Trudeau Liberals surge ahead over Conservatives


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

Trudeau Liberals surge ahead over Conservatives, as O’Toole’s favourability dips across the spectrum, poll suggests​

The survey shared exclusively with The Hill Times suggested that 38 per cent of Canadians would back the Liberals, if an election were held now, enough to put them over the seats needed to recoup its majority status in Parliament, compared to 30 per cent who would tick off Conservative on the ballot. That’s up five points compared to the week before and the largest lead the Liberals have had over the official opposition since October 2020.

Trudeau Liberals surge ahead over Conservatives, as O'Toole's favourability dips across the spectrum, poll suggests - The Hill Times
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

Trudeau Liberals surge ahead over Conservatives, as O’Toole’s favourability dips across the spectrum, poll suggests​

The survey shared exclusively with The Hill Times suggested that 38 per cent of Canadians would back the Liberals, if an election were held now, enough to put them over the seats needed to recoup its majority status in Parliament, compared to 30 per cent who would tick off Conservative on the ballot. That’s up five points compared to the week before and the largest lead the Liberals have had over the official opposition since October 2020.

Trudeau Liberals surge ahead over Conservatives, as O'Toole's favourability dips across the spectrum, poll suggests - The Hill Times
If that bearded baboon wins the next election we might as well give up on Canada forever. The conservatives would probably have a chance at winning if they started to act and talk more like conservatives. But sadly, they are not conservative anymore and neither is O'Tool. The liberal conservative party in Canada is dead. All that is left for conservatives to vote for is the People's Party of Canada. The only real and true conservative party left in Canada. Aw well.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Aw well.

Conservatives are known for making the effort to bring people together so at least you can say you tried.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Yea, it's probably time to give up the racism, sexism, homophobia, climate change denial, economic fear mongering and religious zealotry.

If they can get those few things under control they might have a shot.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Yea, it's probably time to give up the racism, sexism, homophobia, climate change denial, economic fear mongering and religious zealotry.

If they can get those few things under control they might have a shot.
Yes, getting rid those things would be a good start to getting our economy up and running, especially after covid. I would like to advise you Mentalfloss that there is NOT systemic racism in Canada, sexism & homophobia. Climate change is not real & certainly won't change by stealing money from citizens, and unlike the States, there isn't religious zealotry anywhere in this country. As for fear mongering, that's pretty much all the Liberals are good for since they're not very good at anything else.

And there are laws against anyone actively involved in racism, sexism & homophobic acts already.

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
1.8% increase in pay for elected officials kicked in April 1 adds $3,300 to the lowest level bumping it to $182,000. Another one coming next year.

3.5 times average Canadian median income. Never mind the expense account or the golden pension at the end for all the years of hard work and devotion.

It's an incredibly broken system with appointed senators on the same gravy train.

Time for reform or to somehow bail on the system which is what everyone does anyway to the extent that they can.

A 20% cut across the board is totally justifiable. Green party, please step up.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Yes, getting rid those things would be a good start to getting our economy up and running, especially after covid. I would like to advise you Mentalfloss that there is NOT systemic racism in Canada, sexism & homophobia. Climate change is not real & certainly won't change by stealing money from citizens, and unlike the States, there isn't religious zealotry anywhere in this country. As for fear mongering, that's pretty much all the Liberals are good for since they're not very good at anything else.

And there are laws against anyone actively involved in racism, sexism & homophobic acts already.
You're in denial.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek

Tucker Carlson compares Trudeau to Mussolini, slams COVID-19 isolation facilities

True North Wire
April 1, 2021

Fox News personality Tucker Carlson compared Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini during a Wednesday night segment, taking aim at the Liberal government’s policy of forcing Canadians who travel abroad to quarantine in government facilities.

“Canada, took a dramatic move towards legitimately dangerous authoritarianism,” said Carlson.

“Trudeau’s internment policy has been in place since last month and as far as we can tell no major US network has even mentioned it, and neither has our State Department which ordinarily seems to exist to make unhappy noises about human rights violations around the world but not a word about Canada.”

The program focused largely on a tweet by Trudeau where he announced that it was “not optional” for travellers to quarantine in government facilities should their coronavirus tests come back positive.

“If your results come back negative for COVID-19, you’ll be able to head home and finish your mandatory quarantine there. If your test results come back positive, you’ll need to immediately quarantine in designated government facilities. This is not optional,” tweeted Trudeau.

Carlson also made mention of Conservative Party MP Michelle Rempel who criticized the government’s handling of the federal quarantine program after two women were sexually assaulted while under government supervision. .....Much more

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
The conservatives would probably have a chance at winning if they started to act and talk more like conservatives. But sadly, they are not conservative anymore and neither is O'Tool. The liberal conservative party in Canada is dead. All that is left for conservatives to vote for is the People's Party of Canada.

It looks to me like Mr. O'Toole is hoping to skim some votes off the Liberal party by giving the CPC the appearance of moving closer to center. He likes to talk up the environment and social and economic inequality, things that would have the far right hollering "socialist" if it were anyone else saying it. This attitude seems to be angering the blue tories within the party, and showing the face of a party divided to voters, which could be where their slide in the polls is coming from.

Any splitting of the Conservative vote come election time will basically pave the road to another win for the Liberals.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
It looks to me like Mr. O'Toole is hoping to skim some votes off the Liberal party by giving the CPC the appearance of moving closer to center. He likes to talk up the environment and social and economic inequality, things that would have the far right hollering "socialist" if it were anyone else saying it. This attitude seems to be angering the blue tories within the party, and showing the face of a party divided to voters, which could be where their slide in the polls is coming from.

Any splitting of the Conservative vote come election time will basically pave the road to another win for the Liberals.
Ontario is the prize the West don't matter