With all due respect, harry, I consider you just a li'l teeny bit biased on the subject.That's pretty well known. He's "F"d up most of his previous positions.
With all due respect, harry, I consider you just a li'l teeny bit biased on the subject.That's pretty well known. He's "F"d up most of his previous positions.
Yep....I thought daddy was an arrogant asshole tooWith all due respect, harry, I consider you just a li'l teeny bit biased on the subject.
Well, I'm right sorry about your daddy. I wish he'd been better to ya.Yep....I thought daddy was an arrogant asshole too
I suggest communist China through the port ?of LA .I calculate, what with the truckers blocking the Freedom Bridge now, the U.S. should be looking for more reliable auto-parts suppliers.
No sense in relying on foreign countries.
What ever . The powers that bee are buckling as they should .Well it's all about to come to an abrupt end.. I agree with ending mandates, nevertheless..
Freedom is not - do what you want with no regard if it affects others.
Freedom is not dictated by the desires of one group and their beliefs.
Freedom is not turning a city into an occupation, yelling at people for wearing a mask, creating so much noise, garbage and pollution it deprives people of their right to freedom.
Freedom is won with democracy and not a bunch of yahoos insisting on the replacement of an elected government with one hand picked by a fringe minority.
Freedom comes with responsibilities and rules of law so that one group doesn’t overthrow another groups freedom.
Freedom is what your grandfather fought for. A country that allows freedom to protest. But not one that allows for bullies pushing their agendas on others.
That said, a lawsuit for 6 million has been placed against Freedom Convoy 2022 and injunction has been granted. Anyone blowing their airhorn will be subject to a $5,000 dollar fine.
That said, we are working with lawyers now to sue Freedom Convoy 2022, Rebel News and those involved with the Coutts Blockade for $300 million, the losses incurred by Alberta Businesses, also requesting an injunction that any vehicle blocking the border get a $5,000 per day fine. We don't have to arrest, just get a plate number or VIN. and send the fine to the registered owner of the vehicle, also notify the finance company of the ticket.
RebelNews has acted outside the scope to just being a news agency, by procuring a lawyer and helping direct the blockage in Coutts, Alberta.
Jason Kenney will never be re-elected, he is finished, washed up. 1 for his inaction of removing the mandates, and 2. his inaction of enforcement.
What ever . The powers that bee are buckling as they should .
Why . Are you all over the map ? One day for one day against , be consistent man . Oh and fuck off .Shut up ya fringe
Roger that. You'd think an Ed major woulda learned better communication/interaction skills.
Well, maybe he wasn't a very good student.
See, THAT's your problem, you still think this is ONLY about vaccine mandates, it's not. This is FAR from the the 1st time truckers in Canada have convoyed in protest of govt shit. The mandates are simply the straw the broke the proverbial camel's back. But Groper and the media want you believe this is just a fringe group of racists/White supremacists, misogynists and anti-vaxxers, and it seems they've managed to do just that.I've said repeatedly I don't like Trudeau, I think he's an ass.
But I saw this in a conversation about the convoy and I gotta agree to the point:
Maybe some of his issues about it are seeing the flags of Fuck Trudeau all over, and people en mass shoving it in his face that he sucks. I mean, it's okay for a few hours to shout that shit, but for days on end? I imagine he's a tad stressed, and perhaps even concerned about how this will affect his kids.
He's still an ass, but so is every other leader.
And, well, it's not like the Feds can nix all mandates, and, well...
This shit just needs to stop, they need to go the hell home and back to their jobs; if they have any after this.
Sounds like neither they nor you understand the full scope of their complaints.See, THAT's your problem, you still think this is ONLY about vaccine mandates, it's not. This is FAR from the the 1st time truckers in Canada have convoyed in protest of govt shit. The mandates are simply the straw the broke the proverbial camel's back. But Groper and the media want you believe this is just a fringe group of racists/White supremacists, misogynists and anti-vaxxers, and it seems they've managed to do just that.
Just because YOU and other don't understand the full scope of their complaint doesn't mean their protest is somehow invalid and has gone on long enough.
I'm talking about the normal protests, not the Coutts blockade. That shit needs to end yesterday.
Good idea. No worse than communist Canada.I suggest communist China through the port ?of LA .
Couldn't be. A majority of Canadian truckers are non-white, according to Boomster.I also feel on some level that because this is a protest mainly by white men, it isn't given the currency it deserves from the powers that be. Marginalized groups fair much better at garnering government attention.
But maybe that's it right there! Whites as well now are feeling marginalized...their families are not getting a piece of the pie anymore.
I don't see this situation getting any better for a while. And maybe the term 'white privilege' is becoming an oxymoron these days to many people.