The Proroguing Demonstration a Bust


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Among the thousands of grass-roots rallies held from Halifax to Yellowknife was one in Kingston, where more than 300 people packed into a corner of Market Square on Saturday afternoon to add their voices to the protest of the prime minister's government tactics.
Carrying signs with messages ranging from Save Our Prison Farms to Stand Up To Harper -- the latter in NDP campaign orange, in case there was any doubt where it came from -- people lined the railings and packed the amphitheatre in such numbers that organizers had to remind them to leave a lane open so Market Square skaters could get through.
Internet campaign fuels nationwide protest - The Whig Standard - Ontario, CA

LOL, so one sign in "NDP Orange" in Kingston is evidence that the NDP and Liberals were funding the rallies? It's orange bristol board. It shows up well in crowds. With your vision issues I would think you might have thought of that.

Keep digging Walt. :roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Among the thousands of grass-roots rallies held from Halifax to Yellowknife was one in Kingston, where more than 300 people packed into a corner of Market Square on Saturday afternoon to add their voices to the protest of the prime minister's government tactics.
Carrying signs with messages ranging from Save Our Prison Farms to Stand Up To Harper -- the latter in NDP campaign orange, in case there was any doubt where it came from -- people lined the railings and packed the amphitheatre in such numbers that organizers had to remind them to leave a lane open so Market Square skaters could get through.
Internet campaign fuels nationwide protest - The Whig Standard - Ontario, CA

Yeah, I certainly think the NDP and Liberals promoted, if not funded, these rallies.......

So what?????

It is a free country, so they get to spend their dollars and their energies as they please.

I am simply sorry that they are having such success at deceiving the Canadian public....

Prorogation is a NORMAL part of Parliamentary is NOT a suspension of democracy, the opposition will have every chance to throw out the gov't as soon as it returns and presents a Throne Speech and budget.

There are several excellent reasons to "reset" Parliament at this point...

1. The economy is beginning to recover, but spending is out of control......time to re-asses and redo our economic plan....

2. This is a minority gov't, yes.......but it has to rule. Time out gives the PM a chance to stack the Senate with Conservative appointees.....(I DARE the frickin' Liberals to whine about that!!!!) and to reset committe membership to more efficiently handle the government's business.

3. We are at war in Afghanistan. There is NO accusation that Canadian soldiers have tortured Afghan detainees.....none (that I know of!!!) The tempest in a teapot over the detainee issue NEEDED to be silenced, as it simply presents our enemies with a propaganda blitz........

That said, two points on the Afghan thing......first, the gov't deserves censure for its dishonest and yes, idiotic reaction to the issue from the first. Second, the opposition is free to resurrect the issue in the new session......

Perhaps this action is not up to the idealized standards of some people.....but it is within the rules, and that is how the system works......and always has worked.

It is sad how Canadians are being led around by the nose on this one.....

That's how I see it.......


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Harper and his flunkies were HIRED to do a job.

If they need time for party issues then they aren't working for you and I are they?

When Harper comes up with a note from his Dr explaining a short or long term disability to take this long of a "paid leave" I'll give him credit.

In the real world their excuse for not working would disqualify them from pogey benefits.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Okay, so which is it: the majority of Canadians are upset with proroguing, or is it that the majority of Canadians are deceived by Harper's political move?

Good day Tenpenny, this very recent poll is what it is, the Conservatives time is running out in Ottawa, they are sliding bad, and Harper is loosing his grip on the deceitful minority power he is about to give up.

People are realising that the Harper Cons are a bunch of deceitful thugs, that think power can be achieved by deceit, thugary, lies and a cowardly two time proroguing.

63 per cent agree move is 'anti-democratic'

The EKOS poll also asked Canadians who were aware of the prorogation to choose which one of two statements most closely reflected their views.

The poll, conducted exclusively for Canwest News Service and Global National, said the Conservatives would garner 34% of the vote if an election was held today, compared to 31% for the Liberals.:p


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Harper and his flunkies were HIRED to do a job.

If they need time for party issues then they aren't working for you and I are they?

When Harper comes up with a note from his Dr explaining a short or long term disability to take this long of a "paid leave" I'll give him credit.

In the real world their excuse for not working would disqualify them from pogey benefits.

Hmmm, I'm pretty sure Harper has been doing the PM's job lately, such as being at a conference in Montreal to discuss Haiti with other leaders, you know, stuff like that...stuff like what he would be doing if Parliament was in session....

I guess I don't understand why people think that they aren't 'working', just because Parliament isn't sitting.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Harper and his flunkies were HIRED to do a job.

If they need time for party issues then they aren't working for you and I are they?

When Harper comes up with a note from his Dr explaining a short or long term disability to take this long of a "paid leave" I'll give him credit.

In the real world their excuse for not working would disqualify them from pogey benefits.

First of all, the fact that Parliament is not sitting does not mean the PM is not have heard of the aid and the conference on Haiti, just for starters???

Secondly, I thought a man of your sensibilities would feel largely about Parliament as Will Rogers did about Congress:



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Ohhhh Haiti. They must be busting there asses humping a wheelbarrow then huh?

Why was it they shut down again? It sure as **** wasn't Haiti was it?

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
BEst just to let this perogying slide, they are not making any blunders while doing it and while they are away from Parliament Hill they are costing us less money.

JLM good day to you, how is it fair electing a Government to take care of the peoples business, while these Government thinks that the intelligence of the great vast majority is ill informed on the Canadian political landscape and powers of the PM.

As a past employer one of the most important thing an employer has to always keep on top off, is to insure that the employees are not stilling time from work.

I fired many during my time that thought I have an obligation to pay them, when in fact they had reneged on their obligation to deliver and honest day of work for a fair wage.

I as a tax payer and I am sure millions of others do not what to pay a bunch of losers for a job they agreed to do and they are not doing.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
How many people have got the idea that it makes no sense to protest because it doesn't matter what colours the PMO hides behind, the same things will happen? It's not to prevent crime Canada wants firearms registered.


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
JLM good day to you, how is it fair electing a Government to take care of the peoples business, while these Government thinks that the intelligence of the great vast majority is ill informed on the Canadian political landscape and powers of the PM.

As a past employer one of the most important thing an employer has to always keep on top off, is to insure that the employees are not stilling time from work.

I fired many during my time that thought I have an obligation to pay them, when in fact they had reneged on their obligation to deliver and honest day of work for a fair wage.

I as a tax payer and I am sure millions of others do not what to pay a bunch of losers for a job they agreed to do and they are not doing.

You must have been fun to work a past employer, my first concern was that the employees had the tools to do the job and that they were doing the job we had agreed that they would do. Watching a time clock is pretty regressive and doesn't do much for "job enrichment" or productivity.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
as a past employer, my first concern was that the employees had the tools to do the job and that they were doing the job we had agreed that they would do.
You still are an employer. You have 308 eMPployee that stole your tools, closed up your office to focus on trying not to get fired and either do some amazing math or concoct a doozie of a whopper to explain the huge defecit that put your company into the red.

Are they going to run and hide again after raising your taxes and cutting your services to avoid being fired?


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
You still are an employer. You have 308 eMPployee that stole your tools, closed up your office to focus on trying not to get fired and either do some amazing math or concoct a doozie of a whopper to explain the huge defecit that put your company into the red.

Are they going to run and hide again after raising your taxes and cutting your services to avoid being fired?

Jeez Petros, you and I have a different method for evaluating employee work performance. And, I only get to participate in the hiring of one of those 308 'employees.' You gotta' stay realistic here or nobody will want to work for you! :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
You still are an employer. You have 308 eMPployee that stole your tools, closed up your office to focus on trying not to get fired and either do some amazing math or concoct a doozie of a whopper to explain the huge defecit that put your company into the red.

Spoken like someone who once lived in the same neighborhood as a guy with a clue.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Jeez Petros, you and I have a different method for evaluating employee work performance. And, I only get to participate in the hiring of one of those 308 'employees.' You gotta' stay realistic here or nobody will want to work for you! :lol:
And why was it Harper prorogued in the first place? His benefit or Canada's benefit?

Do I need remind everyone about the vote for his job which was scheduled 2 days after pulling the plug?

Is he the PM or a PME?


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
And why was it Harper prorogued in the first place? His benefit or Canada's benefit?

Do I need remind everyone about the vote for his job which was scheduled 2 days after pulling the plug?

Is he the PM or a PME?

Well, the way I heard it (on CBC, so it must be true) was that he was concerned about the stability of Canada in the eyes of the rest of the world. I think the economic recession had something to do with it.

Don't worry...the Liberals wouldn't have voted him out...they didn't (and still don't) have a strong enough position in the polls to let that happen.

What's a PME?

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
You must have been fun to work a past employer, my first concern was that the employees had the tools to do the job and that they were doing the job we had agreed that they would do. Watching a time clock is pretty regressive and doesn't do much for "job enrichment" or productivity.

Good day Country boy, it was a fun place FOR 15 years. I had employees they worked with me for 6 and 5 years, and the tools were all there.

When you agree with some one to do something for a consideration (wage or commission) and your performance was not equal to the consideration you received then you have ripped your Boss off and the Boss in this instance are the people.

You can sit here like others like you on this thread and self-serve all you want, polls are working every day, and after a bad dismal performance, bad poll rating becomes the unthinkable nightmare for politicians.

I am sure, we will see that the bad red ink coupled with the bad abuse of power will send the Conservatives on an unrecoverable slide come next election.