Analysts: More Libyan bloodshed could prompt U.S., NATO intervention


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Social justice isn't part of the Social Contract. It's a breach of the Social Contract. To the extent America follows Obama and the leftists, then America shouldn't exist.

This discussion should be moved to another thread (if it gets too far off track the moderator will delete everything that's off topic) but I'm intrigued by your definition of "Social Justice" versus the "Social Contract", and how they are exclusive.

Although I may know what you're talking about. In so many of my business dealings with the US, I noticed that by default Americans have a very high level of justice protection, such that most of a contract would involved releasing parties from potential liabilities.
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The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Good thing that the UN security council might get around to drafting a resolution to impose a no fly zone in the next day or two. That is, if they don't have plans for the weekend.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Here is a couple reports, during the initial phase of the revolution. These reports were being distributed.

Al-Qaeda commander calls for Islamic state in Libya - Jihad Watch

Analysis: Qaeda sees mileage in long Libya war, West role | Reuters

"As the future of Libya hangs in the balance, the country’s deputy foreign minister claims Islamic extremist members of al Qaeda have reportedly established a permanent jurisdiction in eastern Libya."
Report: Al Qaeda ‘Islamic Emirate’ Established in Libya, Led by Former Gitmo Detainee | The Blaze

Hmm... interesting.

The first link is about an Al Quieda commander in Afghanistan making PR mileage out of telling all Arabs - not just Libyans - intent on overthrowing their regimes to make it an Islamic issue, and not just that of a demand for a more social justice, so it's not saying that Al Quieda is dug into the Libyan rebels. He's just wishfully saying it should be.

The second link is an analysis saying the longer the rebels have to fight, the higher the probability they will shift their perspective to that of fanatic Al Quieda, in order to keep motivated.

In that case, the west would be doing itself a favor to answer the call of the rebels and implement the no-fly-zone.
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The Big Pussy is in the pocket of George Soros, Warren Buffet, Jeffery Imelt and General Electric, Bill Gates, Duke Energy, BP, Wall Street Hedge Fund Managers, AFL-CIO, UAW/Chrysler/GM, SEIU and the other Big Pigs feeding at the trough. He has presided over the fusion of Big Business, Big Labor and Big Govt. God Damn Obama To Hell. Payola for Obama's reelection campaign will exceed $1 Billion.

Look there's got to be something done about your ****ing national perpetual reerection. Just to rid the airwaves of that moronic spectacle would be a wonderful way to make peace with the world, please please don't have another election please I can't take another.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Look there's got to be something done about your ****ing national perpetual reerection. Just to rid the airwaves of that moronic spectacle would be a wonderful way to make peace with the world, please please don't have another election please I can't take another.

Before America can make peace with the world Americans must make peace with each other. And that's an unlikely prospect.

The only thing I can think of to reduce the boiling caldron of American politics is for us to give up the power to impose our opinions on each other. That would require a constitutional convention. I don't expect that to happen before economic collapse in some form.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
The Big Pussy is in the pocket of George Soros, Warren Buffet, Jeffery Imelt and General Electric, Bill Gates, Duke Energy, BP, Wall Street Hedge Fund Managers, AFL-CIO, UAW/Chrysler/GM, SEIU and the other Big Pigs feeding at the trough. He has presided over the fusion of Big Business, Big Labor and Big Govt. God Damn Obama To Hell. Payola for Obama's reelection campaign will exceed $1 Billion. who is in the pocket of the teabaggers?

You don't think it is a pure grass roots movement do you?

Oh how cute, can I pet the naive little elephant?

Before America can make peace with the world Americans must make peace with each other. And that's an unlikely prospect.

The only thing I can think of to reduce the boiling caldron of American politics is for us to give up the power to impose our opinions on each other. That would require a constitutional convention. I don't expect that to happen before economic collapse in some form.

Honestly it would be better if you drifted off a cliff into oblivion.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Oh how cute, can I pet the naive little elephant?

Sure, let me unzip my pants first, then you can pet it all you like.:)

Honestly it would be better if you drifted off a cliff into oblivion.

I bring out the best in you don't I?

'' who is in the pocket of the teabaggers?''

The right wingers.

Say, what happened to your other avatar? I thought it was a cool looking culo.

Do you know the difference between a right winger and a teabagger?


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
America is a country at peace with each other. You see a major foreign power start pushinl us around, just watch how we will unite and crush them.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Well, at first the Libyan revolutionaries were very adamant to western reporters how they did *not* want foreign involvement... that it was an issue between them and Ghadafi.

Within a few days they were telling reporters that, well, maybe they'd be okay about the west knocking out Ghadafi's airports and aircraft hangers etc. in order to implement a "no fly zone", but that it should be done from the air such that no western element of force actually touches Libyan soil, other than the bombs.

Their position was that if the playing field could be leveled, such that it was a fair man-to-man fight, then rebels would have no problem achieving victory.


In this case I could not agree with you more. The Rebels were adamant about doing this on their own. All they wanted as a minimum was verbal approval from the West. I would imagine that would be for morale? Who knows.

THEN... they wanted nothing... well... maybe supplies and medical equipment.

THEN... they wanted a No Fly Zone.

THEN... they wanted a No Fly Zone plus air strikes.

I am quite sure they would want a line of foreign troops between Gaddafi's Army and Benghazi right now.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Now Clinton says a U.N. no-fly zone over Libya would require the bombing of targets to take out the threat posed by Moammar Gadhafi's regime. That should help our image a little more in the region. This is a simple revolution if no one gets involved, let it play out.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Now Clinton says a U.N. no-fly zone over Libya would require the bombing of targets to take out the threat posed by Moammar Gadhafi's regime. That should help our image a little more in the region. This is a simple revolution if no one gets involved, let it play out.

Clinton is right. You think the Libyans are going to let planes fly unmolested? Without a doubt they will be firing SAMs at our aircraft. That would mean we would have to bomb. Suddenly reports of US planes bombing Libyan Weddings round the clock will emerge.


House Member
May 18, 2010
As far as I'm concerned Gaddafy can stay where he is. He owes me nothing and I owe him nothing !!

The Libyan rebels should complain to someone who cares like their Muslim bros !!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
As far as I'm concerned Gaddafy can stay where he is. He owes me nothing and I owe him nothing !!

The Libyan rebels should complain to someone who cares like their Muslim bros !!

Yup. I don't see any Muslim countries flying CAP.

Besides, the Rebs told us to butt out until they started losing.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yep, I think it's almost all over, now we'll start to hear the blame game, "it's the Wests fault" !!

That is what air cover does. Someone here recently said aircraft is useless in combat. Here is a prime example of what air power can do.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
America is a country at peace with each other. You see a major foreign power start pushinl us around, just watch how we will unite and crush them.

I have no doubt that Americans would unite in a much more cohesive manner should they ever be faced with such a threat. My neighbors and I here in the Cariboo would do the same in defense of our country in spite of the fact that most of us would have to borrow guns and ammunition to do so. Discussions over the years with friends and family both here and around Canada, have led me to believe that deep in many Canadian's hearts lies a quite love and pride for our country. Though most of us abhor war and watch in horror at its outcome, we would not hestitate to aid our country when faced with imminent peril.