Anyway, back to the psychological damage…Two brief observations as the dust settles on our nine days under the Emergencies Act: The first is that, in opposing government overreach, the Conservatives, who spent much of the past two years adopting Liberal policies as their own, seem to have finally found their voice. The second is that in trying to justify that same overreach, many Liberals have apparently
lost their minds.
The truck drivers were not Nazis and the Emergencies Act was a disproportionate response
At least I know what this HH stuff from a week ago is now. Two brief observations as the dust settles on our nine days under the Emergencies Act: The first is that, in opposing government overreach, the Conservatives, who spent much of the past two years adopting Liberal policies as their own, seem to have finally found their voice. The second is that in trying to justify that same overreach, many Liberals have apparently lost their minds.
Among the Liberal mind-losers was York Centre MP Ya’ara Saks. “How much vitriol do we have to see of ‘honk honk,’” she
asked during the debate on the Emergencies Act, “which is a new acronym of ‘Heil Hitler’?” In her attempt to link the truck drivers — who did do a lot of honking — to Nazis, she produced a social media post showing that some nefarious people in dark corners of the Internet might designate two words beginning with “H,” or the number “88”, since “H” is the eighth letter of the alphabet, to mean “Heil Hitler.” Perhaps, but the question then arises as to whether retired hockey star Eric Lindros, who wore “88” over the course of his career, must now be denounced for supporting genocide.
Saks wasn’t the only Liberal drawing spurious connections between the truck drivers and Nazis. Days earlier, in response to comments by MP Melissa Lantsman, a descendent of Holocaust survivors, Justin Trudeau accused Conservatives of standing at the protest with people with swastikas. Of course, if it were true that everybody at the trucker protests, or who used the phrase “honk honk,” or who has some connection to the number “88” was planning or supporting genocide, then there would have been
some basis for invoking the Emergencies Act.
Anyway, the story at the LINK above is pretty good!!
Commenting on the possibility that somebody could have his or her assets frozen on account of donating $20 to the protest through an online crowdsourcing platform, the assistant deputy minister of finance remarked, not very reassuringly, that “it would appear to be unlikely that this occurred, but not impossible.” In all, the government ended up freezing more than 206 bank accounts. Aaron Wudrick
noted in National Review that, by comparison, the United States froze just 50 bank accounts in the three weeks following 9/11.
Etc….(link above)….