A looters' apology - Total Crap I say:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

LOL Don't do the crime if you can't do the time... and certainly don't play the race card.. geeeez

She got fired, good who want's a theif working for them.. I hope plenty of my heads roll, photos and names posted online for 10 years of the looters..

Power of the Internet should haunt all of these theives..

It's important to keep things in proper perspective- stealing two pairs of pants doesn't warrant making a person into a pariah for ten years, a little community work would suffice, burning cop cars is a different matter which I think warrants 30 days hard labour breaking rocks followed by 2 years of community service at the police detachment, cleaning drunk tanks- probably lots of puke, piss and excrement! :smile:

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

It's important to keep things in proper perspective- stealing two pairs of pants doesn't warrant making a person into a pariah for ten years, a little community work would suffice, burning cop cars is a different matter which I think warrants 30 days hard labour breaking rocks followed by 2 years of community service at the police detachment, cleaning drunk tanks- probably lots of puke, piss and excrement! :smile:

JLM, we've heard about the 2 pairs of shoes but for all I know, she fessed-up to the activities that she knew she'd get busted for. In the end, it's much more than stealing some consumer goods.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

Based on her behaviour, stealing, looting and phony apology she has an excellent chance to be union executive in the not so distant future.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

YJ, Can you give an example of a Union Exec exhibiting this behavior?

If not, if might be easier to find examples of CEO's of large corporations and politicians acting unethically in order to crush their opponents and screw the little guy. Unions exist for the purpose of defending employees from employer abuse and fight for better working conditions. If you think that's terrible, then you are either a corporate executive or have a screwed up opinion based on watching Faux News and taking what they say seriously. Didn't you know Faux News is actually satire?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

YJ, Can you give an example of a Union Exec exhibiting this behavior?

If not, if might be easier to find examples of CEO's of large corporations and politicians acting unethically in order to crush their opponents and screw the little guy. Unions exist for the purpose of defending employees from employer abuse and fight for better working conditions. If you think that's terrible, then you are either a corporate executive or have a screwed up opinion based on watching Faux News and taking what they say seriously. Didn't you know Faux News is actually satire?

There is fault on both sides. On the positive side, C.E.O.s who screw the employee are oft times cutting their own throats........smart employers know enough that when an employee makes a buck for them to return a percentage to the employee, that way everybody gains. On the other hand there are many instances of Unions exhibiting greed, one example being the Union I belonged to demanding employees be paid a half hour O.T. for anything over 6 minutes worked!


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

YJ, Can you give an example of a Union Exec exhibiting this behavior?

If not, if might be easier to find examples of CEO's of large corporations and politicians acting unethically in order to crush their opponents and screw the little guy. Unions exist for the purpose of defending employees from employer abuse and fight for better working conditions. If you think that's terrible, then you are either a corporate executive or have a screwed up opinion based on watching Faux News and taking what they say seriously. Didn't you know Faux News is actually satire?

First of all, earth_as_one, I am YukonJack, not YJ.

Secondly, while I am not disputing that CEOs have been known to loot their company and betray their stockholders, I have seen union executives do the same and become disgustingly rich.

I think I have told this story before, but in case you missed it, here it goes again: I am against unions, because they don't give a damn about the little guy, only about themselves. Case in point: When I started on the factory floor in 1965, I was part of a crew, working on piece work, in other words, the more we produced as a crew, the more we earned. One day, I needed help from my crew-mates to bring in the stock in order to do our job, I was told by them: F--k you, it's not my job. So, I struggled and wasted ten minutes of valuable production time, but I certainly did not struggle with my determination that I a am going to leave these jackasses behind as soon as my probationary period is over. I did. From then on I never ever needed a union thug speak for me. I worked thru strikes, I have been called scab, had my tires slashed, but I would do the same over and over again in a minute.

And no, I am not now, nor have I ever been a corporate executive. When I made the decision that unions are not for me, there was no FOXNews (it takes an undisputed idiot to call it Faux News), but I had enough brains and courage to speak for myself. And, like someone more famous than me said: I did it my way!

Do you even subscribe to or watch FOX News or just mindlessly parrot the liberal pap?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

Whoa, hang on, Petros, in my pub crawling days I was a huge fan of shuffleboard, but I didn't destroy the pub. :lol:
So you're the guy that keeps stealing the wax eh? ****ing shuffleboard fans.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

I'm still in favor of public flogging for the rioters. Punishment is not only for those that are guilty but also as a deterrent to the next batch of terrorists.
Not sure of the legalities of firing an employee for something done on their own time. I think the various right kangaroo courts would have fun with that one.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

I'm still in favor of public flogging for the rioters. Punishment is not only for those that are guilty but also as a deterrent to the next batch of terrorists.
Not sure of the legalities of firing an employee for something done on their own time. I think the various right kangaroo courts would have fun with that one.

Certainly for the worst culprits, the ones burning cars and smashing store windows! If you are working for a company who depends on their public imagine to succeed at the business, then I would expect employees should deport themselves accordingly. For instance if was a locksmith, I wouldn't want my employees breaking into bank safes in the evening. :smile:


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

I'm still in favor of public flogging for the rioters. Punishment is not only for those that are guilty but also as a deterrent to the next batch of terrorists.
Not sure of the legalities of firing an employee for something done on their own time. I think the various right kangaroo courts would have fun with that one.

You mean like this:

Sentenced to a public lashing for daring to wear trousers | The Observers

Gee, those Muslims are really decent people! They let her keep her clothes on!


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

Based on her behaviour, stealing, looting and phony apology she has an excellent chance to be union executive in the not so distant future.

Or a politician of any stripe, hell, they perfected the art of theft and phony lies.

I'm still in favor of public flogging for the rioters. Punishment is not only for those that are guilty but also as a deterrent to the next batch of terrorists.
Not sure of the legalities of firing an employee for something done on their own time. I think the various right kangaroo courts would have fun with that one.

From what I read, you can be fired with cause if your behavior can potentially cause the employer harm, whether in work hours or not. Some of these people outed were actually wearing clothing that identified them with their employer. One case mentioned was a professional mountain biker sponsored by Oakley posing in front of a burning car with his Oakley attire on, he was promptly dumped by the company when the photos went viral.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

Or a politician of any stripe, hell, they perfected the art of theft and phony lies.

True, but at least politicians are elected and have to earn election as well as re-election.

Unions are FORCED on to innocent victims, who want nothing more than the right to work and provide for their families.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

True, but at least politicians are elected and have to earn election as well as re-election.

Unions are FORCED on to innocent victims, who want nothing more than the right to work and provide for their families.

I wouldn't say they are forced, if one has issues with a union, they can always decline the job offer.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

So these are the anachists? lol

She doesn't sound sorry at all. She says sorry... but then portrays herself to be the victim.

From her blog..

"Not only that, but Canada prides itself in being a peaceful country. We Canadians are loved around the world because we know how to handle ourselves and we avoid war as much as possible. The actions that I have seen on social media sites are embarrassing to our country and our reputation. These actions do not reflect the kindness that us Canadians are all known and loved for."

Same here in the US! We're a peaceful country... we avoid wars as much as possible... and we're loved around the world.


This girl is a bit delusioned, but this blog gets an A+ in my book.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

First of all, earth_as_one, I am YukonJack, not YJ.

Secondly, while I am not disputing that CEOs have been known to loot their company and betray their stockholders, I have seen union executives do the same and become disgustingly rich.

I think I have told this story before, but in case you missed it, here it goes again: I am against unions, because they don't give a damn about the little guy, only about themselves. Case in point: When I started on the factory floor in 1965, I was part of a crew, working on piece work, in other words, the more we produced as a crew, the more we earned. One day, I needed help from my crew-mates to bring in the stock in order to do our job, I was told by them: F--k you, it's not my job. So, I struggled and wasted ten minutes of valuable production time, but I certainly did not struggle with my determination that I a am going to leave these jackasses behind as soon as my probationary period is over. I did. From then on I never ever needed a union thug speak for me. I worked thru strikes, I have been called scab, had my tires slashed, but I would do the same over and over again in a minute.

And no, I am not now, nor have I ever been a corporate executive. When I made the decision that unions are not for me, there was no FOXNews (it takes an undisputed idiot to call it Faux News), but I had enough brains and courage to speak for myself. And, like someone more famous than me said: I did it my way!

Do you even subscribe to or watch FOX News or just mindlessly parrot the liberal pap?

I just use YJ to save typing. Its purpose is just to let others know who I reference. You may refer to me as eao, YukonJack(Ass). I guess the extra typing isn't a pain after all.

I sorry some idiot in the union wasted 10 minutes of your valuable time, back in 1965. I can understand how traumatic that experience must have been. I had a bad haircut once back in 1968, and I had to live with it for a few weeks. I was devastated. As a result I've hated all barbers ever since.

Unions work best when everyone sticks together. Some people like yourself have a "screw everyone else, me first" attitude and will happily undermine the sacrifices made by others to improve working conditions and compensation for you and everyone else by crossing picket lines. In some cases people have lost their jobs permanently to people like you who cross picket lines. At a minimum your actions reduced the effectiveness of the strike to the benefit of the employer at the expense of your fellow workers. I am not surprised that some of your co-workers on strike and getting little to no pay, might have felt some resentment toward you as they were trying to decide which one of their children they can afford to feed while facing home foreclosure. Sometimes people like you cause the people struggling to improve their working conditions to loose they jobs permanently because effectively you just screwed them over, probably with a big smile on your selfish face as you work under poor perhaps dangerous conditions at reduced compensation... As in the situation they were struggling to improve for the benefit of everyone rather than thinking selfishly of just themselves..

Sometimes I tune into FauxNews, especially when I need a good laugh. Glenn Beck's dire "end of the world, end of America as we know it" predictions and lunatic associations which show how Presiden Obama is really a member of the Muslim Brotherhood who faked being born in the USA so he can turn God Fearing Christians into Muslims and help Muslim Terrorist destroy America and other off the wall comdey sketches delivered with a straight face are hilarious. I am assuming you knew FauxNews is satire????

By the way if you like FauxNews satire then you'll love The Onion, which is "America's Finest News Source":
The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Almost No One Noticing Officials Doing Corrupt Thing
by Almost No One
June 22, 2011

WASHINGTON—Though officials apparently assumed they would get away with a deeply corrupt inside deal Tuesday, this morning’s edition of The Onion confirmed that one news organization—and only one news organization—had been onto them all along. “I honestly thought no one would have the guts or the expertise to report on such a complex story,” said Washington lobbyist Lawrence Cade, who, as a result of the article’s clarity and emotional depth—something rarely seen in political reporting—was arrested Monday along with a group of 26 others, including House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. “I should have known the one news source that takes its responsibility as watchdog and gatekeeper more seriously than anyone else would have been working on this shocking story from the moment I picked up the phone and called the CEO of Monsanto.” Government officials who were taken into custody told reporters they would plead guilty to all charges, saying it would be impossible to find any holes in The Onion’s coverage of the illicit plot.

BTW, did you know that Professional wrestling is staged? Those guys aren't really wrestling. Its called Sports Entertainment, just like FauxNews is infotainment. Anyone capable of critical thought wouldn't take either seriously....
Last edited:


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Re: Rioter looter fired from job

I wouldn't say they are forced, if one has issues with a union, they can always decline the job offer.

And, of course, even if they do, they still have to pay union dues, according to one of the greatest mockery of freedom, the Rand Formula.

earth_as_one opined:

"I just use YJ to save typing. Its purpose is just to let others know who I reference. You may refer to me as eao, YukonJack(Ass). I guess the extra typing isn't a pain after all."

You are careful to save a few keystrokes to show respect, but spare no effort and even peck out more in order to insult.

Mind you, I do not condemn you, you are doing a great job of condemning yourself.