Ezra Levant ordered to pay $80,000; judge cites ‘reckless disregard for the truth’

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
Most of the time, he doesn't lie, he just shines a different light on the facts.

Actually his favorite tactic is to cherry-pick some minor quote or talking point on an issue and twist it and blow it entirely out of proportion with supposition and sensationalism. His behavior is anything but ethical and he needs to be slapped down on a regular basis. He is preying on the emotions of the working class of Alberta in order to stir the pot of discontent and keep his pudgy little baby face on the front page. All politics aside, it's people like this who are the problem with much of what is happening today. Hiding behind a mask of self-appointed advocate for the working joe while doing all he can to line his own pockets. Not surprising at all that he is pleading to his followers to "contribute" towards the cost of him shooting his big mouth off.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Actually his favorite tactic is to cherry-pick some minor quote or talking point on an issue and twist it and blow it entirely out of proportion with supposition and sensationalism. His behavior is anything but ethical and he needs to be slapped down on a regular basis. He is preying on the emotions of the working class of Alberta in order to stir the pot of discontent and keep his pudgy little baby face on the front page. All politics aside, it's people like this who are the problem with much of what is happening today. Hiding behind a mask of self-appointed advocate for the working joe while doing all he can to line his own pockets. Not surprising at all that he is pleading to his followers to "contribute" towards the cost of him shooting his big mouth off.

Actually, it is business as usual when the left wing church of hate behaves that way. I think you mostly disagree with the message rather than the messenger's tactics.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Actually his favorite tactic is to cherry-pick some minor quote or talking point on an issue and twist it and blow it entirely out of proportion with supposition and sensationalism. His behavior is anything but ethical and he needs to be slapped down on a regular basis. He is preying on the emotions of the working class of Alberta in order to stir the pot of discontent and keep his pudgy little baby face on the front page. All politics aside, it's people like this who are the problem with much of what is happening today. Hiding behind a mask of self-appointed advocate for the working joe while doing all he can to line his own pockets. Not surprising at all that he is pleading to his followers to "contribute" towards the cost of him shooting his big mouth off.

Sounds like the job description for huffpost and tyee news.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
Actually, it is business as usual when the left wing church of hate behaves that way. I think you mostly disagree with the message rather than the messenger's tactics.

Not at all. It's not the politics, it's the morality. I agree there are people of low ethical quality on both sides of the fence, I hold them both in equal contempt as in any issue it's not the political stripe that matters to me as much as the principles in play. Right and Left both have some good ideas to bring to the table, and both have some bad ones too, but Ezra Levant is a special case. The only people who like him are those that hold extreme right wing politics in higher importance than truth and accuracy in media reporting. People ruled by emotion over reason.
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House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Not at all. It's not the politics, it's the morality. I agree there are people of low ethical quality on both sides of the fence, I hold them both in equal contempt as in any issue it's not the political stripe that matters to me as much as the principles in play. Right and Left both have some good ideas to bring to the table, and both have some bad ones too, but Ezra Levant is a special case. The only people who like him are those that hold extreme right wing politics in higher importance than truth and accuracy in media reporting. People ruled by emotion over reason.

Please don't polarize this topic. I like Ezra, yet I actually support some of Justin Trudeau's actions, so I hardly consider myself loyal to extreme right wing politics.

Also, here's something to consider, not everyone is like you, I think truth and accuracy of the media is easier to spot when you understand that there is no truth and accuracy in media. Everyone has some sort of bias, it is easier to spot when from guys like Ezra.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
I like Ezra...

Why is that ? You seem to be in agreement that his journalistic ethics are questionable at best, is it entertainment value that draws you to him ?

Also, here's something to consider, not everyone is like you, I think truth and accuracy of the media is easier to spot when you understand that there is no truth and accuracy in media. Everyone has some sort of bias, it is easier to spot when from guys like Ezra.

Oh I agree, but isn't accepting that truth and accuracy are no longer tenets of modern day media a form of defeat for what is morally right ? If we are to deal with any problem, doesn't it make sense to start where the problem is greatest ? Ezra is an easy target, making an example of him sends a message to others like him. And by "like him" I'm not talking about right wingers, I'm talking about liars and those who manipulate the truth to their own selfish ends.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Why is that ? You seem to be in agreement that his journalistic ethics are questionable at best, is it entertainment value that draws you to him ?

Oh I agree, but isn't accepting that truth and accuracy are no longer tenets of modern day media a form of defeat for what is morally right ? If we are to deal with any problem, doesn't it make sense to start where the problem is greatest ? Ezra is an easy target, making an example of him sends a message to others like him. And by "like him" I'm not talking about right wingers, I'm talking about liars and those who manipulate the truth to their own selfish ends.
Like our vaunted mothercorp and Peter Mansbridge , nope never any distortion of the truth there .

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
Like our vaunted mothercorp and Peter Mansbridge , nope never any distortion of the truth there .

Well that's step one to be sure, to be aware of any political leanings of the source you are viewing and how that is going to affect their delivery of 'the news". I agree that there is a Liberal slant to CBC's reporting, but if you are aware of that from the onset you can at least get half the story. I accept this bias in the CBC because I know that underneath it all they are not liars or malicious in their coverage.

It's evident these days that multiple sources are a must when trying to get a clear picture of any situation (do you read the Globe and Mail or the National Post ? Or both ?) but it's also a smart move to dispense out of hand any source that completely disregards any allegiance to truth and accuracty at all. Ezra Levant is one of those sources, and should not be given any heed at all unless you're just going there for a laugh.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Why is that ? You seem to be in agreement that his journalistic ethics are questionable at best, is it entertainment value that draws you to him ?

Mostly, I'm saying the left wing church of hate should not be throwing rocks when they live in a glass house.
You seem to have a hard on for Ezra's journalistic ethics, when you know he is not alone.

Oh I agree, but isn't accepting that truth and accuracy are no longer tenets of modern day media a form of defeat for what is morally right ? If we are to deal with any problem, doesn't it make sense to start where the problem is greatest ? Ezra is an easy target, making an example of him sends a message to others like him. And by "like him" I'm not talking about right wingers, I'm talking about liars and those who manipulate the truth to their own selfish ends.

Nick, truth and accuracy have never been tenets of modern day media. If you want my opinion, you don't have an issue with Ezra's truth and accuracy, instead you have an issue with the editorial aspect of his work.

Nick, you need to realize that if you want freedom of editorial opinion, then others must have that freedom as well. Sadly,, others having freedom of editorial opinion seems to really offends you, so my advice is to suck it up buttercup, and be grateful that you live in this country.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
You seem to have a hard on for Ezra's journalistic ethics, when you know he is not alone.

Of course he's not alone, I believe I have stated that a few times already. But he is a prolific offender and and he is in the news right now.

Nick, truth and accuracy have never been tenets of modern day media. If you want my opinion, you don't have an issue with Ezra's truth and accuracy, instead you have an issue with the editorial aspect of his work.
Not so, I have issue with his editorial technique.

Nick, you need to realize that if you want freedom of editorial opinion, then others must have that freedom as well. Sadly,, others having freedom of editorial opinion seems to really offends you, so my advice is to suck it up buttercup, and be grateful that you live in this country.
Does freedom of editorial opinion include a right to spread non-truth ? That's my beef. Everybody has a right to an opinion but if you use cheap and illegal tactics in expressing that opinion (read "lies" here) then it's the highest degree of hypocrisy to claim "freedom of speech" to support yourself. It offends me that the man is a charlatan, masquerading as a journalist and preying on the emotions of others to foment anger and discontent. Read him if you want, but in my opinion it would be a mistake to take him at his word.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Well that's step one to be sure, to be aware of any political leanings of the source you are viewing and how that is going to affect their delivery of 'the news". I agree that there is a Liberal slant to CBC's reporting, but if you are aware of that from the onset you can at least get half the story. I accept this bias in the CBC because I know that underneath it all they are not liars or malicious in their coverage.

It's evident these days that multiple sources are a must when trying to get a clear picture of any situation (do you read the Globe and Mail or the National Post ? Or both ?) but it's also a smart move to dispense out of hand any source that completely disregards any allegiance to truth and accuracty at all. Ezra Levant is one of those sources, and should not be given any heed at all unless you're just going there for a laugh.
Because he slants the news with a conservative bent ? That is the only difference to my eyes and ears .

Of course he's not alone, I believe I have stated that a few times already. But he is a prolific offender and and he is in the news right now.

Not so, I have issue with his editorial technique.

Does freedom of editorial opinion include a right to spread non-truth ? That's my beef. Everybody has a right to an opinion but if you use cheap and illegal tactics in expressing that opinion (read "lies" here) then it's the highest degree of hypocrisy to claim "freedom of speech" to support yourself. It offends me that the man is a charlatan, masquerading as a journalist and preying on the emotions of others to foment anger and discontent. Read him if you want, but in my opinion it would be a mistake to take him at his word.
Yet you will take Peter Mansbridge at his word or at least you suggest that his opinion is more valid then Ezra Levant .

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
Because he slants the news with a conservative bent ? That is the only difference to my eyes and ears .

No, because he lies. If he was slanting "the news" with a liberal bias and doing so with lies then he would be worthy of my contempt even so.

Yet you will take Peter Mansbridge at his word or at least you suggest that his opinion is more valid then Ezra Levant .
Peter Mansbridge didn't lose a court challenge for lying, so yes, his opinion is more valid in my eyes.

As any credible journalist what they think about Ezra Levant. Right or left, I'll bet you lunch that they will all say he's a POS who gives independent journalism a bad name.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
Yes, I've seen that article, and yes, it was a poorly thought out move by the Alberta NDP. I followed the original story that sparked the furor, when Sheila Gunn Reid was denied access to a media scrum because she didn't have any journalistic credentials.

Have I been hinting at "banning" Ezra's journalism ? I suppose that would be a solution but again it would be one that played right into the hands of a blowhard spin doctor like Levant. I think that as time goes on more and more people will come to their own conclusion that the man has no ethics and place him in the particular category as far as reliable news sources go.

Just as the article states that the move by the Alberta NDP to ban Gunn Reid from the media event was the best thing ever for The Rebel, It is just an extension of how the NDP winning the election has been a boon to them as well. I take a step back and ask if the Alberta NDP are truly deserving of the roasting that they are getting at the hands of Levant et al ? I don't think that question occurs to Ezra in the least, I think he's just happy to have been able to widen his targeting range beyond environmentalists.

No matter what his target-of-the-week is, he isn't really anything more than a whiner. He offers zip in the way of constructive thinking or progressive ideas, his whole raison d'etre is to points fingers and lay blame. I think he must have gotten beat up a lot in high school.