Trudeau announces Amira Elghawaby as Canada's first representative to combat Islamophobia


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Liberal and NDP politicians have lectured Canadians for years that white supremacy and neo-Nazism don’t happen in a vacuum – that they are fuelled by hate-filled, right-wing political rhetoric which they constantly condemn.

But most have gone silent since Oct. 7 about the hate-filled, left-wing political rhetoric on university campuses that provides the intellectual justification for Hamas-loving protesters to target Jewish neighbourhoods in what they call “Zionist-infested” areas.

Trudeau said last week he’s heard from many Jews that they feel intimidated by protests targeting them and that while everyone is upset about the “horrible things we are seeing” in Gaza, “hateful or harassing behaviour, particularly against neighbours, is not what we do here in Canada.”

These protesters are targeting Jews – they always have an excuse for targeting Jews – blaming them for the actions of the Israeli military in Gaza, which is classic Jew hatred, to say nothing of the fact many Jews in Canada oppose the military policies of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Gaza, which have led to the death of tens of thousands of Palestinians.

But in Canada today, even arguing in favour of a ceasefire, contingent on Hamas releasing the surviving hostages from the 253 it kidnapped during its terrorist attack on Israel on Oct. 7 – when it also raped, tortured and murdered 1,200 innocent people – is apt to get you labelled a genocide enabler and baby-killer by the “pro-Palestinian” crowd.
Does that mean my White Privelege card expired?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Liberal and NDP politicians have lectured Canadians for years that white supremacy and neo-Nazism don’t happen in a vacuum – that they are fuelled by hate-filled, right-wing political rhetoric which they constantly condemn.

But most have gone silent since Oct. 7 about the hate-filled, left-wing political rhetoric on university campuses that provides the intellectual justification for Hamas-loving protesters to target Jewish neighbourhoods in what they call “Zionist-infested” areas.
Maybe if "bothsidesism" hadn't been made into an attack term. . .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
When a member of a Fredericton synagogue that had been vandalized wrote to local Liberal MP Jenica Atwin to admonish her for not speaking out about it, she responded weeks later with a long letter about “the atrocities in Palestine” and how dedicated she was to helping Gaza.

Who voted Jenica Atwin in to be their voice in Parliament? I’m kind’a doubting it was anyone in Gaza. “Fredericton’s synagogue was vandalized today.. on holocaust remembrance day!! And you couldn’t be bothered to make a statement. Shame on you,” wrote the constituent on January 27th, the day the Sgoolai Israel Synagogue in Fredericton had been vandalized. In the subject line of the email, the constituent wrote . “I guess you and Justin only represent certain Canadians.” National Post has seen the email exchange and has confirmed its authenticity.

Atwin’s reply came more than a month later, on March 4, and was a 1,500-word email that called for controls on exports to Israel to ensure against “Canadian materials being indirectly used in the slaughter of innocent people.” and for restoring funding to the United Nations Refugee and Works Agency (UNRWA), which has been implicated in terrorism against Israel??? This has what to do with vandalism of a synagogue in her own riding that her constituents writing her about???
“I want to thank you for your dedication and advocacy for this important issue that speaks to our humanity and in many ways the soul of our nation,” Atwin wrote in her letter, which claims her office has received “upwards of 10,000 emails, phone calls and direct messages” from Canadians supporting Palestinians. “The Government of Canada must do more to end the siege, protect human life and uphold international law,” the MP in the Liberal government wrote??

(Kate McAllister, a spokesperson for Atwin, said the email reply was made in error. Whoopsies!!??!)

Atwin is known for taking positions considered to be hostile to Israel. Shortly before crossing the floor from the Green Party to the Liberals in 2021, Atwin challenged then Green Party leader Annamie Paul’s calls for de-escalation in the Middle East, insisting there was no “two sides” in the conflict but “only human right abuses” by Israel, and referred to Israel as an apartheid state.

Ahhhh….Ok…this makes more sense now. Greens attract anti-Semites & anti-Dentites and it’s part of her political roots. Got it.
Atwin’s arrival in the Liberal caucus sparked so much concern amongst both current and former party MPs that the Liberals convened an emergency antisemitism summit to address the matter. After joining the Liberals, Atwin said she had softened her position on Israel and that she regretted her earlier comments.😉

From June 14, 2021, Jenica Atwin has adjusted her position on Israel to align with the governing Liberal party she joined just four days ago. Phew!! Close one!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
When a member of a Fredericton synagogue that had been vandalized wrote to local Liberal MP Jenica Atwin to admonish her for not speaking out about it, she responded weeks later with a long letter about “the atrocities in Palestine” and how dedicated she was to helping Gaza.

Who voted Jenica Atwin in to be their voice in Parliament? I’m kind’a doubting it was anyone in Gaza. “Fredericton’s synagogue was vandalized today.. on holocaust remembrance day!! And you couldn’t be bothered to make a statement. Shame on you,” wrote the constituent on January 27th, the day the Sgoolai Israel Synagogue in Fredericton had been vandalized. In the subject line of the email, the constituent wrote . “I guess you and Justin only represent certain Canadians.” National Post has seen the email exchange and has confirmed its authenticity.

Atwin’s reply came more than a month later, on March 4, and was a 1,500-word email that called for controls on exports to Israel to ensure against “Canadian materials being indirectly used in the slaughter of innocent people.” and for restoring funding to the United Nations Refugee and Works Agency (UNRWA), which has been implicated in terrorism against Israel??? This has what to do with vandalism of a synagogue in her own riding that her constituents writing her about???
View attachment 21409
“I want to thank you for your dedication and advocacy for this important issue that speaks to our humanity and in many ways the soul of our nation,” Atwin wrote in her letter, which claims her office has received “upwards of 10,000 emails, phone calls and direct messages” from Canadians supporting Palestinians. “The Government of Canada must do more to end the siege, protect human life and uphold international law,” the MP in the Liberal government wrote??

(Kate McAllister, a spokesperson for Atwin, said the email reply was made in error. Whoopsies!!??!)

Atwin is known for taking positions considered to be hostile to Israel. Shortly before crossing the floor from the Green Party to the Liberals in 2021, Atwin challenged then Green Party leader Annamie Paul’s calls for de-escalation in the Middle East, insisting there was no “two sides” in the conflict but “only human right abuses” by Israel, and referred to Israel as an apartheid state.

Ahhhh….Ok…this makes more sense now. Greens attract anti-Semites & anti-Dentites and it’s part of her political roots. Got it.
Atwin’s arrival in the Liberal caucus sparked so much concern amongst both current and former party MPs that the Liberals convened an emergency antisemitism summit to address the matter. After joining the Liberals, Atwin said she had softened her position on Israel and that she regretted her earlier comments.😉

From June 14, 2021, Jenica Atwin has adjusted her position on Israel to align with the governing Liberal party she joined just four days ago. Phew!! Close one!!

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Have you people all lost your damn minds?

Hard to calculate which is dumber, the vandalism or this retarded waffle.
It’s getting weirder & weirder. Check out this bit of comradely fun & games in Ottawa. The Oct. 7 massacre was openly celebrated in front of Parliament Hill on Saturday, as part of a massive anti-Israel demonstration that also included a full drum corps calling for “intifada revolution.”
Keffiyeh face-coverings were present on the members of a drum corps that could be seen leading chants of “there is only one solution; Intifada revolution” — an explicit call for Israel’s violent destruction, or something else I guess as it can be interpreted in many ways like that river to the sea thing.
Video circulated by the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs — one of the event’s organizers — showed demonstrators screaming “death to Israel, death to the Jews” in Arabic, as well as chants of “Allahu Akbar” (Arabic for “God is great”).
…but these can be attributed and interpreted in many different ways making it a brotherly call of solidarity to the Palestinian peoples and their plight…
At least they’re keeping it peaceful. Glass half full.
Whoopsies!! The demonstration reportedly featured just one Canadian flag, and it was held by a solo protester who had apparently come to the Hill to lead an unrelated protest against Bill C-63, the Liberals’ proposed Online Harms Bill. A video shot by Dacey showed the man surrounded by a group of four demonstrators clad all in black and with faces covered by gas masks, anyway…

“What we saw on the seventh of October, and what we continue to see every day since is the amazing bravery and resilience and resistance of the Palestinian people to take every step necessary to liberate every Palestinian prisoner from the jails of the Zionist regime,” said speaker Charlotte Kates to cheers from the assembled crowd.

Kates is the co-founder of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, a Canadian-headquartered group that was recently banned in Germany due to its openly pro-Hamas stance, which German legislators denounced as “antisemitic” and “inhuman.”

Since 2022, Kates has also been banned entry into the European Union, due to Samidoun’s close ties with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — a listed terror group whose members participated in the Oct. 7 massacres. Research by Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs has even called it “likely” that Samidoun is directly funnelling Canadian donations into Gazan terrorism…but, that cuts out the middleman? Can it still be used as a tax deduction then? Won’t someone think about UNRWA and its relevance?

Nevertheless, Kates was a featured speaker at the Saturday rally, where she delivered multiple calls praising the “armed resistance” in Gaza. She delivered her speech from a lectern installed in front of the Peace Tower, and was flanked throughout by men whose faces were shrouded by red keffiyehs.

Keffiyeh face-coverings were similarly present on the members of a drum corps that could be seen leading chants of “there is only one solution; Intifada revolution” — an explicit call for Israel’s violent destruction…or something else depending on how it’s interpreted.

“All the Zionists are racists, all the Zionists are the terrorists,” went another chant broadcast through commercial speaker units that were installed on scaffolding erected in the middle of Wellington Street, the road immediately running in front of the Parliament Buildings…but wait! Not all Racists are Zionists but all Zionists are Racists…or something like that? What about the Anti-Semitic Racists and Terrorists being unfairly maligned as Zionists? That’s not fair to them if that’s not how they self-identify!!
(Uh-oh…nail-gun licences in our future?)

The demonstrations yielded no response from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who was often a personal target of speakers. “Justin Trudeau, you’re complicit in a genocide,” went one amplified chant that could be heard across much of the downtown core.

But on Monday, Trudeau issued a public statement that mirrored one of the demonstration’s demands for an immediate Israeli ceasefire that would have the effect of leaving Hamas in control of the Gaza Strip.

“As Muslim communities begin observing Ramadan tonight, I know the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is weighing heavy on their celebrations,” he wrote in a social media post. “I’m reaffirming Canada’s call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, and for aid to reach civilians in need — without delay. I’m reaffirming Canada’s call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, and for aid to reach civilians in need — without delay.”

One of the protest’s other demands would actually be fulfilled by the Trudeau government even before the demonstration had a chance to begin.

Last week, an early call-out for the National March on Gaza would state that it was being organized in part to demand “immediate reinstatement of UNRWA funding.” But Ottawa restored funding on Friday without missing a payment saying it was satisfied with pledges from UNRWA that they would strengthen oversight like the last time it was promised, etc…
Chris Dacey is an Ottawa-area carpenter who was among the Freedom Convoy demonstrators evicted from Downtown Ottawa two years ago. He documented Saturday’s rally by video in part to draw a distinction between its treatment by Ottawa authorities and the treatment of convoy protesters when they convened for an anniversary rally last month.

Dacey noted the frequent use of “shut it down” chants. “They’ve proven, again and again, that they’re capable of shutting down whatever they want in Ottawa,” he said…which could be interpreted in many different & harmless ways.

The rally was officially known as the National March on Ottawa for Gaza, which organizers billed as the “largest pro-Palestine protest in Canadian history.” “SHUT DOWN THE CAPITAL FOR GAZA!” (Which is harder to interpret in different ways) as the tagline advertised by organizer Montreal4Palestine.

Although the prime target was Israel, organizers demanded that Canada sever all conceivable ties with Israel and treat it as a pariah state. “Canada continues to support the apartheid state, making it complicit in the ongoing genocide against Palestinians,” reads one call-out for the March 9 event.
Ottawa Police were given advance warning of the demonstration, and instituted street closures and parking bans across the Ottawa core in response. “Commuters may wish to consider alternate routes where possible,” read an official public alert to Ottawans.

But demonstrators were apparently able to overwhelm police cordons, march down unapproved routes, climb onto the roofs of neighbouring buildings and also set off a stream of smoke bombs.

“Once again, Ottawa continues to face challenges for how to maintain the peace during protests,” was the review of Ottawa city councillor Sean Devine. “The scale of these events is not something that Ottawa Police or the City of Ottawa can be expected to manage.”

Devine uploaded the comment alongside video of “Palestinian spider man,” a man in a Spiderman costume and keffiyeh face-covering who climbed to the top of the Bank of Canada museum to set off a green smoke flare…but no bouncy castles or honk-honk hot tubs so boys will be boys…

Bus travel to the capital was coordinated by the groups Toronto4Palestine and Montreal4Palestine, both of whom are open advocates for Israel’s violent destruction (which can be interpreted in other more harmless ways maybe doesn’t mean exactly what it says), and have been behind many of the blockades, boycotts of Jewish stores and disruptions that have characterized the Canadian anti-Israel cause since Oct. 7. For Montrealers, for instance, $45 purchased a round-trip coach ticket to the demonstration.

What would Amira Elghawaby have to say about this? I’ve no idea as she’s been silent since defending the targeting of the Jewish hospital in Toronto less than a month ago.
***P.S. as an interesting aside, there’s all kinds of video of this on “X” (formerly Twitter), but absolutely nothing can be found on this on YouTube by a Canadian in Canada. Weird eh?***


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Mélanie Joly has shown herself to be a faux feminist by cynically perpetuating a harmful false equivalency between reports of sexual violence between Israeli and Palestinian women. Her insistence on helping Israel’s enemies muddy the waters and obscure the horrors of Oct. 7 can only do a disservice to all women and girls who bear the brunt of the use of rape as a weapon of war.

In playing politics with wartime sexual violence, Joly has willingly sacrificed her vision of Feminist Foreign Policy to the altar of political expediency. She’ll now have to live with this decision and the shadow it inevitably casts over her legacy as foreign minister.

Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly, in Israel for a three-day visit this week, found time on Tuesday to deeply offend her hosts, announcing during a stopover in the West Bank that Canada would be putting up $1 million toward investigating allegations of sexual and gender-based violence against Palestinian women.

“We believe Palestinian women,” Joly wrote in a tweet reiterating the funding pledge.

Joly’s statement on sexual and gender-based violence against Palestinian women came just a day after she announced a matching $1 million for survivors of sexual violence committed by Hamas Oct. 7, tweeting on Monday, “We believe Israeli women. And we stand by them in their fight for justice.”

The near-identical language Joly chose to use in each statement wasn’t lost on Israel’s Special Envoy for Combatting Antisemitism, Michal Cotler-Wunsh, who slammed the Canadian foreign minister on X for perpetuating a “false moral equivalence” between Hamas’s coordinated use of sexual torture on Oct. 7 and allegations of sexual misconduct levied against individual Israelis.

It took Joly a full two months to condemn Hamas for using rape as a tactic of war on Oct. 7, despite incriminating footage surfacing while the attacks were still ongoing.

Meanwhile, the testimony of embattled UN special rapporteur for Palestine Francesca Albanese, a vociferous critic of Israel, was evidence enough for Joly to publicly endorse, last month, an investigation into sexual violence against Palestinian women in Gaza. Albanese had tweeted less than two weeks earlier that the bloodshed on Oct. 7 had nothing to do with antisemitism. A bipartisan group of 18 U.S. Congress members have since petitioned the UN to remove Albanese from her post.

Why, in other words, is Joly insistent on “all lives matter-ing” the organized sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas against Israeli women and girls on Oct. 7? Whether the allegations that Palestinian women were sexually abused by Israelis are true or false, there is no indication that anything approximating the scale and savagery of the weaponized sexual violence that Hamas tore through southern Israel on that day has since occurred in Gaza. To suggest otherwise is an affront to reality.

Joly, a self-styled Feminist Foreign Policy evangelist, isn’t doing her own cause any favours by applying different standards to claims of sexual violence committed against Israeli and Palestinian women. One must also question Joly’s enthusiasm for an investigation into sexual violence in Gaza that could divert global attention away from obtaining justice for the scores of Israeli women and girls who we know for a fact were victimized on Oct. 7.
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Mélanie Joly has shown herself to be a faux feminist by cynically perpetuating a harmful false equivalency between reports of sexual violence between Israeli and Palestinian women. Her insistence on helping Israel’s enemies muddy the waters and obscure the horrors of Oct. 7 can only do a disservice to all women and girls who bear the brunt of the use of rape as a weapon of war.

In playing politics with wartime sexual violence, Joly has willingly sacrificed her vision of Feminist Foreign Policy to the altar of political expediency. She’ll now have to live with this decision and the shadow it inevitably casts over her legacy as foreign minister.

Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly, in Israel for a three-day visit this week, found time on Tuesday to deeply offend her hosts, announcing during a stopover in the West Bank that Canada would be putting up $1 million toward investigating allegations of sexual and gender-based violence against Palestinian women.

“We believe Palestinian women,” Joly wrote in a tweet reiterating the funding pledge.

Joly’s statement on sexual and gender-based violence against Palestinian women came just a day after she announced a matching $1 million for survivors of sexual violence committed by Hamas Oct. 7, tweeting on Monday, “We believe Israeli women. And we stand by them in their fight for justice.”

The near-identical language Joly chose to use in each statement wasn’t lost on Israel’s Special Envoy for Combatting Antisemitism, Michal Cotler-Wunsh, who slammed the Canadian foreign minister on X for perpetuating a “false moral equivalence” between Hamas’s coordinated use of sexual torture on Oct. 7 and allegations of sexual misconduct levied against individual Israelis.

It took Joly a full two months to condemn Hamas for using rape as a tactic of war on Oct. 7, despite incriminating footage surfacing while the attacks were still ongoing.

Meanwhile, the testimony of embattled UN special rapporteur for Palestine Francesca Albanese, a vociferous critic of Israel, was evidence enough for Joly to publicly endorse, last month, an investigation into sexual violence against Palestinian women in Gaza. Albanese had tweeted less than two weeks earlier that the bloodshed on Oct. 7 had nothing to do with antisemitism. A bipartisan group of 18 U.S. Congress members have since petitioned the UN to remove Albanese from her post.

Why, in other words, is Joly insistent on “all lives matter-ing” the organized sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas against Israeli women and girls on Oct. 7? Whether the allegations that Palestinian women were sexually abused by Israelis are true or false, there is no indication that anything approximating the scale and savagery of the weaponized sexual violence that Hamas tore through southern Israel on that day has since occurred in Gaza. To suggest otherwise is an affront to reality.

Joly, a self-styled Feminist Foreign Policy evangelist, isn’t doing her own cause any favours by applying different standards to claims of sexual violence committed against Israeli and Palestinian women. One must also question Joly’s enthusiasm for an investigation into sexual violence in Gaza that could divert global attention away from obtaining justice for the scores of Israeli women and girls who we know for a fact were victimized on Oct. 7.
Another liberal minister doing as she is told by the crime minister.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Meanwhile in Gaza, there are 134 Israeli hostages and thousands of innocent Palestinian children still suffering with nothing to eat.

No parliamentary motion has changed any of that ugly reality.

Hamas, who have caused all of this carnage and misery, are still in control there and here. Even with their mass murder on record for all to see, Hamas learned late Monday they still have friends in the Canadian Parliament.

And also support at the street level, where their intimidating antics, assaults and disruptions are ignored and even tolerated.

Parl from the NDP, Liberals and Bloc Quebecois passed a watered-down motion calling for a ceasefire that effectively helps Hamas cling to power. They should have passed a motion calling for the terror group’s unconditional surrender.

“This motion is not about a ceasefire,” Conservative Deputy Leader Melissa Lantsman, herself a victim of Hamas vandalism, said in a powerful, historic speech. “This motion is about rewarding Hamas for their massacre. This motion is a vote to reward the murder, the rape, the kidnapping of Israelis, and this motion is deeply irresponsible for this Parliament.”

As long as Hamas is in control of Gaza, there is no proper humanitarian effort possible to feed the innocent children who are used as shields by the terror group, who are the bad guys in this war they started with their savage slaughter Oct. 7, 2023 of 1,200 innocent Israelis.

Every death that day and in the days, weeks and months that have followed is a result of the bloody hands of Hamas. There is not two sides to it. Hamas went on an anti-Semitic barbaric mission of murder, rape, torture and kidnapping that there is no defending, despite some trying to justify it.

It’s not justifiable. In fact, it’s historically impermissible.

Somebody should tell Jagmeet Singh, his MPs and those Liberal and Bloc Quebecois MPs who voted for this pathetic lifeline for the slayers.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Meanwhile in Gaza, there are 134 Israeli hostages and thousands of innocent Palestinian children still suffering with nothing to eat.

No parliamentary motion has changed any of that ugly reality.

Hamas, who have caused all of this carnage and misery, are still in control there and here. Even with their mass murder on record for all to see, Hamas learned late Monday they still have friends in the Canadian Parliament.

And also support at the street level, where their intimidating antics, assaults and disruptions are ignored and even tolerated.

Parl from the NDP, Liberals and Bloc Quebecois passed a watered-down motion calling for a ceasefire that effectively helps Hamas cling to power. They should have passed a motion calling for the terror group’s unconditional surrender.

“This motion is not about a ceasefire,” Conservative Deputy Leader Melissa Lantsman, herself a victim of Hamas vandalism, said in a powerful, historic speech. “This motion is about rewarding Hamas for their massacre. This motion is a vote to reward the murder, the rape, the kidnapping of Israelis, and this motion is deeply irresponsible for this Parliament.”

As long as Hamas is in control of Gaza, there is no proper humanitarian effort possible to feed the innocent children who are used as shields by the terror group, who are the bad guys in this war they started with their savage slaughter Oct. 7, 2023 of 1,200 innocent Israelis.

Every death that day and in the days, weeks and months that have followed is a result of the bloody hands of Hamas. There is not two sides to it. Hamas went on an anti-Semitic barbaric mission of murder, rape, torture and kidnapping that there is no defending, despite some trying to justify it.

It’s not justifiable. In fact, it’s historically impermissible.

Somebody should tell Jagmeet Singh, his MPs and those Liberal and Bloc Quebecois MPs who voted for this pathetic lifeline for the slayers.
According to initial investigations, 40–50 militants infiltrated through the fence system and ran towards the military base near Nahal Oz.[11] The militants engaged in a brief battle with the guards at the gate, killed them and went inside, and soon destroyed a large part of the post and equipment within it. The soldiers at the post were surprised, and most of them were killed. In the war room, staff officers and observers entrenched themselves and tried to communicate with the forces and direct combat helicopters to the militant squads. A battalion commander and two platoon commanders exchanged fire with the militants outside the war room. This effort continued until the militants threw explosives inside and many were killed.[7][12]

At the time of the attack, 27 soldiers of Unit 414 of the Combat Intelligence Collection Corps were on duty at this base and were killed or captured by Hamas.[citation needed] Most Unit 414 soldiers at Nahal Oz were female.[2] Their duty was to conduct reconnaissance on the border with Gaza as well as to operate the remote-controlled gun turrets stationed on the Iron Wall. Most soldiers at Nahal Oz were not provided a handgun or rifle to defend themselves, despite their military outpost being less than a kilometer from Gaza. When Hamas attacked, the base only had a few combat soldiers stationed there. These soldiers were easily defeated. The unarmed Unit 414 soldiers hid in a bomb shelter and almost all of them were killed or captured. According to the Israel Defense Forces twenty Unit 414 soldiers were killed in action at the Nahal Oz base and six were reported missing.[13][14][15]

How many were taken hostage?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Our long-standing foreign policy is withering away. Canadians at large — those who are paying attention — find this behaviour irresponsible and reprehensible. They worry about Canada losing its moral high ground on the world stage. They see our traditional values eroding and our stance with democratic allies diminishing. Most want the good old days back when being Canadian meant something more than a passport and a quiet place to live.

There is a systematic effort in our institutions to erode our global standing and our long-held alliances that placed us in a community of allied democratic nations. What happened this week in parliament is a wake-up call for all Canadians: we need to stand our ground and voice our displeasure, so that we can once again feel proud and free.

Canada’s lean-in to radical and terrorist groups like Hamas is disconcerting to many Canadians. The reverberations are felt in Europe and America, where in my travels around the globe, many shake their heads in bewilderment, asking just what happened to Canada? They wonder how Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly, and a noted Member of Parliament, Ya’ara Sacks, could stand warmly alongside the terror-inciting, Holocaust-denying, corrupt Palestinian “President” Mahmoud Abbas.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Our long-standing foreign policy is withering away. Canadians at large — those who are paying attention — find this behaviour irresponsible and reprehensible. They worry about Canada losing its moral high ground on the world stage. They see our traditional values eroding and our stance with democratic allies diminishing. Most want the good old days back when being Canadian meant something more than a passport and a quiet place to live.

There is a systematic effort in our institutions to erode our global standing and our long-held alliances that placed us in a community of allied democratic nations. What happened this week in parliament is a wake-up call for all Canadians: we need to stand our ground and voice our displeasure, so that we can once again feel proud and free.

Canada’s lean-in to radical and terrorist groups like Hamas is disconcerting to many Canadians. The reverberations are felt in Europe and America, where in my travels around the globe, many shake their heads in bewilderment, asking just what happened to Canada? They wonder how Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly, and a noted Member of Parliament, Ya’ara Sacks, could stand warmly alongside the terror-inciting, Holocaust-denying, corrupt Palestinian “President” Mahmoud Abbas.
Import the third world , become the third world .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Observing the anti-Israel – and sometimes pro-Hamas – protests that have paralyzed cities across Canada, the United States and Europe since October 7, that question isn’t asked nearly enough: Who is the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain? Who is the directing mind of all the thousands of protests that have targeted Western cities big and small? Who is the webmaster? Who is pushing out the talking points and messaging?

It’s happened before, although not as openly. In the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, it was Russia. And the 2019 and 2021 Canadian federal campaigns, it was China….b
In 2024, which country now stands to benefit the most from destabilizing Israel and its allies?

Take it from this writer, who has helped run many political campaigns over the decades: What is happening – what you are seeing on your TV and computer screens – isn’t “organic.” These troubling events aren’t just happening independently. A campaign this global, effective and well-funded?

This newspaper has revealed, that anti-Israel groups have been paying for people to protest against Israel. We have shown that they are deploying carefully-crafted and segmented messages aimed at specific demographic categories – mainly Gen Z and millennials – using lawless online platforms.

We have reported that those social media platforms were used in a coordinated campaign to deny the atrocities of October 7 – with a barrage of propaganda that spiked online literally hours after Hamas swept into Israel. We have shown how sophisticated grassroots campaigns have been used to push countries like Canada and the U.S. – in Canada, successfully, this week – into abandoning trade and diplomatic ties with Israel.

All of that doesn’t just happen spontaneously. It needs a directing mind. It needs someone to manage the global anti-Semitic campaign.

On Wednesday, NBC News released the result of an outstanding investigative report by veteran journalist Simone Weichselbaum. What Weichselbaum discovered is astonishing. A sampling:

– Tax filings in the U.S. revealed “a vast network that includes left-leaning, billion-dollar American philanthropies – and collaboration with at least one foreign organization that Germany and Israel have banned for allegedly working with or supporting Hamas and another terrorist group.”

– Coordination of the pro-Hamas activity is “primarily through social media using apps such as Telegram, X, WhatsApp and Instagram.”

– As this newspaper revealed in the case of two B.C.-based groups that use charity rules to attract support, Weichselbaum found Israel-hating groups in America “use a progressive nonprofit group based in New York called Westchester People’s Action Coalition Foundation, or WESPAC, as their fiscal sponsor to collect and process online donations.”

Weichselbaum emphasized one of the Israel-hating campaign overseers has a Canadian connection – Samidoun, based in Vancouver. Postmedia writer Terry Glavin has previously reported that Samidoun is linked to multiple groups that would like to see Israel wiped off the face of the Earth – such as its Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and allied Palestinian Youth Movement.

And, reports Weichselbaum, “Samidoun’s leadership is composed of current and former members of the terrorist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine,” which has resulted in Samidoun being banned in Germany – and listed as a terror group in Israel.

But in Canada, Samidoun operates openly, making use of its nonprofit status to assist others who are engaged in a campaign that can only be called hateful. As Weichselbaum reports, Samidoun’s leaders record videos where they call Hamas’ barbaric attack a “heroic operation.”

This is not to say, however, that a little-known Canadian-based nonprofit is coordinating a massive global campaign. That is unlikely. Among other things, that is something that is beyond the limits of Samidoun’s budget and abilities.

No, this goes beyond just one group. Charlotte Kates is the “international coordinator” for Samidoun, and an American now based in Vancouver. She is very open about the global anti-Israel campaign.

Says Kates: “What we see here is an alliance – an alliance of forces that is working together for a different future for the region that is free of U.S. imperialism and is free of Zionist colonialism. And these forces of resistance, right now, are in the front lines.”

On this occasion, at least, Kates is probably telling the truth. Many groups are now actively involved in destabilizing and delegitimizing Israel and Israel’s allies – in the streets, online, and in many union, NGO and academic backrooms.

But what remains unclear, for now, is who is paying the shots. Who is writing the cheques for all the protesters and signs and the organizers and the websites? Police and intelligence agencies across Canada and the West are now working overtime to answer that question.

In the meantime, this writer – and others – plan to follow the money. And most of us think the road will lead, ultimately, to: