Who eats out?


Jan 6, 2007
Being serious for a moment, I rarely eat out, if for no other reason than the restaurants here are few in number and poor in quality.

So I almost always cook myself; it's my only creative outlet in a community whose mission it is is to drain the uniqueness out of me - though it is very, very hard to get fresh or regional ingredients; I can't even get my hands on fresh herbs here, which makes me quite irritated.

I live in a decent sized small city. We have a lot of restaurants. But, we don't eat out unless we're travelling generally, because the restaurants here are mostly just chains, or diners. There's one Chinese restaurant, but we just don't eat there often since having developed a bit of a taste for vietnamese and thai.... we're kind of bored with the westernized chinese food, it's so bland in comparison.

Getting ingredients is a definite challenge even here. I've been especially frustrated since I had better access to really good ethinc ingredients like coconut milk, green curry, ginger root, cinlantro and other herbs, when I lived in High Level, of all places.


Electoral Member
May 21, 2006
Atikokan, Ontario
karrie: I wish we even had chain-owned restaurants, in order to kick-start the local places into cleaning up their act. The closest thing to chain is a Robin's Donuts that was renovated from an old garage. The drive through just goes around the yard, and you can still see where the garage door is installed, right beside the drive through window. They get their donuts shipped in frozen from a community almost two hours away, and rarely cook them properly. I should take pictures, it's funny in a sad kind of way. Oh, and we used to have a Pizza Hut Express in the Mike's Mart, but it left about 6 years ago :(

Problem is, this town doesn't have the highway run through it, so chains aren't willing to set up shop here like they are in other northwest ontario communities.


Electoral Member
May 21, 2006
Atikokan, Ontario
I'm actually glad we don't eat out anymore. When I worked at Radioshack and you're in a huge mall with a food court, it can do a number on both your wallet and your gut size. Eating crappy food-court cuisine is very expensive (and unsatisfying) on a retailer's income.


Jan 6, 2007
I'm actually glad we don't eat out anymore. When I worked at Radioshack and you're in a huge mall with a food court, it can do a number on both your wallet and your gut size. Eating crappy food-court cuisine is very expensive (and unsatisfying) on a retailer's income.

I used to work in a mall too.... Edo Japan was my lunch of choice, so it wasn't too hard on the waist line, but, when you added Moxie's for supper three or four times a week because we were both working and lazy... it got fattening and expensive. When I finally quit working, we were still in that habit, constantly heading out to eat, and often taking friends who were in college out with us and treating them to meals. We finally had to stop.... we decided that for every seven days we didn't eat in a restaurant, we'd put $50 in a bank account to spend on frivolous stuff, like buying a satellite system, or theater system for the house. Man, we had a lot of spare cash floating around mighty quick. Now, we are just out of the habit of eating in restaurants, and have more cash at hand, no needing to put it into a seperate account.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Snowles, have you ever thought of growing your own herbs? My father grew quite a few in Nova Scotia. We even added them to vinegars, making for all sorts of flavours, very good on a tossed salad.


Jan 6, 2007
Snowles, have you ever thought of growing your own herbs? My father grew quite a few in Nova Scotia. We even added them to vinegars, making for all sorts of flavours, very good on a tossed salad.

The absolute easiest thing to do (while growing them is the healthiest, funnest way), is when you're in a bigger center, buy big bunches of the herbs you like, wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or foil (pressing in foil is great for keeping air out), and freeze them. Or, you can also chop them up, put them in ice cube trays, top with water, and freeze them. Once the cubes are made, shake them out into a ziploc, and label. Then just pop an oregano or basil ice cube into your frying pan, or soup stock, or whatever you might need. If you check dollar stores, you can often even find the trays with the smaller cubes sizes, roughly a teaspoon or so. You get much more flavor than if you dry the herbs.

Air Advocate

Nominee Member
Mar 4, 2007
if you like to see more

Just check out http://kesca.ca/refrigerat2.html they have images from restaurants on the site you might actually consider it next time you eat out.
What is this accumulating on the coil? Is it the spices used in your food or could it be fungus and mold?


Jun 23, 2006
Just check out http://kesca.ca/refrigerat2.html they have images from restaurants on the site you might actually consider it next time you eat out.
What is this accumulating on the coil? Is it the spices used in your food or could it be fungus and mold?

what are you trying to prove? That there's dirt in kitchens? I knew that thank you. Fungus and mould are usually not harmful to your health anyway, also most restaurants don't rub their meat on the back of their refridgerators before serving it to you. Also generally they cook it so any germs which happen to be there get killed.

Honestly this is no big deal


Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
you should see some of the restuarants in the Dominican Republic. some look a little iffy, but the food is fresh, and fantastic.
We rarely eat out, I am a fantastic cook and can cook just about anything. And my kitchen does not get messy when I cook even the chinese food, it is not necessary to make a mess when cooking, it shows lack of skills. You need to clean up as you go along, then you will not have the mess.
I cannot stand the smell of most fast food outlets, restaurants included, they are all fast food outlets, with prepared food for you, full of preservatives. Yummy!
People come for miles to eat at my home when invited, they will cancel a previous dinner date. I can cook a meal in under an hour, with out really thinking about it, or going through a bunch of preparation, or any recipe. And it takes no more time to start from scratch than it does to start from a can or frozen state. And how hard can it be to open a can, no thought there.
Subway is one of the fast food places that I just cannot go into, the smell is so terrible, and to think people eat that. No wonder we have a society of fatties out there.
I have never dieted, nor needed to, I guess that is the difference between take out,and home cooking.
My pies are to die for, and my caesar salad, none can compare to it. My husband will cook if I don't feel like it, (but I have a hard time with someone in my kitchen so he has to keep it clean, good thing he is as fussy as me). He cooks, he cleans up the kitchen, he is a real sweetheart. He does not do the take out either. he has learned to cook quite well under my guidance, and the bit he knew as a bachelor. Actually my whole family are really good cooks, and they do most of the cooking in their homes, (most women these days don't even know what a canopener is for, so forget cooking) good thing, as their wives are like most these days and can't boil water.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
The Crow & Gate Pub in Nanaimo. Started going there when we moved to Gabriola Island about ten years ago. It is a traditional British pub run by British ex-pats but they do a good job on Curries as well as typical British pub food. They do a beef dip that is to die for. Their desserts are completely decadent and absolutely delicious.


Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
Snowles, I do not know what you have for living facilities, but even in an apartment in most climates Canada you can grow your own herbs indoors where you have some natural light. Get some small or medium sized pots, seeds and voila! You got a herb garden. Chia Pets has them too. Check it out.
#Juan, if I am forced to eat out, (because I am travelling or whatever) I prefer the food at the pubs. What about bangers, they are good.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Oh come on... you never encourage a night of eating out when your wife's in a bad mood, and you know she could use a little less stress in her life? I know my hubby will coerce me... "really baby, you'll feel so much better... it'll take such a burden off your already stress filled day". Sometimes it's three, four times a week that he wants to eat out, just to try to make my life better... he's a real doll.

You bad...

:) lol


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
I used to eat out exclusively. Then I had a heart attack. Now I might eat out once every couple of months. I can cook for myself or a small party as well as any restaurant cook. I never did fast food to much. Pubs and restaurant. They are mostly meat and potatoes with a lot of salt and butter. Now I eat seafood and rice with pepper.


Council Member
Sep 28, 2007
Ardrossan, Alberta
Since I was diagnosed with diabetes, I never eat out. I Just don't know what ingredients are being used. Instead I take the money I save by not eating out, and buy better quality food at the Grocers.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
I rarely eat out. That's because gourmet cooking is one of my many hobbies. I seriously doubt that anyone on CC eats as well as I do because this type of cooking is one of life's greatest pleasures.

Most folks eat to live. I live to eat! Every day is another pleasure as food is my absolute passion. And I am definitely not shy about admitting it!:smile::smile::smile:


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
I seriously doubt that anyone on CC eats as well as I do because this type of cooking is one of life's greatest pleasures.

I'll take that bet. My preference for veggies is limited but other than that we are talkinng sea bass, lobster, collosal shrimps and scallops. Only steak in my house is tendeloin. Fresh caught trout and salmon. Mustard crusted rack of lamb. Tanoori chicken. Ginger marmalade cornish game hens. Trout baked in sea salt (best way ever to do trout). Every kind of rice and curry dish I am able to cook with stuff in my house. I have a couple buddies who call to see hat I am doing on a Saturday night and I know they are looking for a damn near gourmet meal.

no color

Electoral Member
May 20, 2007
1967 World's Fair
Not as much anymore, but I used to eat out everyday when I was single (bad habit that I started in high school). I'm a burger and fry person. You name the fast food restaurant, I've eaten there (Carl's Jr, Whataburger, Jack-In-The-Box, Sonic, Wendy's, Burger King, In-N-Out Burger, A & W, FuddRuckers, Robin's, Burger Street, Arby's, Dairy Queen, Taco Bell, Del Taco, Taco Cabana, Long John Silver's, Church's, Popeye's, Chick-Fil-A, KFC...). Notice I left out McDonald's.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
To the detriment of my waistline, I probably eat as well, if not better than most, as I'm sure you two do. On these forums, Unforgiven and Jenn are also culinary enthusiasts. At my house we try to limit our eating out because in all but a few restaurants, I tend to pick apart and complain about every dish.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
I tend to eat out for lunch every day because I am too rushed to make a lunch. Within 5 minutes of my work I have access to Thai, Vietnemese, Pubs, Chinese etc, so I don't get bored to often.


Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
I'll take that bet. My preference for veggies is limited but other than that we are talkinng sea bass, lobster, collosal shrimps and scallops. Only steak in my house is tendeloin. Fresh caught trout and salmon. Mustard crusted rack of lamb. Tanoori chicken. Ginger marmalade cornish game hens. Trout baked in sea salt (best way ever to do trout). Every kind of rice and curry dish I am able to cook with stuff in my house. I have a couple buddies who call to see hat I am doing on a Saturday night and I know they are looking for a damn near gourmet meal.

I will take that bet too. I can cook anything, I can look at a dish, take a taste and can duplicate it, and also make it better. My pies are supreme, and decandent, depends on what you want, my apple is to die for. Soups, chinese, mexican, etc. People come for miles for dinner at my place, they have cancelled other former dates, they have even called weekends short at their cabin on the lake to eat at my place. No one in this world makes a caesar salad like I do. Most call it kick ass caesar, this guy wants me to patent it, (I don't give recipes away, nor do I share them, but will profit), then bottle and sell. I am thinking on it, but it is hard to do. I am selfish this way, but I like money too.
I am not into seafood much even though I am in the place for it (DR), I just can't quite acquire a taste for that fresh lobster, shrimp, calamari etc. But I will eat the fresh sockeye that my mom catches every year when they fish the coast of BC, she is a gillnetter (also is 73, still working). I use to live on the Queen Charlotte Islands, and could not feast with the Indians as they eat whatever comes out of that ocean. They have a saying..."when the tide goes out...dinner is served". They boil herring eggs (for quite some time), then eat them.