CBC fires Jian Ghomeshi


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
On the up side, I hear there's an opening in Billy Bob Thorton's band.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
I listen to CBC everyday. I wasn't a big fan of Q, usually flip the dial to 630 Ched at 1000 when he came on then returned to CBC for "Alberta at Noon."

But for the naysayers CBC has some excellent programming and anyone who claims otherwise clearly doesn't actually listen to the station.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I listen to CBC everyday. I wasn't a big fan of Q, usually flip the dial to 630 Ched at 1000 when he came on then returned to CBC for "Alberta at Noon."

But for the naysayers CBC has some excellent programming and anyone who claims otherwise clearly doesn't actually listen to the station.

Yeah, pretty hard to argue against "Cross Country Checkup" and some Good old music on Saturday night.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
As long as it is not taxpayers I don't much care. Never listen to CBC.

The show was sold to other stations. Like HNIC, it was probably one of the few money makers the CBC had. In that respect, it'll probably cost the taxpayers to get rid of him.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Mind you, I kind of believe in discretion for it's own sake.

Sure, so am I but not so much that I think someone should be fired for something like this. If what he is saying is true he did everything he could to keep it quiet. If that wasnt enough it shouldnt cost him or anyone their job.

On the up side, I hear there's an opening in Billy Bob Thorton's band.

Drummer? :p


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
Yeah, pretty hard to argue against "Cross Country Checkup" and some Good old music on Saturday night.

I think Rex Murphy is great. I also enjoy Bachman's Vinyl tap, following Dave and Morley on the Vinyl Cafe, As it Happens, Ideas in the Afternoon, The Current, Quirks and Quarks, The Sunday Edition, The House and Day Break Alberta. I enjoy a lot of the late night programming like Africa Link, the documentaries and the BBC, German and Australian international broadcasts.

I especially love Under the Influence and highly suggest anyone tune into a podcast. Haven't heard a single episode not worth hearing a few more times and I hope that is the host that takes over Q as he's done it several times befoe..

I can tolerate Q, DNTO, White Coat Black Art and Sparks depending on the subject du jour.

I can't stand the Debaters, This is That, Writers and Company or Cest la vie and always change the station.

Always been fascinated by egg prices.

Just so you know, it is political commentary and open line on the issues off the day and not a farm report.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I liked that guy

People can say what they like about the CBC, but Q was a quality show and Ghomeshi knew how to do an interview. If he's a douche that beats up women in the bedroom that is another matter, but given that this is a Toronto Star investigation I would wait for all the facts.

Too bad really, Q, along with Vinyl Cafe are among the programs I enjoy on CBC. I also like Vinyl Tap with Randy Bachman.

I guess time will tell what is to become of Ghomeshi, but I'll reserve judgment until some facts are presented.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I think Rex Murphy is great. I also enjoy Bachman's Vinyl tap, following Dave and Morley on the Vinyl Cafe, As it Happens, Ideas in the Afternoon, The Current, Quirks and Quarks, The Sunday Edition, The House and Day Break Alberta. I enjoy a lot of the late night programming like Africa Link, the documentaries and the BBC, German and Australian international broadcasts.

I especially love Under the Influence and highly suggest anyone tune into a podcast. Haven't heard a single episode not worth hearing a few more times and I hope that is the host that takes over Q as he's done it several times befoe..

I can tolerate Q, DNTO, White Coat Black Art and Sparks depending on the subject du jour.

I can't stand the Debaters, This is That, Writers and Company or Cest la vie and always change the station.

Just so you know, it is political commentary and open line on the issues off the day and not a farm report.

Yep all mostly good. Debaters and This is That is funny in a ridiculous kind of way. "Quirks and Quarks" is very good. Stuart McLean can be a scream - love that voice.

I guess time will tell what is to become of Ghomeshi, but I'll reserve judgment until some facts are presented.

I can't say I really found anything negative about Ghomeshi, although it did seem that many of the people he interviewed seemed to have issues with sex/gender...............................Not that there's anything wrong with that!

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I think Ghomeshi's a decent and honest man, and I think he was fired by people who think that anything more than 30 seconds in anything but the missionary position is perverted and ought to be illegal.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I think Ghomeshi's a decent and honest man, and I think he was fired by people who think that anything more than 30 seconds in anything but the missionary position is perverted and ought to be illegal.

Violence against women is the allegation. Not BDSM or homosexual practice or even doggy style,

I think CBC may have jumped the gun, it would be nice if folks got fired once it was proven rather than running from allegations.,


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Here's what you didn't read on Facebook today. Toronto Star talked to 4 women about #JianGhomeshi @TorontoStar -

The three women interviewed by the Star allege that Ghomeshi physically attacked them on dates without consent. They allege he struck them with a closed fist or open hand; bit them; choked them until they almost passed out; covered their nose and mouth so that they had difficulty breathing; and that they were verbally abused during and after sex.

CBC fires Jian Ghomeshi over sex allegations | Toronto Star


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
I think CBC may have jumped the gun, it would be nice if folks got fired once it was proven rather than running from allegations.,

I disagree. Q is their biggest money making show and Jian is one of their biggest talents. Clearly they made a calculated business decision that they need to sever ties before they get sucked into the unfolding drama.

As for getting "fired", it's not exactly like he's an accountant or dock worker punching a time card and owed some sort of job security. He is an overpaid entertainer and entertainers are released all the time over ratings, funding or what not.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Cassidy Allison ‏@CassidylAllison

Why does it matter if the women were "educated and employed" #Torontostar #JianGhomeshi

why indeed

Why the Star chose to publish Jian Ghomeshi allegations

Jian Ghomeshi’s Facebook statement Sunday night notes that “a major Canadian media publication did due diligence but never printed a story” about what are alleged to be Mr. Ghomeshi’s abusive sexual practices.

This is true. That “major Canadian media publication” was the Star.

Mr. Ghomeshi further wrote “one assumes (the Star) recognized these attempts to recast my sexual behaviour were fabrications.”

The Star began working on this story in May. The Star’s Kevin Donovan interviewed four women who detailed what they said was sexual abuse. None filed police complaints and none would agree to be identified in a story.

Mr. Ghomeshi wrote Sunday night that “I have always been interested in a variety of activities in the bedroom but I only participate in sexual practices that are mutually agreed upon, consensual, and exciting for both partners.”

The reason The Star did not publish a story at that time was because there was no proof the women’s allegations of non-consensual abusive sex were true or false. They were so explosive that to print them would have been irresponsible, and would have fallen far short of the Star’s standards of accuracy and fairness.

In view of Mr. Ghomeshi’s extraordinary statement on Facebook on Sunday evening, and his high public profile in Canada, we now believe it is in the public interest to detail those allegations, which appear to have led directly to his sudden firing from the CBC.

Why the Star chose to publish Jian Ghomeshi allegations | Toronto Star


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I disagree. Q is their biggest money making show and Jian is one of their biggest talents. Clearly they made a calculated business decision that they need to sever ties before they get sucked into the unfolding drama.

Which is why there is such a knee jerk reaction in media and careers are often ruined by allegation and innuendo rather than fact.. Ghomeshi should have been put on paid leave and given the opportunity to defend against the allegations.

As for getting "fired", it's not exactly like he's an accountant or dock worker punching a time card and owed some sort of job security. He is an overpaid entertainer and entertainers are released all the time over ratings, funding or what not.

Irrelevant, he is being targeted over his personal life. No charges have been filed. It's not hard to find people willing to smear celebrity, I'm not saying that's the case here, but it lends credit to my first point.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Talk about kicking a man when "he's down"

"Dear everyone,
I am writing today because I want you to be the first to know some news.
This has been the hardest time of my life. I am reeling from the loss of my father. I am in deep personal pain and worried about my mom. And now my world has been rocked by so much more.
... Today, I was fired from the CBC.
For almost 8 years I have been the host of a show I co-created on CBC called Q. It has been my pride and joy. My fantastic team on Q are super-talented and have helped build something beautiful.
I have always operated on the principle of doing my best to maintain a dignity and a commitment to openness and truth, both on and off the air. I have conducted major interviews, supported Canadian talent, and spoken out loudly in my audio essays about ideas, issues, and my love for this country. All of that is available for anyone to hear or watch. I have known, of course, that not everyone always agrees with my opinions or my style, but I've never been anything but honest. I have doggedly defended the CBC and embraced public broadcasting. This is a brand I’ve been honoured to help grow.
All this has now changed.
Today I was fired from the company where I've been working for almost 14 years – stripped from my show, barred from the building and separated from my colleagues. I was given the choice to walk away quietly and to publicly suggest that this was my decision. But I am not going to do that. Because that would be untrue. Because I’ve been fired. And because I've done nothing wrong.
I’ve been fired from the CBC because of the risk of my private sex life being made public as a result of a campaign of false allegations pursued by a jilted ex girlfriend and a freelance writer.
As friends and family of mine, you are owed the truth.
I have commenced legal proceedings against the CBC, what’s important to me is that you know what happened and why.
Forgive me if what follows may be shocking to some.
I have always been interested in a variety of activities in the bedroom but I only participate in sexual practices that are mutually agreed upon, consensual, and exciting for both partners.
About two years ago I started seeing a woman in her late 20s. Our relationship was affectionate, casual and passionate. We saw each other on and off over the period of a year and began engaging in adventurous forms of sex that included role-play, dominance and submission. We discussed our interests at length before engaging in rough sex (forms of BDSM). We talked about using safe words and regularly checked in with each other about our comfort levels. She encouraged our role-play and often was the initiator. We joked about our relations being like a mild form of Fifty Shades of Grey or a story from Lynn Coady's Giller-Prize winning book last year. I don’t wish to get into any more detail because it is truly not anyone's business what two consenting adults do. I have never discussed my private life before. Sexual preferences are a human right.
Despite a strong connection between us it became clear to me that our on-and-off dating was unlikely to grow into a larger relationship and I ended things in the beginning of this year. She was upset by this and sent me messages indicating her disappointment that I would not commit to more, and her anger that I was seeing others.
After this, in the early spring there began a campaign of harassment, vengeance and demonization against me that would lead to months of anxiety.
It came to light that a woman had begun anonymously reaching out to people that I had dated (via Facebook) to tell them she had been a victim of abusive relations with me. In other words, someone was reframing what had been an ongoing consensual relationship as something nefarious. I learned – through one of my friends who got in contact with this person – that someone had rifled through my phone on one occasion and taken down the names of any woman I had seemed to have been dating in recent years. This person had begun methodically contacting them to try to build a story against me. Increasingly, female friends and ex-girlfriends of mine told me about these attempts to smear me.
Someone also began colluding with a freelance writer who was known not to be a fan of mine and, together, they set out to try to find corroborators to build a case to defame me. She found some sympathetic ears by painting herself as a victim and turned this into a campaign. The writer boldly started contacting my friends, acquaintances and even work colleagues – all of whom came to me to tell me this was happening and all of whom recognized it as a trumped up way to attack me and undermine my reputation. Everyone contacted would ask the same question, if I had engaged in non-consensual behavior why was the place to address this the media?
The writer tried to peddle the story and, at one point, a major Canadian media publication did due diligence but never printed a story. One assumes they recognized these attempts to recast my sexual behaviour were fabrications. Still, the spectre of mud being flung onto the Internet where online outrage can demonize someone before facts can refute false allegations has been what I've had to live with.
And this leads us to today and this moment. I’ve lived with the threat that this stuff would be thrown out there to defame me. And I would sue. But it would do the reputational damage to me it was intended to do (the ex has even tried to contact me to say that she now wishes to refute any of these categorically untrue allegations). But with me bringing it to light, in the coming days you will prospectively hear about how I engage in all kinds of unsavoury aggressive acts in the bedroom. And the implication may be made that this happens non-consensually. And that will be a lie. But it will be salacious gossip in a world driven by a hunger for "scandal". And there will be those who choose to believe it and to hate me or to laugh at me. And there will be an attempt to pile on. And there will be the claim that there are a few women involved (those who colluded with my ex) in an attempt to show a "pattern of behaviour". And it will be based in lies but damage will be done. But I am telling you this story in the hopes that the truth will, finally, conquer all.
I have been open with the CBC about this since these categorically untrue allegations ramped up. I have never believed it was anyone's business what I do in my private affairs but I wanted my bosses to be aware that this attempt to smear me was out there. CBC has been part of the team of friends and lawyers assembled to deal with this for months. On Thursday I voluntarily showed evidence that everything I have done has been consensual. I did this in good faith and because I know, as I have always known, that I have nothing to hide. This when the CBC decided to fire me.
CBC execs confirmed that the information provided showed that there was consent. In fact, they later said to me and my team that there is no question in their minds that there has always been consent. They said they’re not concerned about the legal side. But then they said that this type of sexual behavior was unbecoming of a prominent host on the CBC. They said that I was being dismissed for "the risk of the perception that may come from a story that could come out." To recap, I am being fired in my prime from the show I love and built and threw myself into for years because of what I do in my private life.
Let me be the first to say that my tastes in the bedroom may not be palatable to some folks. They may be strange, enticing, weird, normal, or outright offensive to others. We all have our secret life. But that is my private life. That is my personal life. And no one, and certainly no employer, should have dominion over what people do consensually in their private life.
And so, with no formal allegations, no formal complaints, no complaints, not one, to the HR department at the CBC (they told us they’d done a thorough check and were satisfied), and no charges, I have lost my job based on a campaign of vengeance. Two weeks after the death of my beautiful father I have been fired from the CBC because of what I do in my private life.
I have loved the CBC. The Q team are the best group of people in the land. My colleagues and producers and on-air talent at the CBC are unparalleled in being some of the best in the business. I have always tried to be a good soldier and do a good job for my country. I am still in shock. But I am telling this story to you so the truth is heard. And to bring an end to the nightmare."


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
You think THIS is weird & eff'ed? Wait until tomorrow when every single #Canadian news outlet EXCEPT for #CBC is covering it #JianGhomeshi

In the case of Australia's Rolf Harris it took more than 30 years for victims to come forward

BBC host Jimmy Savile...none of 450 alleged victims were willing to come forward until after his death

just sayin'.