Why did we stop inventing gods?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The Greek version is supposed to make a comeback in the future as the RCC fades from the throne it has sat on for so long. An illusion of change rather than it being any real change. It is being billed as the climax as far as the battle of the various Gods and one will be called the winner, period.

When you agree with the person next to you that isn't educated it is a 'collective' when the number includes many people. I have a hard time believing any of them if they haven't yet figured out who the beloved disciple is by using the Bible as the reference material. 20 hrs of study will give you a better estimate than the same ones who have had the same text for almost 2,000 years. That probably isn't the only flaw, insert purple ink as required.
Take your pills.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Has this ever happened to you?

"Ugh! Another Sunday church service ruined! When are we going to get some new gods? I'm really getting tired of the old ones!"

"Geez Dave, I had no idea you were tired of the ones you had! But I have a surprise for you! You remember that guy who invents stuff and sells it on TV? His name is..."

"I know! I know! It's Ron Popeel! He's great, but I thought he was dead."

"So did a lot of other people, Dave. I saw an interview years ago when Ron told Merv Griffin or Mike Douglas, or whoever, that he wasn't going to die until he had the perfect deity."

"Wow, I had no idea! What's the perfect deity, Marg?"

"Ron says it has to be easy to prepare, worship and be suitable for the whole family. It doesn't matter how old you are, it must have the perfect blend of sweetness, fire and brimstone, compassion and love."

"That's a tall order. Have you ever read the Old Testament?"

"Goodness yes! God was a great blend of tough guy and a loving deity. Someone we could all worship and enjoy!"

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Even with the flood, the pestilence, the famine, rains of toads and the locust swarms, He still had time to add beautiful gardens, music and a land of milk and honey."

"But I didn't care for the camels..."

"Yes, but that's only because one sneezed in your face at the Toronto Zoo."

"Oh boy, how can I forget! But anyway, tell me about Ron's new invention."

"Well Dave, ancient gods were always throwing fits about worshipping idols, not following the rules and speaking IN A LOUD, ECHOING VOICE! Ron went into the kitchen, a good old kitchen in the USA, and made his latest and greatest invention, Popeel's Gummi Gods!"

"Yum, Gummi Gods. Tell me about them."

"You bet, Gummi Gods are small, easy to carry, sweet tasting chewable deities, made with love, but no sugar, so your teeth, and your soul, won't decay. So good, they are guaranteed can save the godless, like those mountain men and people hat watch the Food Network. Diabetics will love the fact that their blood glucose won't skyrocket! They're made from Splenda."

"But what about the bottom line? Are they easy to make? Can you get them premade? These days, we're all busy doing stuff!"

"Yes and yes. Gummi Gods come as an easy to make home kit or prepackaged and available at your local store. Each box comes with it's own eternal guarantee. No demons, Satanic creatures or MSG (Muslims Shooting Guns)."

"Well, just what about those Muslims, Marg?"

"I'm afraid they won't be able to partake. Gummi Gods will be flooding the market, and they aren't halal. The reason? The gummi name comes from the jelly. It's made from pig parts. No worries about Muslims stealing yor god or your lunch! But Islam isn't a true religion anyway. It was a mistake that developed because of camel sweat."

"Which means Ron will be hard at work cooking up something to take out the sweat stains of Islam! It's win/win!"

"Gummi Gods come packaged in boxes of 20, 50 or 1,000 for the weekend retreaters. At 10 cents per, they're a cheap way to salvation. Certainly less expensive than what the televangelists are offering."

"What about our friends the Jews? They aren't supposed to eat pork either."

"Funny you should say that, Dave. Ron is working on a gelatin, Star of David shaped Gummi Gods for our Shalom friends."

"Thanks Marg. I'll be watching my local grocer and church or synagogue for them!"

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Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Why did we stop inventing gods?

The ancients were quite good at inventing new gods. The bible shows that the Jews invented many gods before deciding that god could not be defined and settled for “I am“, as the greatest expression of god. “I am” as spoken as a man.

Please google --- A History of God by Karen Armstrong.

Jews, in their oral tradition, gave man the last word in what god and his policies were to be. They accepted that the man they chose as head Rabbi of their Divine council had the power to overrule their written tradition. Man’s words, not an imaginary god, had the final say on policy. Man was supreme and not one of the imaginary gods.

Christianity then changed much of the morals and policies of their newly invented god, Yahweh, and also transferred the power of god to a man. Jesus. Jesus was now placed at the power seat at the right hand of his newly invented god and placed Yahweh in the right hemisphere of the brain, as shown in the art of the day as depicted by Michelangelo in his creation painting in the Vatican.

Islam then invented Allah, and so far, rightfully named him the last god to be invented. Foolish but true to date.

I see that search for a god as a search for the best laws and rules to live life by. After all, we cannot follow an imaginary god and can only follow the laws and rules that those imaginary gods has spoken, recognizing of course, that only a person can speak those laws and rules and that it was really a wise person who was uttering those words.

Gnostic Christians always saw those invented gods, specifically Yahweh, Jesus and Allah, as immoral and not worthy of us and that is why they named those gods as immoral and vile demiurges. This is not to say that those demiurges did not have some good policies but only says that a better god could and should be invented. Gnostic Christianity lost the god wars and was decimated the moment Christianity gained political power which they used to end freedom of religion.

Are immoral demiurges like Yahweh, Jesus and Allah, the best that mankind can come up with?

Why do you think we stopped inventing gods and settled for demonstrably immoral ones?


Humans stop fearing gods, and the people were no longer easily fooled into giving up their money for blessing by con-artists/priests

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
When the masses got educated they no longer needed gods.

The masses got cell phones and they all walk around praying from them during all of their waking hours.... billions of Twitter Monks walking, praying from the Face Book, meditating, ...

You can take gods away from humans but you can't stop them from following something.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Humans stop fearing gods, and the people were no longer easily fooled into giving up their money for blessing by con-artists/priests

What? If you don't realize your Gods you go nowhere, you have a god you should be fearful, give up your money

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Some of the best educated people in the world are religious.

Sure but not educated enough to drop their foolish belief in the supernatural.

They may be educated but they are not too bright.


Are you a moral god, DL? What is the extent of your kingdom and following?

I am a work in progress but since the so called religious run from me when I start to discuss morals, I would say that I am more moral than the average Christian who thinks his genocidal son murdering god is moral.

Muslims are in that same immoral category as they do not practice or recognize the Golden Rule which many think is the first word in morality.

Since I have a criminal mind and delinquent attitude, I would say that I have come a long way as compared to most religionists.

Are you a moral man/god Motar?


Humans stop fearing gods, and the people were no longer easily fooled into giving up their money for blessing by con-artists/priests

On this, I agree.

Martin Luther saw the immorality of the early church selling god's favors and speaking for a god they did not know or even believe in.
We should all recognize that anyone who says anything of a supernatural god is knowingly lying.


The masses got cell phones and they all walk around praying from them during all of their waking hours.... billions of Twitter Monks walking, praying from the Face Book, meditating, ...

You can take gods away from humans but you can't stop them from following something.

True that we have many sheeple and following is natural to them, but they should recognize that what they are following are men speaking/lying about supernatural gods when they should be following man/gods as the ancients did.

What is God? | Big Think

Strange how the ancients were wiser on this than modern man.


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Some of the best educated people in the world are religious.

Perhaps, one needs to be well educated to come to the realization that anything is possible. Many things are improbable but reality is mutable enough to allow for grand creators.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Perhaps, one needs to be well educated to come to the realization that anything is possible. Many things are improbable but reality is mutable enough to allow for grand creators.

Such a creator would wish to be known. Right?

Instead, he hides and threatens those who will not corrupt their minds with supernatural beliefs to a life, eh, death in hell.

If that god exists then he is quite the prick. Right?


For the same reason conditions on earth are no longer conducive for life to just pop up out of nowhere.

Indeed. We have learned a lot over time.

That is why belief is on such a decline in the West.


The Sun is God anything else is superstition.

The sun is the sustainer of our lives but is hardly a sentient being.


Yahweh Bin Yahweh is the bearer of that great light that shines in the darkness of every mans heart. He still in jail or did they let that scoundrel loose?

If he is shining but has not the power to dispel darkness, then he is hardly a worthy light.

Such a light should be able to look about and say, where is the darkness.



Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Such a creator would wish to be known. Right?

Instead, he hides and threatens those who will not corrupt their minds with supernatural beliefs to a life, eh, death in hell.

If that god exists then he is quite the prick. Right?


Indeed. We have learned a lot over time.

That is why belief is on such a decline in the West.


The sun is the sustainer of our lives but is hardly a sentient being.


If he is shining but has not the power to dispel darkness, then he is hardly a worthy light.

Such a light should be able to look about and say, where is the darkness.

Nice reply there DL. I'm assuming the sarcasm went over your head. I'll also assume you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.