Army: 12 dead in 31 wounded shooting attacks at Fort Hood base in Texas


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Americans have absolutely no-body to blame for this incident, but themselves.

You`d probably be surprised at the amount of indifference people around the world have, for those trigger-happy nuts shooting themselves up, before being deployed to do the same to other innocents on another continent.
Indifference is one thing, expressing glee about it is another. Pretty low class.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Yes. I worked for DND for a bout 16 months and at least 90% of the army people that I worked with should not have been allowed to have a gun and that includes the base armorer so it stands to reason that the same holds true in the US army.
I agree - Civilians working for DND should not have weapons - That would also include the Air Force- 16 Months - and where and what did you do??


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
When you show intolerance for anyone you only show you have no self respect.

When you show happiness in the loss of others, in such a way as you have you shown, that intolerance is what makes you tick and that's scary.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Americans have absolutely no-body to blame for this incident, but themselves.

You`d probably be surprised at the amount of indifference people around the world have, for those trigger-happy nuts shooting themselves up, before being deployed to do the same to other innocents on another continent.

Seek help.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Thanks, I was unaware. I didn't think psychiatrists stationed in a base in Texas would actually need to, or be permitted to carry guns.

It is an Army Base - It is more than normal for Soldiers to be carrying weapons - Just because a Soldier or group of Soldiers have weapons on them does not equate to having ammunition - Could be routine cleaning - drill - etc - Lastly - Has it been confirmed he used a weapon issued my the Army - as I understand he had 2 handguns - You do not get issued 2 handguns in the Army - A handgun and Rifle at times yes - but not 2 of the same - Weapons as we all know are easily acquired in the US.
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Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
`Glee` for what took place yesterday? :-? You`re reading too much into Eaglesnacks sarcasm, me thinks.

A sense of satisfaction, in that they got back what they readily dish out on innocents, in foreign countries and hidden from the world by American media, I guess. But don`t dare admit this openly since the are know, the `good guys`.:roll:

Look, drop a nuclear weapon on that goddam base of 40,000 strong and wipe out every ****ing one of them in uniform. Make the world a safer place from these terrorist.
That would make me smile.

Now, if the American media will shut the **** up already about the `acts of heroism` stemming from this thing, that will make me smile as well.

Indifference is one thing, expressing glee about it is another. Pretty low class.


Electoral Member
Jun 4, 2005
Baja Canada
Now, that's just ain't true. Babies in Texas aren't born packin. I hear they are inserting a gun chip in newborns though. Made in Canada.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I (& the other Moderators) do not want to have to be forced to remove
any other Posts from this Thread. Govern yourselves accordingly and
we won't have to.

No more Personal Attacks or Insults or Threats...

Yes this is a very touchy subject, but we're all Adults capable of being
respectful to the other members on this Thread.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Perhaps because the yankee enemy is mainly muslim...

for today....they are never at a loss when it comes to finding enemy's.

As for the Major....pretty piss poor training, should have been like shooting fish in a barrel.


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
Look out for a spike in civillian deaths in Afghanistan after this particular incident.

What is the current ratio today...10-15 `brown` people must die per each `good guy` that meets his maker?

Thank goodness it was a Muslim that did the shooting, else how will Americans justify the on-coming slaughter?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I expect most Canadians feel shock and sorrow.
Suspected Massacre Weapon Purchased Legally At 'Guns Galore' Shop in Texas

The gun thought to be used in the Fort Hood massacre packs so much firepower, it's known as 'the Cop Killer,' federal law enforcement officials said.

Major Nidal Malik Hasan allegedly packed a FN Herstal Five-seveN tactical pistol, which according to federal law enforcement officials, was legally purchased from the "Guns Galore" shop in Killeen, Texas in Aug. 2009. The store's manager, David Cheadle, said that particular firearm can hold 20 rounds in a standard clip and take a ten round clip extension. Cheadle said with one clip and one round in the chamber, one could fire 31 rounds before reloading.

Hasan may have used an expanded clip in the shooting.

On FN Herstal's webpage, the benefits of the Five-seveN pistol note that it can "defeat the enemy in all close combat situations in urban areas, jungle conditions, night missions and any self defense action."...

'Cop Killer' Gun Thought To Be Used In Ft. Hood Shooting - ABC News
American gun culture, religion, personal grudges.. maybe more than meets the eye? The event was without doubt deliberate and premeditated. Guilt is not certain.

Where did you get this information that he was not to be carrying a weapon - ?

Major Hasan lacked authorization to possess those weapons inside Fort Hood.

Fort Hood shooting: Kim Munley hailed for bravery in shooting Hasan

Sgt Kim Munley has been hailed a heroine after taking on the lone gunman who went on a shooting spree at a huge military base in Texas, killing 13 people and wounding 30 others.

By Nick Squires, Nick Allen, and Andy Bloxham
Published: 12:18AM GMT 07 Nov 2009

Fort Hood hero Sgt Kim Munley who shot the killer Photo: SPLASH NEWS

Mrs Munley was one of the "first responders" who returned fire after army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan went on the rampage at the sprawling Fort Hood base in Texas.

She shot Hasan four times but was herself wounded in the gun battle. Her condition is now stable, according to military officials.

"They both exchanged fire and both were wounded," said Col John Rossi during a press conference at the giant base. "Her efforts were superb." The colonel also praised "the heroic efforts of our great soldiers at the scene".

The police officer has been praised for her bravery and for preventing what could have been an even worse massacre.

Hasan, who was about to be posted to Afghanistan, was found alive and taken under armed guard to a nearby hospital.

He was in a serious but stable condition and not in imminent danger of dying...

The rest here:
Fort Hood shooting: Kim Munley hailed for bravery in shooting Hasan - Telegraph


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
for today....they are never at a loss when it comes to finding enemy's.

As for the Major....pretty piss poor training, should have been like shooting fish in a barrel.
Gerry HSo I guess the rest of the NATO countries in Afghanistan would fit in the same boat as you place the US?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006

...President Barack Obama ordered the flags at the White House and other federal buildings be at half-staff and urged people not drawn conclusions while authorities investigate...

The Associated Press: Manager: Muslim sticker removed from suspect's car
Jose Padilla, the owner of Hasan's apartment complex, said Hasan gave him notice two weeks ago that he was moving out this week.

Earlier this week, Hasan asked Padilla his native language. When Padilla said it was Spanish, Hasan immediately went up to his apartment to get him a Spanish-language Quran. Padilla said Hasan also refused to reclaim his deposit and last month's rent, surrendering $400 that the major said should go to someone who needed it....

Official: Ft. Hood Shooting Suspect Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan Hospitalized, Did Not Die In Attack -
José Padilla (born October 18, 1970 in Brooklyn, New York), also known as Abdullah al-Muhajir or Muhajir Abdullah, is a United States citizen convicted of aiding terrorists.

Padilla was arrested in Chicago on May 8, 2002, and was detained as a material witness until June 9, 2002, when President George W. Bush designated him an illegal enemy combatant and transferred him to a military prison, arguing that he was thereby not entitled to trial in civilian courts. Padilla was held for three-and-a-half years as an "enemy combatant" after his arrest in 2002 on suspicion of plotting a radioactive "dirty bomb" attack. That charge was dropped and his case was moved to a civilian court after pressure from civil liberties groups.

On January 3, 2006, he was transferred to a Miami, Florida, jail to face criminal conspiracy charges. On August 16, 2007, José Padilla was found guilty, by a federal jury, of charges against him that he conspired to kill people in an overseas jihad and to fund and support overseas terrorism. He was widely described in media as a suspect of planning to build and explode a "dirty bomb" in the United States, but he was not convicted on this charge.

On January 22, 2008, Padilla was sentenced by Judge Marcia G. Cooke of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida to 17 years and four months in prison. His mother, Estela Ortega Lebron was relieved but announced that they would appeal the judgment: "You have to understand that the government was asking for 30 years to life sentence in prison. We have a chance to appeal, and in the appeal we're gonna do better."[1].
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Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Gerry HSo I guess the rest of the NATO countries in Afghanistan would fit in the same boat as you place the US?

well....what good is a standing army without an enemy? Gotta have one to justify your existence.