What are American values?


New Member
Aug 14, 2005
RE: What are American val

Do you really mean that? Or is it a baited trap...

American values in my opinion.

We Give:
I am proud that my hard earned tax dollars goes towards helping other countries.

We Protect:
I believe that if we were not at war, then 9/11 would be a weekly occurance. Although I do wish it would end, I want the Iraqi citizens to be safe first. The pictures I have seen with children giving soldiers thumbs up and people befriending the soldiers are not from our media, they are from families of the soldiers.

We Work Hard:
On a normal work week, I work 50 hours but in busy times as much as 75. This week and last are very abnormal at 40.
Even though the income for my business is considered poverty level, I know the payoff in the end will be great and the hard work will be rewarded by great success.
Money is not what motivates me, helping others is. My business is 90% helping others and 10% (moral) entertainment. To me that is success.

Opportunities for Everyone:
I am grateful that I live in a country that has taught me these values.

Alot of folks seem to think Americans are spoiled (and some are) but when I started working at 14 years old I was grateful to be able to work.

I believe that there is a serious moral decline in America today, but there is also alot of people willing to stand up in defense of our orginal culture and value system.

From past experience (I am a quick learner) I am sure this answer may not be good enough, but I gave it a shot anyway.


New Member
Aug 14, 2005
RE: What are American val

Since I am not able to watch that program anymore, I cannot defend it out of ignorance.

(uh oh, that ignorance word should get a good attack)


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Gordon sinclair 8O 8O 8O the guy with the bow tie from front page challenge 8O 8O 8O my parents watched that show...whatever speech he made it was back in the fifties...you were not invading another country than to steal their natural resources. :roll: get real!

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Re: RE: What are American val

media said:
Since I am not able to watch that program anymore, I cannot defend it out of ignorance.

(uh oh, that ignorance word should get a good attack)

Yes...but you have watched his show, and you've expressed affinity for this pheck-wad's delivery and ideals...

My opinion is that he deserves to be castrated with a ball-peen hammer...WHACK... 8O ...oops...WHACK, WHACK... 8O 8O


New Member
Aug 14, 2005
RE: What are American val

So tell me... Where are these resources that we are supposed to be stealing? I have not seen them and don't want them.

Gordon Sinclair was a great man.


New Member
Aug 14, 2005
RE: What are American val

Is anyone here over 20? 30?
Ask your parents?

Whack Whack?????



Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Even funnier is you media, who could possibly take you seriously, your hero is bill numbnuts....a dealer in smut from that ever so lofty program hard copy. Ya, I bet you enjoy watching him humilate decent people, just to boost his own pathetic ego. Bet you grab your balls and give them a lift when he is on the telly...

Tell me...did you enjoy watching him rant and foam at the mouth with the son of a dead port authority worker?? why?? because the son protests the Iraq war :roll: :roll: :roll: Disgraceful, that puke speaking for this mans father. As if he knew the man or what his thought process was or even how he felt about his own son. Yes I am sure you get your rocks off on the cheap smut of bill numbnuts. :roll: :roll: :roll:

GL Schmitt

Electoral Member
Mar 12, 2005
During his lifetime Gordon Sinclair was a war correspondent for the Toronto Star, a full-time radio news personality on CFRB (Toronto) and a perennial panellists on Frontpage Challenge. In 1979 he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada.

Following the American withdrawal from the Vietnam War on June 5, 1973, Gordon Sinclair recorded his most famous radio editorial, The Americans, in response to criticism of America’s Vietnam adventure.

For posterity, The Americans, became the one thing for which Sinclair is best (and mostly) remembered.

To listeners of Gordon Sinclair's regular CFRB radio editorials, he is probably more remembered for his endless polemics against the evil of fluoridation


New Member
Aug 15, 2005
the states
American values? HAH....well, I guess our priorities are to bomb the hell out of countries, then take our taxes to re-freaking build them..sending millions of dollars to other countries to build hospitals, build schools, feed them, yeah thats all fine and dandy, but maybe I would like my tax dollars to actually re-open the hospital they just closed here, maybe I would like my kids to go to a school where they arent learning about things like how to put a condom on a banana, maybe I would like my country to feed my kids. I work very hard, I have a son with disabilities, I get absolutely no help or services, my job doesnt offer health insurance, my husband is cheating on me, and everyone I know has been divorced, beaten by their spouse, or is cheating......WHAT VALUES????? Im not big into politics, but I do think that whatever country you claim to be from, well then you should come first in that governments eyes.....not someone else.


Council Member
Jun 6, 2005
Oklahoma, USA
Re: RE: What are American val

media said:
Hi Nascar!
Would love to watch it again, but I don't have that channel anymore on my satellite. Did used to watch Bill almost every night when I had it.

Media, the channel line-up here in Oklahoma isn't the greatest, but I am glad that Fox News is standard. I guess the cable companies (here COX is the primary provider) look at the demographics and knowing that Oklahoma is a heavily conservative state, offer Fox News without question.


Electoral Member
Jun 16, 2005
stunyank31 said:
American values? HAH....well, I guess our priorities are to bomb the hell out of countries, then take our taxes to re-freaking build them..sending millions of dollars to other countries to build hospitals, build schools, feed them, yeah thats all fine and dandy, but maybe I would like my tax dollars to actually re-open the hospital they just closed here, maybe I would like my kids to go to a school where they arent learning about things like how to put a condom on a banana, maybe I would like my country to feed my kids.

You have done it now. I'm madder than a wet hornet, and I don't care who knows it. What makes you think the goverment owes you food for your children? Don't have children you cannot afford.

Use self-control. Get neutered like a dog.

I am one of those unwanted children, I speak from the highest authority on this subject - you have committed the worst crime in the world by bringing children into the world that you cannot care for and feed.

I work very hard, I have a son with disabilities, I get absolutely no help or services, my job doesnt offer health insurance, my husband is cheating on me, and everyone I know has been divorced, beaten by their spouse, or is cheating......WHAT VALUES?????

You got yourself into this mess - now get yourself out. It's no one's fault except yours. Don't vomit your problems onto other people - whistle britches. Where I come from, people don't do that. You sound like white trailer trash.

Im not big into politics, but I do think that whatever country you claim to be from, well then you should come first in that governments eyes.....not someone else.

I do agree with you there. Charity begins at home.

Bull Dog


Electoral Member
Nov 5, 2004
Fruita, CO, Aztlan
American values:

1. xenophobia (“they” are destroying our country, changing our language etc…who cares)
2. militarism (complain about taxes going to everything else but…)
3. self congratulatory nationalism (we can support as many oppressive dictatorships as possible and still think we stand for “freedom”)
4. racism (not any more I guess, but what happened to all those klan supporters I knew when I lived in the south in the early sixties? Are they all multiculturalists now?)
5. “bad religion” (our nationalism is so intertwined with the spiritual one doesn’t know where one begins and the other ends—talk about graven images)
6. Hard work is rewarded (like sitting by a computer day trading, speculating in real estate, inheriting money…)
7. Free press (that’s if we agree with what they say, if we don’t, they’re “pro-terrorist)
8. capitalism (supply minimum wage jobs in an economically depressed area and expect everyone to worship you for it)
9. guns (not just a means to provide extra protein, but an object of worship)
10. Health care (the best money can buy)