Why the wrongdoing is dangerous

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Wrongdoing whether done by the individual or by a community or a state is dangerous to the wrongdoer himself.
God will take revenge sooner or later with His mighty irresistible power.
If God's revenge comes soon, the wrongdoing will be stopped and the wrongdoer will receive his requital and will know, and other people may know also, that his outcome is because of his wrongdoing.
But if God's revenge and dealing comes later, and the wrongdoer is given respite: that he may feel sorry (or repent) and then changes his wrongdoing and reform his situation, the outcome may not be bad and may become good.
And if God's revenge and dealing (which is a must and is inevitable) does not come soon and the wrongdoer keeps to his wrongdoing, the wrongdoer in this case will keep to his wrongdoing and may increase with his arrogance, and then God's revenge will be tremendous.
This is in this life of the World, while in the Hereafter, God's revenge may be greater and more terrible.

Quran 10: 23
(O people , your transgression is only to the detriment of your own souls.
[So let not this life of the World deceive you; for] the enjoyment of this life of the World [is only little in comparison to the Hereafter], then you will return to Us [following your death], and We will inform [and punish] you about [all the evil work] that you used to do [in the life of the World.]

So if anyone contemplate with himself, he find out that every bad situation that he has is because of his own wrongdoing.

This is regarding the individual as it also regarding communities and states.

And a tradition from Prophet Mohammed - peace be to him - he said: "Beware of every wrongdoing: if even a mountain transgresses on another mountain the transgressing one will have his base and top destroyed."

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Every wrongdoing is disobedience to God's commands, and it is either wronging oneself or wronging others.
It is the sin, and every sin is a disgrace to man:
>> Associating others with God and glorifying others with God is a tremendous sin and wrongdoing.
>> Disobeying the parents is a major sin and is a disgrace to man.
>> Killing people is a great sin.
>> Committing adultery is a major sin and is a disgrace to the one who commits the adultery and homosexuality.
>> Every transgression on people or trespassing their rights is a sin and a wrongdoing.

The Ten Commandments In The Quran


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Wrongdoing whether done by the individual or by a community or a state is dangerous to the wrongdoer himself.

No freakin' duh, Torchy.

But why throw Religion into this? Why not just accept that wrongdoing is just wrong and not drag Gods into this?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No freakin' duh, Torchy.

But why throw Religion into this? Why not just accept that wrongdoing is just wrong and not drag Gods into this?
Where did the morals you espouse come from?

Religion? Sesame Street? Karl Marx? Engels? Botswanan bushmen?