20,000 Muslims Attack a Church in Cairo


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Hi, Praxi;
I happened to read a report about the Mumbai attacks in a Global Research article where it states... One can no longer take anything the mainstream news media presents without a grain of salt/caution. Covert political maneuvering is rarely mentioned, yet it has every bit to do with what happens on the surface as a result of such maneuvering.

First off, It is good to take what you see in the "mainstream" media with a grain of salt. Kudos to you.

Secondly, don't forget that "non-mainstream" media has its own agendas and bias as well with political motives and manuevering.

Every big mainstream thing once started as non-mainstream and worked its way up.

So be sure to take a grain of salt with EVERYTHING you read. For instance, Global Research has its own pretty heady bias.

It is very much the opposite of Fox News in content. But its also equally as biased to their own viewpoint with their own twists on reality and fudges of the facts.
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Um OK guys.... that's right my personal pet peeve is religion and I'm bias.. well I will admit it.. ya got me... it's true....

BTW, do you ever keep up on the news?

You should check it out some time. It just so happens religion doesn't look so good right now... oh yeah, check out history too, it turns out religion has never looked good.

Is it bias to notice that?

There is a great big f**king elephant in the world right now and it's name is religion.

You pick one of the elephants legs consistantly this was not characterized by you as a religious problem it was specified as a characteristic of Muslims and that is catagoricaly wrong. I certainly don't mind strong critisism of religious intolerance however I can easily find ten million crimes committed by Christians and Jews operating high tech murder machines targeting primarily Muslims, mostly of the non combatant types. No such comparable excesses can be attributed to any national religious movement. The conclusive statistical evidence supports my position. You have a problem with religion, fine. So it is managed by some high tech miracle to eliminate the Muslim horde, the Christians and Jews and Hindus would erect a statue in your honour, postumously most likely. I find it strange that you would do the work of the most powerful religions. Don't feel bad, most of us have tiny self defeating flaws.:smile:


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Um... YEAH.. they were chanting Islamic BS and the others were locked in a church praying to a sky god... um... how much more evidence do you need LMAO!!! :lol:

And the Klu Klux Klan has big crosses at all of their meetings.

If you can explain to me why Coptics who convert to Islam are still harrassed in the same way as if they were Christian if its all about religion then that will suffice as evidence.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
You pick one of the elephants legs consistantly this was not characterized by you as a religious problem it was specified as a characteristic of Muslims and that is catagoricaly wrong.

Were they not Muslims?

Nothing organizes people and gets them doing bad things like religion.

certainly don't mind strong critisism of religious intolerance

Why should religion be tolerated? Paedophilia, murder, larceny, extortion etc are not tolerated so why should religion be?

however I can easily find ten million crimes committed by Christians and Jews operating high tech murder machines targeting primarily Muslims, mostly of the non combatant types.

Certainly as can I but so what? The topic is the post I made and that it isn't real journalism because, according to you, it used the m word.

No such comparable excesses can be attributed to any national religious movement. The conclusive statistical evidence supports my position. You have a problem with religion, fine. So it is managed by some high tech miracle to eliminate the Muslim horde, the Christians and Jews and Hindus would erect a statue in your honour, postumously most likely. I find it strange that you would do the work of the most powerful religions. Don't feel bad, most of us have tiny self defeating flaws.:smile:

Why would you think i wouldn't want to eliminate the other religious hordes too? Whatever gave you the impression I was picking sides?

I think all religions should be gotten rid of. Not through violence either but through education.


Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
Quoting Cliffy
This is all more fuel to justify Atheism. Religion and the religious may not be all bad but they seem to breed extremists willing to kill for their beliefs.

then every killing from not beliefs like killed for hard cash become sake for the Atheism

and all deflowering from not in beliefs become from Atheism If it for Greed in the people

and all gay not in beliefs become from Atheism

then the Atheism may not be all bad but they seem to breed much from bad ethics

much from the atheists from the good ethics

willing to kill for their bad ethics ...:-(
Last edited:

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
then every killing from not beliefs like killed for hard cash become sake for the Atheism

and all deflowering from not in beliefs become from Atheism If it for Greed in the people

and all gay not in beliefs become from Atheism

then the Atheism may not be all bad but they seem to breed much from bad ethics

much from the atheists from the good ethics

willing to kill for their bad ethics ...:-(

Hey there pumpkin you might have noticed the headline was 20,000 Muslims not 20,000 atheists.

When was the last time an atheist blew themselves up or burned a witch?

The most vile and despicable religions on earth are those born from Abraham: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They are despicable, vile, and drenched in blood. Nothing atheists have done comes anywhere near as bad as them!


Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
Hey there pumpkin you might have noticed the headline was 20,000 Muslims not 20,000 atheists.

I can do the headline was 40,000 atheists

the Lie in the numbers it is easy ...;-)

When was the last time an atheist blew themselves up or burned a witch?

there is the maffia !!!

The most vile and despicable religions on earth are those born from Abraham: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They are despicable, vile, and drenched in blood. Nothing atheists have done comes anywhere near as bad as them!

no the soviet was killing the millions from the people more them from muslims too

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
I can do the headline was 40,000 atheists

the Lie in the numbers it is easy ...;-)

I know you can. It's already been established lying comes easy to you ;-)

there is the maffia !!!

They're catholic.

no the soviet was killing the millions from the people more them from muslims too

I'll give you that out of the big three Islam is the least offensive.

Stalin was educated in a Christian school and trained to be a priest.


Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
I know you can.

I can but not do it

It's already been established lying comes easy to you ;-)


Sahih International: No! If he does not desist, We will surely drag him by the forelock -

Sahih International: A lying, sinning forelock

It's lying very hard to me

but it easy for same people how told you there 20000 ?

They're catholic.

I'll give you that out of the big three Islam is the least offensive.

If Islam he least offensive why you more hate on islam more from the other ?

Stalin was educated in a Christian school and trained to be a priest

but staying the soviet them atheists


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
First off, It is good to take what you see in the "mainstream" media with a grain of salt. Kudos to you.

Secondly, don't forget that "non-mainstream" media has its own agendas and bias as well with political motives and maneuvering.

Every big mainstream thing once started as non-mainstream and worked its way up.

So be sure to take a grain of salt with EVERYTHING you read. For instance, Global Research has its own pretty heady bias.

It is very much the opposite of Fox News in content. But its also equally as biased to their own viewpoint with their own twists on reality and fudges of the facts.
Thank you, Zzarchov. I appreciate your well-meant advice. But as you know, we people have no other way of finding the truth except by reading various sources. I have found Global Research to be intelligent, factual and non-slanderous. What I like is the extended research they do when presenting a given topic. They broaden the reader's understanding by presenting relevant background information; it is like filling in a picture with colourful details.
Basically, I do agree with you. Thanks for taking the time to warn me.


Electoral Member
Dec 2, 2008
Cliffy - no - it wasn't the first crusades - the first crusades weren't only about Europeans having too many 2nd 3rd and 4th sons, and having nothing for them to do, it was about Islam taking over Christian Holy places. While we may not think that those in the Middle Ages behaved in a very Christian like manner - they really believed they were doing the right thing by going to reclaim the Christian holy places. Just like all the Muslims who took over Christian countries (oops - liberated them and gave them the chance to embrace the 5 pillars), and extracted taxes (not to mention slaves) from all who decided that they didn't want to convert. Ain't no one holy here Cliffy - And as far as why did they attack the church - if this is a true story? Maybe it had something to do with a resurgence of 'old' Islam. One of the rules (along with the djimmi tax thing) was that Jews and Christians could keep their places of worship, but couldn't add to them or build new ones - or repair them. Think of it Cliffy - all this talk about how Islam 'respects' people of the book. during the middle ages the Muslims took over the Hagia Sofia and made it a mosque- and never gave it back to the people they stole it from. Now Turkey is a secular country but they still haven't given it back - they just made it into a museum. I know you have no use for religion, but there are those who aren't extremists, who just believe. this church was an important part for centuries to many Eastern Christians. if there is so much 'respect' for people of the book, shouldn't they give it back? But hey - it was made into a mosque. Guess that changes things - just as that impromptu 'mosque making' did.
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Electoral Member
Dec 2, 2008
then every killing from not beliefs like killed for hard cash become sake for the Atheism

and all deflowering from not in beliefs become from Atheism If it for Greed in the people

and all gay not in beliefs become from Atheism

then the Atheism may not be all bad but they seem to breed much from bad ethics

much from the atheists from the good ethics

willing to kill for their bad ethics ...:-(
In Saudi Arabia a few years ago a group of school girls died in a fire in their school - they were trying to escape but were unable to. why? the religious 'police' wouldn't let them out because they weren't sure if the girls would be 'modest',with their heads covered. and then there's the Taliban who denied girls an education, would not let woidows work to support their families, and didn't have a problem with nasty old men marrying girls who had just reached puberty. don't even get me going on female genital mutilation (yes - I know the argument - it's cultural, not Islamic - but where are the Mullahs rising up and protesting the practice - some of the countries that are still not discouraging this practice have been Muslim since the Prophet! Surely if the Mullahs had disagreed with it, they would have banned it by now. And then there is the stoning of women who have been raped (yes - to prove she's been raped, she needs a male witness who heard her protest? Excuse me??) If someone heard her he would have come to help - and what if no one was around. OH! That's right! They should have been at home - inside - no freedom- but hey - at least safe from the men that are so weak that they'll attack you if you commit the crime of actually leaving your prison - and then you get the blame for their weakness) Truth betold? Most likely they never scream because they know it's not going to help. I could go on - and yes, I do know that Christianity has had it's more than fair share of religious bullying - and quite frankly I find most atheists to be pompous twits who are just as likely to err morally as the rest of us flawed humans - but for you to blame the ills of society at the door of atheism is just as bad as those who lay all the problems of the world at the door of your faith. It's stupid. We have q choice to behave how we wish to behave. I was brought up Christian. I'm not. I'm not an atheist either. I've brought up my children to be good, moral people. They are - and it has nothing to do with religion - or the lack thereof.
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New Member
Nov 26, 2008
A Pakistani militant group apparently used an Indian operative as far back as 2007 to scout targets for the elaborate plot against India's financial capital, authorities said Thursday, a blow to Indian officials who have blamed the deadly attacks entirely on Pakistani extremists.

Can't we all just be friends? Muslims attack and Jews Hindus attack Christians. What happened in India should never had happened. Also Thursday, police said there were signs that some of the six victims of the attack on a Jewish center may have been tortured. "The victims were strangled," said Rakesh Maria, a senior Mumbai police official. "There were injuries noticed on the bodies that were not from firing."

India names Pakistani masterminds, date plot to 07 - Yahoo! News

Now some of you hmmmm I'll be nice idiots blame the U.S. for the India Pakistani problem, they did not divide India, the Brits did. Relgion's of peace bah.