The View of a Non-Believer ~ DogmaCURE


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Cliffy, Data gets it wrong in the first clip, the second clip is mostly quantum quackery and mystic nonsense, as would be expected of anything that cites Edgar Cayce and the Illuminati with confidence and approval. Quantum theory is fully consistent with an objective reality that exists regardless of anyone's perceptions or expectations of it.
So you keep saying. Where's the proof? Just saying it is quackery doesn't make it so. Where is your rebuttal? Just because it doesn't fit into your square little logical box doesn't mean anything.

I prefer to live outside boxes where there are greater possibilities. I like to play with concepts and ideas and not restrict my mind to just logic, which I find can be drier than a nun's fart.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Cliffy, Data gets it wrong in the first clip, the second clip is mostly quantum quackery and mystic nonsense, as would be expected of anything that cites Edgar Cayce and the Illuminati with confidence and approval. Quantum theory is fully consistent with an objective reality that exists regardless of anyone's perceptions or expectations of it.
I am not so sure of that.

Research lately, seems to have it that things can appear out of "nothing" and disappear back into it. Of course, they consider a vacuum to actually be something. Theoretical physics breakthrough: Generating matter and antimatter from the vacuum

As for the time component, there's a publication that's quite interesting called "The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality" - Brian Greene

Ah, just found a series from Nova on it here: NOVA | The Fabric of the Cosmos

Concerning the second vid, it started out sounding mildly interesting until it mentioned a Max Planck quote; "We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind" and the appearance of that goofy dolt, David Icke. That`s where my interest dropped.
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Nominee Member
Oct 4, 2011
Calgary Alberta
Is that rhetorical? Violence begets violence. Peace is never attained by violence. It may postpone the inevitable for a short time, but can you remember one year of your life when there was no war somewhere?
So please don't take me the wrong way when i ask this but are you saying that people shouldn't fight for their basic human rights?

The idea that violence begets violence i can understand to a point, but the very idea of total pacifism doesn't leave much room for self preservation and goes against the very instinct of nature.

Okay, so this thread is a long and interesting one. The very title is a bit hipocritical if you ask me however.

DogmaCURE? Seriously?

The very idea that one would think that someone needs to be cured of the very fabric of their belife is astounding. This is the basis of all religion, to denounce the predisessor and take over their followers with their CURE, their ANSWERS, which in turn comes in to the a visicious cycle of re itteriting and retranslating, rehashing and remolding the ideas given from the original religion.

Do you see the problem with that?

Who cares if a christian believes in the holy trinity? the father son and holy ghost?
Who cares if a buddist believes they will be reborn in the center of a lilly enlightened?
Who cares if a pagan believes in the ebb and flow of nature?

The past is a history told by the victor, the truth of the mattter is simple- It is in the past.

Looking forward instead of trying to follow the age old tradition of CURING people of the religious dogma why doesn't everyone try acceptance?

I myself am a Pagan, a self proclaimed Witch in the true sence of the word, not the broom stick flying curse blabber fools that you see in all the fantasyed cartoons or movies. I am a person who believes in the ebb and flow of nature. I belive in the balance of all things, The negitive to the positive, the male to female, the cycle of death and birth: ever flowing, ever changing, never ending.

This is not the first faith practice i have come in to, in fact i have walked away from paganisim a number of times turning and searching other paths, reading trying to find what feels right to me.

I'll tell you something.

Each and Every religious establishment i have ever been in save TWO in my life time have turned me away or attempted to Cure me of some faith plague.

One was a church down the street from my mothers house when one reverand was there, and the other was a buddist temple.

Every Single Other Faith attempted to squish my curosity, or cure me of what ever dogamatic retorich i happened to be attempting to understand prior to walking through their doors.

Don't get me wrong; I hold no gruges against those who have done those things. I do not hold the faith as a standing whole in low regard because of the actions of a few.

Mormans, Cathloics, Christians, Jewish, Muslim even Buddism;

None of them felt right to me. There for i moved on. All of them have beautiful stories, and moral ideas that if listened to with a grain of salt are wonderful. Don't punish the whole for the crimes of a few.

I could go on to wicth hunts and other crimes of the past, Rip and tear in to belifes and demand the non-belivers be cured of ignorance or arrogance till i am blue in the face.

What good with that do?

Not a whole lot accept changing the colour of my skin which could prove entertaining.

Killing in general is i won't say wrong, because by my moral code you can't say killing a human is wrong if you your self are willing to slaughter deer or fox for nothing more then sport. Death is death, Murder is murder.

To kill out of NEED (protection, food.) that is one thing.
To kill out of arrogance or greed is another.

does that make me a hypocrite to my own faith which says "harm none in all that you do?"

I am sure most will say yes. I'll happen to agree with you, accept for one small point.

It is not self sacrifice to die for someone else's greed, someone else wants.
Total pacifism is only a path that begs for people to be slaughtered or dictated to.

To stand and rise you arms up claiming peace yet attempting to kill of religious beliefs is wrong.

I am fairly certain i have lost my point in all of this, but i'll just leave this off with the simple note of....

For a non-believer to attempt to Cure another for their beliefs is no better then those who attempt to Cure them of their herrasy.

(That is just my two cents on the whole topic as far as it pertains to the religion factor of this discussion.)