The Proroguing Demonstration a Bust


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Well, the way I heard it (on CBC, so it must be true) was that he was concerned about the stability of Canada in the eyes of the rest of the world. I think the economic recession had something to do with it.

Don't worry...the Liberals wouldn't have voted him out...they didn't (and still don't) have a strong enough position in the polls to let that happen.

What's a PME?
How many trade deals has he hunted down and confirmed since proroguing to ensure the continuity of income other than from our labour and savings?

No income from outside sources = taxes to cover huge losses & no economy. Would you close up shop for 12 weeks to do your budget or would you be available to conduct and seek out as much business as possible that required all 308 members being at work?

PME is a pre-mature ejaculation.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
JLM good day to you, how is it fair electing a Government to take care of the peoples business, while these Government thinks that the intelligence of the great vast majority is ill informed on the Canadian political landscape and powers of the PM.

As a past employer one of the most important thing an employer has to always keep on top off, is to insure that the employees are not stilling time from work.

I fired many during my time that thought I have an obligation to pay them, when in fact they had reneged on their obligation to deliver and honest day of work for a fair wage.

I as a tax payer and I am sure millions of others do not what to pay a bunch of losers for a job they agreed to do and they are not doing.

AS another poster pointed out not ALL their duties involve sitting in Parliament. Is there not some flexibility in the calendar for them. How do we know the parliamentary session isn't merely being postponed?

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
In my job, I can be more productive at home, fewer interruptions.
I am glad that method works’ for you TenPenny,

but because it works for you, I hope you are not insinuating that Harper can take 2 additional months out of parliament because of les interruptions, plus in silence you may fear that if he comes out to parliament, he may find it difficult to work because of the opposition asking questions the Conservatives know they don't have the answers that will help keep them in power.

One other thing to keep in mind, is that 31% have voted conservative, why is it fair that the concerns of the 69% of the rest of the Canadian voter population, their concerns have to be prolonged?, when in fact all the opposition MPS from all 3 parties are egger to work for their constituencies with out 2 months off. That is so counter productive and DICTATORIAL to a true DEMOCRACY. People wake up.............................


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
So how exactly will Harper get out of serious career killing red ink budget without a taxing the snot out of the labour of the people or raising business taxes with 85% of our economy being foreign owned due to the lowest business taxes in the "G" nations?

He and his crew screwed up royal and created this situation by throwing away over $60 billion in business taxes.

Did somebody else do that?

Would you still deserve your job after ****ing up that bad?

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Once again, you are assuming that MPs only work when Parliament is in session.

I do not understand why people have this idea.

To be stubborn about reality and completely disregard the fact that 31% of voting Conservative population does not set the agenda for the rest of 69% of the Canadian voters, this MAKES YOU LOOK PLAYING BLIND TO THE TRUTH, you seem to justify wrong in the backs of the 69% of the voter population.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Good Lord I'm arguing with Pee Wee ****ing Herman. Did you have your hands on your hips and stomp when you thought that up?

I thought blaming Bob Rae was silly.


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
Good day Country boy, it was a fun place FOR 15 years. I had employees they worked with me for 6 and 5 years, and the tools were all there.

When you agree with some one to do something for a consideration (wage or commission) and your performance was not equal to the consideration you received then you have ripped your Boss off and the Boss in this instance are the people.

You can sit here like others like you on this thread and self-serve all you want, polls are working every day, and after a bad dismal performance, bad poll rating becomes the unthinkable nightmare for politicians.

I am sure, we will see that the bad red ink coupled with the bad abuse of power will send the Conservatives on an unrecoverable slide come next election.

Time will tell.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
.....and 33,000,000+ Canadians didn' 1/11,000th of the population is upset
enough about this 105th Proroguing of Parliament since confederation....and for
perspective, that would be 0.00009% of Canada's population at these protests.

I think a larger percentage of Canadian Voters show up in the stands for the
average High School Football game in Regina Saskatchewan. 3,000 people is
still a significant number though I guess if this was a neighbourhood protest about
zoning changes or something along those lines. Federally.....not so much.

Hi Ron, reality is that Harper shut down parliament in order to defuse the Afghan detainee blander, thus deseiving the public and making it look like the opposition has no right after such harsh allegations of detainee torture to debate in the house of commons. This has to do with democratic principals that set the stage to a fair society. Proroguing in the middle of such an important unfinished busines Harper, has urinated on democracy and is having dinner with hypocracy. Bad politics.:-(

Good Day to you Socrates!!! Democratically speaking...if 0.00009% of the population
shows up at political rally(s) against this latest Proroguing of Parliament, leaving
99.99991% of the remainder of the population either nonplused of just saying, "Meh",
are not the people speaking of their outrage (or lack of the same...) through the
participation (or lack of the same) in these rallies democratically displaying their
sentiment democratically through their participation (or lack of the same...) in these
same rallies? Is that question to convoluted to make sense?

I'll try again.

If 10,999/11,000th couldn't be bothered with these rallies, and 1/11,000th are very
upset, does that seem like the numbers are stating that the Government will be
toppled over this? The plug can be pulled at any time, and hasn't been at this point.
We'll have to wait and see I guess. Bad Politics? Most likely, but it doesn't seem to
have made much difference at all at this point.
Last edited:

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Hey Ron, with all do respect,
I am not going to hide behind numbers that have nothing to do with the recent polls, that show Harper loosing speed and popularity.
Whether this is the 105th of Parliament since confederation, is not the center of the debate and because it is the 105th that doesn’t make it justify it self when we look at all the facts right here on this link Video - Ignatieff proposes new prorogation rules which points to serious allegations that override tradition but rather it requires urgent attention.

That is absurd to sit and say we Canadian are 35 Million people and 5000 protesters have no argument.

Ron, they call it DEMOCRACY and to see all the opposition in Ottawa be treated like kids in school, you can go home today for a month because the principle and the teachers are a bunch of self serving hypocrites.

These are the numbers that make total sense Ron, 31% voted Conservative in the last election and 69% did not, all the MPS representing the 69% locked out in Ottawa are equal to all 69% of the voters that did not vote for the Conservatives. So how can it be that the concerns of the 69%, must be on hold because 31% is self-servingly agreeing with Harper on abuse of power and abuse of Democratic moral values.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
To be stubborn about reality and completely disregard the fact that 31% of voting Conservative population does not set the agenda for the rest of 69% of the Canadian voters, this MAKES YOU LOOK PLAYING BLIND TO THE TRUTH, you seem to justify wrong in the backs of the 69% of the voter population.

I didn't say anything about percentage points, polling results, or vote results.

I made the point that whether or not Parliament is in session, our MPs and cabinet ministers are working.

Your inability to comprehend this point is amazing. It MAKES YOU LOOK PLAYING BLIND TO THE TRUTH, whatever that means.


Traditionally Progressive
Nov 30, 2009
Hey Ron, with all do respect,
I am not going to hide behind numbers that have nothing to do with the recent polls, that show Harper loosing speed and popularity.
Whether this is the 105th of Parliament since confederation, is not the center of the debate and because it is the 105th that doesn’t make it justify it self when we look at all the facts right here on this link Video - Ignatieff proposes new prorogation rules which points to serious allegations that override tradition but rather it requires urgent attention.

That is absurd to sit and say we Canadian are 35 Million people and 5000 protesters have no argument.

Ron, they call it DEMOCRACY and to see all the opposition in Ottawa be treated like kids in school, you can go home today for a month because the principle and the teachers are a bunch of self serving hypocrites.

These are the numbers that make total sense Ron, 31% voted Conservative in the last election and 69% did not, all the MPS representing the 69% locked out in Ottawa are equal to all 69% of the voters that did not vote for the Conservatives. So how can it be that the concerns of the 69%, must be on hold because 31% is self-servingly agreeing with Harper on abuse of power and abuse of Democratic moral values.

Good morning, Socrates - You said, "to see all the opposition in Ottawa be treated like kids in school" - When I look in on Question Period, I'm just glad the kids I went to school with didn't behave like that!

You also noted, "because 31% is self-servingly agreeing with Harper" and I believe you were referring to the Conservative's share of the popular vote in the last election. "Self-servingly?" What exactly do you mean by that? Of course it's vote is based on what I believe, isn't it?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
After reading the Copenhagen Accord I completely understand why he prorogued but it leaves me to question "what does Steve have up his sleeve that the other parties reject so much?"

If you think this is purely partisan you are sadly mistaken.

I really really wonder how ANY govt will try to sell this Accord to you. I pity them immensely.

What's it gonna be kids? Fascism or Communism? Democracy isn't on the table.