David Suzuki's Rock bus Eco - Tour -Mr .Kyoto himself


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Exactly. Forget the political crap in the Kyoto batch of a$$wipe and just develop something of our own. That twit Gordon Campbull & Co. did, I'm sure the rest of Canada could.

It doesn't matter if Canada cleans up her act if five other, larger, countries do not. This problem requires that the whole world work together to stop global warming. Kyoto needed some work but it is a start.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Nuts. Leading by example is a lot easier than any other way of leading unless one has the amount of force available. I doubt even the US has to force available to tell the rest of the planet to smarten up green wise. If you come over here and tell me my kitchen has a dirty floor when yours has dirty dishes in it, you'll get the Turdeau salute.
Everone is so interested in telling everone else how to live their lives, they ignore what's wrong with themselves. It's friggin stupid.
Um, larger countries than Canada? There is only 1, BTW.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Here is an older post that explains The Nature of Crap coming from the Suzuki office!

The nature of crap- Why David Suzuki is a numbskull! Recently Suzuki complained that Justin Trudope has been prime minister for nearly a year and has NOT DONE ANYTHING about the environment. Suzuki exposes his political ignorance with that statement . LIE-beral policy has NEVER really been about the environment; rather they are concentrated on using environmental EXCUSES to tax us to death so they can continue to BUY civil service working family VOTES.

The Kyoto Accord-so beloved of LIE-berals was nothing more than a massive foreign aid program that would have shifted industrial jobs-and resulting pollution to countries run by third world despots --READ FRIENDS of our LIE-beral party and our socialist prime minister Justin Trudope! The formula was simple: WE PAY in cash for `carbon credits` AND most of us lose our jobs under Kyoto-so we then become dependent on LIE-beral handouts-LIE-berals will have us groveling at their feet begging like dogs-which is where LIE-berals THINK we belong!

LIE-berals pointed to Russia as an example of how much the air could be cleaned after the Soviet Union collapsed and a whole mass if grossly inefficient industries were closed down. LIE-berals do NOT want to talk about the job losses and economic collapse and the rise of hugely dangerous organizxed crime gangs that came with the end of the Soviet era-Kyoto was and is a HUGE LIE-beral Fraud!
LIE-berals now claim they have improved the air in OntraI-owe-as if forcing industries out of the province and destroying jobs with high taxes was a virtue! LIE-berals get a SMALL point for switching us from coal generation to natural gas electrical generation-but then we must start taking AWAY points for the following:

Natural gas is cleaner than coal-sort of-depending on WHERE you get it-injecting hundreds of thousands of gallons of sulphuric acid and other dangerous compounds into ground water all over North America for natural gas `fracking` will come back to bite us! Anybody who thinks their tap water tastes funny now has only to wait a few years for a truly unique taste sensation!

Then add in the cost to pipe gas to where it`s is needed-and and ask why is an oil pipe is so much more dangerous than a gas pipe The major problem with oil pipes is SLOPPY maintenance-the owners-don't care if some gets spilled-but govt could MAKE them care with increased fines. Then the plume of pollution from steel and concrete production needed for solar and wind power installations should be added to the cost of natural gas as the gas plants MUST be kept fired up and KEPT at full power-ready to take over at a moment's notice if wind and solar power fail as they so often do. LIE-berals have set solar and wind power as priority-ahead of all other electrical sources- without considering reliability. It might have been cheaper-and easier on the environment to simply add more sophisticated air scrubbers to coal fired plants-air scrubbers are good enough to allow nuclear subs to spends MONTHS underwater but we won't ever know if those fancy air scrubbers could work on coal plants as LIE-berals are more interested in propaganda and gravy and buying votes. Economic and environmental logic is a long way behind LIE-beral concerns over jobs and environment!

The quickest and easiest way to clear the air is to cut back on govt spending-too many govt Hogs flying about the world at our costs. In the 9 months AFTER the World Trade Centre attack-during which time 25 percent of the world's airline fleet was grounded-scientists reported a MEASURABLE IMPROVEMENT to world air quality!

And why not shout out this news-as reported in Cdn Geographic magazine and in assorted Toronto news papers? Add up ALL the pollution produced by `transport`-that means the movements of goods and people and services-whether by train or truck or ship or car all over the world and airplanes produce 75-85 percent of the total!

The people with the most money have the biggest carbon foot print and that means civil service Hogs. So, cut back on their GROSS pension plans-which we cannot pay anyway and they will respond by doing like ordinary people: they will buy smaller cars, drive less often, buy smaller and easier to heat houses and most importantly they will curtail their grossly DIRTY flying habit!

Why not simply balance our govt books and admit we cannot pay the Hogs what they THINK they deserve? By doing this we will also clear the air and save the environment as well as aiding our grossly taxed economy?

David Suzuki ought to know all this but it's the nature of his political crap not to understand such a simple and easy answer! And we KNOW LIE-berals will pretend not to understand because such a scheme would cost them votes --and we ALL KNOW that LIE-beral votes and power are WAY MORE IMPORTANT than the environment or your job!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

who else but a white nationalist climate change denier high school drop out blogger to take on one of Canada's most respected scientists?

Poor Hoid- his world has moved on and no longer has room for his prized electric Toy vehicles!

Yes- the world has moved on and no longer has room for the socialist crap that LIE-berals are spouting about their carbon crap and trade tax that only cleans cash from wallets and leaves the dirt in the air!

Hoid`s world has changed and no longer has time for hypocrite LIE-berals and as proof we have David Suzuki whining about Our idiot Boy Justin and his total failure to do anything meaningful about our environment!

And isnt it odd that Suzuki has gone silent- probably in shock and awe- as Our idiot Boy Justin tells the world that the Kinder Morgan pipeline- so despised by Suzuki- is suddenly a Cdn national priority!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Shiela Reid is not a scientist, she is a journalist but you did nail Suzuki to a Tee.

Here is a post that puts the lie to everything LIE-berals tell us about green energy and to LIE-beral environmental policy:

In 2009, economists at Spain`s Juan Carlos University concluded that Spain-a global leader in green energy- LOST 2.2 jobs for every single `green` job that was created. Only TEN PERCENT of green jobs proved to be permanent.

Each green job Spain created cost 571,138 Euros or $770,781 Cdn! Every wind industry job cost over one million Euros- or $1,349,544 Cdn.

In 2010 economists at Italy`s Bruno Leoni Institute found that the amount of capital needed to create one green sector job was capable of creating 5- 6 jobs in the regular economy.

In 2011 in Britain, Verso Economics concluded that for every single renewable energy job created in Britain- there were 3.7 other jobs lost.

Our own Fraser Institute has also spoken and their researchers suggest that LIE-beral green job creation numbers “are vacuous”! The Fraser Group went on to say that “counting new jobs created is meaningless unless the jobs being destroyed are also counted”.

LIE-berals have totally failed to be honest with us about numbers of jobs lost due to their very badly set up green energy program with its costly pay outs to owners of wind and solar farms- who just happen to be friends of LIE-beral party. LIE-berals have committed us to buy any and all green energy produced regardless of our real needs and in addition we are paying an extremely high kilowatt per hour price for this mouldy green energy.

Even worse- we cannot shut off the green production even when we have an excess of electricity which means that at various times of the year we end up with way more electricity than we can use and must sell it off to other provinces and Yankee states at a very substantial LOSS.

To make matters worse, Ontari-owe green energy is so unreliable that we must keep natural gas fired generators boiling at full heat- ready to produce the steam needed to spin turbines- yet producing NO POWER-they just sit- burning fuel and waiting for the sun to go behind a cloud or that gust of wind to fade- and thus producing drastic reductions in green energy production.

Our economy AND environment would be better off if we SCRAPPED the green energy-with its attendant massive plumes of carbon from concrete for wind tower foundations, its need for miles of aluminum wiring plus attendant corrosive fumes from smelting that aluminum to connect to the main grid, the heaps of carbon rich steel for towers and such, plus all the exotic and toxic chemicals for carbon turbine blades and etc- and instead we just went ahead and used the natural gas fired plants that are ALREADY UP AND RUNNING- with the BONUS that the gas plants produce electricity at about one eighth the cost of solar and wind power- with NO INCREASE in carbon output!

LIE-berals certainly will not consider numbers of jobs with frozen wages or reduced hours as bosses cut back on labour costs in order to free up money for the gross electricity bills LIE-berals are throwing at them. LIE-berals ignore the consequences of their own costly bribes offered to any company that will set up in Ontari-owe-with the bribes coming in the form of REDUCTIONS IN ELECTRICITY RATES for a period of years and also LIE-berals offer reduced tax rates and assorted grants as well-all this done as LIE-berals ignore the reality that their mad spending schemes and desperate efforts to cling to power by purchasing civil service Hog support is killing the provincial economy by burying it in debt!

LIE-berals are taxing established Ontari-owe companies to death in a vain effort to attract real jobs here and instead LIE-berals are getting stuck with fly by night and quick buck artists!

One has only to look at the Oshawa Call Centre that disappeared one weekend-leaving 500 people with 2 weeks pay owing and no doubt leaving assorted other bills for phones, heat, light, rent etc owing as well-bills that LIE-berals will not want to discuss. And the `Oshawa` Call Centre re-opened in Atlanta Georgia with a GOVT GRANT! Who needs `business` like this? But LIE-berals don’t care-they simply wanted to trumpet the creation of new jobs at a photo op!

Or we can consider the furor that erupted at Queens Park and in the news media a year back when it was discovered that LIE-berals had quietly RE-NEGOTIATED their green energy garbage deals with companies such as Samsung-companies that have FAILED to fulfill their obligations under the mouldy green deal! They have not hired as many people as expected-shades of Spain and Britain perhaps? And have not invested as much money as promised- yet LIE-berals deliberately IGNORED the clauses that would have let them opt out of the bad deals and went ahead and dug us in even deeper! Just how much of our money are LIE-berals willing to WASTE in order to avoid admitting they screwed up the energy file?

The worst of it is that LIE-beral environmental policy is modeled on the disgraced European model that is loaded with fraud and criminal activity such as producing forged carbon credits and false documents, stock market swindles revolving around sales of carbon credits, and outright lies about carbon production such as that revealed by Volkswagen when it was found that their cars responded to drive clean test equipment by altering engine performance- to avoid a FAILING GRADE! Even worse, it has been recently revealed that one third of all diesel engines emit way more carbon in real world conditions than they do in the laboratory-in other words those Environmental Protection Agency and `Drive Clean` tests are pretty much USELESS!

And if these European carbon reduction measure were actually working would we not see some sign of cleaner air? LIE-berals tell us that Ontari-owe air IS cleaner-but we must point out that destroying local industries and killing jobs and driving industries to move their production to other jurisdictions is NOT cleaning anything- it is just moving the dirt around!

The Euro Zone population has over 500 million people- all of them involved in the disgraced Carbon crap and trade model beloved of Cdn LIE-berals- with Europeans not using as much fossil fuel as we North Americans- but they ARE in the second level of consumption directly below us and should there not be SOME improvement in world air quality when such a massive bloc of people alter their fossil fuel consumption? As things are getting steadily WORSE we can safely conclude that the Carbon crap and trade model used by various greedy LIE-beral style govts is NOT WORKING! Carbon crap and trade is designed ONLY to clean wallets- NOT THE AIR!

LIE-beral environmental policy is a TOTAL FAILURE!

The quickest and easiest way to save the environment is to restrict the use of our most fuel hungry machines! LIE-berals know that air planes are the dirtiest way to move passengers or goods of any sort- yet LIE-berals are tinkering with the idea of building a new air port in Pickering! Would we not be better off to take that air port money and put it into Toronto subway system which will deliver a real solid improvement to air quality for the next hundred years as people switch from cars to public transit? After all- it is easy to get people to use transit IF it offers a real and PRACTICAL alternative to car travel!

But sadly, LIE-berals are dedicated to helping civil service PIGS FLY. But there will come a day when air travellers are regarded in the same way as smokers puffing their crap in your face!

There is only one way to save the environment and that is by cutting out things we really can do without! That means dumping air planes and using trains and busses instead! And the quickest way to get Hogs off planes is to cut back on their gravy! We cannot pay them what they think they deserve! In truth we cannot even provide them with the gravy that LIE-berals have already promised them in exchange for their votes- and its to damned bad for us that LIE-berals and Hogs are engaged in a gross conflict of interest that ought to be illegal! Why should Hogs get to vote for the govt that is bankrupting us by giving Hogs those wonderful pensions that are so rich we ordinary peons are not permitted by LIE-beral law to have such rich gravy! LIE-beral policy towards civil service Hogs is bribery of the most egregious sort and this pursuit of gravy is killing both our economy and our environment!


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Suzuki is a media hound that tried to claim fame by arguing publicly with Philip Rushton...but couldn't manage one piece of solid scientific proof to bolster his claim. It's media manipulation ..."OH just see how the environmentalist says one thing then turns around and does something else..."

Now while Canadians are all energized on dissing on Suzuki...we are all expected to ignore the flatulent impact of the Harper Comedy Hour...greenhouse gas the quantity and nature of which has never been seen on this planet before....
Rubbish. Carbon dioxide levels have been higher in the Jurassic which was warmer than today and also during the last Ice Age.

But by all means don't let facts disturb your ignorance.

Dated but still very relevant.

Climategate Posted: November 23, 2009, 8:40 PM


climate change, University of East Anglia


What the climate scientists wrote and when they wrote it


On Friday, news broke that a hacker had broken in to the computer systems used by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia in Britain, obtaining more than 1,000 e-mails and 3,000 documents. The material, which covers a period of more than a decade, has led many to conclude that climate scientists associated with the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and various government agencies have been cooking the books to make the case for man-made global warming. Climate researchers deny any wrongdoing, explaining that the e-mails are innocent and have been taken out of context. The University, while confirming the hacking, cannot confirm the authenticity of all the stolen documents. Here is a sampling of some of the exchanges.


•From Phil Jones, head of the Climatic Research Unit at East Anglia University, to Ray Bradley, Michael Mann, and Malcolm Hughes, three U.S. scientists who have produced the controversial “hockey-stick graphs” that purport to show rapidly increasing temperatures in recent decades. Nov, 16, 1999.


“I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e. from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”


Translation:- I've copied Mike Mann's method of lying.


•From Kevin Trenberth, a lead author with the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to Michael Mann, on Oct 12. 2009. The email, titled “BBC U-turn on climate,” laments a BBC article that reversed its long-held position on man-made global warming.


“The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. ... Our observing system is inadequate.”*


But they keep telling the outside world that their is a consensus and that the 'science is in'. -that's lying.*




•From: Edward Cook, June 4, 2003


“I got a paper to review (submitted to the Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Sciences), written by a Korean guy and someone from Berkeley, that claims that the method of reconstruction that we use in dendroclimatology (reverse regression) is wrong, biased, lousy, horrible, etc. ... If published as is, this paper could really do some damage … It won’t be easy to dismiss out of hand as the math appears to be correct theoretically (...) I am really sorry but I have to nag about that review — Confidentially I now need a hard and if required extensive case for rejecting.”


Lets create something -invent data? -that's lying.


•From: Tom Wigley, Sep 27, 2009


“So, if we could reduce the ocean blip by, say, 0.15 C, then this would be significant for the global mean — but we’d still have to explain the land blip. I’ve chosen 0.15 here deliberately. This still leaves an ocean blip, and i think one needs to have some form of ocean blip to explain the land blip (via either some common forcing, or ocean forcing land, or vice versa, or all of these).”


Trying to change reality and invent data -that's lying.


•From: Phil Jones, Feb 2, 2005


“The two MMs [Canadian skeptics Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick] have been after the CRU station data for years. If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I’ll delete the file rather than send to anyone.”


•From: Phil Jones, May 29, 2008


“Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4? Keith will do likewise. He’s not in at the moment – minor family crisis. Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same? I don’t have his new email address. We will be getting Caspar to do likewise.”


This is not lying I admit. * It smells of something equally bad or even worse. *LOL.


•From: Keith Briffa, Sep 22, 1999


“I know there is pressure to present a nice tidy story as regards ‘apparent unprecedented warming in a thousand years or more in the proxy data’ but in reality the situation is not quite so simple. We don’t have a lot of proxies that come right up to date and those that do (at least a significant number of tree proxies ) some unexpected changes in response that do not match the recent warming.”


"But we won't tell anyone that". -that's lying.


•From: Michael E. Mann, Mar 11, 2003


“I think we have to stop considering Climate Research as a legitimate peer-reviewed journal. Perhaps we should encourage our colleagues in the climate research community to no longer submit to, or cite papers in, this journal. We would also need to consider what we tell or request of our more reasonable colleagues who currently sit on the editorial board.”


That isn't lying. It is thuggery and an attempt to squelch freedom of information.


•From: Tom Wigley, Apr24, 2003


“Mike’s idea to get editorial board members to resign will probably not work — must get rid of von Storch too, otherwise holes will eventually fill up with people like Legates, Balling, Lindzen, Michaels, Singer, etc.”


!!!!!!!!!!!!!! again!!!!!!!!!!!


•From: Phil Jones, July 5, 2005


“If anything, I would like to see the climate change happen, so the science could be proved right, regardless of the consequences. This isn’t being political, it is being selfish.”


At least he is finally honest. He is admitting that reality isn't what they have been saying it is -hmm, that's lying!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *_________

Sent from my 1857 Babbage Difference Engine


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Muddy gened.

Here is an article illustrating what a useless virtue signalling NAIF Our idiot Boy Justin Trudeau is. With some comments of my own in brackets):

David Suzuki is right about Trudeau

By Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun. First posted: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 06:28 PM EDT | Updated: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 06:38 PM EDT

In a recent Huffington Post column, David Suzuki said while Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been meeting with the United Nations, the premiers and the leaders of the U.S. and Mexico to talk about climate change, he’s done nothing.

He’s right. As Canada’s most famous environmentalist put it:

“So, how much better is Canada’s climate target than before the Liberals swept to power? Astonishingly, not one bit. Despite all the activity that has taken place, Canada is ignoring its greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal.

(The ugly reality is that LIE-berals and their less cunning NDP cousins are focused on using carbon crap and trade taxes to BUY civil service union Hog votes- with that flow of gravy enabling Hogs to maintain or even expand their carbon foot print! The carbon tax is about LIE-berals clinging to power at any price - any influence on the environment is pure coincidence!)

“The (UN) Paris Agreement doesn’t include individual national promises. Those have been made and tabled with the UN climate secretariat. Canada’s target was tabled in May, 2015 by former environment minister Leona Aglukkaq. It’s the weakest in the G7. Of course, the previous government made few plans and took no steps to hit its mark. But the Harper government’s goal of reducing emissions 30% below 2005 levels by 2030 is still Canada’s target. So while the premiers are building a plan, they’re building it to hit the old, weak target.”

Two points here.

First, it was the previous Liberal government under Jean Chretien and Paul Martin that set impossible-to-achieve emission reduction targets for Canada under the now-defunct Kyoto accord, did nothing to achieve them, and then handed off the whole mess to Stephen Harper in 2006, who would have had to bankrupt the country to reach them.

(LIE-berals dismiss all this type of “he said and they said” stuff as irrelevant- all that matters to them is what crap they are feeding us right now! LIE-berals know very well that our society could quit using fossil fuel tomorrow just as easily as your great grand parents could give up using horses on their farm in 1890!)

(LIE-berals deliberately IGNORE the one area where we COULD EASILY cut back on fossil fuel use- and that is air travel! All we have to do is cut back on the vast flows of govt gravy LIE-berals are feeding to Hogs and they will cut back on fossil fuel use! The best part of cutting back on Hog gravy is it will save our economy by limiting the HUGE DEBTS LIE-berals are running up as they buy those costly Hog votes! Right now- one employed Cdn in three works for govt which means a great mass of Cdns who do not care what govt does with our money- just so long as THEY get their GRAVY! Cut back on gravy and Hogs get VERY SERIOUS about pinching pennies- for the benefit of us ALL!)

Second, while Trudeau and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna will introduce Canada’s climate change strategy -- including a national carbon price -- this fall, the provinces aren’t even meeting what Suzuki describes as the weak Harper/Trudeau target.

(And our irony challenged LIE-berals are SILENT about the fact that our environment minister “Climate Barbie” McKenna flies in gas guzzling air planes more than any other LIE-beral minister! And the TRUE IRONY is that Climate Barbie lives in and represents the riding in which our Parliament buildings stand! Her office and home and Parliament are literally steps from each other and yet she has billed us for over 23,000 km mileage put on her car for govt work in one year - in addition to all that air travel!)

Both B.C. Premier Christy Clark, whose province already has a carbon tax, and Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, who will introduce cap-and-trade (a carbon tax by another name) next year, have warned the feds there’s no point in setting steeper targets when they aren’t meeting the existing ones.

(Oh but LIE-berals HAVE to impose their carbon crap since they so loudly scorned Stephen Harper for setting allegedly “weak” carbon reduction goals! And those irony challenged LIE-berals are now virtue signalling by setting- and MISSING- the very same carbon goals as Harper!)

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall opposes a national carbon tax, saying he will challenge it in court if the feds act unilaterally.

Other premiers have expressed reservations about a national carbon tax infringing on their right to develop their own climate change policies.

Small wonder.

B.C.’s revenue neutral carbon tax, $30 per tonne of industrial carbon dioxide emissions, is currently the highest in Canada, but the B.C. government itself says it’s only going to reduce emissions by an estimated three megatonnes by 2020.

(In other words the massive B.C. carbon tax grab that was supposed to save the planet is having minimal effect- with the latest news out of B.C. telling us that the number of cars on the road there is growing FASTER than the human population! The UGLY REALITY is that LIE-berals LIE about carbon tax effects as often as they LIE about the true number of illegals coming to Canada and about the true cost to deal with them! Politicians traditionally exaggerate but LIE-berals have now moved to a propaganda mode that is utterly divorced from reason and logic!)

By comparison, Canada has to reduce emissions by about 200 megatonnes by 2030 to meet the Harper/Trudeau goal.

Which brings us to the real question, which is whether Trudeau is serious about reducing emissions.

(No elected govt could survive if it simply tax bombed all motor vehicles and taxed them off the road WITHOUT FIRST making MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS to our public transit system which happens to be already worn out and over loaded! LIE-berals would be lynched if they tried to double the number of transit passengers in a year- WITHOUT FIRST making MAJOR improvements- and we KNOW that wont happen! One has only to look at City of Toronto which cannot decide if it wants LRT`s or subways- WITHOUT having the money to buy either! Toronto is so broke it is struggling to maintain its existing infrastructure!)

If he is, then Canada needs a revenue neutral, national carbon price in the $100 to $200 per tonne range, starting immediately, with all the money raised by government returned to the public in income tax cuts or grants.

(Our idiot Boy Justin has told so many whoppers and is so desperate to cling to power that he has stopped thinking all together! If he was thinking logically he would have followed through on his statement that Kinder Morgan is a nationally important piece of infrastructure and he would have saved us that $4.7 billion dollars that he spent on Kinder Morgan thus far- and he would simply have cleared to protestors out of the way and let Kinder Morgan build the pipeline as they wished! Or- if Our idiot Boy were a less desperately muddled hypocrite, he would have stood by his earlier statement about wanting to close down the Cdn oil patch entirely and pushed through his carbon crap and trade to make oil so costly we stop using it- as he told us he wanted to during the 2015 election!)

(As it is Our idiot Boy has talked himself into being like a Mastodon mired in a tar pit- and unable to escape! Yes- the Alberta tar sands- the place where LIE-beral politicians and their messed up policies go to DIE!)

This would help people cope with the higher cost of living carbon pricing imposes, and create a real-world demand for lower emissions, and thus lower priced goods and services.

(But revenue neutral carbon taxes DO NOT give LIE-berals the gravy THEY so desperately NEED to survive!)

It would do so without having to subsidize giant corporations with billions of public dollars, which every carbon pricing scheme being considered in Canada does.

(The ugly reality is that ALL LARGE businesses get subsidies of one sort or another- it is simply the legacy of 100 years of vote buying and job purchasing! It is something that all govts do in all countries and we could no more dispense with the “subsidies” than we could stop breathing for a week! LIE-beral and Hog efforts to tell us otherwise are simply greedy SCAMS designed to secure more gravy for HOGS!)

If Trudeau is serious, that’s what he’ll announce -- called carbon fee and dividend -- this fall.

Anything else will be a government cash grab that won’t lower emissions.

Suzuki's right. It’s time for Trudeau to put up or shut up on climate change.

(Our idiot Boy will never put up- his ego is too big and he will never shut up either! Though we CAN dial down his volume by throwing the idiot Boy and his LIE-beral pals out of office in 2019!)

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006

who else but a white nationalist climate change denier high school drop out blogger to take on one of Canada's most respected scientists?

David Suzuki respected??? Surely you jest. LOLOLOLOLOLOL That's a good one! It goes to show that you respect hypocrisy to the extreme apparently.

OMH my tummy hurts! You are truly funny hoid if slightly misinformed.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017

Honorary degrees
Suzuki has received numerous honorary degrees from over two dozen universities around the world.[53] These include:

Location Date School Degree
Prince Edward Island 1974 University of Prince Edward Island Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [54]
Ontario June 1979 University of Windsor Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [55]
Nova Scotia 1979 Acadia University Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [56]
Ontario Fall 1981 Trent University Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[57]
Alberta 1986 University of Calgary Doctor of Laws (LL.D)
Illinois 1986 Governors State University Doctor of Humane Letters (DHL) [58]
Ontario 1986 Lakehead University Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [59]
Ontario June 1987 McMaster University Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [60]
Ontario 1987 Queen's University Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [61]
Ontario 1987 Carleton University Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [62]
Massachusetts 1989 Amherst College Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [63]
Australia 16 April 1997 Griffith University Doctor of the University (D.Univ) [64]
Washington 1999 Whitman College Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [65]
Maine 2000 Unity College Doctor of Environmental Science
British Columbia 2000 Simon Fraser University Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [66]
Ontario Spring 2005 York University Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [67]
Quebec 2005 Université du Québec à Montréal Doctor of Science (D.Sc)
Australia 2005 Flinders University Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [68]
Ontario 2007 Ryerson University Doctor of Communications [69]
Quebec 2007 Université de Montréal Doctor of Science (D.Sc)
Ontario 10 August 2007 University of Western Ontario Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [70]
Ontario 2008 Lambton College Diploma in Alternative Energy Engineering Technology [71]
Newfoundland and Labrador May 2009 Memorial University of Newfoundland Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [72]
Nova Scotia 2010 Université Sainte-Anne Doctorate
Quebec 2011 Université Laval Doctor of Communications
British Columbia 25 November 2011 University of British Columbia Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [73] [74]
Ontario June 2012 University of Guelph Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [75]
Alberta 7 June 2018 University of Alberta Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)[76]

Finished as number 5 in greatest Canadian contest


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You work for Kinder Morgan don't you?

I wondered why you had a Clearwater BC IP address. It all makes sense now.

Business Name:
Kinder Morgan Canada
Business Genre:
Other, Service
Long Business Description:
Kinder Morgan is the largest midstream and the third largest energy company (based on combined enterprise value) in North America. We own an interest in or operate approximately 80,000 miles of pipelines and 180 terminals. Our pipelines transport natural gas, refined petroleum products, crude oil, carbon dioxide (CO2) and more.

Kinder Morgan
2468 Yellowhead Hwy South
Clearwater, BC
V0E 1N2
Business Website Address:
Business Phone Number:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

Honorary degrees
Suzuki has received numerous honorary degrees from over two dozen universities around the world.[53] These include:

Location Date School Degree
Prince Edward Island 1974 University of Prince Edward Island Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [54]
Ontario June 1979 University of Windsor Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [55]
Nova Scotia 1979 Acadia University Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [56]
Ontario Fall 1981 Trent University Doctor of Laws (LL.D)[57]
Alberta 1986 University of Calgary Doctor of Laws (LL.D)
Illinois 1986 Governors State University Doctor of Humane Letters (DHL) [58]
Ontario 1986 Lakehead University Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [59]
Ontario June 1987 McMaster University Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [60]
Ontario 1987 Queen's University Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [61]
Ontario 1987 Carleton University Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [62]
Massachusetts 1989 Amherst College Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [63]
Australia 16 April 1997 Griffith University Doctor of the University (D.Univ) [64]
Washington 1999 Whitman College Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [65]
Maine 2000 Unity College Doctor of Environmental Science
British Columbia 2000 Simon Fraser University Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [66]
Ontario Spring 2005 York University Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [67]
Quebec 2005 Université du Québec à Montréal Doctor of Science (D.Sc)
Australia 2005 Flinders University Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [68]
Ontario 2007 Ryerson University Doctor of Communications [69]
Quebec 2007 Université de Montréal Doctor of Science (D.Sc)
Ontario 10 August 2007 University of Western Ontario Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [70]
Ontario 2008 Lambton College Diploma in Alternative Energy Engineering Technology [71]
Newfoundland and Labrador May 2009 Memorial University of Newfoundland Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [72]
Nova Scotia 2010 Université Sainte-Anne Doctorate
Quebec 2011 Université Laval Doctor of Communications
British Columbia 25 November 2011 University of British Columbia Doctor of Science (D.Sc) [73] [74]
Ontario June 2012 University of Guelph Doctor of Laws (LL.D) [75]
Alberta 7 June 2018 University of Alberta Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)[76]

Finished as number 5 in greatest Canadian contest
Wow honorary degrees and finishing fifth on a CBC poll , let’s elevate him to sainthood .