Abortion demonstration just doesn't sound right.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
You really want to compare defending ones nation and family, to being beat up because of offensive commentary?

Try saying something about my wife or kids to my face...I don't promote killing or violence but you will be in danger of both if you take the chance. Whole lot of moral relativism there and I'm just fine with it.

2, Warnings have no power, the gov't couldn't punish him if they wanted.
So we should just stop warning people against murder or rape and such. A reasonable person considers a warning from the govt.

3, For opinion to have any validity, you have to admit that Muslims are prone to violence.
I'm not a muslim and I wanted to kick his ass. It has nothing to do with that at all as much as you want to use it as a cop-out.

Ya, you've made this claim before. When I challenged you for proof, you ignored the post.
Nah, I will just defer to your expertise on the subject that there is no emotional or mental affect on someone who chooses abortion. You say you work with kids in need but you seem to have no idea of psychology or are just being an idiot on purpose.

And can you point out where I said abortion should be illegal please?
Nope, you said you were pro-choice, which makes me wonder why you seem to argue from the pro-life side in here. Were you lying or are you being a hypocrite or are you just being argumentative for your own amusement???

You know that for sure? Got any proof?
Self evident. Maybe you aren't smart enough to reach that conclusion.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Try saying something about my wife or kids to my face...I don't promote killing or violence but you will be in danger of both if you take the chance. Whole lot of moral relativism there and I'm just fine with it.
Again, I was raised/trained better, I can control my emotions. If you can't control yourself, and someone is at risk of being assaulted or murdered, for merely saying something about your wife or kids. You should seek help.

So we should just stop warning people against murder or rape and such. A reasonable person considers a warning from the govt.
Not when it comes to the fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution.

I'm not a muslim and I wanted to kick his ass. It has nothing to do with that at all as much as you want to use it as a cop-out.
It's not a cop out. It's quite germane, if Muslims weren't prone to violent reactions, as you said, than there would be no worries, no consequences.

But I can see how you would want that to be a cop out. It just simply gets in the way of your position.

Nah, I will just defer to your expertise on the subject that there is no emotional or mental affect on someone who chooses abortion.
I didn't say there was none. You made a blanket statement, even in your statement here, you make a blanket claim that all do, I know that to be completely untrue.
You say you work with kids in need but you seem to have no idea of psychology or are just being an idiot on purpose.
I work with at risk Native youth, I do not have a degree in psychology, but I know a thing or two. I also know the difference between a claim and a fact.

Nope, you said you were pro-choice, which makes me wonder why you seem to argue from the pro-life side in here.
I am pro choice. I don't know if you've noticed, but I take freedoms very seriously. I don't know if you have difficulty comprehending the written word, but I take life just as seriously. Hence my comment, "A rational person struggles internally with a respect for life and a belief in freedom."

Were you lying or are you being a hypocrite or are you just being argumentative for your own amusement???
Nope, nope, and nope, although sometimes, but not in this case.

Self evident. Maybe you aren't smart enough to reach that conclusion.
I know women who treat abortion like a contraceptive. It only matters that the trip to the hospital will interfere with there bingo and they can't smoke in the waiting room. Should that be my impression of all women that have an abortion? Obviously not. So I don't make that claim. You keep saying that it has huge affects on women, in general terms. Either back it up with some stats, or face the fact that just because you say so, doesn't make it a fact.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Don't fall into that trap dude. Abortion is not eugenics.

Few steps in logic: Eugenics is the primary concern of Margaret Sanger. Margaret Sanger and her ideas and teachings are the prime reason of the establishment of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood encourages Abortion over everything else. Abortion kills far more African-American babies, by proportion to the population, than any other race. When one race is exterminated by a higher degree than an ther, it is called ethnic cleansing. Ethnic cleansing is a euphamism for eugenics.

No trap. Abortion IS eugenics.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Few steps in logic: Eugenics is the primary concern of Margaret Sanger. Margaret Sanger and her ideas and teachings are the prime reason of the establishment of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood encourages Abortion over everything else. Abortion kills far more African-American babies, by proportion to the population, than any other race. When one race is exterminated by a higher degree than an ther, it is called ethnic cleansing. Ethnic cleansing is a euphamism for eugenics.

No trap. Abortion IS eugenics.
Now YukonJack....just watch the left do their utmost to deflect the obvious8O......:lol:


Force majeure
May 28, 2007

Nothing but perspective.
While I agree that it's better not to be a serial killer in a box, we all make choices, now more than ever that have some very far stretching consequences. How indirect do we have to be before there is no innocent blood on our hands?
There are all sorts of ways to call ourselves better than the this guy or that guy, but everyone of us has baggage checked and as happens sometimes, we have to pay for that baggage.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Now YukonJack....just watch the left do their utmost to deflect the obvious8O......:lol:

That's simply a fault of the organization: "Planned Parenthood". It isn't an argument against abortion. That would be like saying that since capitalism is flawed, we should get rid of currency.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Now YukonJack....just watch the left do their utmost to deflect the obvious8O......:lol:

That's simply a fault of the organization: "Planned Parenthood". It isn't an argument against abortion. That would be like saying that since capitalism is flawed, we should get rid of currency.
Thanks for proving my point one more time:smile:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Look up the word: "choice".

Come back to the thread when you comprehend the significance of that word.

Or just ignore the meaning of words if you begin to get that sickly feeling of being politically correct, lol

Ahh...it is called moderation..........

You know, when compromise leads to a solution somewhere in the middle, between the two extremes....

I mean, I like unfettered choice....I'd love to own a .45 ACP Thompson SMG without a license or any other restriction, and to be able to carry handguns without restriction....but that is simply not realistic, because I live in a society where others sincerely disagree with that stance.....and I have to compromise to be a good citizen.

Extremism is no law at all.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Yes, but this a choice by the parents, not a controlled expulsion by the state. ie. the holocaust.
So you'd think.

Nothing but perspective.
Nope. I can prove you're better than Olsen, with fact.

While I agree that it's better not to be a serial killer in a box, we all make choices, now more than ever that have some very far stretching consequences. How indirect do we have to be before there is no innocent blood on our hands?
There are all sorts of ways to call ourselves better than the this guy or that guy, but everyone of us has baggage checked and as happens sometimes, we have to pay for that baggage.
There's no sexually assaulted dead kids in mine or your baggage.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
That's simply a fault of the organization: "Planned Parenthood". It isn't an argument against abortion. That would be like saying that since capitalism is flawed, we should get rid of currency.

Not quite, mentalfloss.

Currency existed long before capitalism. And if you claim that the system that brought more wealth, more scientific achievements, more art, more comfort and more freedom than any other in history is flawed, you are welcome to live somewhere else, free of the yokes of such a flawed system. I will not bother to convince you, or prove that, because, I am sure, you already know.

However, eugenics, the Holocaust and Planned Parenthood (pardon the redundancy) brought nothing but hurt, sorrow, grief and guilt. Getting rid of abortion, eugenics and Planned Parenthood would be a positive enhancement of capitalism - in other words - wealth, freedom and decency.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Just take those off............