Does Maxime Bernier's PPC stand a chance?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
How this waste of flesh treated Greta Thunberg shows exactly why he's not fit to lead anything, let alone be a 'public servant'.
Disagree with Climate Change all you want, but to be verbally abusive/bully a sixteen year old girl who has done what she can to follow her beliefs than he ever will shows the low level this garbage person will go to for anything, even talking points.
Having big hates for idealistic teenagers should be a major "Sociopath" red flag.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Why? Not her fault she is being used as a pawn in the church of climatology

Oh please.

A kid is concerned for her future, does what she can to try and promote a "I would not like a ****ed up world please" and so that makes her a 'pawn'.

But if she was out protesting and towing the 'climate change isn't real' line, that'd be fine to you?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
New Brunswick

New Brunswick enacted its first Official Languages Act, making the province Canada's first, and only, officially bilingual province.

That's what it says.

In reality, NB is NOT Bilingual.

If we were Bilingual, again, we wouldn't need TWO distinct ways to run things, rather it'd be all one, BILINGUAL, state.

Yet we have two health authorities.

We have two school systems (and French kids not allowed on the bus with English at one point recently).

You have to pay for translations to be done which if this province was Bilingual, you would think it'd be automatic and no charge needed (and the rate is atrocious).

There is a HUGE push for French in every part of the province, and yet the province is not meeting obligations to help those who have little to no French reach the level needed, or willingness to help anyone who wants to advance their French actually do so reasonably. Shortages in a lot of places because of the push for bilingualism, which really wasn't a thing until the last, say... ten years or so. Since the previous Language Commissioner decided to make it her personal vendetta to IMO find any insult she could to push a French agenda.

Our Paramedics are short on manpower, hugely, because many of them are not Bilingual but predominantly English. So instead of dealing with the lapse, they are getting out of province paramedics to come in to work, putting our own guys out of work. Or working them into exhaustion because there's no one to cover shifts.

NB has tried for years to be Bilingual. Honestly it just will not happen no matter how much the government wants it to be. There will always be the French North, the English South and the middle ground shore from Cape Tormentine to Miramichi where it's Acandian mixed with localized French dialects. And the more the government pushes for total Bilingualism, the more parts of NB South, at least, will rebel against it.

It's pretty bad when even in my area, French locals think this forced bilingualism is stupid and don't think NB is bilingual at all.