DM says:
Blue, in reference to Brian and Scandals. Canada has been up for sale since 1988 and the Liberals join in on that and went even further. I hate the both for what they have done. As far as I am concerned the whole lot should be dragged out into the street shot and pissed on and not necessarily in that order. Harper is very much Mulroney spawn and you could be the pope himself you still wouldn't be able to convince me of the 'good deeds' that he will do, I will never give scum like that the benefit of the doubt. Canada needs leaders with vision, not someone who will gladly sell this country out from under us.Don't believe he will do it? Read this article. Then tell me thatthe CFR task force, that has Harpers ear, will not be implemented. There are allies and then there are collaborators, fortress America will destroy what we have as a country.
You call it selling out, I call it getting into the world market instead of being isolationist. Virtually every economic study done on free trade, other than those with a left leaning bent, have said that free trade has been a huge benefit to Canada. And you just confirmed all my previous allegations against you in that you are totally inflexible and intolerant in your views. If you think that these people are honestly out to destroy the country, then I feel sorry for you. And as far as I am concerned, the left wing and Liberals in this country have systematically destroyed this country and its international reputation over the last 25 years, starting with Trudeau.
Blue, in reference to Brian and Scandals. Canada has been up for sale since 1988 and the Liberals join in on that and went even further. I hate the both for what they have done. As far as I am concerned the whole lot should be dragged out into the street shot and pissed on and not necessarily in that order. Harper is very much Mulroney spawn and you could be the pope himself you still wouldn't be able to convince me of the 'good deeds' that he will do, I will never give scum like that the benefit of the doubt. Canada needs leaders with vision, not someone who will gladly sell this country out from under us.Don't believe he will do it? Read this article. Then tell me thatthe CFR task force, that has Harpers ear, will not be implemented. There are allies and then there are collaborators, fortress America will destroy what we have as a country.
You call it selling out, I call it getting into the world market instead of being isolationist. Virtually every economic study done on free trade, other than those with a left leaning bent, have said that free trade has been a huge benefit to Canada. And you just confirmed all my previous allegations against you in that you are totally inflexible and intolerant in your views. If you think that these people are honestly out to destroy the country, then I feel sorry for you. And as far as I am concerned, the left wing and Liberals in this country have systematically destroyed this country and its international reputation over the last 25 years, starting with Trudeau.