Most Unsolved Canadian Murders Are Perpetrated By The Police


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I just read this entire thread, even better then the Twilight Zone.

Yeah, thank more to posters like Bear and Gerry than the original "author". :lol:

Awesome, it'll be just like high school, lol. You do the reading and give me the coles notes version. ;)

Here's an idea, why don't we just, oh I don't know, just randomly start to make stuff up?

I don't know why I thought of that. ;)

I think the vehicle was a Pimpmobile!


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
Pigs do perpetrate more crime than any group , it's true. Mainly because it's easier for them to get away with it than a regular citizen.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I'll ask Bear for the highlights, lol.

From what I can gather from the mangled time line and verbose ramblings is...

1, Callum gained power of attorney, over his fathers business interests, when his father had a stroke.
2, Callum, moved a lot of the money around, in some dealings that simply benefited Callum, and not his fathers interests, contrary to the terms of his power of attorney. He created three companies with monies siphoned from his fathers interests, Powell River Investments, Alco Enterprises LTD, and Cedar Grove Holdings.
3, The profits from these illegal transactions, were still taxable. But Callum never paid the taxes on said profits.
4, When Callum's actions came to light, action was taken to withdraw his power of attorney over his fathers interests.
5, Both Callum's family and the Minister of Finance launched action. The former to recoup the misappropriated funds, and the latter to dissolve the companies he created and pay the applicable owning taxes.
6, This of course was seriously hindered by Callum's being a diagnosed Paranoid Schizophrenic.

I have no doubt he firmly believes every word he has uttered.

I have experience with people with the same affliction. His blog is simply rife with textbook characteristics of someone suffering from Paranoid Schizophrenia.

There is no doubt in my mind that Callum is an extremely intelligent individual. His excellent grasp of the law is only paralleled by his inability to process parts of the facts that do not support his version of reality. It's quite sad really, and I don't mean that as an insult. His intelligence really is astounding, his writings are well prosed (Although fractured and out of sequence at times) emotionally charging and poignant.

I can honestly say I was riveted at times, as his rendition comes across like a script from a Canadian Civil Court version of Law and Order. I found myself hoping that the next paragraph was going to be the one where the underdog (Callum) would make headway and win some concession.

Unfortunately, given that he truly appears to be guilty of all the allegations levied against him. That win would not be there.

I find myself hoping that he finds some peace one day, I wish him all the best, and suggest that he submits some of his writings to a publisher.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario

From what I can gather from the mangled time line and verbose ramblings is...

1, Callum gained power of attorney, over his fathers business interests, when his father had a stroke.
2, Callum, moved a lot of the money around, in some dealings that simply benefited Callum, and not his fathers interests, contrary to the terms of his power of attorney. He created three companies with monies siphoned from his fathers interests, Powell River Investments, Alco Enterprises LTD, and Cedar Grove Holdings.
3, The profits from these illegal transactions, were still taxable. But Callum never paid the taxes on said profits.
4, When Callum's actions came to light, action was taken to withdraw his power of attorney over his fathers interests.
5, Both Callum's family and the Minister of Finance launched action. The former to recoup the misappropriated funds, and the latter to dissolve the companies he created and pay the applicable owning taxes.
6, This of course was seriously hindered by Callum's being a diagnosed Paranoid Schizophrenic.

So far sounds like a soap opera.Given that, there is probably a market for the story.

I have no doubt he firmly believes every word he has uttered.

I have experience with people with the same affliction. His blog is simply rife with textbook characteristics of someone suffering from Paranoid Schizophrenia.

There is no doubt in my mind that Callum is an extremely intelligent individual. His excellent grasp of the law is only paralleled by his inability to process parts of the facts that do not support his version of reality. It's quite sad really, and I don't mean that as an insult. His intelligence really is astounding, his writings are well prosed (Although fractured and out of sequence at times) emotionally charging and poignant.

I can honestly say I was riveted at times, as his rendition comes across like a script from a Canadian Civil Court version of Law and Order. I found myself hoping that the next paragraph was going to be the one where the underdog (Callum) would make headway and win some concession.

Unfortunately, given that he truly appears to be guilty of all the allegations levied against him. That win would not be there.

I find myself hoping that he finds some peace one day, I wish him all the best, and suggest that he submits some of his writings to a publisher.

And the rest just sounds really sad. Truly and sincerely.

(I'm still glad I didn't have to read it though. Thanks Bear ;))


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
So far sounds like a soap opera.Given that, there is probably a market for the story.

And the rest just sounds really sad. Truly and sincerely.

(I'm still glad I didn't have to read it though. Thanks Bear ;))

My curiosity is killing me regarding what he was doing with/in that vehicle to lose his insurance coverage, was he hauling drugs or wh*res or some of each? :lol:


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
My curiosity is killing me regarding what he was doing with/in that vehicle to lose his insurance coverage, was he hauling drugs or wh*res or some of each? :lol:

Judging by Bear's most excellently written book report (you get an A by the way Bear) I don't think we'll ever really know.

Truth is sometimes in the eye of the beholder.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Well, all I can say is, Bear, you are a hell of a lot more sympathetic than I am.

For what he has done to his Father and his family, I hope they lock him up and throw away the key.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Well, all I can say is, Bear, you are a hell of a lot more sympathetic than I am.

For what he has done to his Father and his family, I hope they lock him up and throw away the key.
It's only money Gh. I personally don't place the same value in it as others may.

Besides that, he admits he's been diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia, and is, for all intents and purposes, disabled.

I can't say that there was or was not criminal intent in his actions. With his affliction, the line between reality and his reality is blurry. If half of his story is true, he's paid his pound of flesh to the courts.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
That would probably do it although where he claims to live shrooms would be a valid prediction as well.

Yep, they sure grew rampant around Courtenay when I lived there. I remember one farmer out at Black Creek found some hippies on his property picking them. He wrapped one or more of them up in barbed wire threw him/them in the back of his pickup and hauled him/them into the cop shop. A lot of people were up in arms, I thought he was great! :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island

From what I can gather from the mangled time line and verbose ramblings is...

1, Callum gained power of attorney, over his fathers business interests, when his father had a stroke.
2, Callum, moved a lot of the money around, in some dealings that simply benefited Callum, and not his fathers interests, contrary to the terms of his power of attorney. He created three companies with monies siphoned from his fathers interests, Powell River Investments, Alco Enterprises LTD, and Cedar Grove Holdings.
3, The profits from these illegal transactions, were still taxable. But Callum never paid the taxes on said profits.
4, When Callum's actions came to light, action was taken to withdraw his power of attorney over his fathers interests.
5, Both Callum's family and the Minister of Finance launched action. The former to recoup the misappropriated funds, and the latter to dissolve the companies he created and pay the applicable owning taxes.
6, This of course was seriously hindered by Callum's being a diagnosed Paranoid Schizophrenic.

I have no doubt he firmly believes every word he has uttered.

I have experience with people with the same affliction. His blog is simply rife with textbook characteristics of someone suffering from Paranoid Schizophrenia.

There is no doubt in my mind that Callum is an extremely intelligent individual. His excellent grasp of the law is only paralleled by his inability to process parts of the facts that do not support his version of reality. It's quite sad really, and I don't mean that as an insult. His intelligence really is astounding, his writings are well prosed (Although fractured and out of sequence at times) emotionally charging and poignant.

I can honestly say I was riveted at times, as his rendition comes across like a script from a Canadian Civil Court version of Law and Order. I found myself hoping that the next paragraph was going to be the one where the underdog (Callum) would make headway and win some concession.

Unfortunately, given that he truly appears to be guilty of all the allegations levied against him. That win would not be there.

I find myself hoping that he finds some peace one day, I wish him all the best, and suggest that he submits some of his writings to a publisher.

Bear: I never read his ramblings but I found out this.There is no Callum listed in Powell River. The only Callum with a 250 area code is in Victoria. Also none of the businesses mentioned are listed in PR. I am fairly sure that Cedar Grove Holdings is part of Cedar Grove Building Supply which has about 6 branches on the Island. Would this fit with his mental problems?
Being on meds for Paranoid Schizophrenic would explain ICBC pulling his insurance.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Bear: I never read his ramblings but I found out this.There is no Callum listed in Powell River. The only Callum with a 250 area code is in Victoria. Also none of the businesses mentioned are listed in PR. I am fairly sure that Cedar Grove Holdings is part of Cedar Grove Building Supply which has about 6 branches on the Island.
I did search some of the lawyers names, and they do exist. I searched the docket number he listed in the story, but it didn't come up on the SCBC site. But that's not that surprising. He does have pdf's of what appear to be communications with the law firms he speaks of, and they do pertain to the cases he cites. The businesses may no longer exist, given it's claimed that they were put in receivership and dissolved to repay his father and the CRA.

Check out Callum Guthrie Houston, when you get a chance, and let us know what you find. If you wouldn't mind.

Would this fit with his mental problems?
Yes, it could all be fantasy. But I suspect there are many grains of truth to the story.

Being on meds for Paranoid Schizophrenic would explain ICBC pulling his insurance.
I'm not sure if being on those meds would be grounds. But not being on those meds and diagnosed with PS, would most definitely be grounds.