Catholics blame Woodstock for abuse!!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
So cliffy, you're saying then that she thought about the highlighted portion and posted it anyways. She used present tense instead of past. The Church no longer "protects" known pedophiles within the Church.
From reading her past posts, I think she considers her post before posting. Like you and I she is entitled to her opinions. I'm sure, from her history, that she has reasons to believe the way she does. If she has had a history with the church like I do, then I can tell you that it is really difficult to erase the memory and not colour present day opinions with that history.
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Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
From reading her past posts, I think she considers her post before posting. Like you and I she is entitled to her opinions. I'm sure, from her history, that she has reasons to believe the way she does. If she has had a history with the church like I do, then I can tell you that it is really difficult to erase the memory and not colour present day opinions with that history.

When this is posted
They protect the monsters so they can be unleashed upon a new diocese.

It presents as fact, not as an opinion. As an opinion it means nothing.
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The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
So cliffy, you're saying then that she thought about the highlighted portion and posted it anyways. She used present tense instead of past. The Church no longer "protects" known pedophiles within the Church.
Actually it does Gerry. We have already brought up their statement about only reporting it to the authorities if there is a law that requires them to report it. I read that as if they are not required by law to report a crime they won't.
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Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Actually it does Gerry. We have already brought up their statement about only reporting it to the authorities if there is a law that requires them to report it. I read that as if they are not required by law to report a crime they won't.

you read however you want. Your interpretation doesn't make it a fact anymore than the moron that interpreted and then predicted yesterday to be "the rapture".


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
I for one don't believe the church is doing enough at all, they do condemn the actions but
nothing ultimately changes. Unless there is some meaningful change people will not be
satisfied at all. I believe is still goes on it just hasn't caught up with the perps yet and made
public. This is not a singling out condemnation either. The reason I say it still goes on is
because its an ongoing problem, that won't be cured over night if ever. It is a problem for
religious organizations and for other groups in society like minor hockey and a host of others.
Woodstock had nothing to do with it, it has been going on for centuries.
The other things this thread shows is that, all religions are complicit and in fact wrote it into
their Holy Books and Testaments of Scriptures as it will. This I believe was done because
these problems were prevalent during the ancient times as well so they became part of the
teaching in order to justify their deviant acts and make them mainstream.
It should be a reminder the Holy Scriptures were not written by God or Christ or some other
great messenger sent from God. They were written by men who were responding to the
social causes and practices of the day. We have to confront these situations and realize the
first flaw is that the books and teachings reflect a view that is now two thousand years old.
Ever read what Christ said about slaves obey your masters? Why would Christ not condemn
slavery period? It was a social acceptable practice. The Spanish Inquisition was one of the
most evil spectacles the Middle Ages witnessed, and yet the Church did nothing to curb it they
enforced it. It was socially acceptable at the time.
One other thing that troubles me is that, the Church officially didn't acknowledge the world was
round, was because centuries ago the Pope said other wise and to say other wise would mean
the Papacy was not infallible. In other words the Church has always found an excuse or a reason
as to why its ill fated decisions are never their fault. I think there has to be criminal trials of all
Priest accused of such crimes whether they are young or old. We need to hold them before the
world court and the whole world should be tuned in.
In addition the other churches should present their list of sexual criminals to be brought before
international justice. This way, people could witness the evil first hand. If that were to happen the
churches would finally have to do something because then forever more their sexual conduct
would be in the spotlight. We can rant all day about errant priests and ministers and it will be business
as usual. If we are going to complain we should be ready to propose some solutions and I have
just given one idea are their anymore? The only thing the Catholic Church and others will respond
to is public shame and humiliation so we should give them as much as they can handle until they
do something about the sexual deviants and and sex offenders entrusted with positions trust inside
their institution. Remember, Priests, Rabbi's, and other religious leaders as well as sports coaches
and so on who are guilty of criminal offences are in sexual criminals. The people who hide them or
give them sanctuary by moving them on are equally as guilty. The people who make excuses for
them and cover for them, or pretend all is well, how should we view them? That is the question.
No one is perfect, but then again to what do we reduce ourselves to in society when we condone
such action, because we will not demand justice for those who can't demand it for themselves?
There are many who are demanding change within their institution and to those I applaud them.
I don't want to see religion destroyed, I just want them to obey the law, and I want them to not be
allowed to make false claims about salvation etc, when the churches are exempted from product
claims when they are running a business. We sometimes lose sight of the fact churches are given
considerable power and tax relief within our society and they are abusing it on a regular basis and
things must be tightened up. Churches Must Obey The Law like every other group in our society


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I for one don't believe the church is doing enough at all, they do condemn the actions but
nothing ultimately changes. Unless there is some meaningful change people will not be
satisfied at all. I believe is still goes on it just hasn't caught up with the perps yet and made
public. This is not a singling out condemnation either. The reason I say it still goes on is
because its an ongoing problem, that won't be cured over night if ever. It is a problem for
religious organizations and for other groups in society like minor hockey and a host of others.
Woodstock had nothing to do with it, it has been going on for centuries.
The other things this thread shows is that, all religions are complicit and in fact wrote it into
their Holy Books and Testaments of Scriptures as it will. This I believe was done because
these problems were prevalent during the ancient times as well so they became part of the
teaching in order to justify their deviant acts and make them mainstream.
It should be a reminder the Holy Scriptures were not written by God or Christ or some other
great messenger sent from God. They were written by men who were responding to the
social causes and practices of the day. We have to confront these situations and realize the
first flaw is that the books and teachings reflect a view that is now two thousand years old.
Ever read what Christ said about slaves obey your masters? Why would Christ not condemn
slavery period? It was a social acceptable practice. The Spanish Inquisition was one of the
most evil spectacles the Middle Ages witnessed, and yet the Church did nothing to curb it they
enforced it. It was socially acceptable at the time.
One other thing that troubles me is that, the Church officially didn't acknowledge the world was
round, was because centuries ago the Pope said other wise and to say other wise would mean
the Papacy was not infallible. In other words the Church has always found an excuse or a reason
as to why its ill fated decisions are never their fault. I think there has to be criminal trials of all
Priest accused of such crimes whether they are young or old. We need to hold them before the
world court and the whole world should be tuned in.
In addition the other churches should present their list of sexual criminals to be brought before
international justice. This way, people could witness the evil first hand. If that were to happen the
churches would finally have to do something because then forever more their sexual conduct
would be in the spotlight. We can rant all day about errant priests and ministers and it will be business
as usual. If we are going to complain we should be ready to propose some solutions and I have
just given one idea are their anymore? The only thing the Catholic Church and others will respond
to is public shame and humiliation so we should give them as much as they can handle until they
do something about the sexual deviants and and sex offenders entrusted with positions trust inside
their institution. Remember, Priests, Rabbi's, and other religious leaders as well as sports coaches
and so on who are guilty of criminal offences are in sexual criminals. The people who hide them or
give them sanctuary by moving them on are equally as guilty. The people who make excuses for
them and cover for them, or pretend all is well, how should we view them? That is the question.
No one is perfect, but then again to what do we reduce ourselves to in society when we condone
such action, because we will not demand justice for those who can't demand it for themselves?
There are many who are demanding change within their institution and to those I applaud them.
I don't want to see religion destroyed, I just want them to obey the law, and I want them to not be
allowed to make false claims about salvation etc, when the churches are exempted from product
claims when they are running a business. We sometimes lose sight of the fact churches are given
considerable power and tax relief within our society and they are abusing it on a regular basis and
things must be tightened up. Churches Must Obey The Law like every other group in our society

Not even going to bother breaking this down as it has ALL been addressed already. Just more fear mongering.

Big thing for those that are able to think, the incidences of pedophilia in the RCC or any other Church is no higher than in the general public. It is like those above, that try to make it out as if it is rampant and happening far more in the ranks of the priesthood than in the rest of the population.
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Electoral Member
Jan 15, 2011
New Westminster, BC, CA
You looking in the mirror again Jack? Elder is one of our more considered and articulate posters who stops to think before she speaks.

Thanks Cliffy. Since I am 60 years of age I am considered an elder such as anyone who is 60 plus. This has nothing to do with religion as you instantly realized. I appreciate your support.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Thanks Cliffy. Since I am 60 years of age I am considered an elder such as anyone who is 60 plus. This has nothing to do with religion as you instantly realized. I appreciate your support.

and being 60 doesn't make you more intelligent, which is more than evident with the post where you state that the Catholic Church hides pedophiles and moves them around to give them new victims.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
and being 60 doesn't make you more intelligent, which is more than evident with the post where you state that the Catholic Church hides pedophiles and moves them around to give them new victims.
Funny I thought I brought that up numerous times. And it shows how much you are following in the line of the church denials and how little you want to admit. They did in fact take priests who had been accused of abuse and move them to new parishes without ever warning the new congregation or even taking action against the accused. If you want to make claims things are being done to change you have to start by admitting what was done in the past.

It is quite simple Gerry, they gave the pedophile a whole new crop of potential victims and they did this numerous times.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Funny I thought I brought that up numerous times. And it shows how much you are following in the line of the church denials and how little you want to admit. They did in fact take priests who had been accused of abuse and move them to new parishes without ever warning the new congregation or even taking action against the accused. If you want to make claims things are being done to change you have to start by admitting what was done in the past.

It is quite simple Gerry, they gave the pedophile a whole new crop of potential victims and they did this numerous times.

You're not supposed to say that. They made the poor guy sit in a phone booth for a minute or two, he's clean now.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Gerry you and I will never agree on this. It is not brainless and it is not something that can be
explained away. There should be a Zero tolerance policy when it comes to sex abuse. As soon as a
priest is found out the police should be contacted and the legal process begun. You cannot
say oh its a ratio situation, no it a trust situation. If the churches are not going to do the right
thing in public they should be humiliated and punished in public until they do the right thing.
Others don't understand the residential schools were not a Catholic problem alone there were
others Anglicans and so on that also engaged in bad behavior. The problem is the media and
others do not publicly condemn them, so if it were made into a media and public court
situation then everyone would know about Evangelicals, Muslims, Jews Catholics and others.
More and more people are demanding results and payment for these sex crimes and its time
the general public became aware of just how evil the participants are.
In addition if there is a sex offence proven against a particular faith. immediately their entire
finances and assets should be governed by the court system or the Government itself. If there
is a guilty verdict, the property and assets should be seized and sold and the money given to
the victims. We would soon see the churches responding differently to ensure the kids don't
suffer from sexual abuse which is a criminal act.
In addition I think claims of salvation, and future prosperity, should have to reflect some truth in
advertising. The reason I say that is, these religious programs make outrageous claims about
miracle prayer cloths. and holy water and instant cures without backing them up with proof.
Many of these preachers are more suspect than used car salesmen. The only difference is
that used car salesmen are subject to the rules of advertising and come under the aspects of
the law.
On the other hand, religious organizations get a free ride, they don't have to prove anything and
they get huge tax considerations that car salesman don't get. The time has come to ensure that
all religions must obey the same laws in society and in the market place. All Priests and ministers
should have regular criminal background checks to be around children and the Churches should
have to report this abuse immediately. To their credit they are starting to do that. but it is not enough.
To say however that the abuse is only about the same as the rest of society is not satisfactory,
the Church is supposed to be a sanctuary where zero tolerance should be the order of the day.
After all a sanctuary is a safe place where it is believed that God has entrusted these people with making
sure little kids and teens are safe. Gods representatives should not be allowed to rape or fondle them
because there is a ratio of acceptance. The acceptance of sin ratio in God's house is Zero.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Funny I thought I brought that up numerous times. And it shows how much you are following in the line of the church denials and how little you want to admit. They did in fact take priests who had been accused of abuse and move them to new parishes without ever warning the new congregation or even taking action against the accused. If you want to make claims things are being done to change you have to start by admitting what was done in the past.

It is quite simple Gerry, they gave the pedophile a whole new crop of potential victims and they did this numerous times.

Past tense. The Church no longer does that.
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Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Politicalnick I have to agree with Gerryh on the last comment they are doing a fairly good
job is acting immediately when a problem is reported. At least we see an increase in the
Church being responsible. The problem is it was too slow in coming and the issue of trust
now places the church in doubt about its sincerity. It is unfortunate but when you lose your
good name it is difficult to get it back or claim the moral high ground.
The punishments for all faiths have to be severe and swift as it encourages the suspected
to act quickly.
I for example grew up in the church, I personally never saw one incident of criminal activity.
I knew many priests who were really good people, I had a aunt that was a nun for seventy
five years. The church is not all bad that is true, however they have to ensure all that is being
done is enough, and society has to be satisfied that all is being done.
The biggest problem for religion is that in the minds of the public it has become a business.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Actually it does Gerry. We have already brought up their statement about only reporting it to the authorities if there is a law that requires them to report it. I read that as if they are not required by law to report a crime they won't.
There is a law. Obstructing Justice has been around for a long long time as part of the Criminal Code of Canada


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Funny I thought I brought that up numerous times. And it shows how much you are following in the line of the church denials and how little you want to admit. They did in fact take priests who had been accused of abuse and move them to new parishes without ever warning the new congregation or even taking action against the accused. If you want to make claims things are being done to change you have to start by admitting what was done in the past.

It is quite simple Gerry, they gave the pedophile a whole new crop of potential victims and they did this numerous times.

As I said, this is what USED to happen, not what is happening now. Continually bringing up what USED to happen does nothing to help promote what is happening now. The Church has made many changes. I see this as a positive as opposed to brainless twits like you.

As for "admitting" what was done in the past, I have, numerous times, and I have condemned the heirachy. How many times do I need to do that?