'TOTALLY INDEPENDENT': Teen eco-warrior hits back at rumours she's being manipulated


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
'TOTALLY INDEPENDENT': Teen eco-warrior hits back at rumours she's being manipulated
Aidan Wallace
August 20, 2019
August 20, 2019 7:31 PM EDT
Climate change activist Greta Thunberg speaks at a press conference before setting sail for New York in the 60ft Malizia II yacht from Mayflower Marina, on August 14, 2019 in Plymouth, England. Getty Images
Is she being manipulated?
Greta Thunberg, 16, dubbed GQ’s ‘Game Changer Of The Year’ is a climate change advocate who has helped propel climate change to the top of the global political agenda and is currently riding a zero-carbon yacht across the Atlantic on her way to the U.N. climate action summit in New York, Daily Mail reports.
Questions and rumours surrounding whether the young girl is merely a talking figurehead with a mother looking to cash in have taken root over the course of the girl’s year-long rise to fame.
Addressing the rumours, Thunberg said: “A lot of people like to circulate rumours about someone ‘behind me’ or that they ‘pay’ me or ‘use’ me to do what I do. But ‘behind’ me is only myself.”
“I’m totally independent and I only represent myself,” she said, adding, “And I do what I do for free.”
Curiously, Malena Ernman, Thunberg’s mother, released a memoir titled Scenes From The Heart, not long after the first of Thunberg’s climate strikes.
Ernman, an opera star in Sweden, sought to break out internationally by entering Sweden’s 2009 Eurovision contest where she placed 21st out of 25, Daily Mail reports.
Ernman’s daughter rose to prominence after her ‘school strike for climate’ campaign last year that grew to have 1.6 million supporters across 133 countries.
Thunberg has even been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize and met Pope Francis.
16-year-old Swedish climate change activist, Greta Thunberg (C) holds a placard reading in Swedish “school strike for the climate” as she takes part in the Fridays For Future rally in Piazza del Popolo in Rome on April 19, 2019. Getty Images
Despite the young eco-warrior and Stockholm native being diagnosed with Asperger’s, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and selective mutism, she hasn’t let that stop her from getting her message out.
Addressing MPs in the U.K. parliament she boldly said: “You lied to us. You gave us false hope. You told us that the future was something to look forward to,” Daily Mail reports.
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She also told MPs a 50% reduction in carbon emissions must occur by 2030 or “we will be in a position where we set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control, that will most likely lead to the end of our civilization as we know it.”
At the age of eight, Thunberg learned about climate change in school.
The knowledge caused her to be upset that adults did not take the issue seriously, which was a factor that led to her depression at age 11.
“I don’t easily fall for lies. I can see through things,” she said.
I received death threats for making this image. So here it is again. pic.twitter.com/ShVkX7P195
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 19, 2019
Global warming skeptics have attacked Thunberg online, including the recent news from the Daily Mail that Thurnberg’s sailing trip isn’t carbon neutral because two sailors have to be flown to New York to return the sailboat back to Europe.
Those coming to her defence criticized people for attacking a teenager.
Thunberg gracing the front of British GQ’s upcoming October issue.


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
'TOTALLY INDEPENDENT': Teen eco-warrior hits back at rumours she's being manipulated
Aidan Wallace
August 20, 2019
August 20, 2019 7:31 PM EDT
Climate change activist Greta Thunberg speaks at a press conference before setting sail for New York in the 60ft Malizia II yacht from Mayflower Marina, on August 14, 2019 in Plymouth, England. Getty Images
Is she being manipulated?
Greta Thunberg, 16, dubbed GQ’s ‘Game Changer Of The Year’ is a climate change advocate who has helped propel climate change to the top of the global political agenda and is currently riding a zero-carbon yacht across the Atlantic on her way to the U.N. climate action summit in New York, Daily Mail reports.
Questions and rumours surrounding whether the young girl is merely a talking figurehead with a mother looking to cash in have taken root over the course of the girl’s year-long rise to fame.
Addressing the rumours, Thunberg said: “A lot of people like to circulate rumours about someone ‘behind me’ or that they ‘pay’ me or ‘use’ me to do what I do. But ‘behind’ me is only myself.”
“I’m totally independent and I only represent myself,” she said, adding, “And I do what I do for free.”
Curiously, Malena Ernman, Thunberg’s mother, released a memoir titled Scenes From The Heart, not long after the first of Thunberg’s climate strikes.

Yeah, I have. Love the one where she's giving the interview from the Yacht where she says her fellow students and her parents and her teachers didn't care about the environment so she had to convince them with the "school strike" thing....It was very inspirational. Watch from 2:00 to 2:30 minutes for the exact quote at the YouTube LINK below:


Do you know who her mother is? She's the World Wildlife Fund's "Environmental Hero of the Year" for 2017. Does that sync up with her fellow students and her parents and her teachers not caring about the upcoming climate catastrophe as Greta claims in the 2018 interview? Does something not add up with Greta's statement? Maybe it's just me being a cynical prick with an analytical thought process in an unreasonable and irrational manner, but this whole thing kind'a smells....

Do you know who the photographer was who was taking the pictures of Greta's Solitary Strike in front of her school?

The photographer was her Mother's publisher's PR guy Ingmar Rentzhog's freelance photographer taking the pictures of the 'school strike' that timed with her Mother's book release that happened to be about Climate Change....but that could just be a coincidence, right? It goes on & on & on...just flex your Google and look behind the curtain. (That's a pun. Check our her Mother's book for the punchline)

Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_strike_for_climate for the dates of the School strike:

On 20 August 2018, the Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg,[6] then in the ninth grade, decided to not attend school until the 2018 Sweden general election on 9 September after heat waves and wildfires in Sweden.[2] She has said she was inspired by the teen activists at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, who had organised the March for Our Lives.[7][8] Thunberg protested by sitting outside the Riksdag every day during school hours with a sign that read "Skolstrejk för klimatet" ("school strike for the climate").[9] Among her demands were that the Swedish government reduce carbon emissions per the Paris Agreement. On 7 September, just before the general elections, she announced that she would continue to strike every Friday until Sweden aligns with the Paris Agreement. She coined the slogan FridaysForFuture, which gained worldwide attention. She inspired school students across the globe to take part in student strikes.

Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scenes_from_the_Heart for the publishing date of her Mother's book:

Now I'm really thinking her Mother didn't write a book and get it published within 3 DAYS of the start of Greta's school protest, but if so it's one Hell of a coincidence and probably didn't hurt the book sales (which is now available in seven languages). This is just the tip of the iceberg and it's all out there for those that inquire instead of just drinking the Kool Aid.

Ever here of the Koch Brothers? How about "We Don't Have Time" where 10% of the profits will go to environmental causes and the rest to investors profits? Greta is no longer affiliated with it now that things are moving quickly. How about Greta's book deals (plural) from someone with a grade 8 diploma? Google is your friend and helps sniff out patterns and malarkey if you bother to look. I'm not the one advocating for Guillotining the corporate class but you'd have to have your head in the sand to think this "Greta Phenomena" isn't being cashed in on here and staged in advance.

The August 2018 edition. Ingmar Rentzhog? Hmmmm....that date is starting to sound familiar.....

It is curious that her Mother managed to have a book published on Climate Change 3 DAYS after the start of Greta's school strike protest, but we're to believe this is unrelated or a coincidence.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
It is curious that her Mother managed to have a book published on Climate Change 3 DAYS after the start of Greta's school strike protest, but we're to believe this is unrelated or a coincidence.
And where do you get your opinions on the subject? The main "source" of anti-climate change propaganda comes from Big Oil.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
And where do you get your opinions on the subject? The main "source" of anti-climate change propaganda comes from Big Oil.

Funfact: While they have no intention of using their gasoline generator, it's still on board and ready to be fired up in an emergency. Which actually proves that you can't routinely cross the Atlantic safely without some sort of fossil fuel power, even if it is just for emergencies.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Hey man, Greta's got the right idea. We're already replacing our power generation with 150 yr old and 5000 yr old technology. Might as well take international trade back to the age of sail while we're at it.

Funny how all these "forward" thinkers want to use ancient technology for the 21st century.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
And where do you get your opinions on the subject? The main "source" of anti-climate change propaganda comes from Big Oil.
Actually, I listened to one of her speeches is online and thought this is cool, then did some reading and thought, this isn’t adding up. This did some more reading and it smelt worse. No “Big Oil” involved. Sorry Cliffy. Came to my own conclusion with my own reading. “Google” was involved. The more I read, the less things added up.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
I can understand why the white nattys would hate this little girl


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Actually, I listened to one of her speeches is online and thought this is cool, then did some reading and thought, this isn’t adding up. This did some more reading and it smelt worse. No “Big Oil” involved. Sorry Cliffy. Came to my own conclusion with my own reading. “Google” was involved. The more I read, the less things added up.
Cliff doesn't realize he is a puppet of Big Oil and their AGW farce to allow them to become single source Big Energy.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
And where do you get your opinions on the subject? The main "source" of anti-climate change propaganda comes from Big Oil.

Big Oil and the corporate world in general has already collapsed on the pseudoscientific nonsense of AGW. It takes a courageous advocate to point out the massive fraud and ulterior motives of which the hoax is based. Business has never been willing to do that. It takes an independent thinker like Trump to do that.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I can understand why the white nattys would hate this little girl
I just don’t like being lied to. I don’t like being considered a fascist because I have the ability to use Google and I had a half an hour of time and that’s all it took to realize that I was being lied to. Regarding this girl, we’re all being lied to. Some of us have done their homework and some of us haven’t. If trying to be well read and informed on what the media is spoon feeding us makes me a white natty ( whatever that is) then I’m guilty as charged. I even took an extra 10 minutes to summarize the path I took to discovering that we all where being lied to above. Perhaps this girl and her parents and their book publishers and their investors all have our best interest in mind.... but it doesn’t change the fact that we’re being lied to.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Check out the interview from the Yacht where she says her fellow students and her parents and her teachers didn't care about the environment so she had to convince them with the "school strike" thing....It was very inspirational. Watch from 2:00 to 2:30 minutes for the exact quote at the YouTube LINK below:
Then look at her family. Google them. Look at dates. Then tell me that this doesn’t have a smell to it.