Trudeau. Is he an idiot or what?


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Scheer accuses Trudeau government of ‘proactively’ reaching out to ‘Jihadi Jack’

© THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer speaks during question period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill, in Ottawa on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2018.
During question period on Tuesday, Conservative Opposition Leader Andrew Scheer asked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to explain why Canadian officials had reached out to a British 22-year-old with Canadian citizenship who is imprisoned by Kurdish forces in Syria.
"This government proactively reached out to try to bring this individual, who has fought with a terrorist organization, back to Canada. They took it upon themselves to reach out to bring this individual to Canada, why?" Scheer demanded.
Trudeau responded to Scheer's questions broadly, stating that his government takes "with the utmost seriousness, the threats posed by travelling extremists."
According to previous reporting by Global News, Jack Letts, who is a Muslim convert, traveled to Syria in 2014, where he eventually earned the nickname “Jihadi Jack” in the British press. Letts is a British citizen, but obtained a Canadian citizenship through his father.
Hundreds of ISIS foreign fighters, as well as their wives and children, have been captured by the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces.
While he was in ISIS-controlled territory, Letts has denied being a member of the extremist group and his parents insist there is no evidence to suggest this. The U.K. has made it clear they will not assist him in any way, and because of his Canadian patronage, Ottawa has taken over the case.
A transcript between Letts and Global Affairs Canada previously released to Global News shows that officials have reached out to some of the detainees, though they've admitted that there's little they can do to help them.
“If it would be possible, would you like to come to Canada? Back to the U.K.?” the consular official asked.
“I want to live a normal life. I want to come to Canada,” Letts replied.
READ MORE: Goodale says Canadian ISIS fighters will face consequences, officials won’t be put in danger to help
"It is a Criminal Code offence to travel abroad and engage in terrorist activity. Canadian law enforcement actively pursues investigations and lays criminal charges when there is evidence to support them. We also have a full range of counterterrorism tools," Trudeau said.
Scheer pressed on with his line of questioning, asking Trudeau to "explain to Canadians why his government is taking it upon themselves to invite a British citizen who has fought with ISIS to Canada."
Trudeau eventually retorted that Conservatives were simply "grasping at straws" to "try and make Canadians feel unsafe."


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I wondered the same thing .


OF COURSE OUR idiot Boy Justin sought out Jihadi Jack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jihadi Jack is a former Isis swine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy sees Jack as a PERFECT sort of Cdn- with a "strong voice in Canada"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If only we can get past our "white privileges" and let the swine in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its just too bad that even LIE-berals might have a hard time stomaching the true values of Jihadi Jack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals exposed their utterly UNFIT TO GOVERN STATUS when they paid out fifty million dollars to five Jihadist jerks for the difficulties they endured as a result of their political values after the 9/11 terror attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Omar Khadr is the POSTER BOY for ALL that is wrong with LIE-beral values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
For comparison purposes, in four years, GHW Bush:

Splashed the Soviet Union

Ousted and jailed Manuel Noriega

Kicked Iraq out of Kuwait

In two years, Tiny has:

Sucked Putin's dick

Sucked Kim's dick

Sucked MBS's dick


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
. . . . He's still alive which allows for more hope than that that Bush guy has today.
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House Member
Mar 3, 2012
For comparison purposes, in four years, GHW Bush:
Splashed the Soviet Union
Ousted and jailed Manuel Noriega
Kicked Iraq out of Kuwait
In two years, Tiny has:
Sucked Putin's dick
Sucked Kim's dick
Sucked MBS's dick

I clearly don't keep track of all the nicknames, who is Tiny?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
For comparison purposes, in four years, GHW Bush:

Splashed the Soviet Union

Ousted and jailed Manuel Noriega

Kicked Iraq out of Kuwait

In two years, Tiny has:

Sucked Putin's dick

Sucked Kim's dick

Sucked MBS's dick


Oh Y-gurly - your condemnation of Our idiot Boy Justin is something that is LOGICAL AND CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is quite a rare accomplishment for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what happened?

Did you fall and hit your head??????????????????????

If so then maybe you can share your alleged wisdom about cop training and de-escalating a situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
That's a criticism of Trump. I put it in the wrong thread.

Trudeau's a lightweight, which seems appropriate for a lightweight country.


Pardon me boy but your anti Cdn bigotry is showing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But hating LIE-berals is logical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just look at the crap they dump on us:::::

Here is yet another article illustrating POISONED LIE-beral immigration values!!!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Bank teller who plotted heist getting boot from Canada.

By Brad Hunter. Published: June 25, 2018. Updated: June 25, 2018 4:05 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Canada


Canada spends millions housing and feeding 'irregular' border crossers
FUREY: Gang member busted after entering U.S. via Canada

Kenza Belakziz bank robbery insider outside the Calgary Court Centre, Belakziz, 22, pleaded guilty a week ago to conspiracy to commit robbery in connection with a Nov. 26, 2014, heist at a Mission Bank of Montreal where she worked. POSTMEDIA

A Calgary bank teller will soon be riding the Marrakech Express.

Kenza Belakziz was sentenced to 18 months in jail for setting up a bank heist.

Her lawyer pleaded that a sentence that long would mean the bad banker would be deported to her native Morocco.

(Good riddance to foregin born thieves!)

But Justice David Gates said evidence presented by defence lawyer Greg Dunn to reduce her sentence wasn’t enough to get it below six months.

Belakziz pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit robbery in connection with a Nov. 24, 2014, heist at the Mission Bank of Montreal, where she worked.

Cops say she provided confidential information about the branch to her then-boyfriend Saleem Nasery, Lucas Windsor and Matthew Valdes.

She included a list of employees who would be present, the layout of the bank and the various locations where money was stored.

(Isnt it ODD that LIE-berals WILL NOT deport the convicted radical Muslim members of the notorious Toronto 18 terror who got caught plotting to blow up Toronto Stock Exchange, machine gun our parliament and behead the Prime Minister- but they WILL deport a lousy bank robber?)

(And what of the wanna be Muslim woman terrorist who tired to kill some customers at Cdn Tire in 2017? In her first court appearance she told the judge she hated Canada and wanted to plead guilty immediately so she could be deported home more quickly! And the LIE-beral hug a thug judge told her not to be so hasty and that she should consider her actions first!!!! She also told the judge that if she was let out on bail then she would attack us and try to kill again!! Judge took that part seriously and she has been held without bail!!!! With NO LIE-beral plan to deport the nubar Muslim radical!!!!)

(Of course part of the problem here the nutbar Cdb Tire Muslim attacker is LIE-berals have NO CLUE where the woman came from or how she got into Canada and so have no place to deport her to and do not want to discuss this crap publicly so hiding her in jail is probably considered good LIE-beral planning?)

She (the bank robber) moved to the U.S. when she was a child then they journeyed to Canada. While the rest of her family became Canadian citizens, Belakziz couldn’t be bothered.

But her lawyer said a medical report indicated that she suffers from PTSD, depression and anxiety. So, she should get a six-month sentence, he argued.

(Oh Lord!!!!! Yet ANOTHER ALLEGED crazy Muslim criminal!!!!! Sammy Yatim was let into Canada by LIE-berals in spite of his insanity! The Cdn Tire Muslim woman is crazy as a loon! The Muslim family of the recent Toronto Danforth shooter has gotten a Muslim spin doctor on side to explain to us that their killer relative was really mentally ill and we should not to take his actions personally! And now we have this Muslim bank robber with ALLEGED mental health issues! Muslims clearly think like LIE-berals - that mental illness is a great excuse for all manner of criminal idiocy!!!!!!)

(One has to suggest that LIE-berals are crazy if they think importing mentally ill immigrants coming to Canada is a good idea! And LIE-berals are certified NUTS if they really believe all these Muslim mental health excuses for Jihadist jerk attacks!!!! LIE-berals insist that the Danforth Muslim shooter was not a jihadist but Isis says he is “one of their soldiers”! So who is really crazy here- Muslim jihadists or the LIE-berals who want to buy their votes- at any price so LIE-berals can cling to power in the face of growing Cdn public anger?)

“Mr. Dunn, I have to follow the law,” the judge said. “I can’t use collateral consequences to reduce what is otherwise an appropriate sentence.”

The judge earlier rejected a joint sentencing submission from the Crown and defence asking for a sentence of six months less a day.

“A sentence of over six months is essentially going to banish a girl who has all her ties to Canada, or North America, who hasn’t been to the state of Morocco since she was two,” Dunn pleaded.

(I say GOOD RIDDANCE to her! WE must put up with criminals who are born here but we CAN AND SHOULD DUMP foreign criminals as an object lesson to others!!!!)

Belakziz reportedly tried to back out of the scheme — and even thwart the plot — and that’s why the Crown was willing to cut her some slack.

(Oh? And WHO SAYS she tried to back out of the scheme? Her lawyer?)

“She didn’t call the police, she didn’t even stay home, she was still there. It would be a much stronger argument … if she had actually taken some positive steps to stop this happening,” the judge said last October.

(Yeah- so the judge gets it in this case! These are just the usual Muslim apologies that are trotted out ONLY AFTER MUSLIMS GET CAUGHT!!!! It is no coincidence that the Quran explicitly allows Muslims to LIE to infidels in defence of Islam! A God knows we would not want Cdns to decide nutbar Muslim immigrants are a plague on our land- its just too bad that selfish LIE-berals want us to buy those stupid criminal Muslim excuses for their own selfish reasons!!!!)


Electoral Member
Dec 2, 2018
All crazy blame Trudeau ?????

Trudeau best Canadian president's ever.
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
All crazy blame Trudeau ?????

Trudeau best Canadian president's ever.



Get your idiot propaganda straight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Justin Trudope is a Prime Minister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Sure is. Wanted to give you a chance to whimper, candy.


OH poor tecumsehbonesforbrains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are the one welded to that sad lie about officer Yannez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently you are the one trying to bolster your fragile little ego with that sad lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have yet to explain how cop who has just arrived on scene and is busy PARKING HIS CAR - can offer any realistic support to another cop facing an armed drug addict in a second car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With the gunman being completely out of view of the cop parking his car as guns were drawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


YOU HAVE BECOME AN OBJECT OF pity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Massive job numbers this morning as Canada posts record low unemployment.

Trudeau keeps lucking out


POOR HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CLUELESS AS USUAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ontari-owe makes up FORTY PERCENT OF CANADA`s population and it is now in control of Ford nation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-beral loving news media whores are already trotting out the same excuses they offered up in explain away the improved economy with Mike Harris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it does not hurt that we are near to CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals are trotting out the same sort of good job news they did last year at this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every autumn there is a flurry of hiring due to stores gearing up for Christmas rush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And every year- LIE-berals like HOID get all excited about the "new jobs being created" and then in the new year they start talking about "seasonally adjusted" employment rates to HIDE how many of the "new jobs|" just disappeared again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals want us to focus on those seasonal jobs while ignoring the "made in Ottawa" Alberta oil problem, while ignoring the death

of General Motors in Ontari-owe, while ignoring the new Quebec govt doing its best to limit illegals settling there, and LIE-berals want

to ignore the just announced shuttering of a call centre in New Brunswick that employed over 700 people- and that meas most of a

small town is now UNEMPLOYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When the LIE-berals corporate welfare deals run out- so do the JOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But LIE-berals prefer to focus on "our booming economy" that is booming us into RECORD DEBT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you ever heard the word "HYPOCRITE"????????????????????