You wouldn't believe the facts anyway because they from places like Fraser Institute and MEI.
I've repeatedly shown I will.
Show me unbiased facts, I'll admit being wrong and go with that.
Telling me "Oh it's from here" isn't showing proof.
If you think that retard proves anything other than he and his followers are retards, you are sadly delusional.
I posted the entire show to discuss.
The first was PP's refusal to get his clearance.
All he did is give his opinion.
Not "proved" anything, and he states as such. Then again you didn't watch it so you wouldn't know.
But what he brought up is right so...
The only delusional one is you.
The reason PP won't get the security clearance is because he would be legally prevented from getting the facts out.
Which is a LIE, but you know, don't let that stop you.
t is a gag order, pure and simple.
Some piss poor gag order if OTHERS ARE DISCUSSING IT.
This way, if the contents of some top secret papers should fall in his mailbox, he can tell us what they say without fear of persicution.
And if you don't know why, you're a fucking idiot and traitor.