What are American values?


Council Member
Jul 3, 2005
swirling in the abyss of nowhere la
Nascar_James said:
tsk tsk ... you are probably the only individual who has anything negative to say about Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is a an example of a real success story, and a good role model for newly arrived immigrants to look up to.

Let me guess, do you hate him cause he's a Republican? Does this mean you also don't like Bruce Willis, The Rock (Dwayne Johnston), Chuck Norris, Alice Cooper, Robert Duvall, Heather Locklear, Jessica Simpson, Matt LeBlanc ... all noted Republicans.

Only individual to say anything negative about the terminator.... :roll: You're too much..Go talk to some of the people in his riding. I've read a lot of Vanni's posts and don't see him discriminate against any one race, political side, religious beliefs, whatever, just the bloody uninformed idiots who try to push a load of crap at us and call it the ''truth" Get over yourself :p I have to say I discriminate agaisnt those myself...Soemhow it doesn't surprise me that Jessica Simpson is a Phecking republican...she's an idiot and a minister's daughter, she votes what she is told, becasue she hasn't an iota of an idea of what political agendas are :evil:


Council Member
Jun 6, 2005
Oklahoma, USA
Re: RE: What are American val

Vanni Fucci said:
media said:
Hi Nascar!

Check out his awesome speech.

What for...likely Nascar is unable to read, which is why he listens to O'Reilly...

I could really say anything I like about Nascar, because due to his being a victim of the No-Child-Left-Behind campaign, he's functionally illiterate, and unable to respond.

I won't though, because that would just be mean... :p

Ahhh, that just goes to show that those who are in the "slow" category generally get a might touchy when things don't go their way. I handle heated dicussions of this manner with composure and calmness. As for being functionally illiterate, I am a successfull businessman and have accomplished a great deal, while you could barely pass the entrance examinations to Kindergarten.


Council Member
Jul 3, 2005
swirling in the abyss of nowhere la
Re: RE: What are American val

media said:

I think if you work hard, help other people, and do your best to be a good person, you are going to get attacked here.

Really, media...Pheck that...I believe in God, have faith work hard and am generally nice to others, nobody other than has said anything about pushing me off. If you don't like it here, stop phecking coming back! :idea: . If your only purpose to being here is to piss people off, Bravo, job well done, because you've really gotten me steamed, along with a lot of others, ya phecking pompous blowhardpppbbllt :p


New Member
Aug 14, 2005
RE: What are American val

Did I say something to you? I don't believe that I wrote anything to you that should hurt your feelings or upset you.


Council Member
Jun 6, 2005
Oklahoma, USA
Re: RE: What are American val

media said:
Did I say something to you? I don't believe that I wrote anything to you that should hurt your feelings or upset you.

Media, at this stage I guess it's best for us to stop stirring the pot. Who knows what will become of it, the lefties might go ballistics and we might be the first documented case in history to get nagged to death.


Council Member
Jul 3, 2005
swirling in the abyss of nowhere la
Re: RE: What are American val

media said:
Did I say something to you? I don't believe that I wrote anything to you that should hurt your feelings or upset you.

The fact that you keep pushing your belief system at me and refuse to accept the opinions of others offends me...and then to say that I must not work hard or be a nice person because I am not being run off the board, that just plain pisses me off :twisted:


Council Member
Jul 3, 2005
swirling in the abyss of nowhere la
Re: RE: What are American val

Nascar_James said:
media said:
Did I say something to you? I don't believe that I wrote anything to you that should hurt your feelings or upset you.

Media, at this stage I guess it's best for us to stop stirring the pot. Who knows what will become of it, the lefties might go ballistics and we might be the first documented case in history to get nagged to death.

nobody asked for the pot to be stirred in the first place, and you knew exactly what would happen if you did...if you don't like it feel free to log off like the rest of us


Council Member
Jun 6, 2005
Oklahoma, USA
Re: RE: What are American val

media said:
I did love Bill's book 'No Spin Zone'

yup. You can also call in while on the air live with your question or comment at 1-877-9-NO-SPIN between noon and 2 PM eastern time.

Nothing beats watching Bill grill someone on "The O'Reilly Factor".


New Member
Aug 14, 2005
RE: What are American val

Hi Nascar!

You are right. I just thought that this subject was a welcoming one for both of us since it is What are American values, and we are Americans. Thought our values were something they were interested in. I guess not.


New Member
Aug 14, 2005
RE: What are American val

Hi Nascar!
Would love to watch it again, but I don't have that channel anymore on my satellite. Did used to watch Bill almost every night when I had it.


New Member
Aug 14, 2005
RE: What are American val

I did hear that he interviewed Matt Stavor from Liberty Council several months ago. Wish I would have seen that one. I am a big fan of Liberty Council. (www.lc.org)

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Re: RE: What are American val

Nascar_James said:
media said:
I did love Bill's book 'No Spin Zone'

yup. You can also call in while on the air live with your question or comment at 1-877-9-NO-SPIN between noon and 2 PM eastern time.

Nothing beats watching Bill grill someone on "The O'Reilly Factor".

Yes...and I'm sure you beat yourself raw while watching Bill O'Reilly doing his ass-grabbing bully routine... :roll:


New Member
Aug 14, 2005
RE: What are American val

What was that about not respecting other peoples opinions?


New Member
Aug 14, 2005
RE: What are American val

Has anybody read Gordon Sinclair's speech yet. What a great Canadian man.

Hard-Luck Henry

Council Member
Feb 19, 2005
Re: RE: What are American val

media said:
Hi Nascar!

You are right. I just thought that this subject was a welcoming one for both of us since it is What are American values, and we are Americans. Thought our values were something they were interested in. I guess not.

Not so, media. I'm not sure who 'they' are, but I'd be most interested to hear your opinion regarding those much vaunted 'American values', and - bearing in mind the original question - their relevance to the reality of the US today.