What the hell, Canada


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
I don't believe there is such a thing as a pointless election. Although they may be expensive, it does give those that pay attention the ability to toss the fool that called the election.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I don't believe there is such a thing as a pointless election. Although they may be expensive, it does give those that pay attention the ability to toss the fool that called the election.

While I agree with you, at the same time if no election is really needed because you have a year plus to be in power then yeah it's also pointless.

Doing it early to keep in power - like in NS for example - is underhanded (legit, but underhanded).

But again, you're also right.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
While I agree with you, at the same time if no election is really needed because you have a year plus to be in power then yeah it's also pointless.

Doing it early to keep in power - like in NS for example - is underhanded (legit, but underhanded).

But again, you're also right.
Not so much underhanded as opportunistic. But ya also gotta be able to read the room if you're gonna short call an election. When Liberal David Peterson was premier of Ontario many moons ago he rode a wave popularity to the Premiership with a huge majority. Two years in he decided to try and capitalize on that popularity by short calling an election. He got smoked, badly.

Dougie might end up in the same boat. After sending out a bunch of $200 cheques he then short-called an election. Now, while he may legitimately be doing so because of Trump's nonsense the optics on Ford's timing is not good at all.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Wanna bet?

In Vermont they have elections for the "Weigher of Coal."
I was wondering what the hell that was so I looked it up. I don't think there's a more useless elected position anywhere in the US. Jay Furr, the elected weigher of coal in his town even stated his job has no responsibilities.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I was wondering what the hell that was so I looked it up. I don't think there's a more useless elected position anywhere in the US. Jay Furr, the elected weigher of coal in his town even stated his job has no responsibilities.
QED. Pointless election.

It's just a fun thing some Vermont towns like to do to razz a popular citizen. In addition to no duties, it has no pay.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons

What the hell, of a different take.
Trudeau's attempt at yet another tax grab with the unfortunate changes he wants to make to the capital gains tax affects exactly kinds of remuneration that innovators, inventors and PhDs rely on.
Which is pretty stupid considering a short time before they started working on the changes Groper said he wanted to encourage more innovators, inventors and PhD types to come to Canada. Woke DEI crap isn't going encourage them to come here.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Trudeau's attempt at yet another tax grab with the unfortunate changes he wants to make to the capital gains tax affects exactly kinds of remuneration that innovators, inventors and PhDs rely on.

Which doesn't matter anymore since he's out.

Which is pretty stupid considering a short time before they started working on the changes Groper said he wanted to encourage more innovators, inventors and PhD types to come to Canada.

On that I agree with you; there was a chance at doing some real good; now it's gone to shit so much these people are turning to a US style of dragging the extreme right into politics with all the money and position they have, to get what they want.

But I suppose you think that's great; what Canada needs is people like Elon and Kash and all the other money-right to influence things?

Woke DEI crap isn't going encourage them to come here.

Coming from someone who is Chicken Littleing everything around him...

"Woke DEI" - what other fearmongering bullshit buzzwords can you fit in there, Jin?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Trudeau's attempt at yet another tax grab with the unfortunate changes he wants to make to the capital gains tax affects exactly kinds of remuneration that innovators, inventors and PhDs rely on.
Which is pretty stupid considering a short time before they started working on the changes Groper said he wanted to encourage more innovators, inventors and PhD types to come to Canada. Woke DEI crap isn't going encourage them to come here.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Which doesn't matter anymore since he's out.
It does matter. Aftert the last 10 years we're going to have to spend 20 years at least just trying to catch up.
On that I agree with you; there was a chance at doing some real good; now it's gone to shit so much these people are turning to a US style of dragging the extreme right into politics with all the money and position they have, to get what they want.

But I suppose you think that's great; what Canada needs is people like Elon and Kash and all the other money-right to influence things?
No, what Canada needs is even higher taxes. Didn't you know that, according to Carney, high taxes create jobs and investment opportunities? Fuck off, retard.
Coming from someone who is Chicken Littleing everything around him...

"Woke DEI" - what other fearmongering bullshit buzzwords can you fit in there, Jin?
It's not fear-mongering ya gidget. Trudeau's "policies" have all been about DEI and woke nonsense. Even science funding is entirely dependent on how much of a woketard you are and how much you can virtue signal in your papers. Actual science has become secondary. I'm sorry if facts and reality hurt your precious little feelings.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
It does matter. Aftert the last 10 years we're going to have to spend 20 years at least just trying to catch up.

And it's like that for any Government that fucks us over.

Look at Mulroney vs. Chretien.

That's not an excuse, that's a consequence of different Governments.

No, what Canada needs is even higher taxes.

Where the hell do you get that idea? Granted, we'll likely HAVE to have that, because of "reasons" (like giving Corporations a break because they're SO put upon (not being able to get more and more money) instead of pushing them to pay their fucking share).

Didn't you know that, according to Carney, high taxes create jobs and investment opportunities?

Isn't that like Trickle Down Economics?

Seriously though, where'd he say that? I'd be interested to see the context.

Fuck off, retard.

Aww, Jin... are you missing your Snickers quota?

It's not fear-mongering ya gidget.

It absolutely is and you're proof of it.

Trudeau's "policies" have all been about DEI and woke nonsense.

What is DEI?

What is "Woke"?

Even science funding is entirely dependent on how much of a woketard you are and how much you can virtue signal in your papers.


Actual science has become secondary. I'm sorry if facts and reality hurt your precious little feelings.

Not hurting my feelings; if indeed you can prove it - UNBIASED proof, thanks, Jin - then I'll stand with you in calling it out for the bullshit it is.

Because it is.

Here, I've something for you, and watch it all because there IS a point here.

You know what? As much as Luntz is an... well, an ass (and I'll leave it at that), he also has a point.

So does the guy at the end, Pete Seat. Society really DOES have issues with 'lower standards'. Proof of it is in education where kids aren't even FAILED anymore because heaven forbid mommy's special little spawn not be absolutely given every chance and even if they fuck up well here's their trophy!


The other people had a point on the panel too and even Luntz agreed with them.

And then there's this.

THIS is why people like who you buy into the "BLAME DEI FOR EVERYTHING!" is fucking dangerous.

As was pointed out, "DEI has become a stand in for black (or put any other minority in there) and unqualified".

THAT is what YOU are pushing, Jin, truth or not. Because to you EVERYONE who is not white and male is "(whatever) and unqualified".

Because you don't TRUST that the minority CAN be qualified. You can't FATHOM that such a person exists.

Of course you'll deny it, because admitting it would mean you are a bigot and/or racist and you can't appear that even to yourself.

But you ARE proving it every. Damn. Time. You use DEI as a slur, use "woke" as a slur, for something YOU don't like.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
THIS is why people like who you buy into the "BLAME DEI FOR EVERYTHING!" is fucking dangerous.

As was pointed out, "DEI has become a stand in for black (or put any other minority in there) and unqualified".

THAT is what YOU are pushing, Jin, truth or not. Because to you EVERYONE who is not white and male is "(whatever) and unqualified".
Once again your retardation is showing. When I owned my air service there were only two White people that worked there, myself and one of the ground crew. I did the hiring. My other pilot was Vietnamese. My receptionist was First Nations. One of my mechanics was Inuit and the other was Black. I had two other ground crews working for me that were also First Nations. So go fuck yourself and your retarded ASSumptions ya stunned twat.
Because you don't TRUST that the minority CAN be qualified. You can't FATHOM that such a person exists.
Because racist White leftards think minorities are soo helpless and pathetic they can't get anywhere without White Knights lifting them up.
Of course you'll deny it, because admitting it would mean you are a bigot and/or racist and you can't appear that even to yourself.
Says the half-wit who supports reverse racism and sexism.
But you ARE proving it every. Damn. Time. You use DEI as a slur, use "woke" as a slur, for something YOU don't like.
Way to justify reverse racism and sexism. You must be so proud. Sounds like you're just another twit who's more concerned about equity than equality.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Once again your retardation is showing.

And so is your bigotry.

When I owned my air service

... sure you did.

there were only two White people that worked there, myself and one of the ground crew. I did the hiring. My other pilot was Vietnamese. My receptionist was First Nations. One of my mechanics was Inuit and the other was Black. I had two other ground crews working for me that were also First Nations.

"I've a friend who's black! I can't be racist!"

Yeah, that doesn't negate the fact that YOUR push of DEI is doing EXACTLY the opposite of what you 'claim'. Or are you saying it's okay for YOU to hire people who would otherwise be under "DEI", but not others?

Or is this you saying "I don't actually hate DEI, I'm just an asshole following other right wing assholes using the buzzwords of the day to seem cool?"

Cause, I wouldn't want to ASSume... :p

So go fuck yourself and your retarded ASSumptions ya stunned twat.

Oh, so only YOU can assume - and constantly - but no one else? Well sure, I guess; male privilege and all, right? 🤪 (oops, was that... REVERSE SEXISM!?)

Because racist White leftards think minorities are soo helpless and pathetic they can't get anywhere without White Knights lifting them up.


What the everlovingfuck was that sentence? "Racist White Lefttards"...?

No, Jin, minorities AREN'T helpless or pathetic; or I don't think they are, YOU on the other hand... think that and worse because "DEI" "WOKE".

Says the half-wit who supports reverse racism and sexism.


OMG did you just...

"Reverse Racism and Sexism"

Holy shit... thank you, THANK YOU for that comment of insanity; it was hilarious.

Now who is ASSuming? (again, as usual)

Way to justify reverse racism and sexism. You must be so proud. Sounds like you're just another twit who's more concerned about equity than equality.

JFC you're serious?

If you were serious, why use more buzzwords like "reverse racism and sexism"? Why not just racism and sexism, you stunned donkey?

As for "Equity" and "Equality" - no, you mental migit. It's YOU who is against equality, else you wouldn't keep using DEI and Woke as a rally cry for "UNFAIR WAH WAH" without actual proof OF wrong.

My stance has always been and will always be: You got what it takes to do a job, you should get said job, REAGARDLESS of race, gender, sex, religion, etc, etc. And I know it busts your balls that I repeatedly stand for that despite how much you insinuate I don't but your obsession with trying to... I don't know, catch me in a lie or whatever it is, is really, really funny.

YOU on the other hand want exceptions. Which is the very definition of "racist" or "sexist" or "bigot", depending on the circumstances of those exceptions. 🤪
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