WE really need to get rid of this guy

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Well, you can scream "True Dope is a DISASTER and must be turfed out of office NOW!" on a daily basis until the election. One way to make a paycheck, I guess.
Just trying to drag out the average Canadian memory for more than six weeks.
As the House of Commons prepares to break for the summer, a majority of Canadians say Justin Trudeau should no longer be prime minister when MPs return in the fall, a new poll suggests.

Ipsos polling done exclusively for Global News shows 68 per cent of Canadians want Trudeau to step down. The desire for him to call it quits is highest in Alberta (79 per cent) and Atlantic Canada (76 per cent.)

“This is as bad as we’ve seen it for Trudeau. It’s ‘close’ to rock bottom,” said Ipsos CEO Darrell Bricker.

Horseshoes, hand grenadines, scud missiles, etc…things where close counts.

According to the polling, after eight-ish years in power Trudeau “may” be “dragging the success of his party down with him.” (???)

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
I agree that JT is well past his "best before" date, but I'm not convinced that PP is the better way forward. It seems the way of the world in Canadian politics is not to elect new people as much as it is to fire the old ones, and invariably we end up with the same old crooks with new faces.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I agree that JT is well past his "best before" date, but I'm not convinced that PP is the better way forward. It seems the way of the world in Canadian politics is not to elect new people as much as it is to fire the old ones, and invariably we end up with the same old crooks with new faces.
Make the best decision of the worst options.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
Make the best decision of the worst options.
That's the trick isn't it ? It would be economic suicide to re-elect the Liberals, they need a slap-down in the worst way. But history tells us that with Conservative governments it's always the working stiff who ends up footing the bill, and we have some big bills to pay right now.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Sorry, Justin, but it's time to go and hopefully soon
Author of the article:Warren Kinsella
Published Jun 22, 2024 • Last updated 5 days ago • 3 minute read

Dear Justin:

You don’t mind if I call you Justin, do you?

Because, for starters, I don’t think many people are going to be calling you prime minister for much longer. You need to get used to it, big guy.

We were never particularly close, Justin. I was a Jean Chretien guy, which means that I believe in being socially progressive and economically conservative. You, on the other hand, have a different approach: Spend like the drunkest drunken sailor and promote social policy favoured by the Deepest Annex Intersectional Pro-Hamas Front Hole Meatless Collective. Not Liberal, in other words.

The country voted for your “vision” three times in a row, you might protest, and you’d be sort of right. But that’s because you fooled everyone. You promised to be different than you are now. You promised to bring people together, not drive them apart.

Instead, you have become what you came to Ottawa to change. You have gotten people madder than I can ever recall them being. Ever.

I’ve been talking to Chretien Liberals, Martin Liberals, every variety of Liberal, Justin. Most of them know you, many of them like you. But they all say — every single one of them — that it’s all over. You’ve been 15 to 20 points behind for more than a year. That’s not just unpopular, that’s a death sentence.

So you have to go. And you will go, hopefully soon. Five reasons.

One, your best friend, apart from the guy you see in the bathroom mirror every morning, is Dominic LeBlanc. You’ve known him since forever. You have given him permission to discreetly pursue the leadership, which he is in fact doing. You wouldn’t have given him permission if you weren’t leaving. So quit pretending that you’re not.

Two, other folks are organizing for the Liberal leadership as well. Some of them, like human pocket calculator Mark Carney, aren’t being very subtle about it. A sitting prime minister always has the ability to derail that kind of leadership agitation (eg. Chretien, my former boss, went for a third term and extended his departure by 18 months when the aforementioned Paul Martin got too uppity). You could do likewise, Justin. You haven’t. We’ve noticed.

Three, Tories always thought they were insulting you by calling you a former drama teacher. They thought they were being clever when they said you were a phoney. They never understood that those were your strengths, not weaknesses. You always understood that politics is B.S. theatre, as John Turner memorably called it, and you always commanded central stage. No longer, big guy. You’ve been phoning it in for over a year. You’re an extra. Not so many want a selfie with you anymore.

Four, you’ve been quietly exploring post-PMO gigs. You have. It’s normal: Everyone in politics is always thinking about their next act. You haven’t had a lot of takers — you’re not a lawyer, as you’ve bitterly remarked to some folks — but so what? You’re a millionaire. You’ve got great kids. You’ll get a couple millions bucks for your memoirs, $100,000 for a speech, and an office at the UN promoting deliverology or something. You’re a young guy; don’t get old in Ottawa. There’s nothing worse than that, Justin. Nothing. Ottawa is where hope goes to die.

Five, contrary to what your critics think, you are not stupid. You understand optics and messaging better than just about anybody at your level in the G7. You know how to be likable when you need to be liked. So you know that everything you have tried for the past year and a half has not worked. Not your stupid capital gains budget thing, not the woke messaging, none of it. The polls are real and you know it, too. You don’t want to be the one who wears one of the biggest Liberal losses in a century. You won’t let that happen. Ever.

You’re going. You’re leaving. You know it, I know it. You can’t even hint at that until the last possible moment, for obvious reasons. But you’re going.

My advice, which you of course will not listen to: Announce it sooner than later. Prime minister Pierre Poilievre needs a viable opposition. So does the country. Don’t let it be the NDP or the separatists, big guy.

Not if you love Canada as much as you say you do.


Your pal Warren.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
I agree that JT is well past his "best before" date, but I'm not convinced that PP is the better way forward. It seems the way of the world in Canadian politics is not to elect new people as much as it is to fire the old ones, and invariably we end up with the same old crooks with new faces.
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Sorry, Justin, but it's time to go and hopefully soon
Author of the article:Warren Kinsella
Published Jun 22, 2024 • Last updated 5 days ago • 3 minute read

Dear Justin:

You don’t mind if I call you Justin, do you?

Because, for starters, I don’t think many people are going to be calling you prime minister for much longer. You need to get used to it, big guy.

We were never particularly close, Justin. I was a Jean Chretien guy, which means that I believe in being socially progressive and economically conservative. You, on the other hand, have a different approach: Spend like the drunkest drunken sailor and promote social policy favoured by the Deepest Annex Intersectional Pro-Hamas Front Hole Meatless Collective. Not Liberal, in other words.

The country voted for your “vision” three times in a row, you might protest, and you’d be sort of right. But that’s because you fooled everyone. You promised to be different than you are now. You promised to bring people together, not drive them apart.

Instead, you have become what you came to Ottawa to change. You have gotten people madder than I can ever recall them being. Ever.

I’ve been talking to Chretien Liberals, Martin Liberals, every variety of Liberal, Justin. Most of them know you, many of them like you. But they all say — every single one of them — that it’s all over. You’ve been 15 to 20 points behind for more than a year. That’s not just unpopular, that’s a death sentence.

So you have to go. And you will go, hopefully soon. Five reasons.

One, your best friend, apart from the guy you see in the bathroom mirror every morning, is Dominic LeBlanc. You’ve known him since forever. You have given him permission to discreetly pursue the leadership, which he is in fact doing. You wouldn’t have given him permission if you weren’t leaving. So quit pretending that you’re not.

Two, other folks are organizing for the Liberal leadership as well. Some of them, like human pocket calculator Mark Carney, aren’t being very subtle about it. A sitting prime minister always has the ability to derail that kind of leadership agitation (eg. Chretien, my former boss, went for a third term and extended his departure by 18 months when the aforementioned Paul Martin got too uppity). You could do likewise, Justin. You haven’t. We’ve noticed.

Three, Tories always thought they were insulting you by calling you a former drama teacher. They thought they were being clever when they said you were a phoney. They never understood that those were your strengths, not weaknesses. You always understood that politics is B.S. theatre, as John Turner memorably called it, and you always commanded central stage. No longer, big guy. You’ve been phoning it in for over a year. You’re an extra. Not so many want a selfie with you anymore.

Four, you’ve been quietly exploring post-PMO gigs. You have. It’s normal: Everyone in politics is always thinking about their next act. You haven’t had a lot of takers — you’re not a lawyer, as you’ve bitterly remarked to some folks — but so what? You’re a millionaire. You’ve got great kids. You’ll get a couple millions bucks for your memoirs, $100,000 for a speech, and an office at the UN promoting deliverology or something. You’re a young guy; don’t get old in Ottawa. There’s nothing worse than that, Justin. Nothing. Ottawa is where hope goes to die.

Five, contrary to what your critics think, you are not stupid. You understand optics and messaging better than just about anybody at your level in the G7. You know how to be likable when you need to be liked. So you know that everything you have tried for the past year and a half has not worked. Not your stupid capital gains budget thing, not the woke messaging, none of it. The polls are real and you know it, too. You don’t want to be the one who wears one of the biggest Liberal losses in a century. You won’t let that happen. Ever.

You’re going. You’re leaving. You know it, I know it. You can’t even hint at that until the last possible moment, for obvious reasons. But you’re going.

My advice, which you of course will not listen to: Announce it sooner than later. Prime minister Pierre Poilievre needs a viable opposition. So does the country. Don’t let it be the NDP or the separatists, big guy.

Not if you love Canada as much as you say you do.


Your pal Warren.
Ouch. Someone pass him the Bactine.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Liberal MP apologizes for map missing P.E.I., several borders
Author of the article:postmedia News
Published Jun 23, 2024 • 1 minute read

An erroneous colouring map of Canada.
Liberal MP Yasir Naqvi is sorry after his office issued an erroneous colouring map of Canada sent to constituents in Ottawa. Photo by @WeAreCanProud /X
A Liberal MP has mapped out a mea culpa after a colouring page with an erroneous depiction of Canada was sent to constituents.

Nasir Yaqvi, who represents the federal Ottawa Centre riding for the Trudeau Liberals, issued an apology on social media just before noon on Sunday after his office distributed maps of Canada that left out Prince Edward Island, while combining Yukon and Northwest Territories.

A photo of the map, which was passed out ahead of Canada Day on July 1, also seems to lump Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia together.

“Hi #OttawaCentre friends!” Naqvi posted on X. “#CanadaDay is coming! To mark this moment, we sent a Canadian flag to you to display with pride.

“But, we made a mistake. The map is missing PEI and Yukon. My team and I apologize.

“Please think of it as an interactive map to teach kids our geography, or to start to learn more about these amazing places.”

Reaction was harsh on social media.

“Seriously, not at all surprised that no Liberal caught this before it was approved,” said one reply on X. “Seems typical nowadays.”

Another added: “If you ever needed a visual representation of how out of touch Ottawa is with the rest of the country.”

A third posted: “Cant (stet) wait for the debate question … please name all of Canada’s provinces and territories.”

CTV News Ottawa reported that Naqvi’s office has also been passing out Canadian flag posters across the riding.

“My team and I have been coming around and passing out Canada posters that remind us to support local businesses in our community,” Naqvi said last week in a Facebook post, via CTV News.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Yasir, that's our Naqvi.

Isn't multi-culti just great? Dude's been here since 1988 and never heard of P.E.I. or the Yukon, apparently. Bet the fucking things were printed in China too.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Is Trudeau health minister Mark Holland okay?
Holland has had a series of bizarre outbursts on road trips, gasoline and sex that leave people wondering.

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Jun 27, 2024 • Last updated 4 days ago • 3 minute read

Is Mark Holland doing okay or does Canada’s federal health minister need a break from his job?

Holland has had a series of bizarre outbursts of late including recently saying Canadians were gargling with gasoline.

That’s something he actually said on CBC’s Power and Politics this week.

“I was talking to a dental student named Rylan talking about situation, somebody couldn’t get dental care, had abscesses in their mouth so painful they were gargling with gasoline. This is Canada,” Holland said.

I’m not sure it is Canada, but CBC host David Cochrane didn’t bother to challenge Holland’s bizarre claim, he just let it slide.

Do we really have people gargling with gasoline to deal with tooth pain?

Recently, Holland made news for his bizarre comments about family vacations essentially being hell on wheels. Speaking during Question Period in the House of Commons, Holland was responding to a question asking the Trudeau government to cut the gas tax so families could afford a summer vacation when he went off.

“Mr. Speaker, there is good news for kids,” Holland said. “They can take a summer fun-time vacation where they are locked in a car for 10 consecutive days non-stop, with no bathroom breaks, and the Conservatives have a plan for them to have that summertime fun.”

I’m not sure what kind of road trips Holland had as a child, or what kind he has taken his own kids on, but that doesn’t sound like fun. Maybe a reason to seek therapy for past trauma but not fun.

He went on to say that summer road trips would lead to letting the planet burn. Pretty rich for a minister who continually flies across the country.

A few weeks later, Holland gave a bizarre speech to the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada where he talked about the need for society to accept that sex should be pleasurable. I’m not sure who Holland is speaking to or hearing from on this topic but most people find sex pleasurable, it’s why we desire it. But he made it sound like this was some breakthrough brought to you exclusively by the Trudeau Liberal government.

Does anyone want sex advice or tips from Holland or the government? I certainly don’t and I don’t know of anyone who needs to hear from Mark Holland to enjoy sex. I’d rather not hear from him, that would be more enjoyable.

Holland has also gone on rants against nicotine pouches, a product designed and aimed to help smokers quit smoking. Despite being approved by Health Canada, Holland has been on a personal mission to demonize this product.

“The tobacco industry was able to addict a whole new cohort of young people who had no exposure to nicotine to something that’s absolutely deadly for their health,” Holland said.

Holland has indicated he wants to ban this product in Canada.

This is the same minister who oversees a department that runs so-called safe supply programs that hand out opioid pills to opioid addicts. Often those pills are then sold to dealers in exchange for fentanyl and the once-legal pills end up being sold to kids on the streets.

Holland’s department has been made aware of this issue in report after report but he continues to defend “safe supply” and deny that kids are getting addicted to what are known as “dillies.”

How you can hand out free opioid pills while pledging to eradicate nicotine pouches and also endorse a shoddy report calling for a complete abstinence from alcohol is beyond me. Which is perhaps explained by the fact that, based on his statements and outbursts, reality is beyond Mark Holland.

Holland needs a break from work for a bit, a break from trying so hard to sell the public on the benefits of the Liberal government. Perhaps he should take that break now, before voters give him a permanent break whenever the next election is held.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Map of Canada in Washington Embassy mistakenly includes Greenland as territory
Author of the article:postmedia News
Published Jul 05, 2024 • Last updated 22 hours ago • 1 minute read

Greenland is not in Canada, right?

Well, Access to Information records show that eight Canadian diplomats failed to spot that error on a large map of Canada that was displayed at the Washington Embassy, reports Blacklock’s Reporter.

The Embassy staff were silent on the banner that mistakenly identified Greenland as Canadian territory.

“I love it,” wrote one employee following a staff meeting to design a new Embassy display.

The banner depicted Greenland as a Canadian island with the slogan: “Canada-USA — Not just neighbours: Friends, partners, allies.”

The Embassy had a special order with a U.S. sign manufacturer after complaints that the old banners it had in stock were insufficient.

“We will be looking at creating a new one,” said a Jan. 30 staff email.

The design was checked and approved by eight diplomats.

An order was placed with a Washington contractor, Fast Signs Ltd, and taxpayers were charged $2,654 but nobody noticed the error.

“We chose the design but wanted to circulate it for thoughts before sending it to print,” one employee wrote in a staff email.

“If you could send any concerns by the end of day on Friday so I can send it to print on Monday I would appreciate it!”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Global Affairs Canada buys posh digs in Manhattan, report says
Author of the article:Kevin Connor
Published Jul 13, 2024 • 1 minute read

Global Affairs Canada has reportedly bought a posh three-bedroom condo on New York City’s Billionaire Row to be the official residence for the Consulate General of Canada in New York.

The New York Post reports the 3,600 square-foot midtown Manhattan condo is worth $9 million.

The online listing says it has an “elegant foyer that offers white macauba stone floors, and a stunning powder room finished in jewel onyx.

“A spacious living room provides southern exposure and custom smoke gray oak floors in a parquet pattern, while the adjacent dining room provides eastern exposure and plenty of space for entertaining.”

There is also a paddle court, a golf simulator and a children’s play room.

Global Affairs says it provides residences to the “Heads of Mission,” which include ambassadors, high commissioners and consuls general.

“The residence currently used for the Head of Mission and Consul General in New York was purchased in 1961,” GAC said. “Last refurbished in 1982, the apartment does not meet new building codes nor the GAC’s standards.”

Global Affairs says upgrading the current residence, which is on Park Avenue, would be too costly.

Global Affairs decided on relocating to a “new, smaller, more suitable, and more economical apartment.”

“In addition of representing a saving opportunity of Cad 2M$+ for Canadian taxpayers, it will also reduce ongoing maintenance costs and property taxes, supports future program needs, and meets representational requirements,” Global Affairs said.

The Post had reported the King of England bought the unit, as records listed the new owner as “His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, Represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Trudeau's campaign against Trump could hurt Canada
Trudeau attacking Trump to try and smear Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is a bad idea

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Jul 17, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 3 minute read

Justin Trudeau is again dangling the prospect of another Trump presidency as a Sword of Damocles above voters’ heads.

It’s being called an act of diplomacy; it might better be described as covering your butt.

Justin Trudeau called Donald Trump on Sunday, the day after the attempted assassination on the former U.S. President. There was no readout provided of the call, which often happens when the PM makes an important call, just a short statement from Trudeau’s office.

“Trudeau condemned yesterday’s appalling assassination attempt and reiterated there’s no place for political violence,” the statement read.

I imagine after that, Trump hung up.

There isn’t exactly a warm and fuzzy relationship between Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump, there never was. And long gone are the days when Trudeau’s principal secretary Gerry Butts could claim a solid relationship with Trump’s chief of staff Steve Bannon.

Butts has long since left politics and isn’t involved with Trudeau’s team any longer. And Bannon, well, he’s currently in jail.

For many Canadians, especially those who hate Trump, having a stand-off between Trudeau and Trump makes them feel good. Canadians rarely want their prime minister to be too close to the American president, especially not Republican ones due to reasons based in tribalism rather than reality.

Wanting a bad relationship between the White House and our leaders in Ottawa is always a bad idea though.

Our economy is dependent on trade with the United States and keeping that trading relationship running smoothly often requires a functioning relationship between the men at the top. Despite being more politically aligned, Trudeau has also never had a good relationship with President Joe Biden, who has snubbed Trudeau and enacted more protectionist measures than Trump ever did.

With American voters now concerned whether Biden can finish a sentence never mind a second term, the prospect of a second Trump presidency is growing.

In the most recent polling, Trump continues to have an edge over Biden in the national race. We all know though that the presidency is won by taking the most votes in the electoral college and at this point, Trump’s advantage is much wider than an edge.

In all the swing states that matter this election cycle, Trump is currently in the lead.

In Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada, Trump is in the lead. In Virginia, New Jersey, New Hampshire and even Maine, Trump is in contention.

Which brings us back to the call Trudeau made to Trump on Sunday and why it matters to Canada.

There is a very good chance that Trump will win the election in November and be sworn in as the 47th president of the United States of America in January. Here in Canada, we see no sign that Justin Trudeau will be stepping down or calling an early election.

Which means, we could have nearly 10 months of Trudeau and Trump having to deal with each other on cross border and trade issues.

How well do you think they will get along with Trump knowing Trudeau has been campaigning against him for the last year or more?

Trudeau isn’t campaigning against Trump in the United States. He’s campaigning against Trump in Canada, trying hard to link Trump to Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre.

It’s a ridiculous comparison because Trump and Poilievre are quite different men. But Trudeau and his team have just been smearing Trump as unacceptable, the worst kind of person, and then trying to link that to Poilievre.

There is no doubt that Trump will know about these attacks. He is acutely aware of what people – especially other world leaders – say about him, and he has people around him who pay attention to Canada.

Now, he even has a vice-presidential candidate in J.D. Vance who knows Canada well, and who knows the importance of our trading relationship given his Ohio roots. Oh, and a very good friend of Vance is Conservative MP Jamil Jivani who was thanked in Vance’s book Hillbilly Elegy and who performed a reading at Vance’s wedding.

Trudeau’s Liberals have been attacking Donald Trump personally for the last year in an attempt to get at Poilievre. I called it a dumb and dangerous plan then, but it’s even worse now.

The cheap politics played by Trudeau’s team could soon be biting Canada in the backside.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
House committee launches investigation into purchase of Canada’s new $9M condo in NYC
Author of the article:Canadian Press
Canadian Press
Published Jul 24, 2024 • 1 minute read
A House of Commons committee will look into the Liberal government's recent purchase of a $9-million condo in Manhattan for its consul general to New York.
A House of Commons committee will look into the Liberal government's recent purchase of a $9-million condo in Manhattan for its consul general to New York.
OTTAWA — A House of Commons committee will look into the Liberal government’s recent purchase of a $9-million condo in Manhattan for its consul general to New York.

The government operations and estimates committee unanimously agreed today to hold several meetings next month to investigate the purchase.

The committee has directed Global Affairs Canada to provide a list of properties, including addresses and prices, that were viewed or considered for purchase for the consul general’s official residence in New York.

It is also calling several witnesses including Tom Clark, consul general to New York, the deputy minister of Global Affairs, representatives from the Procurement Department and Treasury Board, and a panel of New York City real estate agents.

The committee also says it will call Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly to testify if necessary.

Global Affairs has said a previous New York City residence, purchased in 1961, wasn’t up to code and did not meet the department’s standards, prompting the new condo purchase last month.