O'Reilly on the view.......

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
I agree. Which is why I rarely use the term right or left and if I do, I usually put it in quotes. Either way, they're the best buzz words for the sensationalists.

Totally disagree. I KNOW there's a middle because I'm in it. I evaluate every issue on it's own merits, not based on which team I'm on. I voted for a different party in each of the past three federal elections. So call me middle, or centrist, or independent or free thinker or swing vote or whatever, there's more to life than right or left.

Dam, gotta order MSNBC and some other lefty sounding news channels to get fox. O well, at least it doesn't include Al Jazeera, that would be a deal breaker. 8)


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Totally disagree. I KNOW there's a middle because I'm in it. I evaluate every issue on it's own merits, not based on which team I'm on. I voted for a different party in each of the past three federal elections. So call me middle, or centrist, or independent or free thinker or swing vote or whatever, there's more to life than right or left.

Dam, gotta order MSNBC and some other lefty sounding news channels to get fox. O well, at least it doesn't include Al Jazeera, that would be a deal breaker. 8)

Didn't bother reading what he was replying to, did ya. Kinda puts a lie to the "free thinker" moniker now, doesn't it. Plus the fact that Al Jazeera would be a deal breaker. Means you really don't want to hear all sides.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Didn't bother reading what he was replying to, did ya. Kinda puts a lie to the "free thinker" moniker now, doesn't it. Plus the fact that Al Jazeera would be a deal breaker. Means you really don't want to hear all sides.

Yeah I realize I may agree, so sue me, intelligent people recognize the error and move on. Brainless lefties try to make it an issue. 8)

It's called giving himself an out.

lol an out of what?


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Just the Facts, you wrote:

"I am, as we speak, adding Fox News to my channels."

Then you added:

"Dam, gotta order MSNBC and some other lefty sounding news channels to get fox. O well, at least it doesn't include Al Jazeera, that would be a deal breaker."

Congratulations on your decision to subscribe to FOX. You will not be disapponted and in no time you will consider its personalities your friends.

Too bad, MSNBC comes in the package. It is hardly more than liberal/Democrat mouth piece. The 3:00 PM to 11:00 PM EST time slot is filled with hatred and their symbol should be a great big red circle with a red line acrooss it, hiding the word "OBJECTIVITY". While you will see guests with opposing views in the same time slot on FOX, you will have hard time spotting an opposing view on MSNBC. And you will be especially well-advised to take some powerful anti-nausea medicine before you waste your time watching Keith Olbermann.

BTW, Al Jazzeera could not be more anti-American than MSNBC and remember that you opened up yourself to vicious attacks by those opponents of FOX.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
mentallylost, I sleep at night, all right. If you think that watching FOX gives one insomnia, how can you claim that FOX is argumentative, biased and provocative. By your flawed reasoning it must be BOOOOORING!

No, I meant the fact that you would sell your left kidney to promote fox news. Anyone who's that much of a shill knows their entire life depends on making damn sure they get the message across without interference - or else.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
mentalfloss, my enthusiasm FOR FOX news is no greater than your unreasonable stand AGAINST it.

The only difference is that I know what I am talking about, and I don't condemn you for your choice.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
mentalfloss, my enthusiasm FOR FOX news is no greater than your unreasonable stand AGAINST it.

The only difference is that I know what I am talking about, and I don't condemn you for your choice.

I'm just creeped out at the fact that you are so enthusiastic about a TV station that you actively promote subscriptions as if you were working for fox yourself.

I bet you can't even say one legitimately bad thing about fox news. Go ahead, give it a shot.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
NO, mentalfloss, YOU give it a shot! You are the one who condemns me and FOX, so the onus is on you as to why I should not like FOX.

Rest assured I am not getting a penny from Rupert Murdoch.

Pretty soon it will be time for "The O'Reilly Factor", followed by "Hannity", followed by "On The Record".

Do you even know what I am talking about?

And at 10:00 PM CT I will turn in and have a pleasant night's sleep.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Ha. You can't even do it. So I guess we're not the same after all and your whole argument falls to pieces. You can like Fox all you want. But if you're actually serious in believing that they can do no wrong, then you are a shill, whether you work for them or not.

Well, here's a compliment - Fox is entertaining. I think many would acknowledge that as a legitimate compliment.

Now, if you can't respond with a corresponding negative, you're just a shill. Proof in the pudding my friend.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
mentalfloss, I asked you to provide one reason why I should NOT like FOX.

Your response was praise and compliment of FOX (after a fashion, after all libs will never admit of being wrong).

Now, if you can't respond with a corresponding negative you are just a shill. For CNN? MSNBC? ABC? CBS? CBC?

DaSleeper, you have a power in your hands, which the LEFT does not seem to have: THE REMOTE!!!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
And wasn't, for example, Shock and Ah an act of terrorism. The invasion of those countries was an act of terrorism if you happened to live in those countries. They certainly didn't invade to liberate them. They were bombed back into the stone age so that they could be reconstructed in the west's image and of course to exploit their resources.
Shock N Awe or was it really Shekinah?

Shekhinah is derived from the Hebrew verb שכן. In Biblical Hebrew the word means literally to settle, inhabit, or dwell, and is used frequently in the Hebrew Bible. (See Exodus 40:35, "Moses could not enter the Tent of Meeting, for the cloud rested [shakhan] upon it, and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle." See also e.g. Genesis 9:27, 14:13, Psalms 37:3, Jeremiah 33:16), as well as the weekly Shabbat blessing recited in the Temple in Jerusalem ("May He who causes His name to dwell [shochan] in this House, cause to dwell among you love and brotherliness, peace and friendship"). In Mishnaic Hebrew the word is often used to refer to birds' nesting and nests. ("Every bird nests [shechinot] with its kind, and man with its like, Talmud Baba Kammah 92b.) and can also mean "neighbor" ("If a neighbor and a scholar, the scholar is preferred" Talmud Ketubot 85b). The word "Shekhinah" also means "royalty" or "royal residence" (The Greek word σκήνη - dwelling - is thought to be derived from שכינה and שכן.[citation needed]) The word for Tabernacle, mishcan, is a derivative of the same root and is used in the sense of dwelling-place in the Bible, e.g. Psalm 132:5 ("Before I find a place for God, mishcanot (dwelling-places) for the Strong One of Israel.") Accordingly, in classic Jewish thought, the Shekhinah refers to a dwelling or settling in a special sense, a dwelling or settling of divine presence, to the effect that, while in proximity to the Shekhinah, the connection to God is more readily perceivable.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
mentalfloss, I asked you to provide one reason why I should NOT like FOX.

Your response was praise and compliment of FOX (after a fashion, after all libs will never admit of being wrong).

Now, if you can't respond with a corresponding negative you are just a shill. For CNN? MSNBC? ABC? CBS? CBC?

DaSleeper, you have a power in your hands, which the LEFT does not seem to have: THE REMOTE!!!!

I'm not sure what you're trying to argue here. If you use your mouse to scroll up the page, you will be able to read with your own eyes that I made the original claim for you to respond to. You never asked me at all, either directly or indirectly, to commit to anything negative toward Fox. I was the one that asked you to commit to one, solitary, legitimate criticism of the station. After all, no TV station is perfect.

Any rational person should be able to find something that would detract from the experience in any medium. And my simple point was that shameless promotion is shameless. And just scroll up to see just how shameless your promotion actually is. Now, you can rectify that shame if you're able to make one legitimate criticism. I've already cleared my name by saying something positive.

Until you can get rid of your stigma as a shill, I really have nothing further to prove to you. :)


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
mentalfloss, I will be totally happy and content not to bother with you, now or ever.

But don't forget to look up MSNBC, the polar (or more correctly, bipolar) opposite of FOXNews.

Their new slogan is "LEAN FORWARD". Any wonder they are the favourite channel of progressives, especially of those NOT of the hetero-sexual persuation?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
mentalfloss, I will be totally happy and content not to bother with you, now or ever.

But don't forget to look up MSNBC, the polar (or more correctly, bipolar) opposite of FOXNews.

Their new slogan is "LEAN FORWARD". Any wonder they are the favourite channel of progressives, especially of those NOT of the hetero-sexual persuation?


Ahem.. well.. umm.. I personally don't care about MSNBC, I don't really watch TV much, so whether or not they are courting that 'enormous gay market' is not really my place to judge.

That said, it's clear now that you have some agenda here. I don't expect people to take you seriously after confirming what kind of shameless promotion you put forth. Congratulations. Fox will be forever in debt to the millions on the front line just like you, who see them as the bastion for objective news reporting.
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