comments of my own in brackets):

(IN related news, Danielle Smith of Global News supplies this information in a column posted April 12, 2018, titled) :

Exposing B.C.’s environmental hypocrisy

All right British Columbians. I have had it up to my eyeballs with your willful blindness to environmental issues in your own province.

So, as of now, I am a charter member of the Facebook Page “Save BC’s Environment” – the purpose of which is to highlight the many real and pressing environmental issues that your political leaders refuse to take action on.

Let’s start with Thursday’s investigative report from Star Metro which found that British Columbia is the nation’s worst offender when it comes to allowing untreated sewage to enter Canadian rivers and oceans.

Of the 120 million cubic metres per year in Canada as a whole, British Columbia is responsible for nearly one-third of the problem. That’s right.

(Isnt that nice - B.C. is setting CANADIAN RECORDS for sewage dumping! While at the same time Port of Vancouver is profiting NICELY exporting more filthy coal than any other North American seaport! Vancouver has stepped up and now exports the coal that Yankee port operators do not wish to handle! Yet B.C. hypocrites whine about Alberta oil and gas exports!)

That’s 45 billion litres of sewage filled with toxins, heavy metals, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, bacteria and pathogens being dumped into clean water. That’s about 1,900 tankers worth– if you care to do the math on it.

It doesn’t include the deliberate dumping of raw sewage by places such as Victoria. This is because of comingled storm sewer and sewer systems getting overwhelmed because of too much rain and runoff.

(We should note that Victoria is now working on its very first tertiary full sewage treatment plant - but it was FORCED to do the job because of regulations imposed by the Harper Conservatives and of course the new plant was legally required to be IN USE by 2020 and it wont be due to various delays - NOT INCLUDING additional problems generated by Wuhan Virus! B.C. environmentalist are DRAGGING THEIR FEET on cleaning up their CRAP and the plant may not be ready till 2021 or beyond!)

In Calgary, the equivalent measure (of sewage dumping) is zero. That’s because Calgary made the decision to separate its two systems back in the 1960s. This is something British Columbia doesn’t intend to complete until 2050.

(Isnt that IRONIC - the Alberta “rednecks” treat their sewage more carefully than crunchy granola B.C. LIE-berals! Oh well - Wuhan Virus is going to hit us so hard we wont have a pot to pee in anyway - thanks to LIE-beral carelessness with Wuhan Pestilence carrying travellers!)

And what are the consequences of failing to treat raw sewage?

Well, mussels end up getting contaminated with pharmaceuticals. Residents get sick from the Norovirus from eating contaminated oysters. Cholera – yes cholera – starts turning up in coastal communities.

But, untreated sewage may be the least of B.C.’s environmental problems.

B.C. has created an international incident with its embarrassing handling of mine management and cleanup. Alaskans have asked their government to deal with the Tulsequah Chief Mine in northwest B.C., which is leaking acid waste into one of the richest salmon runs in the region – and has been for 60 years.

(Gosh - how can virtuous B.C. environmentalists ignore leaking acid waste killing Salmon? That sounds even more messy than having an oil pipeline on your land! At least the oil is valuable and its owners DONT want it to be spilled!)

Or how about the ongoing concerns from the Mount Polley mining disaster? That’s where the mine’s tailings dam broke and spewed 24 million cubic metres of mining waste into adjacent lakes and rivers.

(So B.C. is SO GREEN they wont even waste energy to maintain dams and other necessary things because such work is UNDIGNIFIED for them or something? Or is it simply that as always LIE-berals have better things to do with their gravy than to bother repairing rotting infrastructure? LIE-berals NEED to BUY VOTES from civil service union HOGS - infrastructure is NOT NEARLY as important to them as LIE-beral party survival!)

And who will clean up the toxic mess left behind in B.C.’s 1,800 abandoned mines?

What about current polluters? The top 10 polluters in B.C. are spewing out nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter; all of which can impact human health and aggravate respiratory conditions.

The Prince George Pulp and Paper and Intercontinental Pulp Mills are the biggest polluters of water with sulfur and manganese. Teck Metals Ltd. emits lead, selenium and arsenic.

(Yes - the LIE-beral solution to ALL pulp mill waste is usually “dump it in the ocean” Although public opinion has just forced the cancellation of the new pulp mill in New Brunswick that would have dumped staggering quantities of semi treated pulp waste into Northumberland Strait! Seems like poverty stricken New Brunswick is more GREEN than B.C. can claim to be!)

That’s not all. How many of those regions with 1,000-year-old trees targeted for clear cutting will ever be effectively reclaimed?

British Columbians: you should ask all those foreign-paid environmental activists why they are spending all their time focussing on the minuscule risk of a tanker spill when they have all these other issues they could be rallying support to address.

Perhaps it’s because the opposition to Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion isn’t really about protecting the environment at all.

(No - and the Elephant in the room is that LIE-berals have run up such HUGE DEBTS in recent years that we now CANNOT AFFORD to kill the Cdn oil patch - as it happens to be our MOST PROFITABLE EXPORT ITEM! The oil price crash caused by Wuhan Virus is a temporary aberration and prices will bounce back - and Cdn govt WILL NEED EVERY PENNY of oil and gas revenue they can get - to pay off our MASSIVE NEW DEBTS - plus the older ones generated by LIE-berals who do not understand the concept of interest compounded and amortized!)
Update: and for those who say that all of this is irrelevant because the real issue is climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, well, you’ve got your own problems there too. BC is the single largest exporter of coal in all of North America. The volume of exported coal is so huge it will ultimately produce an estimated 99.8 million tonnes of CO2. That’s 150% more than BC’s entire annual carbon footprint.

(Yes- B.C. is long been the Left Coast but now it is also THE HYPOCRITE COAST - offering up a hodgepodge of virtue signalling double standards and typical LIE-beral style “Do as I say - not as I do” philosophy! And 99.8 million tonnes of C02 produced by B.C. coal exports equals just about one seventh of the ENTIRE Cdn yearly green house gas emissions!)

(And the TRUE B.C. IRONY is their continued support for Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals and the LIE-beral campaign to drive the price of oil up so high that we cannot afford to use it - while at the same time B.C. CRIES PITEOUSLY about the $1.70 per litre price of gas! Such hypocrisy DESERVES our scorn!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
OHHHHHHHHH! "Condescending"!

Such a BIG WORD for the small Wexit Wingnut mind to use - and you aint using it CORRECTLY!

Wexit Wingnuts THINK they are entitled to DUMP their SH+T into any lake or river or ocean that is handy!

While extolling the virtues of their NOT SO PRISTINE ENVIRONMENT!

Here is an article that exposes the B.C. hypocrisy about how they value their environment! B.C. is setting Cdn RECORDS for sewage dumping mostly in the ocean but in various lakes and rivers as well! And their record in other areas is anything but green as well - as the article clearly indicates! With some comments of my own in brackets):

(IN related news, Danielle Smith of Global News supplies this information in a column posted April 12, 2018, titled) :

Exposing B.C.’s environmental hypocrisy

All right British Columbians. I have had it up to my eyeballs with your willful blindness to environmental issues in your own province.

So, as of now, I am a charter member of the Facebook Page “Save BC’s Environment” – the purpose of which is to highlight the many real and pressing environmental issues that your political leaders refuse to take action on.

Let’s start with Thursday’s investigative report from Star Metro which found that British Columbia is the nation’s worst offender when it comes to allowing untreated sewage to enter Canadian rivers and oceans.

Of the 120 million cubic metres per year in Canada as a whole, British Columbia is responsible for nearly one-third of the problem. That’s right.

(Isnt that nice - B.C. is setting CANADIAN RECORDS for sewage dumping! While at the same time Port of Vancouver is profiting NICELY exporting more filthy coal than any other North American seaport! Vancouver has stepped up and now exports the coal that Yankee port operators do not wish to handle! Yet B.C. hypocrites whine about Alberta oil and gas exports!)

That’s 45 billion litres of sewage filled with toxins, heavy metals, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, bacteria and pathogens being dumped into clean water. That’s about 1,900 tankers worth– if you care to do the math on it.

It doesn’t include the deliberate dumping of raw sewage by places such as Victoria. This is because of comingled storm sewer and sewer systems getting overwhelmed because of too much rain and runoff.

(We should note that Victoria is now working on its very first tertiary full sewage treatment plant - but it was FORCED to do the job because of regulations imposed by the Harper Conservatives and of course the new plant was legally required to be IN USE by 2020 and it wont be due to various delays - NOT INCLUDING additional problems generated by Wuhan Virus! B.C. environmentalist are DRAGGING THEIR FEET on cleaning up their CRAP and the plant may not be ready till 2021 or beyond!)

In Calgary, the equivalent measure (of sewage dumping) is zero. That’s because Calgary made the decision to separate its two systems back in the 1960s. This is something British Columbia doesn’t intend to complete until 2050.

(Isnt that IRONIC - the Alberta “rednecks” treat their sewage more carefully than crunchy granola B.C. LIE-berals! Oh well - Wuhan Virus is going to hit us so hard we wont have a pot to pee in anyway - thanks to LIE-beral carelessness with Wuhan Pestilence carrying travellers!)

And what are the consequences of failing to treat raw sewage?

Well, mussels end up getting contaminated with pharmaceuticals. Residents get sick from the Norovirus from eating contaminated oysters. Cholera – yes cholera – starts turning up in coastal communities.

But, untreated sewage may be the least of B.C.’s environmental problems.

B.C. has created an international incident with its embarrassing handling of mine management and cleanup. Alaskans have asked their government to deal with the Tulsequah Chief Mine in northwest B.C., which is leaking acid waste into one of the richest salmon runs in the region – and has been for 60 years.

(Gosh - how can virtuous B.C. environmentalists ignore leaking acid waste killing Salmon? That sounds even more messy than having an oil pipeline on your land! At least the oil is valuable and its owners DONT want it to be spilled!)

Or how about the ongoing concerns from the Mount Polley mining disaster? That’s where the mine’s tailings dam broke and spewed 24 million cubic metres of mining waste into adjacent lakes and rivers.

(So B.C. is SO GREEN they wont even waste energy to maintain dams and other necessary things because such work is UNDIGNIFIED for them or something? Or is it simply that as always LIE-berals have better things to do with their gravy than to bother repairing rotting infrastructure? LIE-berals NEED to BUY VOTES from civil service union HOGS - infrastructure is NOT NEARLY as important to them as LIE-beral party survival!)

And who will clean up the toxic mess left behind in B.C.’s 1,800 abandoned mines?

What about current polluters? The top 10 polluters in B.C. are spewing out nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter; all of which can impact human health and aggravate respiratory conditions.

The Prince George Pulp and Paper and Intercontinental Pulp Mills are the biggest polluters of water with sulfur and manganese. Teck Metals Ltd. emits lead, selenium and arsenic.

(Yes - the LIE-beral solution to ALL pulp mill waste is usually “dump it in the ocean” Although public opinion has just forced the cancellation of the new pulp mill in New Brunswick that would have dumped staggering quantities of semi treated pulp waste into Northumberland Strait! Seems like poverty stricken New Brunswick is more GREEN than B.C. can claim to be!)

That’s not all. How many of those regions with 1,000-year-old trees targeted for clear cutting will ever be effectively reclaimed?

British Columbians: you should ask all those foreign-paid environmental activists why they are spending all their time focussing on the minuscule risk of a tanker spill when they have all these other issues they could be rallying support to address.

Perhaps it’s because the opposition to Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion isn’t really about protecting the environment at all.

(No - and the Elephant in the room is that LIE-berals have run up such HUGE DEBTS in recent years that we now CANNOT AFFORD to kill the Cdn oil patch - as it happens to be our MOST PROFITABLE EXPORT ITEM! The oil price crash caused by Wuhan Virus is a temporary aberration and prices will bounce back - and Cdn govt WILL NEED EVERY PENNY of oil and gas revenue they can get - to pay off our MASSIVE NEW DEBTS - plus the older ones generated by LIE-berals who do not understand the concept of interest compounded and amortized!)
Update: and for those who say that all of this is irrelevant because the real issue is climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, well, you’ve got your own problems there too. BC is the single largest exporter of coal in all of North America. The volume of exported coal is so huge it will ultimately produce an estimated 99.8 million tonnes of CO2. That’s 150% more than BC’s entire annual carbon footprint.

(Yes- B.C. is long been the Left Coast but now it is also THE HYPOCRITE COAST - offering up a hodgepodge of virtue signalling double standards and typical LIE-beral style “Do as I say - not as I do” philosophy! And 99.8 million tonnes of C02 produced by B.C. coal exports equals just about one seventh of the ENTIRE Cdn yearly green house gas emissions!)

(And the TRUE B.C. IRONY is their continued support for Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals and the LIE-beral campaign to drive the price of oil up so high that we cannot afford to use it - while at the same time B.C. CRIES PITEOUSLY about the $1.70 per litre price of gas! Such hypocrisy DESERVES our scorn!)
Filled up yesterday for 84.9 thanks .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
OHHHHHHHHH! "Condescending"!
Such a BIG WORD for the small Wexit Wingnut mind to use - and you aint using it CORRECTLY!
Wexit Wingnuts THINK they are entitled to DUMP their SH+T into any lake or river or ocean that is handy!
While extolling the virtues of their NOT SO PRISTINE ENVIRONMENT!
Here is an article that exposes the B.C. hypocrisy about how they value their environment! B.C. is setting Cdn RECORDS for sewage dumping mostly in the ocean but in various lakes and rivers as well! And their record in other areas is anything but green as well - as the article clearly indicates! With some comments of my own in brackets):
(IN related news, Danielle Smith of Global News supplies this information in a column posted April 12, 2018, titled) :
Exposing B.C.’s environmental hypocrisy
All right British Columbians. I have had it up to my eyeballs with your willful blindness to environmental issues in your own province.
So, as of now, I am a charter member of the Facebook Page “Save BC’s Environment” – the purpose of which is to highlight the many real and pressing environmental issues that your political leaders refuse to take action on.
Let’s start with Thursday’s investigative report from Star Metro which found that British Columbia is the nation’s worst offender when it comes to allowing untreated sewage to enter Canadian rivers and oceans.
Of the 120 million cubic metres per year in Canada as a whole, British Columbia is responsible for nearly one-third of the problem. That’s right.
(Isnt that nice - B.C. is setting CANADIAN RECORDS for sewage dumping! While at the same time Port of Vancouver is profiting NICELY exporting more filthy coal than any other North American seaport! Vancouver has stepped up and now exports the coal that Yankee port operators do not wish to handle! Yet B.C. hypocrites whine about Alberta oil and gas exports!)
That’s 45 billion litres of sewage filled with toxins, heavy metals, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, bacteria and pathogens being dumped into clean water. That’s about 1,900 tankers worth– if you care to do the math on it.
It doesn’t include the deliberate dumping of raw sewage by places such as Victoria. This is because of comingled storm sewer and sewer systems getting overwhelmed because of too much rain and runoff.
(We should note that Victoria is now working on its very first tertiary full sewage treatment plant - but it was FORCED to do the job because of regulations imposed by the Harper Conservatives and of course the new plant was legally required to be IN USE by 2020 and it wont be due to various delays - NOT INCLUDING additional problems generated by Wuhan Virus! B.C. environmentalist are DRAGGING THEIR FEET on cleaning up their CRAP and the plant may not be ready till 2021 or beyond!)
In Calgary, the equivalent measure (of sewage dumping) is zero. That’s because Calgary made the decision to separate its two systems back in the 1960s. This is something British Columbia doesn’t intend to complete until 2050.
(Isnt that IRONIC - the Alberta “rednecks” treat their sewage more carefully than crunchy granola B.C. LIE-berals! Oh well - Wuhan Virus is going to hit us so hard we wont have a pot to pee in anyway - thanks to LIE-beral carelessness with Wuhan Pestilence carrying travellers!)
And what are the consequences of failing to treat raw sewage?
Well, mussels end up getting contaminated with pharmaceuticals. Residents get sick from the Norovirus from eating contaminated oysters. Cholera – yes cholera – starts turning up in coastal communities.
But, untreated sewage may be the least of B.C.’s environmental problems.
B.C. has created an international incident with its embarrassing handling of mine management and cleanup. Alaskans have asked their government to deal with the Tulsequah Chief Mine in northwest B.C., which is leaking acid waste into one of the richest salmon runs in the region – and has been for 60 years.
(Gosh - how can virtuous B.C. environmentalists ignore leaking acid waste killing Salmon? That sounds even more messy than having an oil pipeline on your land! At least the oil is valuable and its owners DONT want it to be spilled!)
Or how about the ongoing concerns from the Mount Polley mining disaster? That’s where the mine’s tailings dam broke and spewed 24 million cubic metres of mining waste into adjacent lakes and rivers.
(So B.C. is SO GREEN they wont even waste energy to maintain dams and other necessary things because such work is UNDIGNIFIED for them or something? Or is it simply that as always LIE-berals have better things to do with their gravy than to bother repairing rotting infrastructure? LIE-berals NEED to BUY VOTES from civil service union HOGS - infrastructure is NOT NEARLY as important to them as LIE-beral party survival!)
And who will clean up the toxic mess left behind in B.C.’s 1,800 abandoned mines?
What about current polluters? The top 10 polluters in B.C. are spewing out nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter; all of which can impact human health and aggravate respiratory conditions.
The Prince George Pulp and Paper and Intercontinental Pulp Mills are the biggest polluters of water with sulfur and manganese. Teck Metals Ltd. emits lead, selenium and arsenic.
(Yes - the LIE-beral solution to ALL pulp mill waste is usually “dump it in the ocean” Although public opinion has just forced the cancellation of the new pulp mill in New Brunswick that would have dumped staggering quantities of semi treated pulp waste into Northumberland Strait! Seems like poverty stricken New Brunswick is more GREEN than B.C. can claim to be!)
That’s not all. How many of those regions with 1,000-year-old trees targeted for clear cutting will ever be effectively reclaimed?
British Columbians: you should ask all those foreign-paid environmental activists why they are spending all their time focussing on the minuscule risk of a tanker spill when they have all these other issues they could be rallying support to address.
Perhaps it’s because the opposition to Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion isn’t really about protecting the environment at all.
(No - and the Elephant in the room is that LIE-berals have run up such HUGE DEBTS in recent years that we now CANNOT AFFORD to kill the Cdn oil patch - as it happens to be our MOST PROFITABLE EXPORT ITEM! The oil price crash caused by Wuhan Virus is a temporary aberration and prices will bounce back - and Cdn govt WILL NEED EVERY PENNY of oil and gas revenue they can get - to pay off our MASSIVE NEW DEBTS - plus the older ones generated by LIE-berals who do not understand the concept of interest compounded and amortized!)
Update: and for those who say that all of this is irrelevant because the real issue is climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, well, you’ve got your own problems there too. BC is the single largest exporter of coal in all of North America. The volume of exported coal is so huge it will ultimately produce an estimated 99.8 million tonnes of CO2. That’s 150% more than BC’s entire annual carbon footprint.
(Yes- B.C. is long been the Left Coast but now it is also THE HYPOCRITE COAST - offering up a hodgepodge of virtue signalling double standards and typical LIE-beral style “Do as I say - not as I do” philosophy! And 99.8 million tonnes of C02 produced by B.C. coal exports equals just about one seventh of the ENTIRE Cdn yearly green house gas emissions!)
(And the TRUE B.C. IRONY is their continued support for Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals and the LIE-beral campaign to drive the price of oil up so high that we cannot afford to use it - while at the same time B.C. CRIES PITEOUSLY about the $1.70 per litre price of gas! Such hypocrisy DESERVES our scorn!)
typical unthinking easterner. BC is the only province west of Quebec that has an ocean to dump sewage into.. and most of that is from Victoria. Home of the oil splitters and basic anti non governmental jobs.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
typical unthinking easterner. BC is the only province west of Quebec that has an ocean to dump sewage into.. and most of that is from Victoria. Home of the oil splitters and basic anti non governmental jobs.

TYPICAL WESTERN LIAR trying to insult the east because the west is EMBARRASSED at being exposed over the

HONEST CHARGES leveled against the SH+T dumping west onto their PISS-STAINED COAST!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
TYPICAL WESTERN LIAR trying to insult the east because the west is EMBARRASSED at being exposed over the

HONEST CHARGES leveled against the SH+T dumping west onto their PISS-STAINED COAST!
Go talk to your Liberal buddies in Montreal about sewage .