Analysts: More Libyan bloodshed could prompt U.S., NATO intervention


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
They got phones and transport, I don't see a problem. They made the call for the rescue of Lybia by the international haha community.

They got mangos and paper clips. Where are my shoes? Oh right, every day but on Tuesday. How does that go on for hours huh? Kanasta?


New Member
Mar 10, 2011
Well I think the fact that there are other countries willing to take the first step apart from the US is a good thing. Cameron's choice is faar better than Blair as it pertains to motivation for intervention/war. Blair closed gis eyes and j...


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Well I think the fact that there are other countries willing to take the first step apart from the US is a good thing. Cameron's choice is faar better than Blair as it pertains to motivation for intervention/war. Blair closed gis eyes and j...

Well versed.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
They are all the need another choice....or several others.

What's wrong with a minority, we have one right now and it works.

Yes, I see how it is working. What is being accomplished that has he majority of Canadians happy? Lots of grumbling up there. Yes, I happen to like a presidential system over the parliamentary system. We changed it on purpose years ago remember. We like all our members to Congress to be elected, not appointed.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Yes, I see how it is working. What is being accomplished that has he majority of Canadians happy? Lots of grumbling up there. Yes, I happen to like a presidential system over the parliamentary system. We changed it on purpose years ago remember. We like all our members to Congress to be elected, not appointed.

Yep, we have lower debt, higher employment, and a strong dollar...seems to work for us.

I'll take our parliment over your circus any day.

Don't see me hanging out on a US forum either...yet here you are.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
How about if everyone around here gets some facts piped into their head?

Before I speak any further I think it fair to share the music I am listening to while typing: <-- click here for background music

The French are the most perfectly positioned to hit Gadhafi, for a historical bunch of reasons I don't know where to begin. French Foreign Legion? Marching over the desert? Ignoring the fact that Italy under Muselini did a takeover? Nobody noticing that Libya is basically four oasis?

The issue is if the Bedouin red-necks can do logical business trade in order to keep the oil flowing and for it to pay back to schools.

I am so ****ing not going to tell you how it is a time to let Europe go back and do it's stuff I don't know where to begin.

Eat ****, but what's going to happen is Uncle Sam is going to hang around the Mediteranian and be nice to its allies providing signal information, while said allies clean up their own oil supply issues.

In case you didn't know, Gadafhi is currently secretly negotiation with the west saying he will promise never to cut off oil, at which point it's tempting to set the MBA blood suckers against him.

It's the first time in a long time when western force be used for good when the objective used to be used by MBA Wall street, and the only issue is the women want to raise kids.

http://raggletagglegypsio_dancemix.mp3 <--click to play

Here's a post-St. Paddy's tune. Play it. It's what I'm listening to while I type. I remixed it from scraps: raggletagglegypsio_dancemix.mp3

I don't know where to begin. Morons will be stupid about France demonstrating muscle over its historical sphere of influence, while it has maintained it's right of free will when it built its own nukes.

If it wants to it can be an independent asshole and none of you can say anything about it unless you want nuclear war. The lamest your Wall Streeters can do is tar them with the statement that they don't fight unless they need to.

Oh my goodness how difficult it will be to see France to show a place where she can get legitimatly pissded of while victims of American brain wash learned from Hitler stand around acting stupid.

I have prayed, and Heavenly Father tells me your behavior is natural when taken over by the comfort of stupid dumbness. Judgement will be determined by whether or not you are naturaly dumb, or if you had to get sucked into evil to get it, in which case the big Kahuna is going to suss you out by your IQ. It's an issue of if you were the big Kahuan wondering which souls to keep alive after their body's die, or whether or not it's best and means nothing to let it go back into nothingness like before it was born.

Now France *wants* to take them, and unlike you puppets of MBA Wall Street programing, the command of American and British and Italian control are mostly only concerned between each other over who gets to take over.

You see... in the old days, if Europe had flown in and bombed the tar out of Ghadafi, Arabs would have risen up against us.

In this case, agents made deals with the rebels that the existing oil contracts continue, meaning, they could still get what they need and be nice.

Said deal being done, the question remains:

My women feeding help into the aftermath zone are better than yours.

My hypnotic fascination with French fighters still intrigues me over how it would be mystically fascinating to watch it take over Ghadafi's airforce, after which it would be a buncha bedoin vs bedoin.

Lord God.

There might be a situation where an overlord would make sense.

I'm going back to church.
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Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
*Groan* my head hurts.

So, anyway... government of Libya.

The reason Goondaffy got and held power is because Libya is essentially four oasis with a bunch of bad-ass blue-robed Bedouin's scattered in-between.

They're going to require a government, and to me it would make sense to have one put in by the Arab League, excpet... can you picture it... the Arab league figuring out how to build an objective government?

It really doesn't matter as long as the people are happy and the oil contracts are honored.

Maybe Turkey could do it.

How about if the place be turned over to Turkey for provisional governance?
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Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Yep, we have lower debt, higher employment, and a strong dollar...seems to work for us.

I'll take our parliment over your circus any day.

Don't see me hanging out on a US forum either...yet here you are.

Lower debt I'll give you. Employment rate 7.7% as opposed to our 8.8%, not much better. Now as for our dollar as weak as it maybe, I can still purchase more of almost anything than you can dollar for dollar. U.S. dollar still packs more of a punch.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
We should use the air force and navy bombs in a relentless attack of government
forces day and night.. It is time to finish these people off once and and for all.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Lower debt I'll give you. Employment rate 7.7% as opposed to our 8.8%, not much better. Now as for our dollar as weak as it maybe, I can still purchase more of almost anything than you can dollar for dollar. U.S. dollar still packs more of a punch.
Our dollar is strong. No thanks to the Reformacons piggy-backing on Martin's already worst-case-scenario budget cuts.

Martin cut it down as close to the bone as can be done according to any new world order system of economics while maintaining Canadian civilization. Nobody remembers the accommodating thing that was. Am I the only one who remembers the whining of the programs on CBC being cut back then, when their budget was cut buy 600 million down to it's present level?

Harper on the other hand is either evil or stupid. If he knows what he's doing he's evil, and if he doesn't' he's stupid, although I should maybe tell you I had a dream the other night where Harper was sitting at the same table as all the other leaders, laughing at the feedback against the role he was told to play.
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Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
We should use the air force and navy bombs in a relentless attack of government
forces day and night.. It is time to finish these people off once and and for all.

Why should we finish them off, they never attacked us. Gadhafi was being a good boy and had been for quite a few years, I say leave them alone and may the best side win. Why fight so France and Italy can reclaim part of their old empires.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The NATO lead operation is becoming one giant Cluster ****..


I wish we could see some sort of realistic computer simulation that set up two different scenarios.

1.) With NATO
2.) Without NATO

I'd be really inclined to know how different the results of this conflict would have been without our intervention.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location

I wish we could see some sort of realistic computer simulation that set up two different scenarios.

1.) With NATO
2.) Without NATO

I'd be really inclined to know how different the results of this conflict would have been without our intervention.

A cluster **** of typical proportions, lots of dead people, NATO blamed for everyone dead, no logical end in sight, and the ultimate result that the west will be blamed and hated by lots of Libyans.

Without NATO
A short ugly rebellion leading to the death of most of the rebels and lots of civilians, with a return to the status quo.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
You forgot the part where we lose out on the loot after the plunder - hence option#1 was taken.