The Cathedral of Notre Dame is Burning


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
It's still a church (house of God) built somewhere around 1185 A.D. in Paris and it's big. Anything else you think I need to know? I'm not a particularly religious person so to me it's just another edifice & like any other material structure can be repaired!

Church or not, it is history. It can probably be repaired but it will never be the same.

And when this was built what exactly was in BC? What of that is still standing today?


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Don't get me wrong Mowich, of course it was an interesting news item on the day it happened, but it's been on the news every day since, no one was killed or injured, meanwhile right here in our own area brutal murders are happening which get less coverage. It's just a building and can be repaired.

Is there something unique about these brutal murders or just more of the same in everyday BC life? If its more of the same, why cover them?

And lack of coverage has not appeared to affect your ability to know about them so I can't say any adjustments would be required in the coverage.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Awwww your concern is touching. And have you donated to the 140 yr old Murray United Church that was destroyed by arson in the Merrit-area of BC in January, or any of the other churches that were torched in the area at the same time? Including the two on the Scw’exmx Reserve?
Or was this simply an opportunity for you to try and signal your non-existent virtue without actually having to put yourself out, as per the ALT-left dogma.

He hasn't donated to anything outside of his misguided opinions


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
It was based on a study on anti-Semitic morons and the effect of their living in a low-oxygen environment.
Swedish Journalist Caught on Social Media Celebrating Notre Dame Fire

Blessed Bee
28 minutes ago
Yup...Alex is NOT Swedish.
He is an Ashkenazi Jew.

He loathes native Swedish people. He loathes native French people.

And most of all, he loathes Christians.

Blessed Bee
30 minutes ago
Alex Shulman?
That doesn't sound like a Swedish name.

Ummm...Gee...Just like the dancing Israelis did at 911.

The Foreign Ministry said in response that it had been informed by the consulate in New York that the FBI had arrested the five for "puzzling behavior." They are said to have had been caught videotaping the disaster and shouting in what was interpreted as cries of joy and mockery.
( Israeli news papers must hate jews too?)

Are YOU sure someone isn't standing on Your O2 cord?
just sayin.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It was her attempt at comedy, a reply to a post where I called her anti-Semitic. That being said new rules do seem to be in the wings and if they were to push the God angle this would be the best year to do it. That being said, God can keep a sequence on time, rich men, . . . not so much, lack of belief is part of it.

Once Satan took all Job's wealth away he started in on his food supply.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Church or not, it is history. It can probably be repaired but it will never be the same.

And when this was built what exactly was in BC? What of that is still standing today?

Which bears no relevance to anything. The planet is in a constant state of evolvement and change. B.C. had a well established civilization at the time. Read your history.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Which bears no relevance to anything. The planet is in a constant state of evolvement and change. B.C. had a well established civilization at the time. Read your history.
It's the old thought exercise. You have a sailing ship. Over time, you replace various boards, sails, and other parts. Eventually you've replaced the entire thing. Is it still the ship you bought or built?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
It's the old thought exercise. You have a sailing ship. Over time, you replace various boards, sails, and other parts. Eventually you've replaced the entire thing. Is it still the ship you bought or built?
That's how our bodies work, btw. There are traces of our beginnings in our underlying structure but we are constantly, slowly changing out the squishy bits.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Notre Dame has something of a dark past: It's where that evil tyrant Napoleon was crowned emperor on Sunday 2nd December 1804.

The first photo of the cathedral was taken in 1838:



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
C of E, eh?
Were you in church, yesterday?

For Good Friday? Why? I'm a Protestant.

Most Protestants don't celebrate Good Friday as much as the Catholics do. It's a mainly Catholic thing. We (or most of us) get the day off work but that's just to go to the pub or the beach or have a barbecue.

Even Bolton Parish Church had no big event yesterday. Any Anglican churches that do celebrate it wouldn't have all the decor and idolatrous symbols - like Christ on the cross - that Catholic churches have.
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Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
For Good Friday? Why? I'm a Protestant.
Most Protestants don't celebrate Good Friday as much as the Catholics do. It's a mainly Catholic thing. We (or most of us) get the day off work but that's just to go to the pub or the beach or have a barbecue.
Even Bolton Parish Church had no big event yesterday. Any Anglican churches that do celebrate it wouldn't have all the decor and idolatrous symbols - like Christ on the cross - that Catholic churches have.

In other words, no. You were not in church yesterday.

You must be one of those "hatch-em, match-em, dispatch-em" Anglicans.