US Catholic Church Does About Face on Abortion

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Never said they did.

But you are sitting in judgement as if they do

I'm not sure where I mentioned abortion. This is about the long-standing position of the catholic church that life begins at conception....until they get sued and it suits them to have it be different.

You're leaning on the Church's stance on abortion to justify why they should voluntarily assume full responsibility and compensate this family for a tragedy that was entirely out of their control.

According to the state law is actualy a perfect defense. That said if the RCC want to stand by their position of life begins at conception they are free to not go to court and just make a settlement.

The RCC are standing by their position - I don't know what's so tough about this issue for you.

They are not at fault for her heart attack....they are at fault of being great big hypocrites!

Ahhh, I see.... So, by your logic, anyone that is pregnant should go out of their way to take every (and any) emergency to this particular hospital regardless of their affiliation with the hospital, Church, individual physicians or proximity to the location so they can cash-in on the hospital-lotto in case something tragic happens to them?

All they need to do is accuse them of being hypocrites and tell them controller who to make the cheque out to.

No they aren't. It suits them at this time to argue that life does NOT begin at conception, as soon as they win according to state laws they will again argue that life DOES begin at conception. I surprised you cannot see a problem with this.

Again - yes they are... You just don't like the notion that they have upheld their moral convictions AND been absolved in the State Courts as well.

Kind of a double whammy against those that have a illogical hate for the RCC

Why would I? I don't live in Colorado.

The same reason that you're not Catholic, but seem to believe that your opinions are justification to change the tenets of the RCC

I hold them to keep their moral views and standards at all times, not change for convenience. If they want to use this law to avoid a payout they just prove they are hypocrites. I couldn't have any less respect for the Catholic church than I do now. This is just funny as it proves to many others what I have known for a long time. The church is corrupt and all about money.

Are you RCC?.. What the hell makes you think that your expectations carry any weight?

You have unilaterally determined that the hospital is responsible for the wrongful death, when in fact it was an EMERGENCY situation that showed-up on their doorstep.... They hospital didn't solicit the EMERGENCY to come to their facility, nor did they cause the event in the first place.

That is what you get in today's litigious society.

Exactly - right along with the ability to have the existing laws applied equally to everyone

The only thing they are guilty of is showing themselves as hypocrites and changing up one the long-standing, hard-core tenets of their church for the convenience of money.

Nice to see that you have the capacity to act as judge, jury and executioner

Just what happened to their mission of charitable works and vows of poverty?

Talk about being a hypocrite..... How much was the family charged for the visit to emergency?... And good thing they do have money to construct community hospitals to accept the public for healthcare.

WOW what's next alter boys sacrifice at the priest hands?

Good to see that you've upheld your practice of tasteless commentary... Your consistency is laudable


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
But you are sitting in judgement as if they do

You're leaning on the Church's stance on abortion to justify why they should voluntarily assume full responsibility and compensate this family for a tragedy that was entirely out of their control.

The RCC are standing by their position - I don't know what's so tough about this issue for you.

Ahhh, I see.... So, by your logic, anyone that is pregnant should go out of their way to take every (and any) emergency to this particular hospital regardless of their affiliation with the hospital, Church, individual physicians or proximity to the location so they can cash-in on the hospital-lotto in case something tragic happens to them?

All they need to do is accuse them of being hypocrites and tell them controller who to make the cheque out to.

Again - yes they are... You just don't like the notion that they have upheld their moral convictions AND been absolved in the State Courts as well.

Kind of a double whammy against those that have a illogical hate for the RCC

The same reason that you're not Catholic, but seem to believe that your opinions are justification to change the tenets of the RCC

Are you RCC?.. What the hell makes you think that your expectations carry any weight?

You have unilaterally determined that the hospital is responsible for the wrongful death, when in fact it was an EMERGENCY situation that showed-up on their doorstep.... They hospital didn't solicit the EMERGENCY to come to their facility, nor did they cause the event in the first place.

Exactly - right along with the ability to have the existing laws applied equally to everyone

Nice to see that you have the capacity to act as judge, jury and executioner

Talk about being a hypocrite..... How much was the family charged for the visit to emergency?... And good thing they do have money to construct community hospitals to accept the public for healthcare.

Good to see that you've upheld your practice of tasteless commentary... Your consistency is laudable

They are not holding their position of life begins at conception. If they were they would go into the court and stipulate that the fetus was a person and deserves to have all the rights and protections the law affords. Instead, because it means they cannot be held liable or culpable, they accept the state's position that it was not a person. That is hypocrisy of the highest form but I expect nothing less from the RCC.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
They are not holding their position of life begins at conception. If they were they would go into the court and stipulate that the fetus was a person and deserves to have all the rights and protections the law affords. Instead, because it means they cannot be held liable or culpable, they accept the state's position that it was not a person. That is hypocrisy of the highest form but I expect nothing less from the RCC.

Sure they are - their insurance company that is on the hook for the lawsuit is claiming otherwise

Your entire position is founded on your hate for the RCC and you're more than prepared to twist your logic into knots in order to justify a subjective expectation that is magically held to a higher standard than the rest of society.

Hell, you've already assessed blame on the RCC and are demanding payment... Really man - grow a pair


Jan 6, 2007
How many times do I have to say it? The law is clear that the fetus was not a 'person' and therefore there was no 'wrongful death'. That doesn't preclude the church run hospital that will NOT perform abortions because they hold the view life begins at conception from making a settlement because based on their tenets and viewpoint the fetus WAS a person and therefore a wrongful death did occur. By choosing this course of action which utilizes a law they disagree with and fight against to their advantage they show themselves as hypocrites of epic proportion.

You're assuming it would be found a wrongful death in court even if they were considered people. Just because hubby viewed things one way as his wife very quickly died in front of him, doesn't mean that from a hospital's standpoint, they were actually in the wrong.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
she got a blood clot? obviously the husband hit her to cause the clot. Throw the bastard in jail for 3 murders.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
she got a blood clot? obviously the husband hit her to cause the clot. Throw the bastard in jail for 3 murders.

Good point! Seeing how that this is fact (we don't need a trial or anything inconvenient like that) and that it was malicious - the State should alter it's definition of 'person' just for this one case and compound the charges with the additional murder of the unborn child.

hell, the father would absolutely support the notion that although his son/daughter were unborn that they were still a person; therefore, he would be a hypocrite if he didn't fess up to the additional murder charge.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012

The story isin't whether the lawsuit is substantive or not it's that once again the Catholic Church's credibility is once again on view for all to ponder..

these guys are shameless

Gosh. They sure are sorry now. And they will never use that argument again, going forward, having successfully used the argument already just to try to win a lawsuit. Isn't that convenient?

And all of this—all of it—goes back to the Church's insistence that life begins with your very first hell-worthy dirty thought and must be protected at all costs, despite all consequences, including, of course, the consequence of dead women, whose lives are not nearly as valuable as the "life" of an unborn fetus. In just the past year, the Church has called upon its faithful followers to march, to starve themselves, to go to jail, to even take up arms—all to protect those fetuses.

No exceptions. None.

Not even if the fetus is already dead inside the womb.

Not even if the fetus is going to kill the actual living woman carrying it.

No goddamned exceptions EVER.

Well, except for one: when it's going to cost the Church money....................

It was a startling assertion that seemed an about-face from church doctrine: A Catholic hospital arguing in a Colorado court that twin fetuses that died in its care were not, under state law, human beings.

When the two-year-old court filing surfaced last month, it triggered an avalanche of criticism — because the legal argument seemed to plainly clash with the church's centuries-old stance that life begins at conception.

But it is also now fueling an already raging debate in Colorado and beyond about whether fetuses should have legal rights and, if so, what kind.

On Monday, the hospital and the state's bishops released a statement acknowledging it was "morally wrong" to make the legal argument.

News of the wrongful death lawsuit came as Colorado lawmakers weigh how far they should go in penalizing acts that harm a fetus, and some worry that the case could diminish the Catholic Church's credibility in advocating more rights for the unborn.

Miguel De La Torre, a professor at the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, noted that the church often argues for laws recognizing a fetus as a human being.

"If that legislation was to come up again, how could the Catholic Church argue we should protect the rights of a fetus?" he said.


APNewsBreak: Catholic Hospital acknowledges error


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Okay, that's it. I guess I have to use pictures.

This is a hospital

This is a Church.

This is the Vatican.

The Vatican runs these:

But The Vatican do not run these, even if they own them.

Get it?


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Hey - our resident troll is back!

Where ya been buddy?.. How's tricks these days?

I don't know if you are referring to me as a toll, or why you would but along with Petros pictures you both don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of hypocrisy.

I will play along and agree the hospitals have nothing to do with the Catholic Church.

But the Catholic Chiurch's represenatives have said the the fetus is not a person which goes against everything they have stated up until this case.

That shouldn't be too hard to grasp as a different stance on anything they have ever said on the subject..........

PS; I have been busy working 14 hour days and travelling but as of today I am back at a normal pace. Thanks for asking.......


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Considering the hospital (owned by the church) is run on catholic principles and does not perform abortion because of the premise 'life begins at conception' for them to argue the fetus is not a person to save money in a wrongful death suit is hypocrisy, plain & simple. Do you get that part Petros?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
I don't know if you are referring to me as a toll, or why you would but along with Petros pictures you both don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of hypocrisy.

I understand the concept just fine; especially as it relates the notion that you believe that your perspective on this magically trumps all else.

I will play along and agree the hospitals have nothing to do with the Catholic Church.

Gosh, how big of you... But as per your following comments, it looks like the value of your 'agreement' is worthless

But the Catholic Chiurch's represenatives have said the the fetus is not a person which goes against everything they have stated up until this case.

The RCC never said that - their insurance company did.

You getting this at all here or is your blind ideological bent preventing you from seeing the facts here?

That shouldn't be too hard to grasp as a different stance on anything they have ever said on the subject..........

See above... With that in mind, I agree that it isn't hard to grasp

PS; I have been busy working 14 hour days and travelling but as of today I am back at a normal pace. Thanks for asking.......

That's great - working hard AND smart can easily cut down the amount of time toiling


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Captain: For some....reading comprehension doesn't improve with are arguing with a couple of five year olds.....and I'm being generous...


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Captain: For some....reading comprehension doesn't improve with are arguing with a couple of five year olds.....and I'm being generous...

DaS, the RCC and their hospital have the option to tell the insurance co. to piss off and make a settlement on their own for the wrongful death of a person based on their position that the fetus IS a person. To me that would be them reinforcing their position that life begins at conception and that the fetus has all the rights of a person. I may not agree with that position but I could respect them standing up for what they believe in if they were to do that which would be rare for offer the RCC any respect. Their choice to allow the insurance co. to pursue the legal defense that is contradictory to their position on the subject is hypocrisy, to be generous.

I'm not sure why you wish to put down people with a different opinion than yours (like me), I have not posted anything demeaning or degrading to you or about you so I would expect the same in return.

FYI: I am 40+ years past 5 years old.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Did I mention you by name sonny?????
But since you seem to recognise yourself in my post.....
Age and common sense don't follow parallel lines ....a theory that you keep proving over and over.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
DaS, the RCC and their hospital have the option to tell the insurance co. to piss off and make a settlement on their own for the wrongful death of a person based on their position that the fetus IS a person. To me that would be them reinforcing their position that life begins at conception and that the fetus has all the rights of a person. I may not agree with that position but I could respect them standing up for what they believe in if they were to do that which would be rare for offer the RCC any respect. Their choice to allow the insurance co. to pursue the legal defense that is contradictory to their position on the subject is hypocrisy, to be generous.

The hospital didn't cause the lady's heart attack, nor did they beg this emergency to come through their doors.

Quite frankly, abortion has zero to do with this issue, except to ideologues like tay that posted the OP.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
The hospital didn't cause the lady's heart attack, nor did they beg this emergency to come through their doors.

Quite frankly, abortion has zero to do with this issue, except to ideologues like tay that posted the OP.

You are right they didn't cause the heart attack or ask for the case. You are also right that it is not about abortion. What it is about is if their inaction caused the death of the fetus. If that is true then, according to their 'catholic principles' they operate under, it is the wrongful death of a person because a fetus is a person. Either they stand by that principle or they don't. From this case it appears they only stand by that principle when it won't cost them a sh*tload of money. If there was no way to save the fetus then it is not wrongful death. The issue of hypocrisy comes into play because the the RCC and their hospital are allowing the insurance co. to use the defense that the fetus is not a person. A legitimate and good defense under Colorado law but totally against what the RCC preaches as gospel and against the principles the hospital operates under.

The Old Medic

Council Member
May 16, 2010
The World
I gather that nobody bothered to read the WHOLE story here.

The local Bishop dropped the hammer on the hospital about this. They claim that their attorney put in that argument, without their knowledge. The Bishop ordered them to withdraw that contention, and they have agreed to do so.

And, since when is ONE HOSPITAL representative of the entire Catholic Church in all of the United States of America?

Just another Catholic bashing thread!


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
I gather that nobody bothered to read the WHOLE story here.

The local Bishop dropped the hammer on the hospital about this. They claim that their attorney put in that argument, without their knowledge. The Bishop ordered them to withdraw that contention, and they have agreed to do so.

And, since when is ONE HOSPITAL representative of the entire Catholic Church in all of the United States of America?

Just another Catholic bashing thread!

Thanks for updating the story Medic. That news must have come out after this thread started. I am glad to hear they are actually standing by their principle even though I disagree with the position. Kudos to the bishop and the RCC for standing up for their belief. I now have to happily rescind my comments about hypocrisy on this issue.