Vancouver & area stats for sometime in Janusary this year:
Culpable homicide 3
Attempted murder 1
Sexual offences 44
Assaults 444
Robbery 138
Total Violent crimes = 630 in January according to VCPD -
Homicide went waaay up in Feb. I think it doubled or tripled. And Saskatoon had 2? I wonder who researched the material for their stats.:roll:
Vancouver & area stats for sometime in Janusary this year:
Culpable homicide 3 ...
Homicide went waaay up in Feb. I think it doubled or tripled. And Saskatoon had 2? I wonder who researched the material for their stats.:roll:
The OP said that Saskatoon is one of the 9th most dangerous cities in the world. Size of the city is irrelevant. London is bigger and has a much larger population and yet they said it is less dangerous. Detroit is much bigger and yet they said it was more dangerous.