Yellowstone just had an eruption


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Power. Leave me the fuck alone. I asked you a number of times.

If you've asked, I've never seen it.

I will continue to post against the BS that you post (depending on what it is).

If you don't like that, there's ways for you to handle it.

Funny though how it's you that wishes a horrible thing to happen to me, and yet I've never once said the same about you, nor would I.

But... okay, sure.

Here's what you can do; apologize for what you said and the lies you tell, and I'll say no word to or about you again.

Fair 'nuff?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Never said I wish "a terrible" thing to happen to you. You can go back and see what I wrote.

That's what you do, twist words and lie.

Why should I apologize, you snapped off with T-Bones manking rude comments towards me.. I didn't start crying and making a fuss.

But when I toss one back over the bow, you're all offended. Yeah that's a Liberal Karen.
  • Haha
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Never said I wish "a terrible" thing to happen to you. You can go back and see what I wrote.

I just did.

You said:

"You really need to fuck off and get a life..

Don't you have a chemo appointment or something. Maybe you have had one to many and it fried your brain"

Then I asked you:

"Why the HELL would I have a chemo appointment??"

And you replied with:

"Your rotten black soul and cancer runs in the family."

Certainly sounds to me like you wish me to get/have cancer.

That's what you do, twist words and lie.

I may mix things up or misunderstand, and if it's pointed out to me, I apologize or clarify a response.

I don't lie, it's too exhaustive.

You on the other hand lie continually. Or are you saying you post your conspiracy theories and Chicken Little ramblings when things happen just for shits 'n giggles?

Why should I apologize,

See the part about the "chemo/cancer" thing.

you snapped off with T-Bones manking rude comments towards me..

And you've made rude comments to others, including me.

What, now suddenly you've got a thin skin?

I didn't start crying and making a fuss.

"Leave me the fuck alone."

You said that, my dude. You also claimed to have asked numerous times. If you have, again, I've not seen it. You on the other hand have claimed to know who I am - and you were wrong - and that you could "make me cry" which you can't. A lot of effort to bully/intimidate me for someone who would rather I leave them alone.

But when I toss one back over the bow, you're all offended. Yeah that's a Liberal Karen.

Nah bro, I wasn't offended.

I just never expected you to go that low on the bar.

Especially that no matter what you would say, I'd never wish the same to you.

The only "Karen" here is you right now, Boom. Your snowflake self must be melting in all this heat.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I just did.

You said:

"You really need to fuck off and get a life..

Don't you have a chemo appointment or something. Maybe you have had one to many and it fried your brain"

Then I asked you:

"Why the HELL would I have a chemo appointment??"

And you replied with:

"Your rotten black soul and cancer runs in the family."

Certainly sounds to me like you wish me to get/have cancer.

I may mix things up or misunderstand, and if it's pointed out to me, I apologize or clarify a response.

I don't lie, it's too exhaustive.

You on the other hand lie continually. Or are you saying you post your conspiracy theories and Chicken Little ramblings when things happen just for shits 'n giggles?

See the part about the "chemo/cancer" thing.

And you've made rude comments to others, including me.

What, now suddenly you've got a thin skin?

"Leave me the fuck alone."

You said that, my dude. You also claimed to have asked numerous times. If you have, again, I've not seen it. You on the other hand have claimed to know who I am - and you were wrong - and that you could "make me cry" which you can't. A lot of effort to bully/intimidate me for someone who would rather I leave them alone.

Nah bro, I wasn't offended.

I just never expected you to go that low on the bar.

Especially that no matter what you would say, I'd never wish the same to you.

The only "Karen" here is you right now, Boom. Your snowflake self must be melting in all this heat.
Get a life , who cares what some lone voice on the internet says . Take a Valium


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
I don't have an issue with vegans, I've never been confronted by one. You want to eat veggies I say go for it.
Well there's two kinds of vegans. Those who don't think it's their business what anyone else eats and then there's the ideological vegan tools with their emotional and moral relativism that think it IS their business what YOU eat. I've run across both of 'em. The former I can respect. The latter just needs a swift *thwap* upside the head to get their brains kick-started.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Well there's two kinds of vegans. Those who don't think it's their business what anyone else eats and then there's the ideological vegan tools with their emotional and moral relativism that think it IS their business what YOU eat. I've run across both of 'em. The former I can respect. The latter just needs a swift *thwap* upside the head to get their brains kick-started.

Same; screw the "radical veganites" :p

In seriousness, it's the extreme end of veganism that puts people's farms, pets, zoos and livelihood in general, and the supposed animals they "won't eat" in danger when they pull stupid shit.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Hydrothermal explosion sends dozens running for safety in Yellowstone
Author of the article:Associated Press
Associated Press
Mead Gruver And Amy Beth Hanson
Published Jul 23, 2024 • 2 minute read

U.S. National Park Service staff assess the damage to Biscuit Basin boardwalks.
In this photo released by the U.S. National Park Service, park staff assess the damage to Biscuit Basin boardwalks after a hydrothermal explosion at Biscuit Basin in Yellowstone National Park, Wyo., Tuesday, July 23, 2024. Photo by U.S. National Park Service via AP
CHEYENNE, Wyo. — A surprise eruption that shot steam, water and dark-colored rock and dirt dozens of feet into the sky Tuesday sent people running for safety in Yellowstone National Park.

The hydrothermal explosion happened around 10 a.m. in Biscuit Basin, a collection of hot springs about 3 km north of the famous Old Faithful Geyser.

Video posted online showed a couple dozen people watching from a boardwalk as the eruption sprayed and grew in front of them. As water and debris began to fall, they ran to keep clear, some yelling “Back up!” and “Holy cow!” People then turned to watch the spectacle under a huge cloud of steam.

The eruption damaged the boardwalk, an elevated wooden walkway that keeps people off Yellowstone’s fragile and often dangerous geothermal areas. Photos and video of the aftermath showed damaged guardrails and boards covered in rock and silt near muddy pools.

No injuries were reported, but the Biscuit Basin area was closed for visitor safety, according to a U.S. Geological Survey statement.

The explosion happened in or near Black Diamond Pool, a 37 m-long hot pool that is the basin’s widest thermal feature.

A U.S. National Park Service aerial photo taken afterward showed the pool somewhat enlarged near the boardwalk compared to recent satellite images and its water turned a muddy beige. The deep Sapphire Pool about 91 m away retained its usual blue hues.

A hydrothermal explosion happens when water suddenly flashes to steam underground. Such blasts are relatively common in Yellowstone. Park geologists were investigating what specifically happened in this case.

Similar blasts have happened in Biscuit Basin in 2009, 1991 and after the magnitude-7.2 Hebgen Lake earthquake 64 km away in 1959.

Dramatic as it was, the latest was on the small side, according to the statement.

Scientists theorize that a series of hydrothermal explosions created Mary Bay on the northeastern side of Yellowstone Lake some 13,800 years ago. At 2.4 km wide, Mary Bay is the world’s largest known hydrothermal explosion crater.

Yellowstone is centered on a huge, dormant volcano. The hydrothermal explosion did not indicate new activity within the volcanic system, which remains at normal levels, according to the Geological Survey.

Though no one was hurt, that’s not always the case with Yellowstone’s thermal features.

At least 22 people are known to have died from injuries related to thermal features in and around the 9,000-sq.-km. national park since 1890.

Visitors are warned to stay on the boardwalks and trails in thermal areas, where some of the pools and springs have a thin, breakable crust covering the scalding and sometimes acidic water.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Well there's two kinds of vegans. Those who don't think it's their business what anyone else eats and then there's the ideological vegan tools with their emotional and moral relativism that think it IS their business what YOU eat. I've run across both of 'em. The former I can respect. The latter just needs a swift *thwap* upside the head to get their brains kick-started.
Oh, those Vegans. :)