NDP calls for uncivil MPs to be suspended without pay


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
I don't see the "bullet points" as being out of line as in fact he is firing "bullets". (But I also have a thick hide).

Oh, I don't think they are out of line. I just don't like the style. To me they are on par with those annoying ties with cherries or smiley faces on them. Of course, individual mileage may vary.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
- gerryh ... Perhaps I am mistaken that you come off at least in your responses to my posts as being from the lunatic left wing fringe but I rather think that you are at the least a left winger who is confused and actually thinks she is simply a moderate liberal. You see, anybody not in his employ who thinks that Justin Trudeau is qualified to be prime minister and is doing a great job is certainly both gullible in the extreme and on the left wing of the Liberal Party. And you also really should check with your hero Justin on Gore and Suzuki and global warming because he certainly subscribes to all of the bull**** and hypocrisy and blown billions and third world transfers associated with the anti-global warming crusade and its champions. As to my extended age, unlike yourself I subscribe to the notion that the relevant experience and skills and judgement acquired through the years are actually great assets as, for example, they proved to be with John A. MacDonald and Winston Churchill and Konrad Adehauer and other seasoned political leaders. Obviously, you have contempt for age and relevant experience and believe that some young a$$hole who has never even held a full time job let alone accomplished anything or led a significant and complex organization can start at the top without qualifications. This explains your endorsement of Justin Trudeau and also your fawning over management trainee Obama.

More terminal stupidity from the terminally stupid right wing nutter teddyballgame.It never ceases to amaze me that these american wannabe's that tear down american democratic presidents in one breath and then idolize Canadian Conservatives in the next. It shows their complete ignorance on the subject of what is left and what is right politically. The majority of Conservative Prime Ministers are further to the left than any of the american democratic presidents.

I personally can not remember ever saying that I supported obama. I do remember stating that I do not see any real difference between the democrats or the republicans. Doesn't matter which party has the presidency or controls the house or senate, somewhere in the world children will be dieing at the hands of american bombs.

McDonald was a drunk. Plain and simple and only deserves my derision. Churchill was good for Britain during the war, but obviously wasn't worth shyte during peace time.

As for young Justin, he just needs to surround himself with competent advisers. He has no need to "know it all". My support of him at this time has more to do with how much it pisses the right wing nuts off than with anything else.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"As for young Justin, he just needs to surround himself with competent advisers. He has no need to "know it all". My support of him at this time has more to do with how much it pisses the right wing nuts off than with anything else."

THAT fits into the category of "cutting off your nose to spite your face", Gerry!-:)


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
As for young Justin, he just needs to surround himself with competent advisers. He has no need to "know it all". My support of him at this time has more to do with how much it pisses the right wing nuts off than with anything else.

- gerryh ... So then you are a liar rather a fool inasmuch as you now admitt that you cannot substantiate and do not even believe your earlier absurd claim that Justin Trudeau "is doing a great job"?

- I always have trouble deciding whether being a liar is worse than being a fool so I'm not sure how to respond to your revelation.

- On the other hand, a case could be made that you are both a liar and a fool inasmuch as you lied about believing The Space Cadet is doing a great job and yet you are willing to support him to lead our country in perilous times just because "it pisses the right wing nuts off". This is a ridiculous basis for backing a candidate for leadership not just because the country faces real challenges ahead but also because the silly premis is wrong since conservative voters generally look forward to the debacle that will ensue when the part time teacher faces PM Harper in the Commons and on the campaign trail.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
- gerryh ... So then you are a liar rather a fool inasmuch as you now admitt that you cannot substantiate and do not even believe your earlier absurd claim that Justin Trudeau "is doing a great job"?

- I always have trouble deciding whether being a liar is worse than being a fool so I'm not sure how to respond to your revelation.

- On the other hand, a case could be made that you are both a liar and a fool inasmuch as you lied about believing The Space Cadet is doing a great job and yet you are willing to support him to lead our country in perilous times just because "it pisses the right wing nuts off". This is a ridiculous basis for backing a candidate for leadership not just because the country faces real challenges ahead but also because the silly premis is wrong since conservative voters generally look forward to the debacle that will ensue when the part time teacher faces PM Harper in the Commons and on the campaign trail.

Actually, Teddy Boy, Gerry's message was very simple to understand. 1. He doesn't like Harper. 2. He thinks Trudeau with good advisors could do a good job. 3. He'd like to see Trudeau as P.M. if for no other reason just to piss Harper off. A pretty simple concept, really! I'm not sure I quite agree with his thinking but I definitely agree with his right to say it.......................IF FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN TO PISS YOU OFF! -:)


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Can we get back to making fun of the NDP's hypocrisy yet?

Or the fact that you prefer to discuss their history instead of the subject?

No party has a clean record.

But if you want to remain consistent, you should point out the Cons bumblings next time they make an economic suggestion like dropping the penny.

Then, we could go back to 1867 and chat about what John A and Laurier had for breakfast.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
How about the abject stupidity of political representatives let alone their capacity to perpetually offer nothing but empty promises and outright lies?

I say fix this first before we go running around and worrying about manners in the HOC

We the electorate are largely to blame for that. We all know that in politics it is impossible to guarantee that promises will be kept. So we should not vote for anyone who makes them. When we all understand that these "promises" are nothing more than endeavours that may come to fruition if nothing changes from the way it is at the time they are made!

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Fair enough... Everything you suggest is accurate in my eyes... My point is; with all of the previously mentioned problems (significant problems I might add), why would we waste time worrying about decorum in the HOC?

To me, it's like stepping over a $20 bill in order to pick up a nickle


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
So in order to achieve true civility in the HOC, we need to replace MPs with children. Huh, I guess the whole "children are our future" thing might be kind of prophetic after all.
Children are our future?


If we kill them now, we can save the future.


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
We the electorate are largely to blame for that. We all know that in politics it is impossible to guarantee that promises will be kept. So we should not vote for anyone who makes them. When we all understand that these "promises" are nothing more than endeavours that may come to fruition if nothing changes from the way it is at the time they are made!

- JLM ... Brilliant! You favour giving MPs a blank cheque for four years with no promises, no platform, no goals for which to strive and no means of affixing accountability.

- This would result in four year dictatorships in which the governing MPs could do whatever the hell they want to do and take as much money out of our pockets as their hearts desire with no accountability whatsoever except for one day every four years.

- Aside from the small problem of no promises or platform and therefore no accountability, there is also the problem or question of on what basis can one now decide to vote for one candidate over another. Would it be because, like Justin Trudeau, they have wavy hair and dreamy eyes? Certainly the absence of a platform of election promises or goals makes it even more difficult to cast an intelligent ballot.

- Hey, here's a thought you might like. Since you advocate just giving blank cheques to the MPs, why not eliminate the middle man entirely by just giving blank cheques directly to the monopoly public sector unions? This way instead of only gaming the system and the taxpayers for 55-92% of government budgets - depending on the level of government and the department - for pay, perks and pensions, the unions can shoot for 100%.

- Don't ever change, JLM, you really are priceless.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
- JLM ... Brilliant! You favour giving MPs a blank cheque for four years with no promises, no platform, no goals for which to strive and no means of affixing accountability.

- This would result in four year dictatorships in which the governing MPs could do whatever the hell they want to do and take as much money out of our pockets as their hearts desire with no accountability whatsoever except for one day every four years.

- Aside from the small problem of no promises or platform and therefore no accountability, there is also the problem or question of on what basis can one now decide to vote for one candidate over another. Would it be because, like Justin Trudeau, they have wavy hair and dreamy eyes? Certainly the absence of a platform of election promises or goals makes it even more difficult to cast an intelligent ballot.

- Hey, here's a thought you might like. Since you advocate just giving blank cheques to the MPs, why not eliminate the middle man entirely by just giving blank cheques directly to the monopoly public sector unions? This way instead of only gaming the system and the taxpayers for 55-92% of government budgets - depending on the level of government and the department - for pay, perks and pensions, the unions can shoot for 100%.

- Don't ever change, JLM, you really are priceless.

You don't read too good, Teddy Boy. Where was "blank cheques" mentioned in my post? If you want to believe in promises (like the ground hog, the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny) that's up to you. I would just rather hear what the candidate would honestly strive for, given conditions that make that possible. At least I (unlike you) can focus on the entire political spectrum instead of "beating the biased drum" of one party ad nauseum!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Do you really think a Spastics fan can separate delusion from reality?

He's a different kind of "cat" for sure, but he's totally within his rights to spew forth his nonsense of volcanic proportions! His credibility runs hand in hand!


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
You don't read too good, Teddy Boy. Where was "blank cheques" mentioned in my post? If you want to believe in promises (like the ground hog, the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny) that's up to you. I would just rather hear what the candidate would honestly strive for, given conditions that make that possible. At least I (unlike you) can focus on the entire political spectrum instead of "beating the biased drum" of one party ad nauseum!

A MP without any promises is free to do as he or she pleases and not be accountable for a broken promise 4 years hense. If you promise, and fail, you are judged on that in the next election. It's not perfect but its better than the no promises idea.