Fraser Institute says H.S.T. will benefit low and middle income earners.


Time Out
Jun 23, 2010
I really wasn't sure whether the HST was going to be bad for the middle class or not but if the Fraser institute says it will be good then that settles it. It will definitely be bad for the middle class.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
will they charge HST on foods that arent taxed right now, is my big question?

Currently there is an embedded PST on food that will be eliminated with the HST. This is because the store must pay PST on most supplies and equipment so this cost is passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices.
With the HST this embedded PST will be removed. Look at the BC government web site for a fairly good explanation. There is an easy to follow HST section.
As with most taxes the poor will benefit the most and pay the least as well as getting tax credits. If you make over about 60 g you will of course be expected to support those that make less.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
You have provided what people think, no facts.


No less facts then the crap you've been spewing.

Just like the other boogey men, the GST and free trade, this will benefit us.

:lol::roll: The GST is very debatable and Free Trade has done nothing but restrict our nation's freedom and tied our hands with putting all our eggs into the US basket..... just look at what happened to the auto industry when the US's economy tanked...... and look at the impact it had on our own economy.

The only ones who really oppose this are the NDP....speaking of magic lands.:lol:

Indeed, the same NDP who saw beyond the Con/Lib's joke of a plan just recently over the detainee situation which really solved nothing and was all for show, the same party that also introduced many of the worthwhile things you and others in this nation take for granted.

They oppose it because they see exactly what this BST is all about, and no wonder why the Cons and Libs support it..... the Liberals created it in the first place, and both parties know this will just bring in more tax money for them then the current system at the expense of low/mid income earners.

Meanwhile you still performed a poor attempt at arguing your side and to convince anybody beyond their own previous beliefs on this tax.

Regardless, if BC and Ontario want to toss themselves into the pit of the BST and think it will help them, by all means, fill yer boots, its your provinces and soon enough you guys will see the true effects this will have.

I don't remember anybody telling me around here that the HST/BST was a good idea, nor have I heard anybody around here speak kindly/fondly about it..... all anybody I have seen or heard say is that the only difference they saw was their everyday products that only had one of the two taxes have become more expensive. Perhaps the general price of some products reduced very slightly, but the overall increase in tax on those products canceled out any chance of saving some money and they still end up paying more. The reduction in basic price only reduced the impact of the tax increase so that it didn't become as bad as it could have.... but it's still bad and you still end up paying more.

So let's say you buy a $20 product that originally only had a 7% tax on it..... now it has a 13-15% tax on it.... but the price of that product went from $20 down to $19.

By the books, sure the price of the product went down, but you still end up paying more in the end.

$20 + 7% GST = $21.40
$19 + 15% HST = $21.85

To magically imagine that because the HST is introduced your products you buy will suddenly drop 5-20 bucks is a pipe dream and you're really looking at perhaps saving a buck or 50 cents off the sticker price, while still paying a higher tax, thus paying more in the long run.

But go a head.... change over to this tax.... can't say I didn't warn you.

Yeah, yeah, whine snivel, I can't get a good job, life in the Maritimes sucks, yadda yadda yadda. So shut up and move away already. If all you're going to do is bitch that nobody pays you what you think you're worth, you should go where someone will.

How about you bite me?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Praxius;1294523 So let's say you buy a $20 product that originally only had a 7% tax on it..... now it has a 13-15% tax on it.... but the price of that product went from $20 down to $19. By the books said:
What if the price dropped from $20 to $18? :smile:


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
translated, that reads,
'NS has NDP government'

Oh ha ha... wow... brilliant and very smart remark based on ignorance.... considering the fact that the reason why the tax was increased in the first place was because of the disaster and insane debt the Conservatives left us all in and tossed into the NDP's hands.

So suddenly what the Conservatives created is the NDP's fault?

That makes so much sense :roll:

What did the NDP have for alternative options?

Hmmm... let's see, they could have slashed funding on many of the programs in the province that are just struggling to get by because the Conservatives already slashed their funding before they left (thus less jobs)

Or they could have all-out cut programs all together, thus even less jobs...... they could have cut infrastructure funding, etc. like what the Cons were doing (Which didn't even come close to covering the expenses and debts they were creating)

They could have attempted to pull the same stunt the Cons tried to do which got them booted out of power in the first place, which was to illegally attempt to use the money from the Offshore deal to pay the expenses the Conservatives never bothered to calculate properly.

Or they could raise taxes and leave people with the same funding and the same employment.

Sounds like they did the best thing for Nova Scotians when one really looks at the situation and knows wtf they're talking about.

Oh but it's all the NDP's fault..... I forgot.

I also suppose you're going to say it was the NDP who introduced the HST into Nova Scotia too?

Hell the NDP are pure evil to you anyways, what's the difference? :roll:

What if the price dropped from $20 to $18? :smile:

Can't say I remember seeing anything drop beyond a buck in price around here. The majority of the products you buy at the grocery store only dropped like 35-50 cents in price.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I really wasn't sure whether the HST was going to be bad for the middle class or not but if the Fraser institute says it will be good then that settles it. It will definitely be bad for the middle class.

It is surprising indeed that Fraser Institute would speak kindly about any taxation. Being a right wing, conservative institute, one would think they would have a knee jerk reaction to any taxation, that they would oppose any kind of tax.

Of course, the fact that Harper (one of them) supports the harmonization may have coloured their judgment.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Oh ha ha... wow... brilliant and very smart remark based on ignorance.... considering the fact that the reason why the tax was increased in the first place was because of the disaster and insane debt the Conservatives left us all in and tossed into the NDP's hands.

If you had the ability to read, you would have noticed that I didn't discuss why the taxes were raised, only who did it.

You must be a product of the NS educational system.

If you can accuse me of ignorance, I can turn the tables just as easily.


Time Out
Jun 23, 2010
It is surprising indeed that Fraser Institute would speak kindly about any taxation. Being a right wing, conservative institute, one would think they would have a knee jerk reaction to any taxation, that they would oppose any kind of tax.

Of course, the fact that Harper (one of them) supports the harmonization may have coloured their judgment.

Hey, wait a minute SirJoseph. When was the right ever against taxation? The right and the supplyside as they like to call themselves has always been for less taxation for themselves, the supplyside, but never reallly against taxation for others of the middle class and the poor. That's where they expect tax revenues to come from. Even they are not stupid enough to think that there could be no taxation, although one will sometimes wonder if one is familiar with the way they tried to reduce taxes in California which is leading to California's failure.

So always remember, when a libertarian sings his song about reducing taxes, he is only singing for the wealthy. He knows that somebody has to do the paying. Amanda Lang put it succinctly and correctly when she said: Cut taxes? NO! I like to drive on paved roads. There's no need to complicate it more than that.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
No less facts then the crap you've been spewing.

I posted facts about capital investment you posted things that haven't happened yet.

Keep trying though.

The GST is very debatable and Free Trade has done nothing but restrict our nation's freedom and tied our hands with putting all our eggs into the US basket..... just look at what happened to the auto industry when the US's economy tanked...... and look at the impact it had on our own economy.

No the GST isn't debatable given what the GST accomplished and what it replaced.

What happened to the auto industry had nothing to do with free trade.....nothing at all.

Impact on our economy? You mean like growth in every year since and in the current climate growth that out paces that of the US?

Keep trying.

Indeed, the same NDP who saw beyond the Con/Lib's joke of a plan just recently over the detainee situation which really solved nothing and was all for show, the same party that also introduced many of the worthwhile things you and others in this nation take for granted.

Ah...your an NDPer....explains everything.:lol:

They oppose it because they see exactly what this BST is all about, and no wonder why the Cons and Libs support it..... the Liberals created it in the first place, and both parties know this will just bring in more tax money for them then the current system at the expense of low/mid income earners.

Again, no proof of that.

Meanwhile you still performed a poor attempt at arguing your side and to convince anybody beyond their own previous beliefs on this tax.

By providing facts? Sorry if that confuses you.

Regardless, if BC and Ontario want to toss themselves into the pit of the BST and think it will help them, by all means, fill yer boots, its your provinces and soon enough you guys will see the true effects this will have.

They will and so will every province...know why?


I don't remember anybody telling me around here that the HST/BST was a good idea, nor have I heard anybody around here speak kindly/fondly about it..... all anybody I have seen or heard say is that the only difference they saw was their everyday products that only had one of the two taxes have become more expensive. Perhaps the general price of some products reduced very slightly, but the overall increase in tax on those products canceled out any chance of saving some money and they still end up paying more. The reduction in basic price only reduced the impact of the tax increase so that it didn't become as bad as it could have.... but it's still bad and you still end up paying more.

Yet investment went up 11% per person....seems to be hard for you to get but investment leads to jobs. Knowing you and your faith in the NDP you'd like to see an increase in cooperate tax....have fun with that.:roll:

So let's say you buy a $20 product that originally only had a 7% tax on it..... now it has a 13-15% tax on it.... but the price of that product went from $20 down to $19.

Let's say more money came into the province in the way of investment and created 500,000 jobs.

By the books, sure the price of the product went down, but you still end up paying more in the end.

Given the income tax reduction we had in January and the offsets to the poor it basically balances out.

Plus it creates a better atmosphere for employers.

$To magically imagine that because the HST is introduced your products you buy will suddenly drop 5-20 bucks is a pipe dream and you're really looking at perhaps saving a buck or 50 cents off the sticker price, while still paying a higher tax, thus paying more in the long run.

But go a head.... change over to this tax.... can't say I didn't warn you

Good we will, and so will the rest of the country.

Not only that, I think they should embed the tax into the price, they do it in the UK.

How about you bite me?[/QUOTE]


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Indeed, the same NDP who saw beyond the Con/Lib's joke of a plan just recently over the detainee situation which really solved nothing and was all for show, the same party that also introduced many of the worthwhile things you and others in this nation take for granted.

Is that the same NDP that raised the HST back to 15% in Nova Scotia from 13% after the two GST cuts?

So let's say you buy a $20 product that originally only had a 7% tax on it..... now it has a 13-15% tax on it.... but the price of that product went from $20 down to $19.

By the books, sure the price of the product went down, but you still end up paying more in the end.

$20 + 7% GST = $21.40
$19 + 15% HST = $21.85

Can you name any products which had no PST on them? How about the products that had PST and GST on them?

$20*(0.18)+ $20= $23.60
$19*(0.15)+ $19= $21.85

I already posted the link that showed that on totality, the consumer price index dropped in NS, NB, and Nfld&Lab.

On balance, there were far more products that had both PST and GST, than products that had only GST.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Praxius: Are you old enough to remember the Manufacturers Sales Tax that the GST replaced? Only someone that does not know about the MST could possibly think that the GST is bad. OR a true socialist that thinks that private enterprise is bad.
The simple fact is that Canadians want free government services even though this is an oxymoron. Governments get money through taxation/fees.
Business never has and never will pay tax as such. Tax is an expense that is simply added into the retail price which we as consumers pay. The only difference is that when it is hidden in the price we don't know how much tax we pay. Even basic groceries have some PST built into the price because the store pays PST on their supplies and equipment. With the HST this will no longer be the case.
Many people, some of them even fairly intelligent have said that they would rather have all taxes built into the retail price because they do not want to know how much their government is ripping them off for. I like to know where my money goes.
As with almost all taxes those at the low end pay the least tax. Two reasons: first they have less disposable income and two, they get tax credits. They also receive the most in government services. Those farther up the income scale pay more because they have somewhat more disposable income and get few or no credits. Those at the top income carry the load for everyone else. They might not feel it as much but they pay far more in proportion to the services they receive.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
From a bottom-feeder's perspective, my gas goes up, my hydro goes up, my groceries go up, my car insurance goes up - and my ODSP falls farther behind.
Once upon a time provinces ( you and me) owned those essential services and profits subsidized heath and social programs.

You win some and you lose some.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
This one is too.

CTV British Columbia - HST to make Vancouver parking tax highest in North America - CTV News

Starting July 1, the HST will be applied to parking in Vancouver in what proves to be a tax on a tax.

The HST will push the paid parking tax up to 35.52 per cent, making it the most expensive tax on parking in North America. That's more than Pittsburgh at 35 per cent and San Francisco at 25 per cent.

Back in January, TransLink tripled the tax on parking to help pay for roads and transit.

The HST will have the most impact on monthly parking rates.

Here's an example of how the HST on parking would work. If you pay $100 for monthly parking, the 21 per cent TransLink tax will be applied for a total of $121. The 12 per cent HST will be applied to the $121 for a total of $135.52.

Parking companies such as Impark have noticed that some drivers canceled their monthly passes in January after the increased TransLink tax. This July, the impact may be even bigger.

"The long-term effect is that companies will decide whether they want to be downtown or not," Impark's Julian Jones told CTV News. "It makes it very difficult for them to attract employees and many companies pay for their parking of their employees. That's a major decision when you are looking at 30 or 40 parkers."


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
The purpose of an HST isn't to create tax revenue for the government -they're giving up revenue by reducing income and capital gains taxes at the same time; it's to eliminate a cascading tax that increases the cost of producing goods. The HST is a value added tax, and many jurisdictions in the world are moving towards this type of tax because it attracts investment. It's a shift in taxes that makes regions more competitive.

So, the government initially loses tax revenue, but gains shortly thereafter from the growth in the economy.
I guess. But from what I've heard from my online European friends, they aren't all that fond of their VATs. Like I said, we'll have to wait and see but my initial impression is the gov't is doing a sneaky somehow.

Still dosen't make him real.
Things don't have to be real to affect people. It's what superstition is all about. lolAnd history shows governments have given us plenty of reason to be at least suspicious and plenty of times to be superstitious, too. :D