Trudeau’s Newest New Carbon Tax


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Many. I can think of a couple on my own block, and a couple more that will probably not be there by spring due to fire, & a few garages within 200 feet of my house.
My hood is no different, maybe worse.

It's well know shelters and housing corps refuse drunks, smokers and junkies and blacklist those who have violated the rules.

Ice fishing tents are as far as I'm willing to support those types.
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Reactions: Ron in Regina


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Blue Hydrogen and U238. Two home grown resources in abundance. They are the answer to big bucks and emissions issues. It's a no brainer.

Blue hydrogen is a type of hydrogen that is produced from natural gas using a process called steam methane reforming (SMR) and carbon capture and storage (CCS):

  • Production: Natural gas is combined with heated water to produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide as a byproduct.

  • Carbon capture and storage: The carbon dioxide produced is captured and stored underground using CCS.

    • Description: Blue hydrogen is sometimes called "low-carbon hydrogen" because the carbon emissions are not released into the atmosphere. However, some say that "low carbon" is a more accurate description because 10-20% of the carbon cannot be captured.
Blue hydrogen could be used as a lower-emissions energy carrier to support emissions reductions in sectors like heavy-duty transport, heating, and power production.

The energy industry uses different colors to differentiate between types of hydrogen. Other colors include:

    • Brown: Made from brown coal (lignite)
    • Pink: Made using nuclear power
    • Yellow: Made using solar power or a mix of energy sources from the electrical grid
    • Turquoise: Made using methane pyrolysis
    • White: Naturally occurring geological hydrogen

The process always strips sulphur from the fuel into a value added by product.

Blue hydrogen can happen overnight in industry terms.

Existing vehicles, home heating, cooking can be converted for cheap.
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