Muslims face negative perception in Canada, study suggests


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
My gay brother converted a Mormon.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
goober would know, it's what he uses to make it nice and easy to get all cuddly with bears colon.

Ger – I am sure you are more than familiar with what a colons job is?
The colon is the last part of the digestive system in most vertebrates; it extracts water and salt from solid wastes before they are eliminated from the body, and is the site in which flora-aided (largely bacterial) fermentation of unabsorbed material occurs. Unlike the small intestine, the colon does not play a major role in absorption of foods and nutrients. However, the colon does absorb water, potassium and some fat soluble vitamins.[1]
In mammals, the colon consists of four sections: the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, and the sigmoid colon (the proximal colon usually refers to the ascending colon and transverse colon). The colon, cecum, and rectum make up the large intestine.[2]

So I cannot say you are full of shxt – But it is scientific proof that all you do spout, sputter, and rant and all that comes out of you is pure unadulterated shxt.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
I read the Koran, and it told woman to dress "commonly" in order to avoid being beat up in the market for looking Muslim.

Like Jews being told not to eat pork and sea-food in order to avoid food-poisoning, and like Mormons being told not to drink booze unless it was home-made, all the dumb ones just had to take it the wrong way.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Actually the Muslims face the negative for a number of reasons and some of those
reasons are due to their own inaction. People watch TV they see suicide bombers.
Suicide Bombers are for the most part? Muslims.
There are large demonstrations with anti western signs, For the most part they are?
This may well be over played, but images are what people respond to in our corner
of the world. Even worse, the millions of Muslims who don't deserve this measure
of scrutiny, also don't speak out against what the fanatics are dong. This rightly or
wrongly gives the impression they support these fundamentalist monsters even though
most of them don't.
I know many Muslims and most do not support violence or bombings yet people see the
images day after day and the fundamentalists are able to own the message of hate
With that in mind I am not surprised that people have a skewed view of Muslims in
Canada. They are viewed with suspicion, they are regarded as potential terrorists,
but this is no surprised warranted or not.


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
Actually the Muslims face the negative for a number of reasons and some of those
reasons are due to their own inaction. People watch TV they see suicide bombers.
Suicide Bombers are for the most part? Muslims.
There are large demonstrations with anti western signs, For the most part they are?
This may well be over played, but images are what people respond to in our corner
of the world. Even worse, the millions of Muslims who don't deserve this measure
of scrutiny, also don't speak out against what the fanatics are dong. This rightly or
wrongly gives the impression they support these fundamentalist monsters even though
most of them don't.
I know many Muslims and most do not support violence or bombings yet people see the
images day after day and the fundamentalists are able to own the message of hate
With that in mind I am not surprised that people have a skewed view of Muslims in
Canada. They are viewed with suspicion, they are regarded as potential terrorists,
but this is no surprised warranted or not.

I agree with most of what you say here, but the problem for moderate muslims is that they don't have the initiative. Politicans/strategists always say "if you're explaining, you're losing" and thats where moderates are.They need to attack fundamentalists in the same way non-muslim groups do. They need to get strident, but thats also the antithesis of moderation, so they're in a catch-22.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

And they've been duly arrested for first-degree murder.

Which is good as that dampens the Sharia law craziness that you usually peddle. People with a rational eye will see this as going through the motions rather than something sensational. Those who get stuck on what this family has done will emotionally direct that anger to some broader spectrum of Muslims.

So justice will be enforced for these murderers just like all murderers.

Negative perception successfully diffused.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
And they've been duly arrested for first-degree murder.

Which is good as that dampens the Sharia law craziness that you usually peddle. People with a rational eye will see this as going through the motions rather than something sensational. Those who get stuck on what this family has done will emotionally direct that anger to some broader spectrum of Muslims.

So justice will be enforced for these murderers just like all murderers.

Negative perception successfully diffused.


The point is not that an individual killed four of his family in a planned assault for whatever reason...........shyte happens, and justice is done.

But here, there is a significant difference.......this was a conspiracy, the father wife and son together murdered their family in the name of Islam........

Tell me, if it were a neo-Nazi group that conspired and murdered four family members for failing to comply with the rules of their belief, would you be advocating for the continued immigration of neo-Nazis without restriction???

Then tell me the major differences between Naziism and Islam.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

The point is not that an individual killed four of his family in a planned assault for whatever reason...........shyte happens, and justice is done.

But here, there is a significant difference.......this was a conspiracy, the father wife and son together murdered their family in the name of Islam........

Tell me, if it were a neo-Nazi group that conspired and murdered four family members for failing to comply with the rules of their belief, would you be advocating for the continued immigration of neo-Nazis without restriction???

Then tell me the major differences between Naziism and Islam.

Christie Blatchford: Honour killing trial of Mohammad Shafia

Does the truth upset you that much?

Were you hoping for some Sharia love to help peddle your ideological bull****?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
How many Imams in this country condemned these murders?

73 per cent of Canadian Muslims describe themselves as "very proud" to be called Canadians, even if many of them see their religion as coming first in certain instances. As well, they have very little sympathy for extremists or terrorist groups.

Asked about the arrests last summer of the 18 Muslim men and boys who were allegedly plotting terrorist attacks in southern Ontario, 73 per cent of the Muslim respondents said these attacks were not at all justified and 82 per cent said they had no sympathy for those who wanted to carry them out.

Glad to be Canadian, Muslims say - Canada - CBC News