Will be gone at end of June


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Re: RE: Will be gone at end of June

Kreskin said:
Jersay, how are you going to post on CC when people are shooting at you? Isn't there a rule of engagement whereby everyone stops to check email or something?

Yeah i will put out a little flag and get everyone's attention and say

"Hey I'm trying to check CC here, can you please put the war on hold for a minute."

If you have designs on JTF2 go infantry, the background would help you the most. To my knowledge you have to be in the reg force for several years before you could apply for the JTF2 selection process.

As others have noted, the combat arms are the hardest physically. But you should know that by now. It's also very hard mentally to do some of that very phsically demanding stuff in all (crappy) weather conditions when you are dead tired and have to motivate others that are dead tired.

Been there, done that, (the t-shirts don't fit anymore ). Have the good memories along with the bad ones.

Best of luck to you on your journey.

Thanks, thecdn. I might check into the requirements because my officers keep saying that I should apply.

Lots of luck to you Jersay!


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Yeah i will put out a little flag and get everyone's attention and say

"Hey I'm trying to check CC here, can you please put the war on hold for a minute."

Well, it would give both sides a chance to post. Find out which of the enemy is spamming..aim for him first.


Council Member
Jan 26, 2006
I totally missed this post:

What course are you taking in Shilo Jersay? Basic? SQ?

I'm pretty sure you may not be training too much with my fav C7 Assult rifle, supposedly they are doing alot more training with the C7 Urban version which is alot smaller and well not named C7. If you get to use the real C7 you will love it.

There's no such thing as an "urban C7". You're either thinking of the C7A2 with the collapsing stock, or the C8 Carbine with similar qualities, albeit a shorter barrel.

What I am hoping to use is the C9 or the C6. They are so big and fun. The only thing I'm worried about is if I loose part of my finger clearing it.

I don't see how a person could lose a finger clearing either of those weapons....

Damn the date been pushed back to July. And they are unsure if it will go into September or not that may cost me a few days in courses.

All of 1 Brigade (including me) will be in Shilo for the month of September. I may run in to you there.

I can't tell you about the secret squirels ... but you'll find out and anyone who has been in the military in canada has some idea what they are.

Ha, JTF-2.

If you have designs on JTF2 go infantry, the background would help you the most. To my knowledge you have to be in the reg force for several years before you could apply for the JTF2 selection process.

JTF-2 isn't fully open to the Reserves. Yes you can apply, but any job you do get with them in a static posting in Canada. Their openess to reserves is something of a misnomer. To join JTF-2 (either as an assaulter or support operative) you must have AT LEAST four years in the Regular Force of the Canadian Forces, be 5's qualified, and have a clean service record. Not to mention being in outstand physical shape as per the Coopers Test.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Re: RE: Will be gone at end of June

Mogz said:
I totally missed this post:

What course are you taking in Shilo Jersay? Basic? SQ?

I'm pretty sure you may not be training too much with my fav C7 Assult rifle, supposedly they are doing alot more training with the C7 Urban version which is alot smaller and well not named C7. If you get to use the real C7 you will love it.

There's no such thing as an "urban C7". You're either thinking of the C7A2 with the collapsing stock, or the C8 Carbine with similar qualities, albeit a shorter barrel.

What I am hoping to use is the C9 or the C6. They are so big and fun. The only thing I'm worried about is if I loose part of my finger clearing it.

I don't see how a person could lose a finger clearing either of those weapons....

Damn the date been pushed back to July. And they are unsure if it will go into September or not that may cost me a few days in courses.

All of 1 Brigade (including me) will be in Shilo for the month of September. I may run in to you there.

I can't tell you about the secret squirels ... but you'll find out and anyone who has been in the military in canada has some idea what they are.

Ha, JTF-2.

If you have designs on JTF2 go infantry, the background would help you the most. To my knowledge you have to be in the reg force for several years before you could apply for the JTF2 selection process.

JTF-2 isn't fully open to the Reserves. Yes you can apply, but any job you do get with them in a static posting in Canada. Their openess to reserves is something of a misnomer. To join JTF-2 (either as an assaulter or support operative) you must have AT LEAST four years in the Regular Force of the Canadian Forces, be 5's qualified, and have a clean service record. Not to mention being in outstand physical shape as per the Coopers Test.

Both. Thanks for the info.

Well from how you clear it if you let the bolt for the C6 you could loose your finger as you clear it. Especially if you have to clean it at night.


Council Member
Jan 26, 2006
Both. Thanks for the info.

Well from how you clear it if you let the bolt for the C6 you could loose your finger as you clear it. Especially if you have to clean it at night.

C6's don't have bolts. They've got breach blocks :). Also, if you've got a C6 cocked, without the safety on, at night, and you're sticking your fingers in the breach, you deserve to lose them. Just my opinion.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Your sticking it in the breach to clear it if it jams. Ifr it jams on me though I wouldn't even try it I would just change it to another muzzle. So my fingers stay in tact.


Council Member
Jan 26, 2006
Dude, you never stick your fingers in the breach to clear a jam, that's a sure-fire way to lose them. Many jams on the C6 are caused by the links not being ejected properly, causing the feed-pawls to skip and cause a double feed. This usually results in the breach block being partially forward, and making the gun very hard to cock. Simply opening the feed cover and reefing on the cocking handle (or "coming on to it" as we say) will cause the jam to be cleared without any need to stick body parts in the breach. In fact, most times with a C6, simply opening the feed cover rectifys the problem. As for changing to to another barrel, why would you do that if the gun is jammed? First off, when doing a barrels swap, the weapon has to be cocked, as the breach block locks the barrel on to the gun. If say, the block wasn't fully seated, and you COULD get the barrel off, what would that accomplish? Slapping a cool barrel on the gun won't relieve the jam, and in fact, why would you be tinkering with the business end of a gun when there are live rounds fed in to it?


Council Member
Jan 26, 2006
Jersay said:
Dang then the officers telling me what to do are way off. Thanks.

Officers instructing on LMGs and GPMGs? I can honestly say that in the entire time I have been in the Army, I have NEVER seen an officer behind a gun. Hell, most of the officers I see running around playing soldier only carry side arms. Come to think of it, during the last round of MLOC training for my unit, the officers utterly skipped the C9, C6, Carl-G, and M72. Ignorance must be bliss.


Electoral Member
Apr 12, 2006
North Lauderdale, FL
Mogz said:
Hell, most of the officers I see running around playing soldier only carry side arms. Come to think of it, during the last round of MLOC training for my unit, the officers utterly skipped the C9, C6, Carl-G, and M72. Ignorance must be bliss.

From earlier discussions I believe you are with 1 HQ&S right? Why would the offrs of any 1 Bde unit go to the field without rifles? Doesn't seem right..

Depending on ammo/time limitations offrs are (or were at least in my day) told they coudn't fire such weapons because they werent' expected to use them regularly.

Yes, it would be nice to be able to fire anything during an emergency, and everyone should be trained on every weapon available, but that's just not possible.


Council Member
Jan 26, 2006
thecdn said:
Mogz said:
Hell, most of the officers I see running around playing soldier only carry side arms. Come to think of it, during the last round of MLOC training for my unit, the officers utterly skipped the C9, C6, Carl-G, and M72. Ignorance must be bliss.

From earlier discussions I believe you are with 1 HQ&S right? Why would the offrs of any 1 Bde unit go to the field without rifles? Doesn't seem right..

Depending on ammo/time limitations offrs are (or were at least in my day) told they coudn't fire such weapons because they werent' expected to use them regularly.

Yes, it would be nice to be able to fire anything during an emergency, and everyone should be trained on every weapon available, but that's just not possible.

No, I am not with 1 HQ and Sigs. While I am a Signaller, I have thankfully managed to avoid that cesspit during my career thus far. As for weapons and the field, I never said it made sense, but in all honesty, i've been to the field on several occasions with officers from various units that don't take any long-barrel weapons with them. Hell, last fall in Wainwright, the officers of 1 Field Ambulance Regiment showed up with NO WEAPONS, even though it was a tactical exercise. I'm not saying officers should fire everything all the time, but honestly, put an officer behind a C6 and chances are he/she won't know how to operate it.


Electoral Member
Apr 12, 2006
North Lauderdale, FL
Mogz said:
No, I am not with 1 HQ and Sigs. While I am a Signaller, I have thankfully managed to avoid that cesspit during my career thus far.

Ah, I see. You are with a sig tp/pl which shall remain nameless :wink:

Mogz said:
As for weapons and the field, I never said it made sense, but in all honesty, i've been to the field on several occasions with officers from various units that don't take any long-barrel weapons with them. Hell, last fall in Wainwright, the officers of 1 Field Ambulance Regiment showed up with NO WEAPONS, even though it was a tactical exercise. I'm not saying officers should fire everything all the time, but honestly, put an officer behind a C6 and chances are he/she won't know how to operate it.

I come from a combat arms background before I was sigs so I've fired all these weapons and I have no idea how much arms trg the offrs of today get but yes, they should have at least an intro to these and refresher trg so they can hurt the enemy and not themselves.

A supposed field unit having it's offrs go on ex with no weapons? That's impressive :roll:


Council Member
Jan 26, 2006
thecdn said:
Mogz said:
No, I am not with 1 HQ and Sigs. While I am a Signaller, I have thankfully managed to avoid that cesspit during my career thus far.

Ah, I see. You are with a sig tp/pl which shall remain nameless :wink:

Mogz said:
As for weapons and the field, I never said it made sense, but in all honesty, i've been to the field on several occasions with officers from various units that don't take any long-barrel weapons with them. Hell, last fall in Wainwright, the officers of 1 Field Ambulance Regiment showed up with NO WEAPONS, even though it was a tactical exercise. I'm not saying officers should fire everything all the time, but honestly, put an officer behind a C6 and chances are he/she won't know how to operate it.

I come from a combat arms background before I was sigs so I've fired all these weapons and I have no idea how much arms trg the offrs of today get but yes, they should have at least an intro to these and refresher trg so they can hurt the enemy and not themselves.

A supposed field unit having it's offrs go on ex with no weapons? That's impressive :roll:

Yup, assigned to an out-station Signals Troop. The unit i'm attached to shall remain nameless (as it's quite easy to track down a Signaller in a unit full of NON Signallers). I am a part of 1 Brigade however, so if someone feels like scouring the Edmonton Garrison for a lone Signaller, have at'er.

Believe me man, showing up at 1 Field Ambs casualty collection point and finding out that everyone at the CCP, short of the medics, wasn't armed, kind of weirded me out. Especially considering that hte FEBA was less than 2km away. Oh well, some units just don't get it :) What were you before you were a Signaller? Were you the Strat?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Tell me you guys are kidding.

Do the officers of the Canadian Army think they are working for Sears and Roebuck?

I would think that a bvasic level of competence with personal weapons would be a prerequisite for collecting your paycheck..........and that being armed on exercise or in theatre would be mandatory......

Good Lord, I train armoured car company employees......ALL (even office staff) must qualify twice a year, and you are expected to be armed at ALL times you are on the clock........


Council Member
Jan 26, 2006
Sadly Colpy, no, we're not kidding. I'm not trying to say that Officers aren't weapon competent. They are, but only in a limited number of weapons. Everyone in the CF, Army, Navy, Air, must qualify at least once each year on the C7A1 (fitted with 3.4x opitcal sight) assault rifle by taking; weapons handling drills, firing the Personal Weapons Test Level I, firing the Personal Weapons Test Level II, and firing the Personal Weapons Test Night Shoot, all of which are scored. If you're a Sgt or above you must also take the same tests on the 9mm Browning.

Sadly, when some units go to the field, especially in they're a reach echelon unit (i.e. 1 Field Ambulance) they don't play like the front line units do (i.e. 3 VP). So they tend to get lax and just neglect some of the basic elements of getting the job done. It doesn't mean they're bad units, or put out bad soldiers, it just means they put their focus on other things (i.e. medical skills).