What are Canadians' Opinions of America?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005

Lady Pyro

New Member
Feb 21, 2006
I feel really enlightened, honestly, by the views expressed within this thread. I had to agree with Mogz' first post that said that most Americans are ignorant to the country that directly borders them to the North. I, before undertaking this assignment and listening to all of your sentiments, didn't have any understanding or comprehension. And yes, I too had no idea there was a Canadian Army! XD; It just goes to show you how ill informed so many of us are, especially my generation. I can only hope this will change as time goes on, but I doubt it. We're a messed up bunch. XD But seriously, thank you everyone for taking the time out to submit your thoughts and views. You've really helped to broaden the scope of my essay.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
You didn't know there was a Canadian army?

So, if America ever tried to invade Canada they will retreat when the soldiers find out that there are actual people who defend Canada. :lol:


Council Member
Jan 26, 2006
And yes, I too had no idea there was a Canadian Army!

Yeah, your Air Force National Guard blew up 12 members of my Brigade in 2002, in Afghanistan, killing 4. It made the news all over your country. I'm surprised no one ever remembers seeing these news reports:


P.S. We have an Air Force and Navy as well.

Instictive shooting exercise Kandahar Afghanistan

HMCS Iroquois Task Group Arabian Sea

CF-18 Hornet waiting to taxi at CFAS Aviano Italy

Price of War


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
*shifty eye's.* For one I love our American liberators to the south. I really like how they are not liberating us with there missles which liberate hospitals and liberate hundreds of thousands of our cilvilions so they don't have to breath anymore...

Plus Having french.... I mean freedom fries in the local Mcdonalds at the superstore Wal-mart which liberated local busisness out of work, feels.... so.... liberating.

It's so liberating to know that our cousins to the south feel they can tickle (Torture) terrorists still and that disagreeing with administration is seen as being with the terorists.

Besides that I'm not a fan of the American government but the people are not that bad, if not ignorant of Canada and the world in general.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Lady Pyro

Um - are we going to be treated to your final essay submission? For the contribution some of the members here made I thought it would be a nice thank you for them to see what you made of their thoughts.


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
After the attacks on the US on "September 11" Air Transport into the USA was deverted to Canada, Hailfax Nova Scotia, Saint John's NFL, and Gander. Canada, without thought to her safty took these passengers in with open arms, kept them safe, warm and provided housing and food until they could continue their journy. Not all passengers were from the US but a great many were. A great many friendships where made in spite of the evil that happened that day. I think of the US as my younger sister, there are days I could throttle her but mostly I think of her with fondness.


Council Member
Mar 21, 2005
A lot of Canadians hate Americans and America. To a certain extent because of the current political regime, but to a large extent it is based on jealousy and a huge inferiority complex.

I admire America for a lot of reasons, basically all of the high ideals the country stands for: democracy, free enterprise, ingenuity, human rights, freedom of the press etc... I admire that the country is not afraid to swim against the current of popular opinion.

But that cuts both ways.... I'm disturbed by some of the trends I have seen in the past number of years. I'm disturbed by the appalling ignorance of the people about politics, world events, the impact of American foreign policy (make no mistake, Canadians are also appallingly ignorant about world events and domestic politics, maybe slightly less so). The Bushites are selling a pack of lies, and you people are swallowing it up.

Hank C

Electoral Member
Jan 4, 2006
Calgary, AB
I am a born American who has made Alberta my home since 2001, so my perspectives are probably unique when compared to these canucks.

Thing with growing up in the US you don't really understand how much of an impact your country has on the rest of the world. Yes we all have known since we were 10 that the US is the best country and the worlds only superpower, but coming up to Canada I was surprised. In American newspapers and media, there is absolutely no mention of Canada other than the odd paragraph in the back of the paper. CNN and other major networks don't even cover Canadian elections thus if you ask an American who the leader of Canada is...it draws a blank. You do however hear more about other prominent nations such as the UK,Germany and France......and then there is always the rouge nations and their leaders who make the front page. In the US there is a much larger focus on regions and States.

But the Canadian media is much different. There is a huge focus on the US in the media. Its as if Canada is part of the US, as most of the important news coverage from down south is covered. The tv up here is mostly American (at least the decent shows are), and Canadians know everything about the US.

If there is one problem I have had in Canada it is the "knee jerk" anti Americanism. It is even shown on this forum by people like darkbeaver, who for some reason would like to see America fail. I was also surprised by the sheer obsession with the health care system up here......in Canada even though there is a "universal health care system" they against an additional parallel private system.... the consensus is choice must be "limited".

Sorry I am getting off topic, what I miss about America is the people (you can start up a political conversation anywhere). The weather ( it hurts my bones to wake up on cold winter mornings here in Canada). The "go for it" attitude WC was talking about, and I do agree that American arrogance is a positive trait, it is all about confidence. The "culture"....and yes America does have a culture, the same culture which has penetrated every corner of the earth. I also still believe that the US is a greater force for good in this world.......

Hank C

Electoral Member
Jan 4, 2006
Calgary, AB
I think not said:
This has turned into a very interesting thread, many opinions and perspectives, really interesting, I am definately enjoying this.

I however, have never liked you New York folks :lol: :wink:

gimme rural Ohio anyday (except I would not find any jobs in my field there :( )


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
I don't think Canadians hate, American's. I've met very few Canadian's who HATE American's. I can only think of a few out of hundreds I've talked with about politics. A lot of Canadian's generally don't like what the American government does and generally conservatives who like the American's take this has hatred. I don't hate any American, even George Bush Jr. Let's See I hate Osama, the Taliban, Hitler and Facsists, but, yeah thats about it really.

Generally American's who I've talked to don't care about Canada, either threw ignorance or dislike. Generally both American's and Canadian's have about the same disdain for each other. This goes along with politics too. Liberals and social democrats in the USA often see Canada with Rose coloured glasses and Conservatives in Canada see the USA with Rose coloured glasses and both generally tend to ignore the short comings of both nations and the divercity of these nations.

the caracal kid

the clan of the claw
Nov 28, 2005
The good, the bad and the ugly:the quick list (even the title comes from down there...)

the good:
Joshua Tree, Red Rocks,Waco, Levenworth, Smith Rock, Red River Bastion, Mt Zion,...
Seattle, San deigo, and San Fran
the americans i have known

the bad:
suburban sprawl, right-wing politics, formulatic movies, over-processed foods (and fast foods), and over fed people, american cars.

the ugly:
the effects of patriotism, ethnocetrism, and capitalism.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Hank C said:
I think not said:
This has turned into a very interesting thread, many opinions and perspectives, really interesting, I am definately enjoying this.

I however, have never liked you New York folks :lol: :wink:

gimme rural Ohio anyday (except I would not find any jobs in my field there :( )

Yes well, Ohio has been recently placed on my shit list, as of November 2004 to be exact :wink:


New Member
Jan 29, 2006
Red Earth Creek
I find most Anti Americans are Canadians with a drug charge who cannot get across the border. They are about as ignorant of the states as the States are about us.
If you cut out the attitude of the Americans they are about the same as us. I like some of the comments the socialist Canadians make about the USA and work for profit. I know alot of Canadians expect money for nothing and drugs for free, but us out here in Alberta cannot support you burnouts for ever.