A win for the LGTBQ community


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
LOLOL bullcrap you say this over me? You were never even close to being there.
You're an "Ally" who wants bows and backpats and people to suck up your insults and forgive your ignorance.
Lost you?
You were never here. the tone showed from the very start.
And hell continued into private messages even.
This is all you. You've done a fantastic job of turning normally supportive people against Transpeople. WTG.

Why do you want to be a man like me?
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
This is all you. You've done a fantastic job of turning normally supportive people against Transpeople. WTG.
Why do you want to be a man like me?
So. . . fair to say that because of the actions of one person, "normally supportive people" are now "against" all trans people?

Did too many of them break your heart?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
So. . . fair to say that because of the actions of one person, "normally supportive people" are now "against" all trans people?
Did too many of them break your heart?

Gees why dont you post for me all the time if you think you have my thoughts and feeling nailed and I'll post for you.

If I were wrong about this person, youd have been all over me days ago.

Why are you holding back? Shouldn't this topic be right up your alley? Are you off your game?
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Since it's too much to post to everything, I'm just gonna say this...

1. Moosie, I did not 'edit' anything. I direct quoted you and the quote system cut off the part you think I edited out. Not my issue. Also doesn't change the fact that you killed your own argument.

2. Gerryh, you're the master troll of the forum, always has been. And because I wouldn't let you get away with your "Simple question" earlier, you got butthurt.

Tyger is more involved in the Trans community than I am - and more than anyone else here, obviously - so I'd tend to go with what their opinion is on about some Trans issues, including people who *gasp* ARE doing what Girth has said, and trying to game the system.

But I would like to point out that such people who do game the system aren't Trans so you CAN'T blame the Trans community for people that try.

3. I would ask the opinion of Gerryh, Petros and Girth this: A Trans guy goes into an MMA ring, kicks the crap out of a guy and wins the fight. Do you protest the win on the 'technicality' that they're biologically "a girl", or is it suddenly okay? Did the guy just get the crap kicked out of them by a girl, or a guy? If the Trans guy has enough T in system to equal a guy, what makes them a girl then? And no you CANNOT include the XX-XY argument, because you can't say for sure that even the man who got beat is a pure XY.

4. There are azzholes in any group, even Trans groups. I don't approve of it at all regardless if they're Trans or not.

5. Specifically on the Yaniv case which Gerryh wants to know if I back Tyger up on, I've spoken on it before. Whether they're Trans really or not, not for me to say, though again I'd defer to the community more than people looking to whataboutism Trans people. That said, I PERSONALLY think they're a fuking azzhole, need a fuking throat punch and be told to sit down and STFU. In a nutshell, Fuk Yaniv

Lastly, 6. None of this I know is going to matter because Gerryh can't handle the Trans topic being more complicated than he thinks, Girth thinks that the only issue is Trans Women having dicks, but once they don't they're okay and honestly it's like the thread about the kid in BC whose mom wanted to help her kid live while others wanted the kid to die. The "allyship" you said you had was total BS.

To the point of the OP, I'm glad Trans people are starting to get some rights that should'a been automatic to begin with. It's not a complete win, but it's a step in the right direction.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Scroll back. You'll find the '64 comments too.

This page yet.

Quote: Originally Posted by petros View Post
How many "transphobes" have you converted from "trans supportive"?

I'll never back a trans again if they are anything like you.

You killed it.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Scroll back. You'll find the '64 comments too.
This page yet.
Quote: Originally Posted by petros View Post
How many "transphobes" have you converted from "trans supportive"?
I'll never back a trans again if they are anything like you.
You killed it.
Limited to "if they are anything like you".

See it?

Want to see it again?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Since it's too much to post to everything, I'm just gonna say this...
1. Moosie, I did not 'edit' anything. I direct quoted you and the quote system cut off the part you think I edited out. Not my issue. Also doesn't change the fact that you killed your own argument.
2. Gerryh, you're the master troll of the forum, always has been. And because I wouldn't let you get away with your "Simple question" earlier, you got butthurt.
Tyger is more involved in the Trans community than I am - and more than anyone else here, obviously - so I'd tend to go with what their opinion is on about some Trans issues, including people who *gasp* ARE doing what Girth has said, and trying to game the system.
But I would like to point out that such people who do game the system aren't Trans so you CAN'T blame the Trans community for people that try.
3. I would ask the opinion of Gerryh, Petros and Girth this: A Trans guy goes into an MMA ring, kicks the crap out of a guy and wins the fight. Do you protest the win on the 'technicality' that they're biologically "a girl", or is it suddenly okay? Did the guy just get the crap kicked out of them by a girl, or a guy? If the Trans guy has enough T in system to equal a guy, what makes them a girl then? And no you CANNOT include the XX-XY argument, because you can't say for sure that even the man who got beat is a pure XY.
4. There are azzholes in any group, even Trans groups. I don't approve of it at all regardless if they're Trans or not.
5. Specifically on the Yaniv case which Gerryh wants to know if I back Tyger up on, I've spoken on it before. Whether they're Trans really or not, not for me to say, though again I'd defer to the community more than people looking to whataboutism Trans people. That said, I PERSONALLY think they're a fuking azzhole, need a fuking throat punch and be told to sit down and STFU. In a nutshell, Fuk Yaniv
Lastly, 6. None of this I know is going to matter because Gerryh can't handle the Trans topic being more complicated than he thinks, Girth thinks that the only issue is Trans Women having dicks, but once they don't they're okay and honestly it's like the thread about the kid in BC whose mom wanted to help her kid live while others wanted the kid to die. The "allyship" you said you had was total BS.
To the point of the OP, I'm glad Trans people are starting to get some rights that should'a been automatic to begin with. It's not a complete win, but it's a step in the right direction.

As I've did, not butt hurt. Disappointed that you weren't as smart as I thought you were and be able to see where I was slowly going with it. It was more for those that don't understand Trans and for the idiot friend of yours that kept going on and on about doctors and meds. But, you weren't willing to go slow and move from kindergarten on up. Even though I said it at least twice that we were starting in kindergarten. It would have helped those like girth to understand trans, and those like your buddy to understand where those like girth are coming from. Oh well, your problem, not mine. Just meant I didn't need to spend all that time. More free time for laughing.

As for Jessica yaniv, I agree completely as to the type of person she is. Useless price of meat no matter what sex she identifies as.

With your buddy coming out and stating that yaniv is NOT trans, well, that just reminded me of the gay guys telling me to pick a side cause there ain't no such thing as bi. You're either queer, or you're a breeder, can't be both. Lol. It was like listening to a straight guy saying being homosexual is a choice.
If she can decide who identifies as trans, then anyone can and she can't whine when someone says she ain't.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
As I've did, not butt hurt. Disappointed that you weren't as smart as I thought you were and be able to see where I was slowly going with it. It was more for those that don't understand Trans and for the idiot friend of yours that kept going on and on about doctors and meds. But, you weren't willing to go slow and move from kindergarten on up. Even though I said it at least twice that we were starting in kindergarten. It would have helped those like girth to understand trans, and those like your buddy to understand where those like girth are coming from. Oh well, your problem, not mine. Just meant I didn't need to spend all that time. More free time for laughing.

If you want to say that as your reasoning for being butthurt, sure go ahead.

I knew where you were going, unfortunately you didn't because your 'simple question' wasn't, and I explained why from the get go. The second time you asked, THAT was simple. And then you took it to complicated again. And when I told you so, you got, well, butthurt.

You couldn't handle being called out on it and skipped your little 'exercise' all together. That's on you.

Girth won't understand, because Girth is obsessed with dicks.

As for Jessica yaniv, I agree completely as to the type of person she is. Useless price of meat no matter what sex she identifies as.

Least we agree on something.

With your buddy coming out and stating that yaniv is NOT trans, well, that just reminded me of the gay guys telling me to pick a side cause there ain't no such thing as bi. You're either queer, or you're a breeder, can't be both. Lol. It was like listening to a straight guy saying being homosexual is a choice.
If she can decide who identifies as trans, then anyone can and she can't whine when someone says she ain't.

You do have a point, sort of. Someone outside of a community doesn't get the say on who is or isn't part of that community.

But I already explained my view on it in the previous post, so...


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
If you want to say that as your reasoning for being butthurt, sure go ahead.
I knew where you were going, unfortunately you didn't because your 'simple question' wasn't, and I explained why from the get go. The second time you asked, THAT was simple. And then you took it to complicated again. And when I told you so, you got, well, butthurt.
You couldn't handle being called out on it and skipped your little 'exercise' all together. That's on you.
Girth won't understand, because Girth is obsessed with dicks.
Least we agree on something.
You do have a point, sort of. Someone outside of a community doesn't get the say on who is or isn't part of that community.
But I already explained my view on it in the previous post, so...

I do have a point, sort of. Nice brush off.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Why are you trying to drag me into this, for the past several of your posts? You seem not have the ability to engage in a civil conversation, or to let things go. People will disagree with you in life. Deal with it.

For the record, you have been mentioning penises on this thread, and other threads obsessively. Maybe go get laid. You sure can use a good pounding.

Wasn't trying to 'drag you into' anything.

Pointing out facts you stated, that's all. I didn't expect any response from you at all.

I also explained why the mentions of penises... sorrynotsorry it makes you uncomfortable.

But says a lot that you think I need to get laid. Wow... that's just... so Joshy of you.