Muslims face negative perception in Canada, study suggests


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
U.S. warns of possible hotel bombings after more than 100 killed in Nigeria - The Globe and Mail

Quite seriously, who cares?

We owed Gadhafi. He has been paid.

We have handed the Libyans a CHANCE to create a just society, that is all we can do. We can not dictate their choices. If they choose to become yet another lunatic Islamic state, there is not much we can do. Should they become belligerent and dangerous, we still have military assets available.

that is the attitude we need to have.
They were already living fairly well, the highest standard of living Africa in fact. Now Libya is a disaster and the country will see some of its toughest times in 40 years since Gaddafi took leadership.
This doesn't disturb you though, that America just completely ****ing ruined another country. You blow your load at this type of stuff then cry like a sobbing girl when a 9/11 happens. Tit for tat.
Now not only did U.S ruin another country but may have created a much more dangerous enemy state ruled by Al Qaeda? Blowback once again.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
They were already living fairly well, the highest standard of living Africa in fact. Now Libya is a disaster and the country will see some of its toughest times in 40 years since Gaddafi took leadership.
This doesn't disturb you though, that America just completely ****ing ruined another country. You blow your load at this type of stuff then cry like a sobbing girl when a 9/11 happens. Tit for tat.
Now not only did U.S ruin another country but may have created a much more dangerous enemy state ruled by Al Qaeda? Blowback once again.

I do so love the ability of the left to completely ignore the facts in favour of their ideology, white-hot hatred of freedom, and desire to undercut our allies.

Here's the facts:

1. We did not start the Libyan rebellion, in fact we were late to the game. Libya was already a disaster area, with guys with FN FALS and AK 47s fighting tanks, helicopters and jet fighters. What we did do is prevent a Syrian-style massacre of civilians, only much much worse.

2. I know you and your comrades so hate the USA you probably think they are responsible for your adolescent acne.....but this mission was led by CANADA, with large support from France and Great Britain, with NATO approval.........the USA was deeply involved, allbeit reluctantly. They kinda have their hands full.

as for Al-queda, I thought the lefty line was they didn't exist??? lol

Seriously, do you expect NATO to dictate what government the Libtan people choose??

Talk about imperialism!!

Or did you wish to let Gadhafi murder tens of thousands??

Or have it turn out as id did.

Those are the only three alternatives:

We should have let Gadhafi murder his way to continued power.
We now invade and control the Libyan gov't to avoid lunatic Islamists taking over.
We let the Libyans choose their own way and deal with the consequences as the situation demands.

Pick one.


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
No, here are facts

1. Libya had the highest standard of living in Africa.

2. Now the country is now in control by religious fundamentalists

3. Things are now substantially worse.

Whether Gaddafi needed to be removed or not, destroying the country and displacing his regime with a much worse regime wasn't the way to do it.

To say U.S was reluctant to get involved is obvious horse****.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Some people can't live without a boogy man. I think it's called "little dick syndrome".
So the US is your boogeyman...

Cliffy has little dick syndrome...


The real threat depends on which supporters have access to substantial capital or weaponry and are willing to use either.
Bull sh!t.

People whose ideology allows them to support a terrorist organization, even just by checking a box on a poll. Are far more dangerous than any weapon, or financial backer.

They're the same people that allowed people like Hitler to manifest his horrific vision.

To say U.S was reluctant to get involved is obvious horse****.
Kind of true. But since it was Canada that led the charge...

It's moot.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
People whose ideology allows them to support a terrorist organization, even just by checking a box on a poll. Are far more dangerous than any weapon, or financial backer.

Strength in numbers I guess.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006

Is he Andy Capped?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
a Lebanese high school junior from an area dominated by strict Muslims sought protection after arriving in Australia on a prospective spouse visa for an arranged marriage with a man decades her senior, only to find that he was a violent drunk who kept his previous wife and children in an adjoining house.
The teenager was eventually granted a protection visa after her own family threatened to kill her.
"She will be slaughter and killed," the girl's family said in a letter. "By God, I will kill you at the airport and I will bury you in the grave. O you dog."

Read more: Hundreds of child brides flown into Australia on special visas |