What does Alberta have to show for 24 Bil barrels ? $12 Bil in debt


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I think Alison Redford is to blame- too much time spent flying herself and her buddies and family around in jets and not paying attention to business.

I lived in Alberta for years

And they kicked you out of Alberta for being Liberal?

All Alberta has to do is Cut Welfare in half and all these leaches that came out to Alberta from Ontario and BC will return to their shyte hole Provinces..

Save Alberta; "SEND THEM BACK!!"

I hope you are not including B.C. (the best province in Canada) as a Sh*thole province. :)


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Don't be so silly. Boom and bust is natural in the energy sector. We are used to it. I don't know anybody that is suffering.

Not at the moment, no. It will be interesting to see what you have to say once we know how the Federal Budget will affect us. It won't be the big budget items that will necessarily take the largest cuts but you can bet that smaller budget items such as Veterans Affairs are not going to see any increase in theirs - much needed or not.

All Alberta has to do is Cut Welfare in half and all these leaches that came out to Alberta from Ontario and BC will return to their shyte hole Provinces..

Save Alberta; "SEND THEM BACK!!"

No, you can keep them. We may have bought them bus tickets............but they were all one way. :p:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Not at the moment, no. It will be interesting to see what you have to say once we know how the Federal Budget will affect us. It won't be the big budget items that will necessarily take the largest cuts but you can bet that smaller budget items such as Veterans Affairs are not going to see any increase in theirs - much needed or not.


A lot of the Veterans are seniors so I doubt very much if Cannuck will shed a tear if they don't see an increase! :)


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I think Alison Redford is to blame- too much time spent flying herself and her buddies and family around in jets and not paying attention to business.

Gotta disagree with you there, JLM. This one started a long time ago and as stated in the article, successive Federal and Provincial Conservative governments chose short-term gain over common sense and true stewardsip of our resources. Alison was really a small player in a much larger game.

And they kicked you out of Alberta for being Liberal?

A lot of the Veterans are seniors so I doubt very much if Cannuck will shed a tear if they don't see an increase! :)

Tears?? From Cannuck? I think not, JLM. Surely the fellow is made of sterner stuff. :p


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Alberta is facing some serious challenges as is Canada the oil is still there
but the falling price is manufactured by OPEC to get the west to stop the
search and development of our own supply. I hope the industry can weather
the storm. This is not the time for recriminations though it is tempting the
boasting continued far too long. I want to see a healthy Province. Healthy
Provinces across Canada are in our interests at every level The problem
is the drop was quick


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Alberta is facing some serious challenges as is Canada the oil is still there
but the falling price is manufactured by OPEC to get the west to stop the
search and development of our own supply. I hope the industry can weather
the storm. This is not the time for recriminations though it is tempting the
boasting continued far too long. I want to see a healthy Province. Healthy
Provinces across Canada are in our interests at every level The problem
is the drop was quick

And the continuing problem is that with every day that goes by with the price of oil lower than what it costs to produce, we are not only losing money, we are going deeper into debt.

You are correct, it is not the time, nor does it any good to lay blame. I do believe that Ms Redford was but one link in a chain.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Gotta disagree with you there, JLM. This one started a long time ago and as stated in the article, successive Federal and Provincial Conservative governments chose short-term gain over common sense and true stewardsip of our resources. Alison was really a small player in a much larger game.



Still a very wasteful woman with no respect for the electorate!


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Hey Tay. You wouldn't be from Ontario would you?

All Alberta has to do is Cut Welfare in half and all these leaches that came out to Alberta from Ontario and BC will return to their shyte hole Provinces..

Save Alberta; "SEND THEM BACK!!"

I'm not going anywhere. I just bought a house and I'm gainfully employed. Perhaps people wouldn't salivate at Alberta's possible slow down if you didn't make ridiculous blanket statements like the one above.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Hey Tay. You wouldn't be from Ontario would you?

I'm not going anywhere. I just bought a house and I'm gainfully employed. Perhaps people wouldn't salivate at Alberta's possible slow down if you didn't make ridiculous blanket statements like the one above.

I think They're just trying to get you wester canada loving folks back for all the statements made by some over how bad Ontario has gotten too.