What has the PM done right for Canada?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
In one year we will elect a new federal gubmint. What has the current gubmint done to deserve re-election?
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Re: What has The PM done right for Canada?

I can’t come up with anything . Maybe standing up to that bully Trump.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
He's managed to avoid military confrontation with neighbouring states. That must count for something.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
He's not turned full-on protectionist and has, at least for the most part, kept his party's opposition to the presumption of innocence in sexual matters out of the courts other than some terrible modifications to the law after the Ghomeshi case.

That must count for something.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Just like every other PM we've had.

You see? He could have been far worse. Imagine if he'd been a fascist! I know, I know, I'm lowering my standards here: but when looking for something positive, we sometimes need to really lower our standards to find something.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Canadian economy is booming, led by manufacturing.

Rate hikes assured.


Oh Hoid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Way to keep dedicated to the delusional LIE-beral message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The economy is NOT BOOMING - that is a THOROUGHLY discredited LIE-beral LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a partial list of the lies and distortions of truth that LIE-berals enjoy spewing like demented manure spreaders!!!!

OH my! LIE-beral Sunny Ways are growing very DARK INDEED! So in desperation, Civil service union Hogs have resorted to LIES about Harper....such as those set out below- and we can be sure such lies will be repeated as we get nearer to the 2019 federal election!

The Hogs claim Harper destroyed a 13 billion dollar federal surplus even before the 2008 mortgage meltdown.

They claim he spent huge sums of money on partisan and self serving spending and on lawyers to argue various legal positions.

They claim he promised not to appoint any new senators and then ended up appointing 59 of them.

They claim he reduced the corporate tax rate, closed Veterans Affairs offices, made cuts to health care, killed the Kyoto Accord, labeled `environmentalists` as terrorist threats, refused an inquiry into missing Aboriginal women and `declawed` the chief electoral officer. And it sounds like a bad record.....TILL YOU LOOK AT THE TRUTH!!!!!

Desperate Hogs frantically trying to save their grossly rich solid gold pensions in the midst of world wide economic upheaval will tell ANY LIE and misrepresent any situation for more gravy!

In 2006 Ottawa enjoyed a 13 billion dollar surplus-and TWELVE BILLION of the surplus was from taxes on OIL! Anybody looked at the price of oil recently? Or done any calculations as to how much income tax money is NO LONGER being paid by suddenly unemployed oil workers? Is anybody having a hard time now figuring out WHY Ottawa no longer has a surplus? And what magic wand will Justin Trudope wave to reverse this trend?

Especially since he wants to KILL the Cdn oil patch that is our last best hope of avoiding total bankruptcy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Harper spent money on partisan advertising? This is NEWS????? Apparently Hogs don’t watch tv and have not seen Ontari-owe Lie-berals trying to sell their job killing new pension plan or their carbon crap and trade tax that only cleans cash from wallets and leaves th dirt in the air; along with the much reviled LIE-beral sex education program! LIE-berals would rather teach our kids about anal sex than bother with reading, writing and MATH!!!!

ALL governments spend on partisan ads-to say otherwise is a LIE!!!! But Hog hypocrites want to paint Harper as an exception....for their own profit! And dare we ask how much money that Ontari-owe Lie-berals have spent on E-health, Ornge, gas plant and Sudnury bribery scandals? This is not just partisan money it is tax money being USED TO HIDE CRIMINAL ACTIVITY!!! But hypocrite Hogs wont speak of THAT as they want spendthrift Lie-berals to keep that rich gravy train running for the privileged few!!

Along the way, we should mention that Wynne-bag LIE-berals FORCED our electrical companies to send out LIE-beral propaganda along with our Hydro bills in the months prior to the June 2018 election! With the COST of handing out that LIE-beral propaganda BOURNE by your local electric corporation in defiance of election RULES!

As for senators....Harper is on record as wanting to do away with the senate ENTIRELY; just too bad that the provinces (mostly led by Lie-berals or NDP) would not let him-all ten provinces MUST agree to any senate changes- and good luck getting that!

Further, several provinces enjoy the benefit of `extra` federal ridings-in Nunivit, 60,000 people have TWO federal MP’s while people in Toronto number close to 200,000 in a single riding with ONE MP! Its almost as bad as that in Prince Edward Island-4 federal seats in a district that ought to have only TWO MP`s!!!

Many special interest groups- meaning PALS of LIE-berals- desire to retain the senate and also retain those extra MP seats for their own selfish reasons! The Lie-beral dominated senate was holding up Conservative legislation out of spite so Harper redressed the balance and appointed Conservative senators to balance the power!

Harper had no choice-Lie-berals would not let him eliminate the senate and Lie-berals dominated the senate and blocked all Conservative legislation, so no choice but to work with a senate that had a bunch of NEW conservative senators!

And if Working Family Coalition was so generally worried about senate behaviour then WHY have they been so silent regarding the theft of tax money by Lie-beral senator Macdonald Harb? That money- takne by aa apparently shameless LIE-beral- has NOT been paid back! NOR DO we know if the NDP will pay back the millions they took illegally for their local offices!

Apparently HONEST behaviour is only expected of CONSERVATIVES who wont screw over ordinary tax payers and give the Hogs huge raises in pay!!!!

And reducing corporate taxes? How is this news? In 2008 and in subsequent years, Lie-berals and NDP screamed that Harper was being TOO CHEAP and should spend MORE MONEY to save jobs and `stimulate the economy`.....and they insisted he should even run LARGE deficits.....but that was then and this is now....for LIE-beral HYPOCRITES!

After all, Justin Trudope has told us repeatedly that if he is elected he will run a deficit of TEN BILLION DOLLARS a year for at least 3 years! He speaks this way so casually about borrowed money while the indebted Greek economy crashes and burns in the background-what a MAROON!

And NDPers speak grandly of shifting tax burdens around like playing cards at a poker table-with Working Family Hogs getting a BIG payoff while the private sector workers starve!

And closing Veterans Affairs offices is sensible since the army is not now fighting and sending home a stream of newly injured people needing treatment-the only people REALLY OUTRAGED about the closed offices are union HOGS who resent losing their now redundant jobs-no need for UNION HOG paper pushers if there isn’t any paper to push!

And so called `environmentalists` using blackmail tactics to extort money from government SHOULD be considered trouble makers. Some of these `charity` groups get their operating funds from Yankee `super-pac` political groups and THEY want things set up in THIS country to suit THEIR needs!

The same people who brought you the sub prime mortgage fiasco now want to masquerade as `environmentalists` in Canada for fun and profit! Closing the Cdn oil patch would benefit foreign oil companies while also killing Cdn economy and reducing competition for American workers!

If LIE-berals were so concerned about tar sands production then why have they not spoken about the La Brea tar sands in California or in Venezuela? And some of the `environmentalist are local native groups who simply refuse to miss ANY chance to hurt white govt or extort ever more money from us!

And what of the Hogs sneering at Harper for rrvoking the charitable status of various Muslim groups? Our idiot Boy Justin has told us he WILL NOT deport convicted Muslim terrorists of Toronto 18 group! And Our idiot Boy has just announced that HE has pulled the charitable status of a Muslim group for its links to terrorists!

And since Our idiot Boy HAS RESTORED Cdn foreign aid shipments to terror group Hamas- maybe we should ask JUST HOW SCARY that Muslim charity was to have a terror link so BAD that Our idiot Boy cannot tolerate them operating in Canada? Suddenly the Harper judgement looks more solid than LIE-berals want to admit!!!!!!!!

Natives in Kashetchewan reserve used OUR TAX money to send a kids hockey team- with LOTS of adult chaperones- to California and spent much on hotels and food and sizeable chunks in a casino and then came home to find their sewage treatment plant and drinking water plants had broken down.....and they had no money to make repairs as they had already WASTED the municipal repair budget in California!

But the SHAMELESS natives didnt mind trying to shame Harper into giving them more cash to waste! And the band leaders in Atiwapiskat are learning from experience-they got ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS for housing.....and spent EVERY PENNY....without building a single house and without being able to show a single receipt to indicate what happened to that money!

This is blatant theft of tax money by natives and it deserves to be called criminal! Harper responded with a requirement that ALL band council expenses MUST be posted online so govt auditors can quickly see what is happening with OUR cash! And Our idiot Boy did CANCELLED any need for govt oversight intended to limit native corruption!

And it is a sad but true fact that being a drug addled hooker is a BAD life style choice- so surely its no mystery as to why so many Aboriginal women are missing-bad life choices result in ugly troubles! Some philosopher once observed that “the quickest way to destroy a man is to pay him to do nothing”.....and what is it that natives on reserves -kept like badly neglected pets on reserves- actually do for THEIR money? LIE-berals are destroying natives by refusal to set any standard ofr behaviour!

As for the chief electoral officer being `declawed`.....if you CHEAT and get caught as Elections Canada employees did- and ALL were good Working Family Hogs-you WILL suffer consequences! Working Family Coalition was engaged in a GROSS conflict of interest by presenting massive advertising campaigns during elections!

If the CEO of a corporation had attempted to influence a series of elections as the Hogs did-such a CEO would be looking at jail time! And Hogs also set up a neat little `vouching` system that allowed total strangers with NO ID of any sort to vote in critical ridings - just so long as they were `vouched for` by a UNION HOG who wanted Harper defeated so that free spending Lie-berals would give more gravy to Hogs!

Such spectacular HYPOCRISY on the part of Hogs and elected officials as they TRAMPLED ON OUR RIGHTS and deliberately tried to RIG our elections and OUR democracy DESERVES CRIMINAL CHARGES!!

Working Family Hogs have engaged in massive deceptions and slandered the name of the prime minister and have done so in grossly greedy pursuit of MORE GRAVY in defiance of their glib bullshit that ALLEGES that `FairnessCounts`!

Clearly FAIRNESS ONLY COUNTS FOR HOGS and they are quite willing to DROWN the rest of us in THEIR DEBTS!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
The best thing he done was to remind voters why they voted out the Libs in 2006, and that a part time drama teacher with the right name was wrong for Canada.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Oct.17 Canada Herb Day looming.
Ever one can chill.
Why? Weed will be going from $6 a gram to $12 and it's all grown indoors using crazy amounts of electricity with the majority produced by fossil fuels.

It's goes against all the rhetoric pumped by ecofascists.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The best thing he done was to remind voters why they voted out the Libs in 2006, and that a part time drama teacher with the right name was wrong for Canada.
He had a lot of help from the media and his name to get elected.

There is no way in Hell he can beat Scheer in a debate. He is very articulate and sharp as a tack.

I'm looking forward to having a very intelligent, hard working self made PM rather than Liberal elites.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Why? Weed will be going from $6 a gram to $12 and it's all grown indoors using crazy amounts of electricity with the majority produced by fossil fuels.

It's goes against all the rhetoric pumped by ecofascists.



Do you REALLY THINK this Cdn experiment withe legal Weed will work as idiot LIE-berals expect???????????????????????????

Anybody who thinks this LIE-beral brain storm/ economic brain CRAMP will work as advertised has ALREADY smoked too much of the product????????????????

Did you not hear about the two legal pot labs that are already being charged with violating the terms of their production license by producing WAY MORE of the stuff than is legal!!!!!!!!!!!

Anybody who wants to know what is the future of legal Weed has only to head over to the nearest native smoke shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ford was right to compel LCBO civil service union Hogs to wash their hands of the Weed Biz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leave it to the private sector!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals wanted Weed sold at the LCBO simply as a way to create more Hog jobs that we cannot pay for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tax evasion will be the LEAST of the headaches facing govt over this legal Weed crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Producers will STILL be encouraged to steal electricity for illegal grow ops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Organized crime will STILL be heavily involved- and they may be EVEN MORE INVOLVED now that Weed is legal since it will create such an easy money laundering option for organized crime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What LIE-beral idiot assumed that a drug dealer living cheap in a TCHC housing project and collecting welfare- to subsidize his costs while dealing - would be run out of business by Weed dispensaries paying the FULL FREIGHT of LIE-beral taxes- including rent for the store front operation!!!!!!!!!