Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Don't you see what I am seeing!? 😒
The situation is very dangerous... the big criminals: the Russian and the American started to threaten each other.. The US insist to give advanced weapons to the Ukrainian, and the Russian are enraged for losing their ship and seeing themselves harmed... So what will the consequences be?
At the start, the US said they would not interfere, but later on: the West is interfering... now the Russian threaten the US with bad consequences if they give weapons to Ukraine... while the US ignore this threat.. and in the weekend some advanced weapons are to be given to Ukraine: they are foolish and have lost their minds.
Therefore, this is the most recent situation... concurrent with the transgression of the Zionist on the Aqsa Mosque...

Quran 2: 253, which means:
(Had God willed, then they would not have fought each other, but God does whatever He wills.)

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Had they committed themselves to the First Commandment [: God is One with no associate or son] they would have been saved.

Quran 5: 65-66, which means:
(65. But had [Jews and Christians:] the people of the Bible believed [in that revealed to you: O Mohammed] and warded off [the unbelief and the mischief], We would have acquitted them of their [past] sins and admitted them [on Judgment Day] into the Gardens of Prosperity [to prosper therein.]

66. And had they observed the Torah and the Gospel k, and what was revealed to them from their Lord [in the original Torah and the original Gospel, including the belief in Mohammed, the Seal of prophets], they would surely have eaten [dates, fruits, 'manna' and birds] from above them, and [grains and vegetables] from below their feet.
Out of them are a group of reformers, but much many of them [are exceeding in sins – so] evil are their deeds.

k i.e. had they worked in the past according their statements, and hadn't they changed the monotheism (and the exclusive devotion to God alone), and hadn't they altered the religious rules included in the original Torah and the original Gospel.



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Don't you see what I am seeing!? 😒
The situation is very dangerous... the big criminals: the Russian and the American started to threaten each other.. The US insist to give advanced weapons to the Ukrainian, and the Russian are enraged for losing their ship and seeing themselves harmed... So what will the consequences be?
At the start, the US said they would not interfere, but later on: the West is interfering... now the Russian threaten the US with bad consequences if they give weapons to Ukraine... while the US ignore this threat.. and in the weekend some advanced weapons are to be given to Ukraine: they are foolish and have lost their minds.
Therefore, this is the most recent situation... concurrent with the transgression of the Zionist on the Aqsa Mosque...

Quran 2: 253, which means:
(Had God willed, then they would not have fought each other, but God does whatever He wills.)

You know the US isn't doing jackshit right? The UK on the otherhand has been Ukraine's biggest supporter. Sorry to fuck with your misdirected hatred.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Don't you see what I am seeing!? 😒
The situation is very dangerous... the big criminals: the Russian and the American started to threaten each other.. The US insist to give advanced weapons to the Ukrainian, and the Russian are enraged for losing their ship and seeing themselves harmed... So what will the consequences be?
At the start, the US said they would not interfere, but later on: the West is interfering... now the Russian threaten the US with bad consequences if they give weapons to Ukraine... while the US ignore this threat.. and in the weekend some advanced weapons are to be given to Ukraine: they are foolish and have lost their minds.
Therefore, this is the most recent situation... concurrent with the transgression of the Zionist on the Aqsa Mosque...

Quran 2: 253, which means:
(Had God willed, then they would not have fought each other, but God does whatever He wills.)

So Torch Light, is it weird timing very much like with what’s happening in Sweden right now? Is it a coincidence?
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
So Torch Light, is it weird timing very much like with what’s happening in Sweden right now? Is it a coincidence?
The Quran burning is a foolish and ignorant act, that brings God's wrath.
It could be a coincidence: because this time is dangerous time of trial for people.
E.g. like there is a flood, and a man reviles God (instead of glorifying and praying Him).. so this man will almost included in the punishment by God; i.e. he will be drowned in the flood.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You know the US isn't doing jackshit right? The UK on the otherhand has been Ukraine's biggest supporter. Sorry to fuck with your misdirected hatred.
On the other hand, you blind yourself concerning many things.. anyhow, the US does support the Ukraine with much support: by the large amount of money, by sending the weapon and military aid (which they do not deny), in addition to their role within the NATO.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The riot.
The riot is natural... the riot may happen with football.. then what about burning the Holy Quran.
And why do these rascals burn the Holy Quran?
It is God's word... but the reason is: they see the Quran comes to them in their families and sons: which is only a bigotry work.
By the way, it may be provoked by the Wicked Zionists also.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
This time the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv, ordered their military and police to enter inside the mosque where Muslims perform their prayers and attacked them with beating and injuring and arresting a large number of them... the reason is clear: to evacuate the mosque of the worshipers: the Muslims.
In another step may be to take control of the mosque.
While the filthy Zionists are banned by God to enter the mosque.

[God – be glorified – commanded the Muslims to prevent the associaters (and idolaters) to stand in the Inviolable Mosque for prayers and for performing their religious rites in it:]

Quran 9: 17-18, which mean:
(17. It is not for the associaters to attend the places of God's worship [: the mosques], testifying against themselves to the disbelief.
As for such [disbelievers], their deeds are vain, and in the Fire they will abide [on Doomsday.]

18. None shall attend God's places of worship [with prayers and devotion] but only he:
who believes in God [One without any associate] and the Last Day [: the Doomsday],
and establishes the prayers,
and pays the Zakat [alms],
and fears none [of peers and associates] but [fears] God alone;

it may be that those will be among the guided [to the way of Paradise.])



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
On the other hand, you blind yourself concerning many things.. anyhow, the US does support the Ukraine with much support: by the large amount of money, by sending the weapon and military aid (which they do not deny), in addition to their role within the NATO.
They sure do but they aren't leading anything or giving anywhere near as much to Ukraine as others.

Does it bother you that many Islamic countries are involved and support Ukraine?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Wicked Zionists went inside the Aqsa Mosque and transgressed on God's worshipers there
On the pretext that the Palestinians throw stones on them.
Therefore, this is a clear transgression on God's mosque or masjid and on God's worshipers inside the House of God's worship.
If they were telling the truth, they would not enter inside the mosque, but they might beat those outside it: those who throw stones on them, but it is only an excuse to them to trespass the mosque and its people.
God forbids that those who do not believe in God alone and in His messenger Mohammed .. God forbids them to go inside the mosque of God's worship.

The Wicked Zionists have premeditated plans to capture and take control of the Aqsa Mosque then to demolish it and found their temple instead of it.
Therefore they take any opportunity to drive the Muslim worshipers from the mosque as a first step.

So while they plan and design with their wickedness, God also designs against them.. and He is the Best of designers.
And He caused the Ukraine conflict, and set on them, one who is not weak like the Muslim rulers, and who is not shameful or fearful, and He struck their allies and destroyed their country and scattered its people in a new diaspora.

If the Wicked Zionists does not desist from their wickedness and trespass on the Aqsa mosque of God, then God Almighty is going to destroy them completely more than He did to their brothers in Ukraine.

A Warning to Jews of Perishing, If they do not believe in the Quran
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Aqsa mosque is God's house of worship, built by Prophet David and completed by His Prophet Solomon by God's commands, and it is not the house of Jews or others. Then Prophet Mohammed went in his night journey from the mosque of Mecca to the mosque of Jerusalem then he ascended to the ethereal heavens together with Gabriel until he approached the throne of God Who revealed to him as He revealed to the prophets before him.
What the Wicked Zionists is now doing to Muslims in the Aqsa mosque will turn against them, because Muslims will have the next opportunity and will terminate the Zionists and eradicate them from the land of Palestine.
While if the Zionists deal with the Palestinians with kindness, the Palestinians may allow them to stay in Palestine. This is in the Quran 17: 7, which means:
([God said advising them:]
If you do good [to Muslims], you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil [to Muslims], [your evil] will be for yourselves [in like manner.])


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The most severe in wrong-doing is the one who transgresses on God's mosque

Quran 2: 114
, which means:
(And who is worse, with his wrong-doing, than one who bars the mosques of God, so that His Name be not rehearsed in them, and contribute to their desertion b?)

b To desert the mosque: to make little number of people go to it.
Therefore, because they barred the believers from entering and worshiping God in the mosque, they did strive to desert the mosque.
Similarly, anyone who prevents people from prayer and worship in any mosque or is a factor in preventing people, then he too has worked to desert the mosque.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Ukraine conflict is one of God's dealing with Zionists

God promised that He would give to the enemy of Zionists.. some rulers to afflict the Zionist with the worst punishment.
Quran 7: 167, which means:
[Then God – be glorified – swore] that He would send against [Jews] till Doomsday, those who inflict terrible torture upon them.]
([Remember, O Mohammed] that your Lord did [many times] give permission [requested by the enemies of Jews to fight them.]
[O Mohammed] your Lord surely is Swift in punishment [for wrong-doers], Most Forgiving [to those who repent], and Most Merciful [to those who regret.]


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Related to the post
God Almighty set on the Zionists in the past many brutal rulers to humiliate them: like
>> Assure,
>> Nebuchodonossor,
>> the Roman Byzantine general Titus and then Hilter,
Now Putin has been set on the Zionists in Ukraine and he destroyed their country and shuttered their families and made many things worse to them as punishment from God Almighty according to their blasphemy, disbelief in Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed in addition to their wrong doing.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Related to the post
God Almighty set on the Zionists in the past many brutal rulers to humiliate them: like
>> Assure,
>> Nebuchodonossor,
>> the Roman Byzantine general Titus and then Hilter,
Now Putin has been set on the Zionists in Ukraine and he destroyed their country and shuttered their families and made many things worse to them as punishment from God Almighty according to their blasphemy, disbelief in Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed in addition to their wrong doing.
So….are you cheering on Putin & Hitler, etc ? Or just stating your whacky opinion based upon someone else’s interpretation of your book that you follow (the interpretation & not the book) ???

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Certainly you perplexed the prophets and messengers with your stubbornness and cunning.
I follow the Quran Intepretation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-HIlly.

I don't cheer or hail neither Putin nor Hitler.

I only said:
God has set Putin on the Wicked Zionists in Ukraine (as had He set Hitler)... and so he devastated Ukraine and its people: most of them are Zionists and wrong-doers who do not believe in Jesus Christ and in Prophet Mohammed, neither do they believe in the Gospel nor in the Quran .. in addition to their wrong-doing and excessive sins certainly... or else God might have averted them such destructive war.

Quran 2: 254, which means:
(Had God willed, they would not have fought each other, but God does whatever He wills.)